Torq-Masters Aussie Locker series Installation Manual

Your new Torq-Masters “Aussie Locker®” will provide you with the maximum in advanced traction per­formance available. The Aussie Locker is an Automatic Precision Locking D fferential—it does not require a switch or external electr c or air control lines to activate nor does it contain frictio clutch packs. When­ever terrain onditions would normally cause wheel spin to occur, the Auss e Locker automatically trans­fers up to 100% of the available torque to the wheel with the most traction The result is a dramatic increase in the performance capabil ties of your vehicle. This is why the Aussie Locker is called the “Traction To Go Anywhere” advanced traction enhancement system. A 4WD vehicle fitted with one Aussie Locker will, in general terms, have more than twice its original off-road capability. A 4WD vehicle with lockers in both front and rear differentials will hav truly amazing traction, enabling it to travel over seemingly impossible terrain with less effort that ever before
Installation of your new locker is accomplished by removing the differential gears from the differential case and installing the Aussie Locker omponents in their pla e. This typ of installat on can be made by the weekend mechanic who is familiar with the operation of a differential and who is able to exercise appropriate care during the installation process. Normal installation takes about two to three hours when these instructions are followed. They also assume that the installer has a shop manual covering his vehicle and that he s familiar with th procedures used in removing wheels, axle shafts, etc Short uts should not be attempted unless the installer is very familiar with the shop manual procedures for his vehicle.
Great care has been taken in developing these instructions for the proper installation of the Aussie Locker; however, the final results are the resp nsibility of the installer. After the l cker is ins alled, the safe operation of the vehicle is the responsibility of the driver—anyone who drives it should read the Operator’s Guide for additional information on how to safely operate your new locker-equipped vehicle.
We suggest that you read these instructions before beginning y our installation to familiarize yourself with the steps performed for your particular axle type and to determine what tools you might need
2 Allows if ere t al actio bet ee th wo w eel –perm ts hem o r tate at iffe
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r v ng with no t re slippage ha f (50%) of he n om n en n ower i t ans itted to each wheel or 50 50. n a lippery trac ion itua i n f n heel sp ns with onl 10% f he engine power pl ed t it the ot er wheel als e eives only % of the po er o 10 0 h s mea s hat the vehicle is tryin to move wit nly 20% f he o al p w r ap ie to th ound s h t at it may n mo e The eh le is stuck
rov ding s much as 1 0% of he av lab e p we to e her w eel (100-0 w e he ot er o e s on a s ick surf ce or ev n ff the r n in a hol , yet i a a l s the whe s ro a e differe t spee s d ri a turn Th s means that if one wh el s n sol d ground w e cellent tr tio n o e wh el is on ice and wo ld s p ith 10% of t e p wer a p e t a the n on ol d gr nd w l receive 90% of he power nd th ot er e w ld receive 0% 90 0 Th 90%- owe wheel will m ve the ehic e st fine s you w ldn’ even know tha y u d h ve been stu k
l ke tor on bar Power i appl ed o b th axles when he 10% w ee ow t ac i n) be ins to sl p he axl shaft f r the 90% wh el (goo t a tion wraps up a l t e more as n ne ower i applied he 0% whe l sl ps a littl more and he 90% a e w aps p a it e m re unt l enough powe i fina ly li d o m e t e e cle It m m e before al 90% s p lied b hese i l tra ions how the heore i al maxim m t at may ome into p a A ur v h c e im s u a hil his t rs o bar effe t transfers power ba k d orth tan ane sly ro sid to side as ne wh e t he other ne s ps li tle and then egains tr t o Your new Aus e cker thus e fort essl and aut ma i a l g v s yo he most p w r to the wheel w h th mo t tra t on and you ust keep ri ht o oing Onw rd!
r Pos Traction d ferent als se c utch a ks s ha these di fe nt al ases are not compatible w h the Au s e Lo er If y h ve imit d- ip differ tia yo l eed t pur hase an eq iva ent pen d ff rent a ca e i on aft n s e ear thru t ashers an hav t e ase ins a led prior to the installation of the o ker Set of t e ca e in es s tting the d ff renti l be ring re-load n t e r - and-pin o ba lash wh ch generally mus be done by a s op ha ing the righ n wle e an o l
wa her u der ea h a e ear It s e at ve t at you t rus was er are not wo n w rped ra ed or scored and t a th y be of t e or g al h kness I yo r wa hers are wor o da aged p ha e n w o es They are heap and re good s ra ce If do n t nstall hru t washe s of the proper th ck ess and oo cond t on the o tact atterns w l ho he d ffere e i h w l o d he w rra y
The standard, or “open” differential provides two functions:
1. Transmits engine power via the drive train to the wheels to move the vehicle; and
2. Allows differential action between the two wheels–permits them to rotate at different speeds
during cornering to eliminate drive train damage and tire scuffing.
The standard differential design always provides equal amounts of power to each wheel Thus, in normal driving with no tire slippage, half (50%) of the incoming engine power is transmitted to each wheel, or 50-50. In a slippery traction situation, if one wheel spins with only 10% of the engine power applied to it the other wheel also receives only 10% of the power, or 10-10. This means that the vehicle is trying to move with only 20% of the total power applied to the ground such that it may not move. The vehicle is stuck.
Your new Torq-Masters Aussie Locker overcomes the traction deficiencies of the open differential by providing as much as 100% of the available power to either wheel (100-0) when the other one is on a slick surface or even off the ground in a hole, yet it also allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds during a turn This means that if one wheel is on solid ground with excellent traction and one wheel is on ice and would slip with 10% of the power applied, that the one on solid ground would receive 90% of the power and the other one would receive 10% (90-10) The 90%-power wheel will move the vehicle just fine, so you wouldn’t even know that you’d have been stuck.
For you techie types, the reason that this unequal division of power can occur is that the axle shafts act like torsion bars. Power is applied to both axles; when the 10% wheel (low traction) begins to slip, the axle shaft for the 90% wheel (good traction) wraps up a little more as engine power is applied. The 10% wheel slips a little more and the 90% axle wraps up a little more until enough power is finally applied to move the vehicle It may move before all 90% is applied, but these illustrations show the theoretical maximums that may come into play. As your vehicle climbs up a hill, this torsion bar effect transfers power back and forth instantaneously from side to side as one wheel, then the other one, slips a little and then regains traction. Your new Aussie Locker thus effortlessly and automatically gives you the most power to the wheel with the most traction, and you just keep right on going. Onward!
The Torq-Masters Aussie Locker is designed to fit into a standard or “open” differential case Limited-slip or Posi-Traction differentials use clutch packs, such that these differential cases are not compatible with the Aussie Locker. If you have a limited-slip differential you will need to purchase an equivalent open differential case, pinion shaft and side gear thrust washers and have the case installed prior to the installation of the locker Setup of the case includes setting the differential bearing pre-load and the ring­and-pinion backlash, which generally must be done by a shop having the right knowledge and tools.
As with most factory differentials, the Aussie Locker is designed to be installed with a factory thrust washer under each axle gear. It is imperativ e that y our thrust washers are not worn, w arped, cr ack ed or scored and that they be of the original thickness. If your washers are worn or damaged, purchase new ones. They are cheap and are good insurance If you do not install thrust washers of the proper thickness and in good condition, the contact patterns will show the difference which will void the warranty.
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Cross shaft (pinion shaft) The Dana 5 models come with a special cross shaft Thrust block Future models may include a thrust block where required
The Aussie Locker kit consists of the following parts: Two cam gears
Two axle gears Two spacers Four pins Four precision springs
Insta lation Manual Supplemental Installation Information (if applicable) Operator’s Guide Sticker
Additional parts for some models: Cross shaft (pinion shaft)—The Dana 35 models come with a special cross shaft.
Thrust block—Future models may include a thrust block where required.
You will use your existing side gear thrust washers and cross shaft(s), assuming that they are in excellent condition. These parts must be replaced if your differential is high-mileage or if wear is evident. If you are also replacing axle shafts as part of this installation and if your differential has a thrust block, check to see if it needs to be changed or if end-play adjustment is required.
Note: Thrust Blocks: T oy ota Land Cruiser installations do not use the factory thrust block; Jeep AMC -20 differentials do use the thrust block. (If axle shaft end play is involved (AMC-20), the thrust block is required for correct installation.)
Also note that for all differentials the spider gear thrust washers are NOT used.
Before starting the installation be sure that you have replacement gear oil of the type recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, and any seals that will need to be replaced. If the vehicle is to be used in hot weather we recommend the use of 85-140 gear oil, which will provide adequate lubrication and minimize any sound. Also, synthetics can be used with the Aussie Locker. A dial caliper or a micrometer and set
of feeler gauges are also needed for checking the various existing parts to determine if they need replacing.
As stated above, it is important for you to have your shop manual available and know the R&R proce­dures that apply to your particular vehicle. The Aussie Locker instructions will describe in detail how to install your new locker, but they will only mention in general terms about how to remove backing plates (if even necessary for your vehicle), pull out the axle shafts, remove the differential case, etc. It is up to the installer to determine the proper method for axle housing and differential disassembly , and be able to remove the pinion shaft from the differential case so that the locker can be installed.
These instructions will assume that the installer has already consulted the shop manual and/or the internet and various club resources and determined what type of differential design is in his vehicle. There are two types of axle housing designs in which the Aussie Locker is used. These are: (1) Integral carrier, such as in the Spicer (Dana) line; and (2) Removable carrier (third member), such as in Toyota Land Cruisers (although in these vehicles the rear carrier generally is not removed from the vehicle). In turn, these two types of axles have several differential designs, including: (1) C-Clip axle shaft retention (Ford
8.8, Spicer 35, Land Cruiser with thrust block, etc.); (2) Bearing retainer axle shaft retention (Jeep AMC­20 with thrust block); (3) Full-floating axles (Land Cruiser fronts, some rears, early Dodges, etc.). The Aussie Locker design will operate with all these various types of differentials.
i st lla i n f r ne A e c e Y r t mat l on e or th s f ns l tio f r ne l cke h f p r ti n f o r ock r pp veh cl
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ni The r ant l g id t d i di assemblin th a l r o r r i l r hicl
C s lt r sh p n l f r the e ct s that need d
2 Loo n h a ug n s b 1/2 tur t tir s w n ed t be
tires c e i in ce
R le e he m r enc b 4 Caref ll a k up th re r a l ac i n ck d 5 Rem he ti es f d d
Lo en t bol s r nd the
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iff r i s in c m st be r ed to b h b lt r n o be e o sin a m l or lo g p h C s lt ur p m u l f r h e ac pr ced r If u nd o e t r t sher ther r t ( e c axl g ) o the e g a s r t he c e nd o e em to e mi s ng Ch c y c ef l
ll i l i i i i l l li l l
l h il d t i d h di i l i h diff e ial C li l r the asi t de i f r di fe en i l re la m t i th e a l s h differe ti l c e r ai i th hicl d h in t ll tio f r i L k r i d n i the ehicl r t r tha n the b n h N t th i h nly e ers r v l th ti es a lidi the l h ft i a d e ier
2 Re o e the thr lo 3 P th x e a ts n r d r m 4 P ll ach ax e aft ut b b th e ch 5 Re ove h s i e ears a d s d ar nd a
Pro eed the s c ion b lo e tit ed x mi at o an Pr a
i i i i i i i f r her di a bl do n t em he diff r ial cas fro th hi l r ne i ke a b i ll d i h di i l i i i l f di i l i i i d b i h r mo bl c r n h l h i r o he third b f t i l nd pl c i n he b h f he ri r is thi en g f ll i s r i 3 d bel b t d ot re the dif r ti l fr m t arri r (A l this d s rib L n r is f on di er ti ls i h h f ll fl ati l )
NOTE: the following steps and paragraphs are suggestions that we provide to help you with the successful installation of your new Aussie Locker. You are ultimately responsible for the safe installation of your new locker and the safe operation of your new locker-equipped vehicle.
The following general steps are done prior to removing the rear differential; similar steps are used for the front unit. They are meant only as a guide to be used in disassembling the axle for your particular vehicle. Consult your shop manual for the exact steps that are needed.
1. Position the vehicle on level ground and block the front wheels.
2. Loosen the rear lug nuts by 1/2 turn if the tires will need to be removed. Generally, for C-clip axles, the
3. Release the emergency brake and put the transmission and transfer case in neutral.
4. Carefully jack up the rear axle and place it on jack stands.
5. Remove the tires (if needed).
6. Loosen the bolts around the differential cover or the around the third member . Dr ain the gear oil. Remove
7. If you have determined that your vehicle has a C-clip differential, proceed directly to the section below
8. Observe the ring gear to see if it is thin enough so that you can pull out the pinion shaft. If so, proceed to
9. If the ring gear is too thick to be able to pull the pinion shaft out past the teeth, proceed to the section
tires can remain in place.
the cover. entitled C-Clip Axles. the section below entitled Thin Ring Gear. below entitled Thick Ring Gear .
1. The pinion shaft is usually retained by a special bolt or by a roll pin or even by a solid pin. In some
2. If you find one thrust washer, there are two (1 per each axle gear). Sometimes they “stick” to the backs
The following steps are a general guide to removing the differential assembly from C-clip axles. Consult your shop manual for the detailed steps required to open up the differential housing to expose the differential. C-clip axles are the easiest design for differential replacement; in these axles the differential case remains in the vehicle and the installation of your Aussie Locker is done in the vehicle rather than on the bench. Note that with only one person, removal of the tires makes sliding the axle shafts in and out easier.
1. Remove the pinon shaft.
2. Remove the thrust block (if present).
3. Push the axle shafts inward and remove the C-clips.
4. Pull each axle shaft out by about three inches.
5. Remove the spider gears and side gears and all thrust washers.
6. Proceed to the section below entitled Examination and Preparation of the Parts.
If you have determined that the ring gear is thin enough so that the pinion shaft can be removed without further disassembly, do not remove the differential case from the vehicle. Yo ur new Aussie Locker can be installed with the differential case remaining in place. If your differential is in a third member with no removable cover on the axle housing, remove the third member from the vehicle and place it on the bench. If the ring gear is thin enough, follow instructions 1, 3 and 4 below but do not remove the differential case from the carrier. (As an example, this describes Land Cruiser front differentials which have full-floating axles.)
differentials a bearing cap must be removed to enable the bolt or pin to be removed using a small wrench or a long punch Consult your shop manual for the exact procedure.
of the side gears or to the case and one seems to be missing. Check very carefully.
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