The 1” inlet Toro® T7 Series rotor is built rugged to withstand the performance and durability requirements
of municipal/government, sports fields and large commercial settings. Driven by customer feedback, the T7
Series rotor has been designed and tested to ensure consistent performance and features a full 5” pop-up
height, a visual top-of-rotor arc adjustment dial, and Smart Arc™ Memory that resets the rotor’s arc should it
be changed due to vandalism or inexperienced users. Further enhancing its versatility, the T7 Series is also
available in Low Flow models for smaller radius, lower flow applications, such as baseball infields.
Visual Arc Indication
Arc setting indicator on top of the rotor allows for easy wet or dry
adjustments from 45°-360°.
High Eciency Nozzles
Single port design ensures water is evenly distributed across
the pattern without putting too much water near the head, which
prevents seed from washing away.
Vandal and Abuse Resistance
Smart Arc™ memory safely returns sprinkler to previously set arc
if vandalized. An integrated slip clutch prevents the breaking and
stripping of gears.
Design Solutions and Safety
Standard check valve prevents low head drainage, and a minimal
2.2” exposed rubber cover diameter reduces the potential for
injuries on play areas.
SST Riser
Heavy-duty retract spring and wiper seal reduce the occurrence
of stick-ups and seal leakage, while a water-lubricated gear drive
contributes to long-term consistent performance.

Additional Features
Standard reversible Check-O-Matic seal
Variable reversing stator
Included nozzle trees:
Low flow nozzles (2, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, and 9 gpm)
Standard nozzles (7, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 27 gpm)
Slip clutch
Locking cap screw
Adjustment/pull up tool included
Nozzle psi Radius (ft) gpm
40 46 6.6 0.72 0.62
50 47 7.4 0.75 0.65
12. 0*
16. 0
27. 0
60 48 8.1 0.78 0.68
70 49 8.8 0.82 0.71
80 51 9. 4 0.83 0.72
90 52 10. 3 0.85 0.73
100 54 10.7 0.83 0.72
40 47 7.4 0.76 0.66
50 50 8.3 0.73 0.64
60 51 8 .7 0 .76 0.66
70 52 9. 4 0.81 0.70
80 54 9.9 0.80 0. 69
90 55 10.9 0.82 0.71
100 56 11. 5 0.84 0.7 3
40 50 9.5 0.89 0.7 7
50 51 11. 6 0.9 0 0 .78
60 53 12.7 0.91 0 .79
70 54 13. 8 0.96 0.83
80 55 14.7 0 .99 0.86
90 56 15.6 1. 02 0.88
100 57 16. 5 1.04 0 .90
40 53 13. 0 1.06 0.92
50 56 15 .1 1.06 0.92
60 58 16. 2 1. 04 0.90
70 59 17.5 1.09 0 .95
80 61 18. 8 1.10 0.95
90 62 20.0 1.14 0.98
100 63 21.1 1.17 1.01
40 53 16. 0 1.28 1.10
50 58 17. 5 1. 22 1.0 5
60 60 19.5 1. 21 1.0 5
70 61 20.6 1.2 6 1.09
80 65 22.2 1.19 1.03
90 66 23.6 1. 23 1.06
100 67 24. 8 1.25 1. 09
40 52 15.8 1.27 1.10
50 60 17. 5 1.09 0.9 5
60 63 19.3 1.11 0.96
70 65 20.7 1.14 0.99
80 67 22.3 1.15 1.00
90 68 23.8 1. 20 1.0 4
100 71 25.3 1.16 1.01
40 55 18. 7 1. 42 1. 23
50 65 23.4 1.16 1.0 0
60 71 23.6 1.0 5 0.91
70 72 25.8 1.10 0.95
80 73 2 7.4 1.14 0.99
90 74 2 9.1 1.18 1.02
100 75 30.6 1.21 1. 05
Model Description
T7PSS- 02
1” Ro to r
1” Rotor, Effluent r ubber cover
1” Rotor, Low Flow
1” Rotor, Low Flow, Effluent rubber cover
1” Stainless Steel Rotor
1” Stainless Steel Rotor, Effluent rubber cover
1” Stainless Steel Rotor, Low Flow
1” Stainless Steel Rotor, Low Flow, Effluent rubber cover
The Toro Company • Irrigation Division • 5825 Jasmine
St. Riverside, CA • 92504 • 877-345-8676
Specifications subject to change without notice. For more
information, contact your local Toro distributor. ©2015 The Toro
Company. All rights reserved. P/N 15-1099-IRC
Precip. Rate
(in/hr) ▲
Precip. Rate
(in/hr) ■
• Radius capability: Low flow models—39’-56’
Standard models—46’-75’
• Flow rates: Low flow models—1.7-12.8 gpm
Standard models—6.6-30.6 gpm
• Operating pressure range: 40-100 psi
• Recommended operating pressure: 60-70 psi
• Inlet size: 1” female NPT
• Nozzle trajector y: 25°
• Arc adjustment: 45°-360° (unidirectional at 360°)
• Pop-up height (measured from top of cap to nozzle): 5”
• Body height: 8.8”
• Body diameter: 2.7”
• Rubber cover diameter: 2.2”
Available Options
• Stainless Steel riser
• Effluent Lavender rubber cover
• Five years
Nozzle psi Radius (ft) gpm
40 39 1.7 0.25 0.22
50 39 2.0 0.29 0.25
When the spr inkler is adjusted to 360 °, it will be uni- directional in that d irectio n of rotation
60 40 2.2 0.30 0.26
70 40 2.4 0.33 0.28
80 40 2.6 0.35 0.31
90 41 2.7 0.36 0.31
100 41 2.9 0.38 0.33
40 39 2.4 0.36 0.31
50 40 2.8 0.39 0.33
60 41 3 .1 0. 41 0.36
70 41 3.4 0.45 0.39
80 42 3.6 0.46 0.40
90 42 3 .9 0. 47 0 .41
100 43 4.1 0.49 0.42
40 38 4 .1 0.63 0.54
50 41 4.7 0.62 0.53
60 41 5.2 0.68 0.59
70 42 5.7 0.71 0.62
80 42 6 .1 0.77 0.66
90 43 6.5 0.78 0.68
100 43 6.9 0.83 0.72
40 43 5.0 0.59 0.51
50 46 5.7 0.59 0. 51
60 48 6.3 0. 61 0.52
70 49 7.0 0.65 0.57
80 49 7.4 0.68 0.59
90 50 7. 9 0.70 0 .61
100 50 8.4 0.74 0.64
40 44 5.8 0.66 0.58
50 46 6.7 0.70 0.60
60 48 7. 4 0.71 0.62
70 49 8.0 0.7 5 0.65
80 50 8.8 0.78 0 .67
90 50 9. 5 0.84 0.73
100 52 10. 0 0.81 0.70
40 45 7. 4 0.81 0.70
50 49 8.5 0.78 0.68
60 51 9.4 0.80 0.70
70 53 10. 4 0.83 0.72
80 55 11.3 0.83 0.72
90 55 12.0 0.89 0.77
100 56 12. 8 0.90 0.78
(clockwis e or counter clockwise) a t the moment when the sp rinkler was changed to 360 °
Precip. Rate
(in/hr) ▲
* Pre-ins talled nozzle. Data base d on 180°.
Specifying Information—T7 Series
Description Optional Thread Optional
T7P XX 02 XX
T7 Series Rotor SS-Stainless Steel Riser NPT Thread E—Effluent
Example: A low flow T7 Series rotor with a Stainless Steel riser and Effluent rubber
cover would be specified as: T7PSS-02LE
Precip. Rate
(in/hr) ■
L—Low Flow