Pressure Compensating Tape
An all-terrain, high
performance drip tape.
Aqua-Traxx PC is the industry’s only pressure
compensating drip tape. Aqua-Traxx PC increases
profitability by saving water, energy and
chemical costs and it allows for optimum results
on land that was once considered marginal. The
superior performance of Aqua-Traxx PC takes
drip tape to the next level.
• Ideal to irrigate crops in difficult
topographical conditions
• In areas of high wind where spray losses
and poor uniformity would be unavoidable
with sprinklers
• In areas with low or varying water pressure
and in installations requiring long laterals
Aqua-Traxx PC
• Increased Emission Uniformity (EU).
• Saves water.
• Saves energy due to water savings and lower
system pressures.
• Lower application rates nearly eliminate runoff
• Saves fertilizer and other chemicals.
• Saves labor cost. Fertilizer and chemical
applications are done through the system and
there are no pipes to move.
• Easier access to the field for tractor operations.
• Avoids spray losses, evaporation and non-
uniformity caused by windy conditions.
• Reduces diseases caused by high humidity,
such as mildew.
• Systems are more economical due to smaller
pipe size requirements, which are made
possible by lower flow rates.
• Reduces herbicide and weeding labor.
• Aqua-Traxx PC is available in spacing
from 6” to 24”.
• Wide pressure operating range: 4 – 25 psi.
• Significant elevation changes either down
slopes or over undulating terrain.
Tube Features
• Seamless construction; no more
splitting at the seam
• Blue stripes, signature of quality and a
useful installation aid. Blue stripes “up”
insures proper outlet placement
• Ultra-high strength and flexibility
Emitter Features
• Filter inlets - prevents debris
from entering the flow path
• Turbulent flow path
• Pressure compensating
• Multiple laser slit outlets –
Less susceptible to back siphoning
and root intrusion
• Precise performance