Pro Force
It blows away everything...
including the competition.
The most powerful way
to clear debris with ease.
The Toro Pro Force Debris Blower delivers
unmatched air power*, durability and ease
of use, for fast removal of grass clippings,
leaves, aeration cores, sand, gravel, trash, or
other debris from sports, golf, municipal,
educational, entertainment and large scale
residential facilities.
Independent tests show the Pro Force generates greater airflow
volume than any other single nozzle turbine-type debris blower.
Testing per the ANSI/AMCA 210-07 standard for Laboratory Methods
of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating.
The Pro Force™ debris blower
• 27 hp Kohler® Command Pro™ engine
(Twin cylinder, Air-cooled and Electronically governed)
• Highly efficient turbine-type axial flow fan design
• Wireless remote control
• Single-piece, impact-resistant plastic nozzle
• Fully enclosed exhaust system
• Rugged steel trailer frame
• Heavy duty trailer and hitch accommodates different towing vehicles
• Two-year or 1,500-hour limited warranty