Toro 4043, 4042 User Manual

PART NO. 12189SL
Service Manual
(Models 04043 and 04042)


The purpose of this publication is to providetheservice technician with information for troubleshooting, testing and repairing assemblies and components on the Greensmaster eFlex 1800 (Model 04043) and eFlex 2100 (Model 04042).
REFER TO THE OPERATOR’SMANUALFOROPER­ATING, MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS.Spaceisprovided inChapter 2of this booktoinserttheOperator’sManualandPartsCatalogs for your machine. Replacement Operator’s Manuals and Parts Catalogs are available on the internet at
TheToroCompanyreserves therighttochange product specifications or this publication without notice.
eFlex 1800/2100
This safety symbol means DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION, PERSONAL SAFETY INSTRUC­TION. When you see this symbol, carefully read the instructions that follow. Failure to obey the instructions may result in personal injury.
NOTE: A NOTE will givegeneral information aboutthe
correct operation, maintenance, service, testing or re­pair of the machine.
IMPORTANT: The IMPORTANT notice will give im­portant in structions which must be followed to pre­vent damage to systems or components on the machine.
E The Toro Company -- 2012
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Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 -- Safety
General Safety Instructions 1 -- 2..................
Safety and Instruction Decals 1 -- 4................
Chapter 2 -- Product Records and Maintenance
Product Records 2 -- 1...........................
Maintenance 2 -- 1...............................
Equivalents and Conversions 2 -- 2................
Torque Specifications 2 -- 3.......................
Chapter 3 -- Traction and Reel Drive System
Specifications 3 -- 2..............................
General Information 3 -- 3........................
Special Tools 3 -- 6..............................
Adjustments 3 -- 8...............................
Service and Repairs 3 -- 11.......................
Chapter 4 -- Electrical System
General Information 4 -- 2........................
Electrical System Operation 4 -- 4.................
Lithium Battery Pack Charger Operation 4 -- 6......
Special Tools 4 -- 10.............................
Troubleshooting 4 -- 12...........................
InfoCenter Display 4 -- 16.........................
Adjustments 4 -- 22..............................
Component Testing 4 -- 26........................
Service and Repairs 4 -- 44.......................
Chapter 5 -- Chassis a nd Controls
Specifications 5 -- 2..............................
General Information 5 -- 3........................
Service and Repairs 5 -- 4........................
Chapter 6 -- Cutting Unit
Specifications 6 -- 3..............................
General Information 6 -- 4........................
Special Tools 6 -- 6..............................
Factors That Affect Quality Of Cut 6 -- 8............
Adjustments 6 -- 10..............................
Service and Repairs 6 -- 11.......................
Chapter 7 -- Groomer
Specifications 7 -- 2..............................
General Information 7 -- 3........................
Troubleshooting 7 -- 4............................
Adjustments 7 -- 6...............................
Service and Repairs 7 -- 7........................
Chapter 8 -- Foldout Drawings
Electrical Schematic 8 -- 3........................
Wire Harness Drawings 8 -- 4.....................
SafetyProduct Records
and Maintenance
Drive System
Traction and Reel
Chassis andCutting Unit
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100
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Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100

Table of Contents

Before Operating 2............................
While Operating 3............................
Maintenance and Service 3....................
Battery Pack Connection 4.....................
Chapter 1
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Page 1 -- 1 Safety

General Safety Instructions

Greensmaster eFlex 1800 and eFlex 2100 machines havebeen tested andcertified byTORO forcompliance with existing safety standards and specifications. Al­though hazardcontrol and accidentprevention are par­tially dependent upon the design and configuration of themachine, thesefactorsarealso dependentuponthe awareness, concern and proper training of the person­nel involved in the operation, transport, maintenance and storage of the machine. Improper use or mainte­nanceof themachine canresult ininjury ordeath. To re­duce the potential for injury or death, comply with the following safety instructions.
Toreduce thepotentialfor injury ordeath,com­ply with the following safety instructions.

Before Operating

The eFlex battery pack contains high voltage which could burn or electrocute you.
Never attempt to open the battery pack.Do not place anything in the connector on
the battery pack other than the wire harness connector that came with the product.
Use extreme care when handling a battery
pack with a cracked case.
Only use the charger designed for the
battery pack.
1. Operatethemachineonlyafter reviewingandunder­standingthe contentsofthe Operator’sManual andOp­erator Training DVD.A replacement Operator’sManual is available on the internet at
2. Never allowchildrento operatethe machineor allow adults to operate it without proper instructions.
3. Become familiar with the controls and know how to stop the machine and electric motor quickly.
4. Keep all shields, safety devices and decals in place. Ifashield, safetydeviceor decalismalfunctioning,illeg­ibleordamaged,repairorreplace it beforeoperating the machine.
5. Always wear substantial shoes. Do not operate ma­chine whilewearing sandals, tennis shoes or sneakers. Donotwear loosefittingclothingwhich couldgetcaught in moving parts and cause personal injury.
6. Wearing safety glasses, safety shoes, long pants, ear protection and a hard hat is advisable and required by some local safety and insurance regulations.
7. Ensure work area is clear of objects which might be picked up and thrown by the cutting reel.
8. Keep everyone, especially children and pets, away from the areas of operation.
9. The safety interlock switches are for the operator’s protection;donotdisconnectthem. Check theoperation oftheswitchesdailyto assuretheinterlocksystemis op­erating. If a switch isdefective, replace itbefore operat­ing the machine. See Component Testing in Chapter 4
-- Electrical System.
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 1 -- 2Safety

While Operating

1. Always stand behind the handle when starting and operating the machine.
2. To begin machine operation: A. Make sure that themachine wire harness iscon-
nected to the battery pack B. Verify that the control lever on handle is in NEU-
TRAL position for both traction and reel drives. C. Move key switch to START position until the I nfo
Center display lights up, then release switch to the RUN position.
3. Before leaving t he operator’s positionof the mower: A. Stop the machine on level ground. B. Disengage both the traction and reel drives with
the control lever and set the parking brake. C. Move key switch to OFF position and wait for all
machine motion to stop.
4. Beforeemptyingbasketof clippings,disengage trac­tion and reel drives, set the parking brake, move key switchtoOFFpositionand wait forelectricmotortostop. Waitfor allmachinemotiontostop beforeremovingbas­ket.
5. If thecutting unitstrikes asolid objector vibratesab­normally, stop machine operation immediately. Disen­gage the traction/mow lever, turn key switch to OFF position, wait for all machine motion to stop. Then, dis­connect battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in thissection)and inspect cuttingunitfordamage. Adam­aged reel or bedknife must be repaired or replaced be­fore operation is commenced.
6. Whenever machine is left unattended, be sure elec­tricmotor is stopped,cuttingunit reelisnot spinningand key switch is in the OFF position. Remove key from switch.

Maintenance and Service

1. TheTraction Unit andCutting UnitOperator’s Manu-
alsprovide information regardingtheoperation,general maintenance and maintenance intervals for your Greensmaster machine. Refer to these publications for additional information when servicing the machine.
2. Before servicing or making adjustments to the ma-
chine, set the parking brake, move key switch to OFF positionandwaitforall machinemotiontostop.Remove key from the ignition switch. Disconnect battery pack (seeBattery PackConnection inthis section)to prevent unintentional machine operation.
3. To make sure entire machine is in good condition,
keepallnuts, bolts, screwsandbeltsproperly tightened.
4. To reduce potential fire hazard, keep the battery
pack, electrical connectors, cutting unit and drive com­ponents free of debris.
5. Wear heavy gloves and use caution when checking
or servicing the cutting unit.
6. Ifthe electricmotormust berunningtoperformmain-
tenanceormakeanadjustment,keephands,feet,cloth­ing and all parts of the body away from the cutting unit and all moving parts. Keep bystanders away.
7. Before installing,removing or workingon the cutting unit,disconnectthebatterypack(seeBatteryPackCon­nectionin thissection)to preventunintentionalmachine operation.
8. Do not open or alter the battery pack in any way. Openingthebatterypack may exposeyoutodangerous electrical voltage. The warranty will be voided if you at­tempttoopen the batterypack.Withtheexception ofthe battery pack fuse, fuse cover and labels, there are no consumer serviceable parts on or in the battery pack.
9. If there ever is a need to ship the battery pack from your eFlexmachine, you will needspecial packaging to comply with shipping regulations. Refer to the Operat­or’s Manual for additional battery shipping information.
10.If major repairs are ever needed or assistance is re­quired, contact your Authorized TORO Distributor.
11.At the time of manufacture, the machine conformed to all applicable safety standards. To assure optimum performance and continued safety certification of the machine, use genuine Toro replacement parts and ac­cessories. Replacement parts and accessories made by othermanufacturers may result innon-conformance with safety standards and the warranty may be voided.
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Page 1 -- 3 Safety

Battery Pack Connection

Before servicing the machine, disconnect the the machine fromthe battery pack. This will pre­vent unexpected machine operation.
To prevent unexpected machine operation during ser­vice, disconnect the machine from the battery pack as thefirst stepinany repair(Fig.1). Oncethe battery pack hasbeendisconnected,the electrical systemonthema­chinecanbesafelyworked on.Takecare during repairs, however, to not allow tools or vehicle components to complete the battery circuit that was opened with the cable removal.
Connect the machine wire harness to the battery pack as the last step in any repair.
The eFlex battery pack contains high voltage which could burn or electrocute you.
Never attempt to open the battery pack.Do not place anything in the connector on
the battery pack other than the wire harness connector that came with the product.
Use extreme care when handling a battery
pack with a cracked case.
Only use the charger designed for the
battery pack.
1. Battery pack
2. Battery connector
Figure 1
3. Machine connector

Safety and Instruction Decals

Safety decals and instructions are easily visible to the operatorand are locatednear any areaof potentialdan­ger. Replace any decal that is damaged or lost. Decal part numbersare listed in yourParts Catalog. Orderre­placementdecals fromyour AuthorizedTORODistribu­tor.
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 1 -- 4Safety
Product Records and Maintenance

Table of Contents

PRODUCT RECORDS 1.........................
MAINTENANCE 1..............................
Decimal and Millimeter Equivalents 2............
U.S. to Metric Conversions 2...................
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS 3...................
Fastener Identification 3.......................
Standard Torque for Dry, Zinc Plated and Steel
Fasteners (Inch Series Fasteners) 4...........
Standard Torque for Dry, Zinc Plated and Steel
Fasteners (Metric Fasteners) 5...............
Other Torque Specifications 6..................
Conversion Factors 6.........................

Product Records

Chapter 2
Product Records
and Maintenance
Insert Operator’s Manual and Parts Catalog for your Greensmaster eFlex 1800 or eFlex 2100 at the end of this section. Additionally, if any optional equipment or accessorieshave beeninstalled toyour machine,insert the Installation Instructions, Operator’s Manuals and PartsCatalogs forthose options at the endof thischap­ter.


Maintenanceproceduresand recommendedservicein­tervals for the Greensmaster eFlex 1800 and eFlex 2100arecoveredintheOperator’sManual.Refertothat publicationwhen p erforming regularequipmentmainte­nance.
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Page 2 -- 1 Product Records and Maintenance

Equivalents and Conversions

Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 2 -- 2Product Records and Maintenance

Torque Specifications

Recommended fastener torque values are listed in the following tables. For criticalapplications, asdetermined byToro,eitherthe recommendedtorqueora torquethat is uniqueto the application isclearly identified andspe­cified in this Service Manual.
These Torque Specifications for the installation and tightening of fasteners shall applyto all fastenerswhich do nothave aspecific requirementidentified inthis Ser­vice Manual. The following factors shall be considered when applying torque: cleanliness of the fastener, use of a thread sealant (e.g. Loctite), degree of lubrication on the fastener, presence of a prevailing torquefeature (e.g. Nylock nut), hardness of the surface underneath thefastener’shead orsimilarconditionwhich affectsthe installation.

Fastener Identification

Asnotedin the followingtables,torquevaluesshould b e reduced by 25% for lubricated fasteners to achieve the similar stress as a dry fastener. Torque values may also have to be reduced when the fastener is threaded into aluminum or brass. The specific torque value should be determined based on the aluminum or brass material strength, fastener size, length of thread en­gagement, etc.
The standard method of verifying torque shall be per­formed by marking a line on the fastener (head or nut) and mating part, then back off fastener 1/4 of a turn. Measurethe torquerequired to tightenthe fasteneruntil thelinesmatchup.
Product Records
and Maintenance
Grade1 Grade5 Grade8
Inch Series Bolts and Screws
Class 8.8 Class 10.9
Metric Bolts and Screws
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Page 2 -- 3 Product Records and Maintenance

Standard Torque for Dry, Zinc Plated and Steel Fasteners (Inch Series Fasteners)

Grade 1, 5 &
Thread Size
#6--40UNF 17 + 2 192 + 23 25 + 3 282 + 34
#8--36UNF 31 + 4 350 + 45 43 + 5 486 + 56
#10--32UNF 48 + 5 542 + 56 68 + 7 768 + 79
1/4 -- 20 UNC 48 + 7 53 + 7 599 + 79 100 + 10 1130+ 113 140 + 15 1582 + 169
1/4 -- 28 UNF 53 + 7 65 + 10 734 + 113 115 + 12 1299 + 136 160 + 17 1808 + 192
5/16 -- 18 UNC 115 + 15 105 + 15 1186 + 169 200 + 25 2 260+ 282 300 + 30 3390 + 339
5/16 -- 24 UNF 138 + 17 128 + 17 1446 + 192 225 + 25 2542 + 282 325 + 33 3672 + 373
3/8 -- 16 UNC 16 + 2 16 + 2 22 + 3 30 + 3 41 + 4 43 + 5 58 + 7
Height Nuts
in--lb in--lb N--cm in--lb N--cm in--lb N--cm
10 + 2 13 + 2 147 + 23
13 + 2 25 + 5 282 + 30
18 + 2 30 + 5 339 + 56
ft--lb ft--lb N--m ft--lb N--m ft--lb N--m
SAE Grade 1 Bolts, Screws, Studs &
Sems with Regular Height Nuts
(SAE J995 Grade 2 or Stronger Nuts)
SAE Grade 5 Bolts, Screws, Studs &
Sems with Regular Height Nuts
(SAE J995 Grade 2 or Stronger Nuts)
15 + 2 169 + 23 23 + 3 262 + 34
29 + 3 328 + 34 41 + 5 463 + 56
42 + 5 475 + 56 60 + 6 678 + 68
SAE Grade 8 Bolts, Screws, Studs &
Sems with Regular Height Nuts
(SAE J995 Grade 5 or Stronger Nuts)
3/8 -- 24 UNF 17 + 2 18+ 2 24 + 3 35 + 4 47 + 5 50 + 6 68 + 8
7/16 -- 14 UNC 27 + 3 27 + 3 37 + 4 50 + 5 68 + 7 70 + 7 95 + 9
7/16 -- 20 UNF 29 + 3 29 + 3 39 + 4 55 + 6 75 + 8 77 + 8 104 + 11
1/2 -- 13 UNC 30 + 3 48 + 7 65 + 9 75 + 8 102 + 11 105 + 11 142 + 15
1/2 -- 20 UNF 32 + 4 53 + 7 72 + 9 85 + 9 115 + 12 120 + 12 163 + 16
5/8 -- 11 UNC 65 + 10 88 + 12 119 + 16 150 + 15 203 + 20 210 + 21 285 + 28
5/8 -- 18 UNF 75 + 10 95+ 15 129 + 20 170 + 18 230 + 24 240 + 24 325 + 33
3/4 -- 10 UNC 93 + 12 140 + 20 190 + 27 265 + 27 359+ 37 375+ 38 508+ 52
3/4 -- 16 UNF 115 + 15 165 + 25 224 + 34 300 + 30 407+ 41 420 + 43 569 + 58
7/8 -- 9 UNC 140 + 20 225 + 25 305 + 34 430 + 45 583 + 61 600 + 60 813 + 81
7/8 -- 14 UNF 155 + 25 260 + 30 353 + 41 475 + 48 644 + 65 667 + 66 904 + 89
NOTE: Torque values may have to be reduced when installing fasteners into threaded aluminum or brass. The specific torque value should be determined based on the fastener size, the aluminum or base material strength, length of thread engagement, etc.
NOTE: The nominal torque values listed above for Grade 5 and8 fasteners are based on 75% of the mini­mum proof load specifiedin SAEJ429. The tolerance is approximately +
10% of the nominal torque value. Thin
height nuts include jam nuts.
NOTE: Reduce torque values listed in the table above by 25% for lubricated fasteners. Lubricated fasteners are defined as threads coated with a lubricant such as engine oil or thread sealant such as Loctite.
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 2 -- 4Product Records and Maintenance

Standard To rque for Dry, Zinc Plated and Steel Fasteners (Metric Fasteners)

Class 8.8 Bolts, Screws and Studs with
Thread Size
M5 X 0.8 57 + 6in--lb 644 + 68 N--cm 78 + 8in--lb 881 + 90 N--cm
M6 X 1.0 96 + 10 in--lb 1085 + 113 N- -cm 133 + 14 in--lb 1503 + 158 N--cm M8 X 1.25 19 + 2ft--lb 26 + 3N--m 28 + 3ft--lb 38 + 4N--m M10 X 1.5 38 + 4ft--lb 52 + 5N--m 54 + 6ft--lb 73 + 8N--m
M12 X 1.75 66 + 7ft--lb 90 + 10 N--m 93+ 10 ft--lb 126 + 14 N--m
M16 X 2.0 166+ 17 ft--lb 225 + 23 N--m 229 + 23 ft--lb 310 + 31 N--m M20 X 2.5 325 + 33 ft--lb 440 + 45 N-- m 450 + 46 ft--lb 610 + 62 N--m
NOTE: Torque values may have to be reduced when installing fasteners into threaded aluminum or brass. The specific torque value should be determined based on the fastener size, the aluminum or base material strength, length of thread engagement, etc.
NOTE: Reduce torque values listed in the table above by 25% for lubricated fasteners. Lubricated fasteners are defined as threads coated with a lubricant such as engine oil or thread sealant such as Loctite.
Regular Height Nuts
(Class 8 or Stronger Nuts)
NOTE: The nominal torque values listed above are
based on 75% of the minimum proof load specified in SAEJ1199.The toleranceisapproximately+ nominal torque value.
Class 10.9 Bolts, Screws and Studs with
Regular Height Nuts
(Class 10 or Stronger Nuts)
Product Records
and Maintenance
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Page 2 -- 5 Product Records and Maintenance

Other Torque Specifications

SAE Grade 8 Steel Set Screws
Recommended Torque
Thread Size
Square Head Hex Socket
1/4 -- 20 UNC 140 + 20 in--lb 73 + 12 in--lb
5/16 -- 18 UNC 215 + 35 in--lb 145 + 20 in--lb
3/8 -- 16 UNC 35 + 10 ft--lb 18 + 3ft--lb 1/2 -- 13 UNC 75 + 15 ft--lb 50 + 10 ft--lb
Thread Cutting Screws
(Zinc Plated Steel)
Type 1, Type 23 or Type F
Thread Size Baseline Torque*
No. 6 -- 32 UNC 20 + 5in--lb
Wheel Bolts and Lug Nuts
Thread Size
7/16 -- 20 UNF
Grade 5
1/2 -- 20 UNF
Grade 5
M12 X 1.25
Class 8.8
M12 X 1.5
Class 8.8
** For steel wheels and non--lubricated fasteners.
Thread Cutting Screws
(Zinc Plated Steel)
No. 6 18 20 20 + 5in--lb
Threads per Inch Type A Type B
Recommended Torque**
65 + 10 ft--lb 88 + 14 N--m
80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m
80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m
80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m
Baseline Torque*
No. 8 -- 32 UNC 30 + 5in--lb
No. 10 -- 24 UNC 38 + 7in--lb
1/4 -- 20 UNC 85 + 15 in--lb
5/16 -- 18 UNC 110 + 20 in--lb
3/8 -- 16 UNC 200 + 100 in--lb

Conversion Factors

in--lb X 11.2985 = N--cm N--cm X 0.08851 = in--lb
ft--lb X 1.3558 = N--m N--m X 0.7376 = ft--lb
No. 8 15 18 30 + 5in--lb No. 10 12 16 38 + 7in--lb No. 12 11 14 85 + 15 in--lb
*Holesize, materialstrength, materialthickness &finish must be considered when determining specific torque values. All torque values are based on non--lubricated fasteners.
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 2 -- 6Product Records and Maintenance
Traction and Reel Drive System

Table of Contents

SPECIFICATIONS 2............................
GENERAL INFORMATION 3.....................
Operator’s Manuals 3.........................
Battery Pack Connection 3.....................
Disengaging Drum Drive From Transmission 4...
Transmission Belt Tensioner 5..................
SPECIAL TOOLS 6.............................
ADJUSTMENTS 8..............................
Cutting Unit Clip Adjustment 8..................
Reel Clutch Adjustment 9......................
SERVICE AND REPAIRS 11......................
Reel Drive Belt 11.............................
Reel Drive Assembly 12.......................
Reel Drive Bearing Housing 14.................
Drum Drive Belt 16............................
Drum Drive Idler Assembly 18..................
Traction Drums 20............................
Differential Assembly 24.......................
Differential Assembly Service 26................
Transmission Drive Belt 28.....................
Transmission Idler System 30..................
Transmission Reel Drive System 32.............
Removing Seized Reel Clutch Shaft From
Transmission 35............................
Transmission Drive System 36..................
Transmission Drum Drive System 38............
Transmission 40..............................
Chapter 3
Drive System
Traction and Reel
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 1


Item Description
Transmission Permanent Magnet DC Motor Directly Coupled to
Traction Drive Transmission to Traction Drive uses Multi--Ribbed Poly--V Belt
Differential Spur Gear Planetary Differential
Traction Brake Band Style (at differential shaft drive)
Traction Drum Dual Cast Aluminum, 7.5 inch (19 cm) Diameter
Cutting Reel Drive Transmission Reel Clutch Shaft to Telescoping Drive Shaft
Final Reel Drive has Three (3) Pulleys with Positive Drive Belt
First Stage of a Multi--Ribbed Poly--V Belt Drive
Belt Tension Maintained by Spring Loaded Idler Pulley
Belt Tension Maintained by Spring Loaded Idler Pulley
Two Beam Style Couplers Used in Reel Drive System
Pulley Configuration Allows Six (6) Clip Adjustments
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Traction and Reel Drive System Page 3 -- 2

General Information

Operator’s Manuals

The Traction Unit and Cutting Unit Operator’s Manuals provide information regarding the operation, general maintenance and maintenance intervals for your Greensmaster machine. Refer to these Operator’s Manuals for additional information when servicing the machine.

Battery Pack Connection

Before servicing the machine, disconnect the the machine from the battery pack. This will pre­vent unexpected machine operation.
To prevent unexpected machine operation during ser­vice, disconnect the machine from the battery pack as thefirst step inany repair (Fig.1). Once thebatterypack hasbeendisconnected,the electrical systemonthema­chinecanbesafelyworked on.Takecare duringrepairs, however, to not allow tools or vehicle components to complete the battery circuit that was opened with the cable removal.
Connect the machine wire harness to the battery pack as the last step in any repair.
The eFlex battery pack contains high voltage which could burn or electrocute you.
Never attempt to open the battery pack.Do not place anything in t he connector on
the battery pack other than the wire
harness connector that came with the
Use extreme care when handling a battery
pack with a cracked case.
Only use the charger designed for the
battery pack.
1. Battery pack
2. Battery connector
Drive System
Traction and Reel
Figure 1
3. Machine connector
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 3

Disengaging Drum Drive From Transmission

The tractiondrum is driven bya multi--ribbed belt thatis tensionedwith aspring loaded idlerassembly.To disen­gage the traction drum drive from the transmission, fol­low the following procedure:
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in this section).
2. Locate the traction engage/disengage lever next to the RH drive housing drum (Fig. 2).
Becarefulwhen rotating thetractionengage/dis­engagelever.The lever isspring loaded andmay cause personal injury. Push lever from the front when removing belt tension to prevent unex­pected movement of the lever.
3. Rotate traction engage/disengage lever toward the rear of the machine to the disengaged position to re­move tension from the drum drive belt.
4. To engage the drum drive, rotate traction engage/ disengage leverto the engaged position by rotatingthe lever toward the front of the machine.
Figure 2
1. Traction lever (engaged) 2. RH handle clamp
5. Connectthebatterypack (seeBattery PackConnec­tion in this section).
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Traction and Reel Drive System Page 3 -- 4

Transmission Belt Tensioner

The transmission pulleys are driven by a multi--ribbed belt that is tensioned with a spring loaded idler assem­bly.Ifthe transmission belttensionneedstobe engaged or disengaged, follow the following procedure:
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in this section).
2. Locate the transmissionengage/disengage shaft on the inside of the transmission next to the battery pack (Fig. 3).
Be careful when rotating the transmission en­gage/disengage lever. The lever is spring loaded and may cause personal injury.
3. To disengage the spring loaded idler from thetrans­mission drive belt, use a 3/8” wrench to rotate the en­gage/disengage shaft 1/4 turn clockwise.
4. To engage the idler into the transmission drive belt, use a3/8” wrenchto rotate theengage/disengage shaft 1/4 turn counter--clockwise. The transmission belt is properlytensionedwhenthealignmentmarksontheen­gage/disengage shaft and the transmission cover are aligned (Fig. 4).
5. Connectthebatterypack (seeBattery PackConnec­tion in this section).
Figure 3
1. Transmission
2. Engage/disengage shaft
Figure 4
1. Engage/disengage shaft
2. Alignment mark
3. Battery pack
3. Cover alignment mark
Drive System
Traction and Reel
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 5

Special Tools

Modified Socket for Reel Clutch Bearing Collar
The modified socket is used to remove and install the reel clutch bearing collar when servicing the transmis­sion reel clutch shaft (Fig. 5). Refer to Transmission ReelDrive Systeminthe ServiceandRepairs sectionof this chapter for complete information on servicing the reel clutch shaft assembly.
Socket Modification
1. Make sure that socket (9/16” or 15mm) to be modi­fied fits over the reel clutch shaft bearing collar.
2. Drill a hole or grind slots in socket walls to allow a 5/32” pin to extend through socket. A modified socket with ground slots is shown in Figure 6.
Modified Socket Use ( Fig. 7) IMPORTANT: To prevent damage, avoid using ex-
cessive clamping pressure on the reel clutch shaft assembly.
1. Bearing collar
2. Reel clutch shaft
Figure 5
3. Hub flat location
1. Use flats on reel drive hub to carefully secure reel clutchshaft assemblyin avise. Usea visewith softjaws to prevent damage to clutch shaft assembly compo­nents.
2. Slide modified socket over bearing collar.
3. Align modified socket so that 5/32” pin can be in­serted through socket and hole in bearing collar.
4. Use modifiedsocket andsocket wrenchto loosenor tighten bearing collar.
1. Modified socket
2. Reel clutch shaft assy
Figure 6
Figure 7
3. Pin
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Traction and Reel Drive System Page 3 -- 6
Spline Insert Tool
Usesplineinserttooltoremoveorinstalldrivesplineinto transmission driven pulley. Referto Transmission Drive System inthe Service andRepairs section ofthis chap­ter for complete information on servicing the transmis­sion drive system.
Toro Part Number: TOR4112
Figure 8
Drive System
Traction and Reel
1. Motor adapter
2. Transmission housing
3. Splined coupler
Figure 9
4. Drive spline
5. Driven pulley
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 7


Cutting Unit Clip Adjustment

Cuttingunitclipadjustment on theeFlex1800and eFlex 2100 can bechanged by installing the cutting unit drive pulleysto the appropriatelocations onthe reel driveas­sembly.Clip frequencypulley locationsfor 11 bladeand 14 blade cutting units are shown in Figure 11 below.
To adjust clip frequency, follow the following s teps:
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Removereeldrive coverandreel drivebeltfromside ofcuttingunit (seeReelDriveBelt intheServiceand Re­pairs section of this chapter).
3. Loosen two(2)set screwsfrom drivepulleys thatare to be removed. Slide pulleys from shafts.
4. Apply antiseize lubricant to top of woodruff keys.Ar­range pulleys on reel drive assembly as needed for de­sired clip frequency (Fig. 11).
5. Secure all pulleys with two (2) set screws. To rque screws from 60 to 65 in--lb (6.8 to 7.3 N--m).
1. Reel drive cover
2. Reel drive belt
3. Pulley
Antiseize Lubricant
Figure 10
60 to 65 in--lb
(6.8 to 7.3 N--m)
4. Set screw
5. Woodruff key
6. Install reel drive belt and reel drive cover to cutting unit(see Reel DriveBeltin theServiceand Repairssec­tion of this chapter).
7. Connectthebatterypack (seeBattery PackConnec­tion in the General Information section of this chapter).
A11 14 B C
0.147 0.115
0.153 0.120
0.160 0.126
0.174 0.137
0.182 0.143
0.190 0.149
22 22
24 25 24 25
24 25 25 24
22 25 22 24
25 22 24 22
60 -- 65 IN LBS
Figure 11
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Reel Clutch Adjustment

To adjust the reel clutch, follow the following steps:
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Remove rubber plugfrom front oftransmission toal­low viewing of reel drive clutch components (Fig. 12).
3. Releaseclutch cablespringtension byremovingreel clutch cable from casting slot of transmission:
A. Loosen upper jam nut that secures reel cable to casting slot of transmission.
B. Lift cable free from casting slot of transmission.
4. Loosen jam nut that secures set screw position in reel clutch lever (Fig. 12).
5. Apply light upward pressure against the reel clutch lever.
6. Backoutsetscrew inreel clutchlever untilreelclutch hubcauses thetips ofthe reeldrive hubteeth tocontact the mating reel clutch pulley.
7. While maintaining light pressure on reel clutchlever, rotate set screw clockwise until a gap of 0.040” to
0.060”(1.0to1.5mm)isattainedbetweenthereeldrive hub and reel clutch hub.
8. Tighten jam nut to secure adjustment. Make sure that set screw does not rotate while tightening jam nut.
9. Install rubber plug into front of transmission.
10.Install reel cable to casting slot of transmission and confirmthatcablespring lengthis properlyset(seeReel Clutch Cable Replacement in Chapter 5 -- Chassis and Controls).
0.040” to 0.060” (1.0 to 1.5 mm)
1. Reel drive hub tooth
2. Reel drive hub
3. Reel clutch hub
4. Reel clutch lever
Drive System
Traction and Reel
Light Upward
Figure 12
5. Set screw
6. Jam nut
7. Gap location
11.Connect thebattery pack(seeBatteryPackConnec­tion in the General Information section of this chapter).
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 9
1. Reel clutch lever
2. Reel clutch hub
Figure 13
3. Reel drive hub
4. Reel clutch pulley
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Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Traction and Reel Drive System Page 3 -- 10

Service and Repairs

Reel Drive Belt

EFlex machinesuse apositive drive belton the leftside of the machine to operate the cutting unit.
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Remove reel drive cover to expose reel drive belt (Fig. 14).
3. Loosen the bearing housing mounting nut (Fig. 15).
4. Using a 5/8” (16mm) wrench, rotate the bearing housing to release tension on reel drive belt (Fig. 15).
5. Remove reel drive belt from the pulleys.
Figure 14
1. Reel drive cover 2. Flange head screw
Drive System
Traction and Reel
1. Makesurethat thebattery packisdisconnected(see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Using a 5/8” (16mm) wrench, rotate and hold the bearing housingto allow reel drive belt installation (Fig.
3. Place a new drive belt onto the pulleys.
4. Release bearing housing to apply tension to reel drivebelt. Makesure thatbearing housing rotatesfreely which will allow accurate belt tension.
5. Rotate reel drive at least one (1) full turn to ensure that drive belt is properly tensioned.
6. Tighten the bearing housing mounting nut (Fig. 15).
7. Install reel drive cover to machine and secure with flange head screw (Fig. 14).
8. Connectthebatterypack (seeBattery PackConnec­tion in the General Information section of this chapter).
1. Reel drive belt
2. Bearing housing nut
Figure 15
3. Compression spring
4. Bearing housing
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 11

Reel Drive Assembly

Antiseize Lubricant
60 to 65 in--lb
(6.8 to 7.3 N--m)
Antiseize Lubricant
Figure 16
1. Reel drive housing
2. O--ring
3. Carriage screw
4. Washer head screw
5. Flange head screw (2 used)
6. Hex nut (2 used)
7. Reel drive shaft
8. Reel pulley (22 tooth) (aluminum)
9. O--ring
10. Reel idler shaft
11. Reel pulley (24 tooth) (black)
12. Bearing housing assembly
13. Cover plug
14. Reel pulley (25 tooth) (red)
15. Belt
16. Compression spring
17. Hardened washer
18. Hex nut
19. Reel drive cover
NOTE: Cutting unit clip adjustment on the eFlex 1800
and eFlex 2100 is adjusted by installing the cutting unit drivepulleys(items8,11and14)tothe appropriate loca­tions on the reel drive assembly (see Cutting Unit Clip Adjustment in the Adjustments section of this chapter).
20. Shoulder bolt
21. Spring pin
22. Woodruff key (3 used)
23. Set screw (2 used per pulley)
24. Ball bearing (2 used)
25. Spacer
26. Push nut
27. Cutting unit
28. Flange head screw
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Traction and Reel Drive System Page 3 -- 12
Reel Drive Assembly Removal (Fig. 16)
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Slide the telescoping coupler off the cutting unit hex shaft (Fig. 17).
3. Removereeldrive belt (seeReelDriveBeltReplace­ment in this section).
4. Loosen two (2) set screws (item 23) that secure reel pulley (item 8) to reel drive shaft (item 7). Slide pulley from drive shaft. Locateand retrieve woodruff key (item
22) from shaft.
5. Remove washer head screw (item 4) that secures reel drive housing to cutting unit side plate.
NOTE: Hex nuts (item6) haveadhesive appliedduring cutting unit production. The nuts should remain in cut­ting unit side plate during reel drive housing removal.
6. Remove two (2) flange headscrews (item5) thatse­cure reel drive housing to cutting unit side plate.
3. Position reel drive assembly to cutting unit. Make sure that spring pin (item 21) and compression spring (item16) arepositionedbetween reeldrive housingand bearing housing assembly.
4. Secure reeldrive assembly with two (2)flange head screws (item 5) and washer head screw (item 4).
5. Install woodruff key(item 22) to reel driveshaft (item
7). Apply antiseize lubricant to top of key.
6. Slide reel pulley (item 8) onto reel drive shaft until it contacts shoulder on shaft. Secure reel pulley with two (2) set screws (item 23). Torque set screws from 60 to 65 in--lb (6.8 to 7.3 N--m).
7. Install reel drive belt (see Reel Drive Belt Replace­ment in this section). Make sure that reel drive cover is securedtohousingafterbeltinstallation.
8. Slide the telescoping coupler onto the cutting unit hex shaft (Fig. 17).
9. Connectthebatterypack (seeBatteryPackConnec­tion in the General Information section of this chapter).
Drive System
Traction and Reel
7. Remove reel drive assembly from cutting unit.
8. Remove components from reel drive housing as necessary using Figure 16 as a guide.
A. If idlershaft bearings(item24) are toberemoved, use press to remove bearings and bearing spacer from shaft. Discard bearings after removal.
NOTE: See Reel Drive Bearing Housing in this section for disassembly and assembly information of bearing housing assembly (item 12).
NOTE: Reel pulleys (items 8,11and 14) can beidenti­fied by color and number of teeth. Pulley location can vary based on desired cutting unit clip frequency (see Cutting UnitClip Adjustment inthe Adjustments section of this chapter).
Reel Drive Assembly Installation (Fig. 16)
1. Install allremoved components to reeldrive housing using Figure 16 as a guide.
A. If bearings (item 24) were removed from idler shaft, use press to install bearings and bearing spacer onto shaft.
Figure 17
1. Telescoping coupler 2. Cutting unit hex shaft
2. Apply light coating of grease on reel drive housing O--rings (items 2 and 9).
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 13

Reel Drive Bearing Housing

1. Retaining ring
2. Reel input shaft
3. Bearing (2 used)
4. Bearing spacer
5. Wave washer
Figure 18
6. Flocked bearing shield
7. Wave spring
8. Flat washer
9. Retaining ring
10. Bearing housing
11. Spring pin (2 used)
12. Flex coupling
13. Reel hex shaft
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Traction and Reel Drive System Page 3 -- 14
Disassembly (Fig. 18)
Assembly (Fig. 18)
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Remove reel drive bearing housing from reel drive housing (see Reel Drive Assembly in this section).
3. Removeretainingring(item 1)from bearinghousing.
4. Slide reel input shaft assembly from bearing hous­ing. Remove wave washer (item 5) from bearing hous­ing.
IMPORTANT: When removing flexcoupler (item 12) from reel input shaft (item 2), do not mar outer sur­face of coupler (e.g. grasping with pliers or mount­ing in vise) as coupler may be damaged and fail prematurely.
5. Supportflex coupler(item12) to preventitfrombeing damaged during spring pin removal. Push spring pin fromflex couplerandreel inputshaft.Slide couplerfrom shaft and discard spring pin.
6. Remove retaining r ing (item 9) from shaft. Then re­move flat washer (item 8), wave spring (item 7) and flocked bearing shield (item 6) from shaft. Note orienta­tion of flocked shield for assembly purposes.
7. Press bearingsand bearingspacerfromshaft ifnec­essary. Discard bearings if removed.
8. Clean all bearing housing components.
1. Ifbearingswereremovedfromreelinputshaft, install new bearings onto shaft. Press first bearing fully onto shaft. Position spacer on shaft and then press second bearing onto shaft.
2. Install flocked bearing shield (item 6), wave spring (item 7) and then flat washer (item 8) onto reel input shaft. Secure components to shaft with retaining ring (item 9). It may be necessary to drive the retaining ring onto theinput shaft with atubular tool and mallet.Make sure that retaining ring is fully seated into shaft groove after installation.
3. Place wave washer (item 5) into bearing housing.
4. Fillcavitybetween bearingswithMobilHighTemper­ature XHP--222 grease (or equivalent).
5. Installreel inputshaftassembly into bearinghousing andsecurewithretainingring(item1).
IMPORTANT: When installing flex coupler (item 12) onto reel input shaft (item 2), do not mar outer sur­face of coupler (e.g. grasping with pliers or mount ­ing in vise) as coupler may be damaged and fail prematurely.
6. Slide flex coupler onto reel input shaft, supportcou­pler to prevent it from being damaged during spring pin installation. Installnew spring pin into coupler to secure it to shaft.
7. Install reel drive bearing housing to reel drive hous­ing (see Reel Drive Assembly in this section).
Drive System
Traction and Reel
8. Connectthebatterypack (seeBatteryPackConnec­tion in the General Information section of this chapter).
Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Traction and Reel Drive SystemPage 3 -- 15

Drum Drive Belt

See text for
tightening procedure
15 to 17 ft--lb
Figure 19
1. Drum drive cover
2. Washer head screw (7 used)
3. Gasket
4. Wave washer
5. Gear assembly
6. Retaining ring
7. Brake band
8. Brake mount pin
9. Extension spring
10. Drum drive belt
11. Brake clevis pin
12. Drum drive housing
The drum drive system on eFlex 1800 and eFlex 2100 machines uses a multi--ribbed poly--V drive belt on the right side of the traction drum.
Removal (Fig. 19)
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe OFF position and remove key from the switch. Discon­nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in the General Information section of this chapter).
2. Remove transport wheelsif attached (see Transport Wheelsin the Serviceand Repairs s ection of Chapter6
-- Chassis and Controls).
13. Retaining ring
14. Idler pulley assembly
15. Shoulder screw
16. Idler arm assembly
17. Washer head screw (4 used)
18. Drive pulley (from transmission)
3. Rotatetractionengage/disengagelever tothedisen­gaged position to remove tension from the drum drive belt(Fig. 20) (seeDisengagingDrum DriveFromTrans­mission inthe General Information sectionof this chap­ter).
4. Remove seven (7) washer head screws that secure the drum drive cover.Removecover to exposethe trac­tion drive belt.
5. Remove and discard gasket (item 3) from between cover and housing.
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