Power Shovel Plus
Model No. 38365 —Serial No. 260000001 and Up
Form No. 3352-357 Rev A
Operator's Manual
R ead this infor mation carefully to lear n ho w to operate and
maintain y our product properly and to a v oid injur y and
product damag e . Y ou are responsible for operating the
product properly and safely .
Y ou ma y contact T oro directly at www .T oro .com for
product and accessor y infor mation, help finding a dealer ,
or to register y our product.
W henev er y ou need ser vice , g en uine T oro par ts , or
additional infor mation, contact an A uthorized Ser vice
Dealer or T oro Customer Ser vice and ha v e the model and
serial n umbers of y our product ready . T he figure belo w
identifies the location of the model and serial n umbers on
the product. W rite the n umbers in the space pro vided.
and Note emphasizes g eneral infor mation w or th y of special
T his sno wthr o w er meets or ex ceeds the ISO standard
8437 in ef fect at the time of pr oduction.
R ead and under stand the contents of this man ual
bef or e the motor is ev er star ted.
T his is the safety aler t symbol. It is used to aler t y ou
to potential per sonal injur y hazards. Obey all safety
messa ges that f ollo w this symbol to a v oid possible
injur y or death.
Impr oper l y using or maintaining this sno wthr o w er
could r esult in injur y or death. T o r educe this potential,
compl y with the f ollo wing safety instr uctions.
T he follo wing instr uctions ha v e been adapted from the
ANSI/OPEI standard B71.3-1995 and the ISO 8437:1989
1. Model and serial number location
Model No.
Serial No.
T his man ual identifies potential hazards and has safety
messag es identified b y the safety aler t symbol (sho wn
belo w), whic h signals a hazard that ma y cause serious injur y
or death if y ou do not follo w the recommended precautions .
T his man ual uses 2 other w ords to highlight infor mation.
Impor tant calls attention to special mec hanical infor mation
• R ead the operator’ s man ual carefully . Be thoroughly
familiar with the controls and the proper use of the
equipment. Kno w ho w to stop the unit and diseng ag e
the controls quic kly .
• Nev er allo w c hildren to operate the sno wthro w er .
Nev er allo w adults to operate the sno wthro w er without
proper instr uction.
• K ee p the area of operation clear of all persons
(par ticularly small c hildren) and pets .
• Ex ercise caution to a v oid slipping or falling .
• T horoughly inspect the area where y ou will use the
sno wthro w er . R emo v e all door mats , sleds , boards ,
wires , and other foreign objects .
• R elease the control bar to diseng ag e the rotor blades
before star ting the motor .
• Do not operate the sno wthro w er without w earing
adequate winter g ar ments . W ear footw ear that will
impro v e y our footing on slipper y surfaces .
© 2005—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA
All Rights Reserved

• Nev er attempt to mak e any adjustments while the motor
is r unning, ex ce pt where specifically recommended b y
T oro .
• Let the motor and the sno wthro w er adjust to the
outdoor temperature before star ting to clear sno w .
• Operating any po w ered mac hine can result in foreign
objects being thro wn into the eyes . Alw a ys w ear safety
glasses or eye shields while operating, adjusting, or
re pairing the sno wthro w er .
• Alw a ys ensure that the v entilation openings are k e pt
clear of debris .
• Before use , c hec k the supply and extension cord for
signs of damag e or aging .
• Nev er operate the sno wthro w er near glass enclosures ,
automobiles , windo w w ells , and drop-offs without
properly adjusting the sno w disc harg e angle . K ee p
c hildren and pets a w a y .
• Do not o v erload the mac hine capacity b y attempting to
clear sno w at too fast a rate .
• Look behind and use care when bac king up with the
sno wthro w er .
• Nev er direct the disc harg e at b ystanders or allo w any one
in front of the unit.
• Nev er operate the sno wthro w er without g ood visibility
or light. Alw a ys be sure of y our footing, and k ee p a fir m
hold on the handle . W alk; nev er r un.
• Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating par ts .
K ee p clear of the disc harg e opening at all times .
• Disconnect the mac hine from the po w er source before
c hec king, cleaning, or w orking on the mac hine and
when it is not in use .
• If the cord becomes damag ed during use , disconnect
the cord from the po w er supply immediately . Do not
touc h the cord before disconnecting the po w er supply .
• Do not use the mac hine if the cord is damag ed or w or n.
• K ee p extension cords a w a y from the rotor blades .
• T he po w er supply used with the appliance should be a
residential cur rent device (R CD) with a tripping cur rent
of not more than 30 mA.
• Ex ercise extreme caution when crossing g ra v el dri v es ,
w alks , or roads . Sta y aler t for hidden hazards or traffic .
• Do not attempt to clear sno w from a cr ushed-roc k or
g ra v el surface . T his product is intended for use only on
pa v ed surfaces .
• After striking a foreign object, stop the motor ,
thoroughly inspect the sno wthro w er for any
damag e , and re pair the damag e before operating the
sno wthro w er .
• If the unit should star t to vibrate abnor mally , stop the
motor and c hec k immediately for the cause . Vibration
is g enerally a w ar ning of trouble .
• Stop the motor whenev er y ou lea v e the operating
position, before unclog ging the disc harg e c hute , and
when making any re pairs , adjustments , or inspections .
• W hen cleaning, re pairing, or inspecting, mak e cer tain
that the rotor blades and all mo ving par ts ha v e stopped.
• Do not clear sno w across the face of slopes . Ex ercise
extreme caution when c hanging direction on slopes . Do
not attempt to clear stee p slopes .
• Nev er operate the sno wthro w er without proper guards ,
plates , or other safety protecti v e devices in place .
Maintenance and Storage
• Chec k all fasteners at frequent inter v als for proper
tightness to be sure that the equipment is in safe
w orking condition.
• Alw a ys refer to this operator’ s man ual for impor tant
details if the sno wthro w er is to be stored for an
extended period.
• Maintain or re place safety and instr uction labels when
necessar y .
• Examine the P o w er Sho v el Plus thoroughly for w or n,
loose , or damag ed par ts . If par ts re pair or re placement
is necessar y , contact an A uthorized Ser vice Dealer for
assistance .
• R un the appliance a few min utes after use to prev ent
the collector/impeller from freezing up .
Toro Snowthrower Safety
T he follo wing list contains safety infor mation specific to
T oro products or other safety infor mation that y ou m ust
kno w .
• R otating r otor blades can injur e finger s or hands.
Sta y behind the handles and a w a y from the disc harg e
opening while operating the sno wthro w er . K eep y our
f ace, hands, feet, and an y other par t of y our body or
clothing a w ay fr om mo ving or r otating par ts.
• Before adjusting, cleaning, re pairing, and inspecting
the sno wthro w er , and before unclog ging the disc harg e
c hute , stop the motor and w ait f or all mo ving par ts
to stop .
• Use a stic k, not y our hands , to remo v e obstr uctions
from the disc harg e c hute .
• Bef or e lea ving the operating position, stop the motor ,
and w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop .
• Do not w ear loose-fitting clothing that could g et caught
in mo ving par ts .

• If a shield, safety device , or decal is damag ed, illegible ,
or lost, re pair or re place it before beginning operation.
Also , tighten any loose fasteners .
• Do not use the sno wthro w er on a roof .
Sound Power
T his unit has a guaranteed sound po w er lev el of 96 dB A,
based on measurements of identical mac hines per EN 3744.
• P erfor m only those maintenance instr uctions described
in this man ual. Before perfor ming any maintenance ,
ser vice , or adjustment, stop the motor and disconnect
the cord. If major re pairs are ev er needed, contact an
A uthorized Ser vice Dealer .
T his unit does not ex ceed a hand/ar m vibration lev el of
5.79 m/s2, based on measurements of identical mac hines
per EN 1033.
• Purc hase only g en uine T oro re placement par ts and
accessories .
Sound Pressure
T his unit has a maxim um sound pressure lev el at the
operator’ s ear of 82 dB A, based on measurements of
identical mac hines per ISO 11201.
Waste of Electrical/Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
• EU directive 2002/96/EC classies this product as an electrical or electronic tool.
• Do Not dispose of this tool as unsorted municipal waste.
• Dispose of this tool at a collection or recycling center according to local and national law.
• The consumer has an important role in reducing the disposal of waste by returning waste
electronic/electrical tools for recycling.
• Recycling avoids the dispersion of hazardous materials into the municipal waste stream.
• The crossed-out bin symbol reminds the user not to dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste.

Safety and Instructional Decals
Important: Safety and instr uction decals ar e located near ar eas of potential danger . R eplace dama ged decals.
1. Electric shock hazard and cutting/dismemberment hazard—keep
bystanders a safe distance from the machine and read the
Operator’s Manual .
1. Read the Operator’s Manual .
1. Snow mode only; this side up. 2. Brush mode only; this side up.
1. Read the Operator’s Manual .
1. Warning–read the Operator’s Manual .
2. Electric shock hazard—do not use a damaged power cord; disconnect the power cord from the power source and read the instructions before
servicing or performing maintenance
3. Thrown object; cutting dismemberment, impeller; and cutting dismemberment, auger hazards—keep bystanders a safe distance from the
machine; wear eye protection.