Heat Shield Kit
For Backhoe for Compact Utility Loaders
Model No. 112-2532
Form No. 3357-665 Rev A
Installation Instructions
Loose Parts
Description Quantity
Frame 1
Vinyl cover
Bolt (1/4 x 1-1/4 inches)
Installing the Heat Shield
1. Place the vinyl co v er on the underside of the
frame and secure it around the rods with the
hook and loop fasteners ( Figure 1 ).
5. Secure the tabs at the base of the heat shield
to the operator platfor m, using 2 bolts (1/4 x
1-1/4 inc hes) from the kit and the 2 n uts that
y ou remo v ed previously ( Figure 1 ).
6. Install the seat.
Figure 1
1. Vinyl cover 4. Seat stand
2. Frame rods (not covered by
vinyl cover)
3. Bolts and nuts (not shown)
at the rear of the platform
5. Operator platform
2. R emo v e the seat and seat brac k et from the seat
3. R emo v e the 2 bolts and n uts from the rear of
the operator platfor m. Discard the bolts but
sa v e the n uts .
4. Place the heat shield do wn o v er the seat stand
( Figure 1 ).
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA.
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