Form No. 3354-336 Rev A
Weight Kit
For Z593D Z Master with DFS Vac Collection System
Model No. 110–3860
Installation Instructions
Note: T o comply with ANSI/OPEI B71.4-2004 Standard, this w eight m ust be added when a DFS V ac
Collection System is installed on a Z593D Z Master with 52 inc h mo w er .
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position.
Installing the Weight
Parts needed for this step:
Locknut, (3/8 inch)
Washer, (3/8 inch)
1. Raise the foot pan and then remo v e the
footrest from the mac hine ( Figure 1 ).
Figure 1
1. Bolt 3. Machine frame
2. Footrest
4. Nut
2. Install the w eight onto the mac hine frame with
2 U-bolts (3/8 x 5 inc h), 4 w ashers (3/8 inc h),
and 4 n uts (3/8 inc h) ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
1. U-bolt, (3/8 x 5 inch) 3. Washer, (3/8 inch)
2. Weight
4. Nut, (3/8 inch)
3. Install the footrest onto the mac hine and lo w er
the footpan ( Figure 1 ).
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8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
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