Signal Light Kit
Workman 1 100/2100 and Twister Utility Vehicles
Part No. 104-6953
Installation Instructions
Note: You must have the Brake and Tail Light Kit, Part No. 104-6697, installed to operate this kit.
Loose Parts
Description Qty. Use
Form No. 3326-969
Signal controller
Wire tie
Signal light
Pan head screw, 1/4 x 1 in.
Flat washer
Wire tie
Installing the Signal Controller
1. Position the machine on a level surface, stop the
engine, and remove the key.
If you leave the key in the ignition switch,
someone could accidently start the engine and
seriously injure you or other bystanders.
Remove the key from the ignition switch before
you do any maintenance.
Installing the signal controller
Installing the signal lights
2. On the top edge of the dash, mark the location of the
signal controller wire harness as shown in Figure 1.
3. Remove the hood from the vehicle by removing the 2
screws on top of the hood, the 2 bolts on each fender,
and the 4 bolts from the bottom of the hood.
4. Drill a hole (3/4 in.) and slot (3/8 in. wide) in the dash
(Fig. 1).
5. Slit one side of the grommet and slide it over the
signal controller wire harness.
2002 by The Toro Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420-1196
Figure 1
1. Harness location 2. Hole & slot
6. Attach the signal controller to the steering column as
A. Insert the screws into the anchors.
B. Insert the assembled anchor screws into the slots in
the signal controller. Do not tighten.
C. Cut the strap included with the signal controller to
4-1/2 in. (114 mm) long.
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D. Insert one end of the strap through the clip of the
signal controller and bend the strap 1 inch (25 mm)
from the end. Catch the clip under the anchor on
the controller (Fig. 2).
1 2 3 4
Figure 2
1. Screw
2. Anchor
3. Clip
4. Strap
E. Hold the controller against the steering column so
that the strap is approximately 1/4 in. from the
foam on the steering column (Fig. 3). Bend the
strap around the column. Insert the other end of
the strap through the second clip and bend the strap
1 inch (25 mm) from the end. Catch the clip under
the anchor on the controller.
Figure 4
1. Taillight harness
2. Cap/Signal controller
3. Open plug
9. Fold the remaining wires of the signal controller
harness behind the dash and secure them with a wire
Installing the Signal Lights
1. Using the rubber seal on the signal lights as a
template, locate, mark and drill 2 holes (9/32 in. dia.)
for the screws and a hole (3/4 in. dia.) for the wires in
each side of the hood in the approximate locations
shown in Figures 5 and 6.
1/4 in.
Figure 3
F. Tighten the anchor screws equally until the signal
controller is clamped firmly to the steering column.
7. Slide the wire harness through the drilled slot and into
the hole. Seat the grommet in the hole.
8. Unplug the cap from the taillight harness and plug in
the signal control harness (Fig. 4).
Note: On Workman vehicles, locate the signal lights as far
forward as possible where the lights are still flush with the
Figure 5
Workman 1100 and 2100
1. Signal light