Unrivaled cutting performance from the world’s
most popular riding greensmowers.

Superior quality of cut for the most
Superior quality of cut for the most
consistent and truest ball roll.
consistent and truest ball roll.
The industry’s finest aftercut appearance
and best playing surface from an all-new
cutting unit.
Proven performance from the legendary
To r o®triplex design.
Long-lasting, powerful performance
with minimal engine noise.
Easy maintenance with a new cutting
unit and fewer service points.
Reduced turf compaction resulting
from flexible, 2-ply floatation tires.
Operator productivity enhanced
thanks to numerous driver station
Greensmaster 3100
• 18 hp Briggs & Stratton®Vanguard®engine
• Low compaction
• Legendary design
Greensmaster 3250-D
• 21 hp Briggs & Stratton/Daihatsu®Diesel engine
• Optional 3-wheel drive
• Optional leak detector
Greensmaster 3150
• 18 hp Briggs & Stratton Vanguard engine
• All-new hydraulic system
• Standard leak detector
• Optional 3-wheel drive

As the acclaimed leader in riding greensmowers,
The Toro Company takes great pride in offering
the highest quality products that are on the
cutting edge of technology.
And when it comes to a smooth cutting
surface, no product matches the beauty and
consistency achieved with the new Riding
Greensmaster Cutting Unit from Toro.
The dual point adjustment (DPA) simplifies the bedknife-to-reel
alignment process. A clicking dial on each side of the cutting unit
adjusts and holds the bedknife in exact increments. It’s fast, easy
and requires no special tools. The bedknife maintains a consistent
angle throughout the life of the reel, providing the same quality
of cut every time out.
Daily maintenance on the new cutting unit has never been
easier. Sealed bearings are maintenance-free and eliminate spills
on greens due to over-greasing. The precisely manufactured
rollers remain level without adjustments and the bedknife
removes easily for sharpening. This all accounts for fewer
human errors and greater time savings.
Unlike any other cutting unit available today, the new
Greensmaster Cutting Unit design features a die-cast
aluminum frame. This increases the torsional strength of
the cutting unit and protects against corrosion. Every part is
precisely manufactured for perfect alignment to provide the
highest quality cut. Both the 8 and 11-blade reels are made
from harder steel for a longer life. Grass baskets are mounted
independent of the cutting units to ensure that the varying
weight of the basket does not affect the cutting performance.
The revolutionary new Riding Greensmaster Cutting Unit
fits all present and past Toro riding greensmowers.