tormach P 1100 Operator’s Guide

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PCNC 1100 Series 3 Manual
Part Number 32397 – 0712A
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 ii 32397 Rev C1-2
1. Preface ............................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Electrical Safety ................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.2 General Operating Safety .................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.3 Safety Publications ........................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 Safety Precautions............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Personal CNC Concept ................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Performance Expectations .............................................................................................. 1-3
1.3.1 Cutting Ability .................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.3.2 Understanding Accuracy ................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.3 Resolution, Accuracy and Repeatability of the PCNC ........................................................ 1-4
1.4 Scope and Intellectual Property...................................................................................... 1-4
1.5 Nomenclature .................................................................................................................. 1-5
2. Preparation ...................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Planning for Your PCNC ................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.1 Electrical Connection ........................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Location and Mounting ..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.3 Computer Mounting Arrangement ..................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.4 Learning and Training ....................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Receiving, Unpacking and Checking Shipment.............................................................. 2-4
2.2.1 Moving the Crate .............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.2.2 Uncrating and Inspection................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Assembling Y-axis Drive ................................................................................................. 2-4
2.4 Mounting the PCNC ....................................................................................................... 2-5
2.4.1 Lifting onto Stand ............................................................................................................. 2-5 Lifting from Below ................................................................................................ 2-5 Lifting from Above ................................................................................................ 2-6
2.4.2 Fixing to Stand ................................................................................................................. 2-6
2.4.3 Accessories ....................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.5 Power to the PCNC ......................................................................................................... 2-7
2.6 Power for Machine Accessories ...................................................................................... 2-7
2.7 Tormach Machine Controller and Software Installation ............................................... 2-8
2.7.1 Control Computer ............................................................................................................. 2-8
2.7.2 Setting Up Your Controller ............................................................................................... 2-8 Positioning the Controller ....................................................................................... 2-8 Keyboard and Mouse ............................................................................................. 2-8 Display .................................................................................................................. 2-8 Speaker and Microphone Connections .................................................................... 2-9 Power Connections ................................................................................................ 2-9
2.7.3 Operating the Controller.................................................................................................... 2-9 About the Operating System ................................................................................... 2-9 Starting the controller ............................................................................................. 2-9 Stopping the controller ........................................................................................... 2-9 Mach3 License Installation ..................................................................................... 2-9
2.7.4 Machine Controller Maintenance and Configuration .......................................................... 2-9 Login and Software Installation .............................................................................. 2-9
2.8 Connecting and Running the PCNC ............................................................................. 2-10
2.8.1 Main Switch and Control Panel ....................................................................................... 2-10
2.8.2 Changing the Spindle Speed Range ................................................................................. 2-12
2.8.3 Computer Control of the Spindle and Coolant .................................................................. 2-13
2.8.4 MDI for Entering G- and M-code Commands .................................................................. 2-14
2.8.5 Jogging the Axes............................................................................................................. 2-14
2.9 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 2-15
3. Making Your First Part .................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Coordinates ..................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Referencing the Machine................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Loading a Demonstration Program ................................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Running the Demonstration Part-program .................................................................... 3-3
3.3.1 Part Material ..................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.2 Setting Work Offsets ......................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.3 Cutting in Air.................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.4 Cutting the Actual Part ...................................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.5 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 3-6
4. Routes from an Idea to a Part ........................................................ 4-1
4.1 Controlling the PCNC ..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Choosing the Appropriate Design Software ................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Software for CAD/CAM ................................................................................................. 4-2
4.3.1 3D CAD ........................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.2 2D CAD ........................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.3 CAM ................................................................................................................................ 4-4
4.3.4 Running the G-code .......................................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.5 CAD/CAM Systems.......................................................................................................... 4-6
4.4 Programming with Wizards ........................................................................................... 4-9
4.4.1 Machining Wizard Concept ............................................................................................... 4-9 Selecting and Running a Wizard ............................................................................. 4-9 Standard Wizard Features ....................................................................................... 4-9 G-code from a Wizard .......................................................................................... 4-10 Commercial Wizards ............................................................................................ 4-10
5. Machine Controls ............................................................................ 5-1
5.1 Machine Operation ......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Operator’s Panel ............................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Tool Changing .................................................................................................................. 5-3 Tooling Strategy .................................................................................................... 5-3 Changing R8 Tools ................................................................................................ 5-3 Changing TTS Tools .............................................................................................. 5-4
5.1.3 Spindle Speed Ranges ....................................................................................................... 5-5
5.2 Screen Control Panels ..................................................................................................... 5-5
5.2.1 Using the Screens ............................................................................................................. 5-5
5.2.2 Families of Related Controls ............................................................................................. 5-5 Screen Switching Controls ..................................................................................... 5-5 Axis Control Family ............................................................................................... 5-6 Jogging Control Family .......................................................................................... 5-7 Spindle Speed Control Family ................................................................................ 5-9 Feed Control Family .............................................................................................. 5-9 Program Running Control Family ......................................................................... 5-10 Toolpath Control Family ...................................................................................... 5-11
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 ii 32397 Rev C1-2
Contents File Control Family .............................................................................................. 5-12 Work Offset and Tool Table Control Family ......................................................... 5-12 MDI and Teach Control Family ............................................................................ 5-12 Loop Control Family ............................................................................................ 5-13 Modes and Mode Alarm Control Family ............................................................... 5-13 Rotational Diameter Control Family ..................................................................... 5-14 Toolchange Position Control Family..................................................................... 5-14 Inhibits and Overrides Control Family .................................................................. 5-15 Feeds and Speeds Calculator ................................................................................ 5-15 Tapping Configuration Family.............................................................................. 5-15 Misc. Settings Control Family .............................................................................. 5-16
5.3 USB Jogging Pendants .................................................................................................. 5-16
5.3.1 Jog/Shuttle Controller ..................................................................................................... 5-16
5.3.2 Keypad Pendant .............................................................................................................. 5-17
6. Using Multiple Tools ....................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Offsets and Coordinate Systems ..................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Tool Length Offsets and the Tool Table ......................................................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Example Operation of Multiple Tools ................................................................................ 6-1 To fill the table: ..................................................................................................... 6-2 Zeroing to work height ........................................................................................... 6-3 Using tool #2 ......................................................................................................... 6-4 Using other tools .................................................................................................... 6-4 Changing to a different work-piece ......................................................................... 6-4
6.2.2 How this multiple tooling setup works ............................................................................... 6-4
6.2.3 Programming, Buttons, or Direct Entry ............................................................................. 6-5
6.3 Alternative Methods Setting Up Tools ............................................................................ 6-6
6.3.1 Measuring techniques ....................................................................................................... 6-6 “Roll-Your-Own” Gauge Method ........................................................................... 6-7 Roller Gauge Method ............................................................................................. 6-7 Adjustable Parallel Method .................................................................................... 6-8
6.3.2 Comments on Accuracy .................................................................................................... 6-8
6.3.3 Working without the tool table .......................................................................................... 6-8 Direct Entry to Axis DRO ...................................................................................... 6-9 Using the Touch Buttons ........................................................................................ 6-9
6.3.4 Tool Table with General Tooling..................................................................................... 6-10
6.3.5 Tool table with the Tool Setter ........................................................................................ 6-10
6.4 Comments on Tool Offsets ............................................................................................ 6-10
6.5 Setting X and Y Offsets ................................................................................................. 6-11
6.5.1 By eye ............................................................................................................................ 6-11
6.5.2 With a Probe ................................................................................................................... 6-11
6.5.3 Measuring Off an Edge ................................................................................................... 6-11
6.5.4 Laser Centering Techniques ............................................................................................ 6-12
6.6 How Work Offsets work ............................................................................................... 6-12
6.7 Multiple Work Origins ................................................................................................. 6-14
6.7.1 G54 Work Offset ............................................................................................................ 6-14
6.7.2 Other Work Offsets ......................................................................................................... 6-14
6.8 Cutter Diameter Compensation .................................................................................... 6-15
6.8.1 CAD/CAM and Wizards ................................................................................................. 6-15
6.8.2 Concepts for Cutter Diameter/Radius Compensation........................................................ 6-15
6.8.3 Caveats in the Use of Cutter Compensation ..................................................................... 6-15
6.8.4 Examples of Operation .................................................................................................... 6-16
6.8.5 Look Ahead Issues .......................................................................................................... 6-19
6.8.6 Other Restrictions ........................................................................................................... 6-21
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6.8.7 Perspective on Cutter Compensation ............................................................................... 6-21
6.8.8 Resources for Debugging Cutter Compensation ............................................................... 6-21
7. Part-programming Language Reference ....................................... 7-1
7.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Control Software ............................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 Linear Axes ...................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.3 Rotational Axes ................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.4 Scaling Input..................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.5 Controlled Point ................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.1.6 Coordinated Linear Motion ............................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.7 Feed Rate.......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.8 Arc Motion ....................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.9 Coolant ............................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.1.10 Dwell................................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.11 Units ................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.1.12 Current Position ................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.13 Selected Plane ................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.1.14 Tool Table ........................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.15 Path Control Modes .......................................................................................................... 7-3
7.2 Interpreter Interaction with Controls ............................................................................ 7-4
7.2.1 Feed and Speed Override controls ..................................................................................... 7-4
7.2.2 Block Delete Control ........................................................................................................ 7-4
7.2.3 Optional Program Stop Control ......................................................................................... 7-4
7.3 Tool File .......................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 Part-programs Language ................................................................................................ 7-4
7.4.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4.2 Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 7-5
7.4.3 Coordinate Systems .......................................................................................................... 7-5
7.5 Formatting Code Lines (Block) ...................................................................................... 7-5
7.5.1 Line Number..................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.5.2 Subroutine Labels ............................................................................................................. 7-7
7.5.3 Word ................................................................................................................................ 7-7 Number.................................................................................................................. 7-7 Parameter Value ..................................................................................................... 7-7 Expressions and Binary Operations ........................................................................ 7-8 Unary Operation Value .......................................................................................... 7-8
7.5.4 Parameter Setting .............................................................................................................. 7-8
7.5.5 Comments and Messages .................................................................................................. 7-9
7.5.6 Item Repeats ..................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.5.7 Item Order ........................................................................................................................ 7-9
7.5.8 Commands and Machine Modes ...................................................................................... 7-10
7.6 Modal Groups ............................................................................................................... 7-10
7.7 G-codes .......................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.7.1 Rapid Linear Motion – G00............................................................................................. 7-13
7.7.2 Linear Motion at Feed Rate – G01 ................................................................................... 7-13
7.7.3 Arc at Feed Rate – G02 and G03 ..................................................................................... 7-15 Radius Format Arc ............................................................................................... 7-15 Center Format Arc ............................................................................................... 7-16
7.7.4 Dwell – G04 ................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.7.5 Coordinate System Data Tool and Work Offset Tables – G10 .......................................... 7-18
7.7.6 Clockwise/Counterclockwise Circular Pocket – G12 and G13 .......................................... 7-18
7.7.7 Exit and Enter Polar Mode – G15 and G16 ...................................................................... 7-18
7.7.8 Plane Selection – G17, G18 and G19 ............................................................................... 7-19
7.7.9 Length Units – G20 and G21 ........................................................................................... 7-19
7.7.10 Return to Home – G28 and G30 ...................................................................................... 7-20
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 iv 32397 Rev C1-2
7.7.11 Reference Axes – G28.1.................................................................................................. 7-20
7.7.12 Straight Probe – G31 ....................................................................................................... 7-20 Straight Probe Command ..................................................................................... 7-20 Using the Straight Probe Command ...................................................................... 7-21 Example Code ...................................................................................................... 7-21
7.7.13 Cutter Radius Compensation – G40, G41 and G42 .......................................................... 7-22
7.7.14 Tool Length Offsets – G43, G44 and G49 ....................................................................... 7-23
7.7.15 Scale Factors – G50 and G51 .......................................................................................... 7-23
7.7.16 Temporary Coordinate System Offset – G52 ................................................................... 7-24
7.7.17 Move in Absolute Coordinates – G53 .............................................................................. 7-24
7.7.18 Select Work Offset Coordinate System – G54 to G59 & G59 P~...................................... 7-24
7.7.19 Set Path Control Mode – G61 and G64 ............................................................................ 7-25
7.7.20 Coordinate system rotation – G68 and G69 ...................................................................... 7-25
7.7.21 Canned Cycle – High Speed Peck Drill – G73 ................................................................. 7-26
7.7.22 Cancel Modal Motion – G80 ........................................................................................... 7-26
7.7.23 Canned Cycles – G81 to G89 .......................................................................................... 7-26 Preliminary and In-Between Motion ..................................................................... 7-28 G81 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-28 G82 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-29 G83 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-29 G85 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-30 G86 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-30 G88 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-30 G89 Cycle ............................................................................................................ 7-30
7.7.24 Distance Mode – G90 and G91 ........................................................................................ 7-30
7.7.25 G92 Offsets – G92, G92.1, G92.2 and G92.3 ................................................................... 7-31
7.7.26 Feed Rate Mode – G93, G94 and G95 ............................................................................. 7-31
7.7.27 Canned Cycle Return Level – G98 and G99 .................................................................... 7-32
7.8 Built-in M-codes ........................................................................................................... 7-32
7.8.1 Program Stopping and Ending – M0, M1, M2 and M30 ................................................... 7-32
7.8.2 Spindle Control – M3, M4 and M5 .................................................................................. 7-33
7.8.3 Tool change – M6 ........................................................................................................... 7-33
7.8.4 Coolant Control – M7, M8 and M9 ................................................................................. 7-34
7.8.5 Re-run from First Line – M47 ......................................................................................... 7-34
7.8.6 Override Control – M48 and M49 ................................................................................... 7-34
7.8.7 Call Subroutine – M98 .................................................................................................... 7-34
7.8.8 Return from Subroutine – M99 ........................................................................................ 7-34
7.9 Application Defined M-codes ........................................................................................ 7-35
7.9.1 Self-reversing Tapping Cycles......................................................................................... 7-35
7.9.2 Goto Toolchange Position – M998 .................................................................................. 7-35
7.9.3 User Defined M-codes .................................................................................................... 7-35
7.10 Other Input Codes ........................................................................................................ 7-36
7.10.1 Feed Rate – F .................................................................................................................. 7-36
7.10.2 Spindle Speed – S ........................................................................................................... 7-36
7.10.3 Select Tool – T ............................................................................................................... 7-36
7.11 Order of Execution ....................................................................................................... 7-37
7.12 Error Handling ............................................................................................................. 7-37
8. Machine Upgrades and Configuration........................................... 8-1
8.1 Fourth Axis – Rotary Table ............................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.1 Installing the Electronics ................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Utilizing the Fourth Axis ................................................................................................... 8-1 Referencing and Zeroing the Fourth Axis ............................................................... 8-1 Diameter Compensation Feature ............................................................................. 8-1
8.1.3 Fourth Axis Applications .................................................................................................. 8-2 Engraving on a Periphery of a Cylinder .................................................................. 8-2
32397 Rev C1-2 v Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3
viContents Gear Cutting .......................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2 Probes (Active and Passive) and Tool Setters ................................................................. 8-4
8.2.1 Introduction to Uses of Probes and Tool Setters ................................................................. 8-4
8.2.2 Probing for Work/Tool Setting .......................................................................................... 8-5 Simple X/Y Probing ............................................................................................... 8-5 Z Probing ............................................................................................................... 8-7 Comprehensive X/Y Probing .................................................................................. 8-9 Probe Calibration ................................................................................................. 8-12
8.2.3 Digitizing parts from a model or for reverse engineering .................................................. 8-13
8.2.4 The Probe Electrical Interface ......................................................................................... 8-13
8.2.5 Other .............................................................................................................................. 8-14
8.3 Auto-reverse tapping .................................................................................................... 8-14
9. Warranty, Specifications, Customization and Troubleshooting . 9-1
9.1 Intended Use Statement .................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Support............................................................................................................................ 9-1
This manual – ALWAYS the first place to check!! ................................................. 9-1
Related documents found at: .................. 9-1
Our website at: ......................................................................... 9-1
Email to: .................................................................................. 9-1
Telephone Tormach at: 608-849-8381 .................................................................... 9-1
Fax Tormach at: 209-885-4534............................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Outside of the Scope of Intended Use ............................................................................. 9-1
9.4 Specifications................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.4.1 Mechanical ....................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.4.2 Electrical .......................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.4.3 System .............................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.4.4 Options ............................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.5 Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.5.1 Foreword – Understanding Machine Design ...................................................................... 9-3 Machine Stiffness................................................................................................... 9-3 Backlash, Friction, and Lost Motion ....................................................................... 9-4 Factors Combine .................................................................................................... 9-4 Adjusting Geometry ............................................................................................... 9-4 Achieving Accuracy in Machining.......................................................................... 9-5
9.5.2 Protecting from Rust ......................................................................................................... 9-5
9.5.3 Gibs, Dovetail Slideways and Lubrication ......................................................................... 9-5
9.5.4 Way Covers ...................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.5.5 Axis Gib Adjustment ........................................................................................................ 9-6
9.5.6 Adjusting Ballscrew Preload ............................................................................................. 9-8 Understanding Preloaded Angular Contact Bearings ............................................... 9-9 Making the Adjustment .......................................................................................... 9-9
9.5.7 Adjusting Mating Surfaces .............................................................................................. 9-11
9.5.8 Speed Calibration............................................................................................................ 9-11
9.5.9 Using a Non-standard Printer Port ................................................................................... 9-13
9.5.10 Defining Your Own Sizes for Step-mode Jogging ............................................................ 9-14
9.5.11 Defining Probe Type ....................................................................................................... 9-15
9.5.12 Enabling 4th axis homing ................................................................................................ 9-15
9.5.13 Configuring to start in Metric units .................................................................................. 9-15
9.6 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 9-16
9.6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 9-16
9.6.2 Philosophy of Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 9-16
9.6.3 Tips and Tools for Troubleshooting (Equipment and Procedures)..................................... 9-19 Safety .................................................................................................................. 9-19 Tip on Computer Diagnostics ............................................................................... 9-19
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 vi 32397 Rev C1-2
Contents Tools ................................................................................................................... 9-20 Using the digital multi meter for electrical tests .................................................... 9-20 Contacting Technical Support............................................................................... 9-21
9.6.4 Frequently Found Problems (Repeat Offenders) .............................................................. 9-21 Loose Wires ......................................................................................................... 9-21 Wire Hairs ........................................................................................................... 9-22 Poor Cable Connections ....................................................................................... 9-22 Software Restart ................................................................................................... 9-22 Sensors (on the PCNC the End of Travel Sensors) ................................................ 9-22 Flaky Computer ................................................................................................... 9-22 Control Software license not installed ................................................................... 9-22 Unexplained stop or limit switch error while running ............................................ 9-23
9.6.5 Which sub-system should I troubleshoot .......................................................................... 9-23 Computer and Coolant Power Distribution Sub-system ......................................... 9-24 Control Power Sub-system ................................................................................... 9-28 Computer Control Communication Sub-Section.................................................... 9-31 Axes Drive Sub-system ........................................................................................ 9-33 Spindle Drive Sub-system .................................................................................... 9-48
9.7 Mechanical maintenance............................................................................................... 9-56
9.8 Electrical maintenance .................................................................................................. 9-57
9.9 Preparation for Transport ............................................................................................ 9-57
9.10 Disassembly for Transport ........................................................................................... 9-58
10. Appendices .................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 Appendix 1 – Not Used.................................................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Appendix 2 – Exploded Parts Views ............................................................................. 10-1
10.3 Appendix 3 - Use of a Standard PC to control PCNC ................................................ 10-14
10.3.1 Choice of computer ....................................................................................................... 10-14
10.3.2 Optimizing the Windows Installation............................................................................. 10-15
10.3.3 Installing the Control Software ...................................................................................... 10-15 Installing .............................................................................................................10-15 Vital Re-boot ......................................................................................................10-16 Testing the Installation ........................................................................................10-16 DriverTest After a Software Crash .......................................................................10-17 Manual Driver Installation and Un-installation.....................................................10-17
10.3.4 Optimization of Windows XP ....................................................................................... 10-18 Remove Unnecessary Services and Startup Programs...........................................10-19 Disable Power Management ................................................................................10-19 Disable sound card ..............................................................................................10-19 Disable Automatic Updates .................................................................................10-20 Set Computer to Standard PC not ACPI PC .........................................................10-20
10.4 Revision history ........................................................................................................... 10-21
11. Index .................................................................................................. 23
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1. Preface

1.1 Safety

Any machine tool is potentially dangerous. Computer controlled machines are potentially more dangerous than manual ones because, for example, a computer is quite prepared to plunge a 3" diameter facing cutter at 50 inches per minute into a block of high-carbon steel or to mill the clamps off your table.

1.1.1 Electrical Safety

The PCNC 1100 can deliver sufficient force to break brittle tools, to crush bones and to tear flesh.
This manual tries to give you guidance on safety precautions and techniques but because we do not know the details of your workshop or other local conditions we can accept no responsibility for the performance of the machine or any damage or injury caused by its use. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand the implications of what you are doing and to comply with any legislation and codes of practice applicable to your country or state.
Dual Power Input: The PCNC 1100 has two electrical power inputs. The primary supply is 230 VAC and is used for all axis and spindle motion. The secondary supply is 115 VAC. The secondary supply is used to provide power to the accessory outlets only and is not used for machine control. Either power supply can provide lethal electrical shocks. Both power inputs should be unplugged before working in the electrical cabinet.
Grounding: Both primary and secondary power inputs must be grounded. During installation it is not enough to assume that the ground line of a wall outlet is properly grounded. Check continuity between the machine frame and true earth ground (water pipe or similar) to ensure a good ground connection.
A Ground Fault Interrupt or GFI (i.e., Residual Current Circuit Breaker or RCCB in Europe) outlet must be used to supply the power to the 115 VAC power input. Your computer, monitor and coolant system are not bolted to the machine frame so proper grounding cannot be assumed. The combination of electrical power and water based coolant systems makes the GFI protection very important.
Electrical Panel: NEVER operate the machine tool with the cabinet door open. NEVER allow a coolant pump to operate with the cabinet door open. DO NOT allow the coolant system to flow coolant directly at the cabinet door seal or on the operator console controls. Neither the cabinet door seal nor the electrical controls are sealed against liquids.
Retained Electrical Power: Electronic devices within the electrical cabinet may retain dangerous electrical voltages after the power has been removed.
Electrical Service: Certain service and troubleshooting operations require access to the electrical cabinet while the electrical power is on. Only qualified electrical technicians should perform such operations.

1.1.2 General Operating Safety

Safe operation of the machine depends on its proper use and the precautions taken by each operator.
Read and understand this manual. Be certain every operator understands the operation and safety requirements of this machine before operating the machine.
Always wear safety glasses and safety shoes.
32397 Rev C1-2 1-1 Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3
Always stop the spindle and check to ensure the CNC control is in the stop mode before changing or adjusting the belt/pulley position, tool or work piece.
Never wear rings, watches, gloves, long sleeves, neckties, jewelry or other loose items when operating or working around the machine. Long hair should be bound or kept under a hat.
Use adequate safeguarding around the operating envelope. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide and ensure point of operation safeguarding per OSHA 1910.212 – Milling Machine.

Safety Publications

Tormach recommends the following publications for assistance in enhancing the safe use of this machine.
Safety Requirements for The Construction, Care and Use of Drilling, Milling and
Boring Machines (ANSI B11.8-1983). Available from The American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018.
Concepts and Techniques of Machine Safeguarding (OSHA Publication Number 3067).
Available from The Publication Office – O.S.H.A., U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.

Safety Precautions

1. Do not run this machine without knowing the function of every control key, button, knob or
handle. Refer to the manual or contact Tormach if any function is not understood.
2. Protect your eyes. Wear approved safety glasses (with side shields) at all times. You should
never use compressed air to remove chips or to clean the machine. An air blast will often launch a metal chip into a place it should not be.
3. Ear protection should be used on any operations that exceed sound levels of 85dBa.
4. Avoid moving parts. Before operating this machine remove all jewellery including watches
and rings, neckties and any loose-fitting clothing.
5. Keep your hair away from moving parts.
6. Take off gloves before you operate the machine. Gloves are easily caught in moving parts
or cutting tools.
7. Never operate with unbalanced tooling or spindle fixtures.
8. Remove all tools (wrenches, chuck keys, etc.) from the spindle and machine surface before
you begin. Loose items can become dangerous flying projectiles.
9. Use adequate work clamping. Do not allow your work piece to become a projectile.
10. Never operate a milling machine after consuming alcoholic beverages or taking strong
11. Protect your hands. Stop the machine spindle and ensure that the computer control is
stopped before you:
Change tools;
Change parts or adjust the work piece;
Change the belt/pulley position;
Clear away chips, oil or coolant – always use a chip scraper or brush;
Make an adjustment to the part, fixture, coolant nozzle or take measurements;
Remove protective shields or safeguards – do not reach for the part, tool or fixture
around a guard.
12. Keep work area well lit. Ask for additional light if needed.
13. Keep the computer area clear of clutter. Recognize that machine motion can occur when
certain keys are pressed. Objects falling on the keyboard can result in unexpected motion.
14. Avoid getting pinched in places where the table, saddle or spindle head create “pinch
points” while in motion.
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 1-2 32397 Rev C1-2
15. Securely clamp the work piece in a vise, on the table or in the fixture. Use proper holding
clamping attachments and position them clear of the toolpath. Be aware of larger pieces that will be cut free during operations – loose parts can become projectiles.
16. Always use proper feeds and speeds, as well as depth and width of cut, to prevent tool
17. Use proper cutting tools for the job.
18. Do not use dull or damaged cutting tools. They break easily and become dangerous
projectiles. Never use longer or larger tools than necessary.
19. Chips and dust from certain materials (e.g., magnesium) can be flammable. Fine dust from
normally non-flammable materials can be flammable or even explosive.
20. Chips and dust from certain materials can be toxic. Vapours from certain overheated
materials can be toxic. Always check a Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of suspect materials. Refuse machining work requests of unknown materials.
21. If you are in any doubt you must seek guidance from a professionally qualified expert
rather than risk injury to yourself or to others.

1.2 Personal CNC Concept

The PCNC 1100 is a machine tool intended to make CNC machining more personal. As with the evolution of personal computers, the evolution of personal CNC alters the paradigm of what a machine tool is about. We aim for a machine tool so affordable that anyone can have one.
We feel that the work of engineers, inventors, technicians, hobbyists, educators and others will be enhanced when they have access to CNC machinery. In education, each student can run his own machine instead of waiting in line when the machine tool costs less than 20% of a small machining center. In R & D, turn-around on prototype design takes minutes instead of days when a machine is “at the ready” and on site. In general engineering, designs sent to the production machine shop are improved when the design engineer has been more involved in the prototype creation.
The PCNC offers the precision of a production machine but with cost/performance optimized for short run operation.

1.3 Performance Expectations

1.3.1 Cutting Ability

The machine is capable of cutting most materials at or near their recommended feeds and speeds. For example, for fast metal removal on 6061 aluminium we will run a 1/2" diameter 2 flute cutter at around 18 IPM (inches per minute) and 3000 RPM, using a full 1/2" depth of cut.; that is a pretty good volumetric rate of metal removal so it is essential to clear chips with a flood coolant. We will run smaller cutters when we are not trying to remove large amounts in a hurry. For most aluminium work we use 3/8". The example above, using a 1/2" cutter, results in a surface speed of 390 SFM (surface feed per minute), a 3/8" cutter needs 4000 RPM to get the same surface speed, well within the performance envelope of the machine.
Cutting steel and iron needs a lower volumetric rate, thus slower feed and speed. The PCNC will run best using smaller cutters when working with tougher materials. For example, the general machining recommendation for some oil hardening steels is 30 SFM. Doing this with a ¾" end mill, the surface speed calculation indicates 150 RPM, but that is very near the minimum spindle speed of the PCNC 1100 and certainly where limited power is available. By switching to a 1/4" end mill the recommended spindle speed becomes 460 RPM, well within the capability of the PCNC. By keeping close to general machining recommendations your tools will last longer and you will have a better cut.
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1.3.2 Understanding Accuracy

While a machine tool may seem absolutely rigid, the truth of the matter is that everything has some elasticity. Related to elasticity is the compressibility of components such as ball nuts and bearings. Preloading of bearings and ballscrews can remove the physical open space between moving parts, but the technique cannot eliminate compressibility. The key to achieving maximum accuracy is understanding and controlling the magnitude and direction of forces. Maximum accuracy is achieved when the forces are minimized, as occurs in a finishing cut. Maximum repeatability is achieved when the forces are repeatable, both in magnitude and direction.

1.3.3 Resolution, Accuracy and Repeatability of the PCNC

The minimum discrete position move is 0.0001", this is the resolution of motion. Machine accuracy is closely related to ballscrew accuracy. Our ballscrews are accurate to 0.0006" per foot, but considering all the other factors that come into play, we prefer to keep accuracy expectations to 0.0013" per foot. Repeatability will be better than 0.001" per foot.
Machining is a mix of science, skill and art. The caveat in stating accuracy and repeatability is that these factors depend on the techniques used by the machinist. A skilled machinist can often deliver accuracy that exceeds the accuracy specified by the machine builder, while an inexperienced machinist may have difficulty delivering the expected accuracy. With this understanding, we cannot tell you what accuracy you will be able to achieve in your own work. Nevertheless, the accuracy specified by a machine builder remains an important reference point.

1.4 Scope and Intellectual Property

This document is intended to provide sufficient information and detail to allow you to install, setup and use your Tormach mill. It assumes that you have appropriate experience and/or access to training for any Computer Aided Design/Manufacture software that you intend to use with the machine. This document also assumes familiarity with typical Microsoft Windows applications programs as the control software for the PCNC runs under the Windows operating system.
Tormach LLC is dedicated to continual improvement of its products, so suggestions for enhancements, corrections and clarifications will be gratefully received.
Tormach LLC, Art Fenerty and John Prentice assert their right to be identified as the authors of this work. This work is copyrighted by Tormach LLC. The right to make copies of this manual is granted solely for the purpose of training courses related to, evaluation of and/or use of the PCNC. It is not permitted, under this right, for third parties to charge for copies of this manual beyond the cost of printing.
Every effort has been made to make this manual as complete and as accurate as possible but no warranty or fitness is claimed or implied. All information provided is on an “as is” basis. The authors, publisher, and Tormach LLC shall not have any liability for, or responsibility to, any person or entity for any reason for any loss or damage arising from the information contained in this manual.
Tormach, PCNC1100 Personal CNC, PCNC770 Personal CNC, and Tormach Tooling System are registered trademarks of Tormach. Windows XP and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. If other trademarks are used in this manual, but not acknowledged, please notify Tormach LLC so this can be remedied in subsequent editions.
Tormach milling machines and accessories are covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 7,386,362, D606,568, D612,406, D621,859 and Patent(s) Pending.
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 1-4 32397 Rev C1-2

1.5 Nomenclature

This manual uses the following typographical nomenclature:
Software control
Refers to a Control Software “soft” control. (i.e., a Windows control on the PC screen).
Hardware Control
Refers to a physical button or switch on the Operator’s Panel of the machine.
G-code (e.g., G01X34.8)
Used to show G-code programs.
Key name (e.g., Enter)
Tells you to press the indicated key.
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2. Preparation

This chapter describes the work required to unpack and to commission the
hardware and software of the PCNC.
It contains a lot of detail but can be completed in one or two hours by a person
familiar with CNC machines. Enough detail is given here so that a beginner
should be successful but some users may prefer to arrange for a machine tool
expert to do this work.
If your machine has already been set-up then you can skip this chapter

2.1 Planning for Your PCNC

2.1.1 Electrical Connection

The PCNC 1100 is shipped with a 3-wire cord and no electrical plug. There are several different NEMA (National Electric Manufacturers Association) and non-NEMA plug patterns that can be used. Straight blade patterns are common in household use; twist-lock patterns are more common in industrial locations. Power required is 200 to 250 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz. Continuous current is below 15 amps, but a 20 amp breaker or slow blow fuse is recommended.
Both primary and secondary power inputs must be grounded. During installation it is not enough to assume that the ground line of a wall outlet is properly grounded. Check continuity between the machine frame and true earth ground (water pipe or similar) to ensure a good ground connection.

2.1.2 Location and Mounting

People experienced with CNC machining will undoubtedly have ideas as to how they want to setup their PCNC (figure 2.1). While the machine can be configured in many different ways, there are a few limitations. Many fully enclosed vertical machining centers incorporate high volume coolant systems that make the inside of the machine look like the inside of a dishwasher. The PCNC electrical cabinet and operator console should not be exposed to such conditions. Additionally, there should never be an enclosure or accessory that limits access to the emergency stop. Please keep these limitations in mind when you plan your configuration.
If your prior experience is limited to manual mills then keep in mind that, as CNC dramatically extends your machining capabilities, it will also change the way you cut metal. When your metal cutting is done by turning handles on a manual mill your operations will generally be limited to cleaning up a surface, drilling a hole pattern or cutting to a dimensional outline. With manual milling many people are accustomed to dry cutting, clearing chips with a small brush as they go.
Figure 2.1 – An example mounting on stand
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With CNC you have a whole new world open to you. In many cases you may turn the majority of the stock into chips, cutting a shape out of a solid block of metal the way Michelangelo would cut a sculpture from a block of marble. Unless you are limiting yourself to cutting cast iron, wood, printed circuit boards or certain other materials, you will probably want a coolant system on your machine. Mist coolant can be effective for keeping your cutting tools cool, but it does little for clearing chips. Flood coolant will cool the cutting tools while clearing chips, but is more challenging to contain. The table of the PCNC has drain slots and a hole tapped for a pipe fitting to allow coolant collection, as is common on most small mills. Nevertheless, CNC machining operations commonly produce so many chips that you simply cannot keep the table drain running. At times, you may need a coolant flow that is simply too much for the table drain. The little drain tray that is common under manual machines or the open frame setup of a Bridgeport style knee mill just does not make it. We strongly recommend that you plan your setup with a full motion tray, such that coolant will be captured as it overflows the machine table within the full operating envelope of the machine.
Another reason to use a full motion tray is to reserve the space that will be required when the machine moves. If you use a narrow drip tray or none at all, you should plan for full machine motion plus some human space when you place the machine in your workshop. You do not want to locate it where you can create crush points between the machine table and a wall. When in operation, the X, Y and Z motions will not stop when they hit something. The machine will move with hundreds of pounds of force, enough to punch through a wall, tip over the machine or crush someone in the way.
Machine safety is the responsibility of the operator. This includes all aspects of safety: setup, location, operation, security and all other factors that involve safety.
The PCNC requires a minimum plan area of 67" wide by 43" deep. This gives clearance for the full motion of the table and for minimal access for cabling etc. The overall height required is 84" assuming that it is installed with the table at a working height of 36".
Tormach offers a range of stands, both ready-made and designs for you to have constructed locally.
You should choose a well lit location and provide any additional task-lighting to make it easy to setup work on the table.
Over time you will find that you accumulate a range of tools and tool holders so you should allocate space for storage of these near the machine. A rack with numbered slots is convenient
USB jogging
Personal computer
Personal computer
Figure 2.2 – Computer and display
to avoid errors when doing tool changes during a job.
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2.1.3 Computer Mounting Arrangement

Keep the computer in a clean location, preferably inside the stand of the milling machine. Resist the temptation to expose the computer in any way. Providing access to floppy disks, CDs or direct computer controls will also open the computer to contamination and risk. Tormach offers accessories that will allow you to operate the system without exposing your computer.
While there are many possible configurations for your machine control computer, we suggest the following (figure 2.2):
1. USB bulkhead (panel mount) cable. This allows you to mount a USB socket directly on the
side of the cabinet. You can use a standard USB flash drive to transfer G-code programs and other files to the machine controller. This is Tormach PN 30278 (USB bulkhead mount cable – 3' Version 2.0 USB A to A extension M-F).
2. USB extension cable, extending the short cable normally found on keyboards and other
USB devices. Tormach PN 30279 (10FT USB 2.0 A to A Male/Female Extension Cable).
3. USB mini-keyboard. This is about the size of most laptop keyboards. The keyboard
includes a key which will power down the computer, allowing a convenient way to shutdown the system. This is Tormach PN 31371 (Mini Keyboard). The keyboard can be protected against coolant or chips by addition of Keyboard Cover PN 31384.
4. A Tormach USB jogging pendent is a very useful accessory for jogging, manual operations
and machine setup. Two options are available: a key based pendant (Tormach PN 30214 Pendent, 10 key USB keypad) and a jog/shuttle controller pendant that gives very fine control of jogging speeds and distances. (Tormach PN 30616 Jog/Shuttle Controller).
5. LCD monitor signal cables are normally too short. Most inexpensive VGA signal extension
cables create serious signal degradation. This is particularly true with Super VGA screen resolutions. Tormach PN 30280 (10FT SVGA Super VGA M/F Monitor Cable w/ ferrites) is designed to extend Super VGA signals without degradation.
6. This is simply the AC power cord of the computer. The Computer switch on the operator
console controls a convenience outlet on the bottom of the machine control cabinet. If you set the BIOS/CMOS configuration in your computer to start the computer when it sees AC power then the console switch will allow you to start the computer from the console. You should not shut off the computer from this switch due to issues with the Microsoft Windows operating system, but you can turn the computer on from the keyboard/screen
controls. There are several important points to bear in mind when using devices interfaced with USB (Universal Serial Bus).
Do not attempt to run a G-code program that is stored on a USB drive (often called pen drives, memory stocks, flash drives). Copy your G-code files into a folder on the hard drive (usually C: of the control computer. Remove the USB drive after making the copy.
Do not use external USB hubs or devices like monitors or keyboards containing hubs. USB devices can be affected by electrical noise on the computer mains power line. Devices
with large motors like compressors and ‘shop vacuum cleaners should not be plugged in to a multiple outlet used by the control computer.
These rules minimize the chance of Windows deciding to manage USB devices when you are running cuts on the mill.
The machine itself requires a 230 volt single phase wall power outlet rated at 6 amps, 13 amps inrush. You should also provide a separate wall outlet for 115 or 230 volts, depending on your locality, to act as power source for the computer, monitor and coolant pump (if used) which should be specified to suit your local voltage.

2.1.4 Learning and Training

The final element of planning your installation is to consider the training that you and any other users of the machine will need.
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This manual will give you the basic information required to start manufacturing components with you PCNC. You must, however, expect to have to invest time in learning how to achieve the best results. The areas which you will find easy and those which will require more effort will of course depend on your background; you might be most comfortable with machining or with component design or even with information technology.
We believe that you will find it highly cost-effective to acquire additional training materials for areas of CAD/CAM/CNC which are new to you. Tormach sales can help point you in appropriate directions.

2.2 Receiving, Unpacking and Checking Shipment

2.2.1 Moving the Crate

The PCNC is supplied on a standard pallet and can be offloaded from a truck with a tailgate lift and moved on smooth surfaces using a hydraulic pallet jack. This makes delivery very economical (figure 2.3).
Remove the crate top and sides with care as the axis drive stepper motors are in vulnerable places (figure 2.4).
The crated system weighs less than 1300 lbs (600 kg) nevertheless, it requires mechanical handling to move it over rough ground and to lift it onto the stand. Tormach advises you to employ the services of a specialist rigger if the machine has to be moved in situations where the pallet lifter cannot be used or where there is no crane to lift the machine onto its stand. It is possible to improvise using a small trailer, a portable engine crane and similar tools if there is no alternative but this risks injury to you and damage to the machine.

2.2.2 Uncrating and Inspection

After uncrating you should check the contents against the parts listed on the packing slip and inspect the machine for any damage incurred during transit so any claims can be made within the carrier’s deadline.

2.3 Assembling Y-axis Drive

The PCNC is supplied with the Y-axis drive motor mechanically disconnected. You are advised to mount it before attempting to remove the machine from its pallet.
Figure 2.3 – Crated machine as delivered
Figure 2.4 – Un-crated machine on pallet
Un-strap the stepper motor from its
transit position (figure 2.5).
Remove the sheet steel cover from the
Y-axis drive coupling box (at base of column behind the machine).
Remove the four cap head screws
from the back face of the coupling
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 2-4 32397 Rev C1-2
Figure 2.5 – Y-axis motor as shipped and
mounting flange
Figure 2.6
– coupling the Y d
rive motor
box and loosen the two screws in the shaft coupling on the end of the Y- axis ballscrew (4 mm or 5/32" hex wrench).
Use the cap screws to mount the motor on the back face of the coupling box. The wiring
runs downwards from the motor. It is important to ensure that the motor flange can pull up flush to the machined face of the coupling box. Remove any paint that could cause mis-alignment. After tightening the cap screws, back them off ¼ turn so the motor is free to self align.
Ensure that the coupling is centrally positioned on motor shaft and the machined end of
the ballscrew and tighten the cap screws on the coupling. Then tighten the cap screws holding the motor (figure 2.6).
Check that the axis turns with no tight
spots. The smooth (i.e., outside face) of an old auto engine timing belt or poly­vee auxiliary drive belt, which has been cut to make a strip, can be used to turn the coupling between the stepper motor and ball screw (figure 2.9). If it does feel tight then you need to recheck the alignment of the coupling.
A final check of alignment should be
made when the machine is under computer control. This involves loosening the motor retaining screws ¼ turn and jogging the axis. The motor should show no signs of wobbling. If it does wobble or move relative to the coupling housing then the coupling screws should be slackened and retightened and the motor rechecked for movement. When alignment is perfect, retighten the motor fixing screws and refit the coupling box cover.

2.4 Mounting the PCNC

2.4.1 Lifting onto Stand

The machine can be lifted onto an operating stand by either of two methods: from below using the base connection points or from above using a slinging technique. In either case caution and common sense are needed for the protection of the machine and the people involved. Lifting up to1000 lbs can be simple with proper preparation and good equipment, but it is never trivial and the dangers involved should be taken seriously.
The work of lifting and placing heavy equipment is called rigging. If you are not trained or prepared then you should seek the advice of those who are. Professional riggers can be found in most areas. Lifting from Below
The base of the machine has four 7/8" holes. By sliding two steel bars into these holes, at least 32" in length, you end up with some outrigger wings that can be used in combination with a fork lift truck to lift the machine. These should be solid steel bars, not pipes and be ¾" or
" in diameter.
Figure 2.7 – Hoist bar for slinging the
32397 Rev C1-2 2-5 Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 Lifting from Above
toothed belt
The alternative way to mount your PCNC to a stand involves lifting from above. The eye in the top of the column is suitable for lifting the machine, but it is not in line with the center of gravity. The machine will tilt when lifted solely from the eye. The alternative is to sling the machine using a combination of the eye and an eye in a T-nut on the table using a Tormach special tool (part number 30576 - Machine Hoist Bar) (figure 2.7).
Figure 2.8 shows the geometry of the slinging. The table should be as far away from the column and as far to the right as possible to optimize the balance.
It is most important that the machine is not lifted by the control cabinet or by any of the protruding stepper motors or the head or the table. Incorrect rigging of the sling will likely result in serious damage to the PCNC.
The optimal balance for lifting should be checked with the machine an inch or two off the floor.
The X-, Y- and Z-axes can easily be moved by hand if the covers on their coupling boxes are removed. The smooth (i.e., outside face) of an old auto engine timing belt or poly-vee auxiliary drive belt, which has been cut to make a strip, can be used to turn the coupling between the stepper motor and ball screw (figure 2.9). As an alternative to adjust the Y-axis to the front position before you fit the stepper motor, you can temporarily clamp a length of ½" bar into the coupling and turn the bar with a pair of slip-joint pliers (figure 2.10).
When you are ready to lift the machine you should remove the nuts from the four
Figure 2.8 – Slinging geometry
screws holding it down to the pallet.

2.4.2 Fixing to Stand

Unlike very large mills, the level of your mill does not significantly alter machine accuracy. Leveling should be sufficient to provide proper coolant drainage, but precision leveling is not necessary.
The supports under the corners of the base of the mill are important to
Figure 2.9 – Manual moving table by back of old
machine accuracy. Despite the apparent stiffness of the base casting, it will respond to the weight of the machine. The result will be errors in the left/right tram of the mill. For best accuracy, add shims under the left front or right front corners of the machine as needed, such that the left/right tram is within your desired tolerance. Something like 0.002” is usually all that is needed; however it is certainly possible to do even better.
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 2-6 32397 Rev C1-2
A welded steel stand is unlikely to be flat. Furthermore, if it is flat sitting on its own, it will sag down as the 1300 lb machine is placed on it. Be aware that welded steel stands are neither stress relieved nor as stiff as the machine base itself. If, for example, you place a 0.050” shim between the base of the mill and the stand, you’re not actually lifting the corner of the base up by
0.050”. It is more likely that you are moving the mill up by 0.005” and the corresponding point on the stand down by 0.045”.

2.4.3 Accessories

You should now try out the positioning of the screen, computer and coolant sub-system, if any.

2.5 Power to the PCNC

The PCNC 1100 is powered by 230 volt single phase AC (50 or 60 Hz). Auxiliary services like the control computer and coolant are separate and can be 115 or 230 volts. Older coolant pumps were supplied as 115 volt only. Later models can be configured to suit your auxiliary voltage.
Please note: The Tormach Machine Controller can be run on either 115 or 230 volts. For 230 volt applications, be sure to flip the switch in the back of the controller to "230". The Tormach Coolant pump that comes with the Deluxe Stand is also dual voltage, but comes from the factory wired for 115 volts. The user must remove the cover plate on the pump motor and follow the wiring instructions inside the lid to reconfigure the pump motor for 230 volts. Other products such as the Duality Lathe or companion high speed spindles are rated for 115 volts only.
The main machine power lead is shipped in a protective tray. Terminate it with a suitable plug for the wall outlet which you intend to use.

2.6 Power for Machine Accessories

There is an IEC inlet on the bottom of the control cabinet for the computer/coolant. This should be connected to a GFI (Ground Fault Interrupt) wall outlet. This separate supply, like the main machine supply, is controlled by the main
power switch but allows use
of 115 volt accessories on a 230 volt mill.
The 115 VAC outlet under the panel that is furthest from the column feeds the coolant pump and is controlled by the CNC software. The pair of similar outlets nearer the column is switched by the Computer switch on the front panel.
Figure 2.11 – Power and interface connectors
Both the 115 VAC power and ground are autonomous from the main machine power and ground (230 VAC) in order to allow correct operation of the ground fault interrupter (GFI). The computer control of the coolant outlet is accomplished by an isolated relay. Refer to the upper portion of the circuit diagram in section 10.2 for details, wire numbers 200 through 207.
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2.7 Tormach Machine Controller and Software Installation

2.7.1 Control Computer

We recommend that you purchase a Tormach Machine Controller as part of the mill package as the whole system will be covered by the Tormach warranty.
If, in exceptional circumstances, you wish to provide your own computer, it needs to run the 32 bit version (x86) of Microsoft Windows XP (Home or Professional edition) or Microsoft Windows 7. Our experience is that the more modern and high performance the motherboard in your computer is, the less reliable the performance running a real-time task will be. This is due to many power saving and temperature control tricks used by the chip manufacturers. The Tormach Machine Controller is specifically designed for real-time applications.
Details of the computer requirements and software installation for a standard PC can be found in Appendix 3.

2.7.2 Setting Up Your Controller Positioning the Controller
The controller should be positioned where it will remain clean and dry. It can be placed vertically or horizontally. When vertical it should be resting on the rubber pads. When horizontal it should be resting such that the CDROM drive is above, with the power button on the lower right corner.
Do not allow anything to block the vented cabinet holes. The steel cabinets design for PCNC series mills have storage sections intended for the controller. The cabinet storage areas are large enough to provide adequate cooling without the need for additional fans. The controller remains well protected in the machine stand, but access to the controller is less inconvenient. This isn't a concern if you power the controller through the computer outlet on the PCNC mill (see the section below Operating the Controller: Starting the Controller) and if you extend the USB ports using USB Bulkhead Cable (PN 302781) which positions a USB port to the outside of the machine stand. Keyboard and Mouse
The controller supports with USB (figure 2.13 - sockets at 5) or PS/2 style mouse and keyboard connections (sockets 1 & 2). Wireless keyboards and mice are not recommended. Both powered and passive USB hubs have a history of problems when used in combination with Mach3 software. We recommend that all USB devices plug directly into the USB ports on the controller (sockets 5). Display
Connect the display to socket 4 - figure 2.13.
Figure 2.12 – Front of TMC
Figure 2.13 – Rear of
Refer to
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 2-8 32397 Rev C1-2
Preparation Speaker and Microphone Connections
Speaker and microphone connections are possible but not recommended. Power Connections
Check the voltage setting before connecting power (figure 2.13 – location 13). The controller can be set to run on either 115 VAC or 230 VAC and will operate equally well on 50 or 60 Hz power.

2.7.3 Operating the Controller About the Operating System
The MachOS operating system is built with Microsoft Embedded Standard, but it looks and acts much like Windows XP Pro. If you are familiar with Windows XP, then you know how to use MachOS. The Tormach Machine Controller has s been designed and configured to work with Mach CNC control software. Under most circumstances, no modification to the configuration is needed. Modification to the configuration of the operating system can disable the controller. Starting the controller
The Controller is configured to boot immediately upon the application of power. This allows you to turn on the computer using a remote power switch, such as the power switch marked COMPUTER on the front of the PCNC mill control panel. You can also start the controller using the power button on the front panel. For the present just power the Controller and your monitor from a wall outlet.
PCNC control software (Mach3) will start immediately after the Controller boots. If you need to exit the control program you can restart it using the desktop icon. Stopping the controller
The controller should be stopped by clicking on the Start > Shutdown function on the lower left corner of the computer screen. It is not a good idea to simply turn off the controller, it should be allowed to shutdown properly.
After you have shutdown the computer, turn off the computer power using the switch on the front panel of the mill. This will allow you to use the power switch to turn the computer back on. If you forget to turn off the power then you will not be able to turn it on using a quick off­on cycle of the computer power switch. The computer needs to be off for 30 seconds before the function of "Boot upon Power" will work. Mach3 License Installation
Note: The controller is shipped without the Mach3 license on its hard drive. The Mach3 control program installed, but without the license it will only work in demo mode (limit 500 lines of code) without the Mach3 license. Tormach ships the Mach3 software license on a separate CD. To install you license file, simply insert the license CD after the controller has booted up. The license file will automatically be transferred to the hard drive. You can then remove the license CD and store it in a safe location.

2.7.4 Machine Controller Maintenance and Configuration Login and Software Installation
The controller boots up to an automatic login with Username: Operator and a blank password. The Operator has rights to use the software but cannot install software or modify the MachOS configuration. If you need to install software or modify configuration you must logout Operator and login again with:
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Username: Administrator Password: administrator
Note that the upper/lower case is important. The Administrator login will be necessary if you need to reinstall the PCNC software or install new software.
The controller is licensed as a dedicated machine controller. Do not attempt to use it as a desktop computer and do not try to install general purpose software such as Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word. You can install CNC related software such as CAD, CAM, or machining utility programs such as Machinist's ToolBox although Tormach does not recommend this..

2.8 Connecting and Running the PCNC

You have now completed the installation and merely need to connect the PCNC to the computer.
Now close down MachOS and switch off the Controller. Connect the parallel port of the computer (figure 2.13 socket 11) to the D25 connector on the underside of the PCNC control cabinet. The cable provided to connect the computer to the mill meets IEEE 1284 specifications. This provides a high level of immunity to electrical noise, which is important to reliable operation. Do not use inferior cables.
Now power the Controller from the outlet near the D25 connector and if relevant, power the monitor from the connector adjacent to it below the PCNC control cabinet. Viewed from behind, the inlet is on the right next to two outlets for computer and monitor. The coolant pump outlet is to the left of these (figure 2.11).

2.8.1 Main Switch and Control Panel

The rotary main switch on the right hand side of the control cabinet disconnects the mains power from the PCNC itself and isolates computer/coolant (115/230 VAC) outlets that are on the bottom of the cabinet.
Warning: You should not open the control cabinet until the mains power to the machine and to the computer/coolant pump are both removed from the wall outlet. Live parts may be exposed even when the main switch is in the off position.
Computer On/Off
Figure 2.14 – Operator’s Panel
Using Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 2-10 32397 Rev C1-2
Warning: The following power-up and power-down sequences should be followed exactly to avoid the risk of unintended machine motion which could cause injury to you or damage to the machine.
Switch the main switch ON and switch the computer power on at the PCNC control panel (figure 2.14).
The computer will power up and run the Control Program (figure
2.15). This will allow you to perform all
the important functions on the standard machine. If you have the 4th axis or want to use G-code features like Optional Stop then you may wish to use the Comprehensive Run screen (figure 2.16). In this case click the Comp Run button to change the display.
The screen “Light Emitting Diodes” (LEDs in this manual) by the Reset button will be flashing as will the Machine OK LED.
Now, returning to the operator’s panel:
Start and EStop
The Start button will energize the circuits for the axis drives and for the spindle motor. The Stop button stops all motion and is the Emergency Stop (EStop) control. The Stop button locks in the off position once it has been pressed as safety feature. It can be released by a turning the button-head a quarter-turn clockwise. Note: Once the stop button has been pressed the start button is inoperative until the stop button is released.
The Machine LED indicates that the Start button has been pressed. When it is lit then the
Machine OK LED on the computer screen should be solid green. If this does not happen then
you should check that the cable between the PCNC and computer is fully plugged-in at both ends. You will be able to test some controls on the PCNC, even if the LED does not give the correct indication but you will have to find the fault before you can move the PCNC axes under computer control.
Figure 2.15 – Simple main screen
Figure 2.16 – Comprehensive Run screen
Shut Down
1. Push the red Stop button (mentioned below)
2. Exit from Mach 3
3. Perform a soft shut down of the control computer (click the Windows Start button on the screen, then select Turn Off Computer and the Turn Off)
4. Switch the Computer On/Off switch on the machine control panel to the Off position
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Note: You should not shut down or turn off the control computer while the PCNC mill is powered up! Should this happen, the Z axis may drop damaging tools or causing injury.
An important safety interlock is that the rotation of the spindle can be disabled (while maintaining axis drive power) by the Spindle Lockout key-switch. The switch on the spindle drive door performs the same function. These are used to ensure that the spindle cannot start when an R8 tool holder is being changed (door open) or when a tool is being changed in a collet chuck. Turning the Spindle Lockout key or opening the spindle cover while the spindle is running will also stop the spindle. Stopping the spindle in that way will not damage any components, but it is generally a poor practice.
The controls above the key-switch are all concerned with manual control of the spindle. If the
Manual/Auto switch is in the Auto position then none of the other spindle controls have any
effect. In the Manual position the computer control of the spindle is disabled. Switch to Manual and turn the speed control knob fully counterclockwise. Press the Spindle
Start rocker. The spindle should start turning slowly in the clockwise (forward) or
counterclockwise (Reverse) direction (viewed from above) depending on the setting of the
Forward/Reverse switch. You can safely switch directions while the spindle is turning.
Try changing the speed using the rotary control knob. The actual speed will depend upon which of the two pulley ratios you have selected.
Pressing the Spindle Stop rocker will halt the spindle.
The Coolant switch controls the power to the coolant pump outlet on the underside of the control cabinet. In the Off position the outlet is not powered and the pump will not run. In the
On position power is applied to the outlet and the pump will run until the switch is switched to
either off or auto positions. In the
Auto position outlet power is under
program control the pump will run if the Control Program requests coolant.
Accessory Socket
The Accessory socket is for connection of accessories such as a touch probe. See Chapter 8 for details of the interface.

2.8.2 Changing the Spindle Speed Range

The PCNC has two speed ranges. The low range, 100 to 2000 RPM, is suitable for most machining operations with ferrous and other tough materials. The high range, 250 to 5140 RPM is suitable for small diameter cutters, plastics and non­ferrous materials. The range change is performed by moving the V-belt from the upper pair of pulleys (high speed range) to the lower pair (low speed range).
Figure 2.17 – Changing spindle pulleys
Open the spindle drive door. The interlock will prevent the motor from running. Note: Opening the spindle drive door will also stop a running spindle; however, this is a safety hazard and
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should not be used as a substitute for stopping the spindle with the spindle controls in the Control Software. Use the rear handle to unlock the motor mounting plate and pull the motor forwards. The belt will slacken and can be moved from one set of pulleys to the other (figure 2.17).
For the following tests, select the low speed range by placing the belt on the lower pair of pulleys). Retighten the belt so there is between 1/8" and ¼" movement between the pulleys, lock the motor mounting and stow the handles in the vertical position.

2.8.3 Computer Control of the Spindle and Coolant

Switch the Spindle and Coolant to Auto on the control panel. Make sure the computer is displaying the Simple Run screen as shown in figure 2.15. The portion shown in figure 2.18 shows the controls for the spindle.
Use the mouse to click the Hi/Lo button. You will see that the screen LEDs depicting the pulleys will change and the appropriate maximum speed will be displayed below them. Choose the Low setting to correspond to the PCNC pulleys.
Figure 2.18 – Spindle controls
Note: Just after starting the system the screen LEDs may not correspond to the indicated maximum speed. The speed value is always correct and a click on the Hi/Lo button will bring the LEDs into step.
Next to the label S, is a digital read-out (DRO) of the
Figure 2.19 – Setting S word
requested spindle speed. You can change this by clicking the mouse on it. It will become highlighted. Type a number, say 500 (for 500 rpm) and press Enter. Figure 2.19 shows the screen just before pressing Enter. If you make a mistake you can press Esc to return to the original value.
This technique is used for setting any DRO. Remember to use Enter after any DRO change. If you forget and just click on another DRO, then any value you have just entered will be discarded. This is designed to avoid accidental changes.
Now check that the machine is safe and that the motor door is closed and click on the Spindle
CW F5 button. The spindle will start running. Clicking the button again will stop it.
The F5 in the caption tells you that function key F5 is a “shortcut” to this button; it can also be used to start and stop the spindle.
Notice that there are two sets of screen LEDs. The outer set indicates that the machine is dwelling to ensure the spindle has started and fully stopped. The center LED indicates that it is running.
If you have connected a coolant pump to the outlet under the control box (see vacant outlet in figure 2.10) then you will be able to control it by the Coolant Ctrl-C button or its shortcut which is the Ctrl-C key. Beware of the position of the coolant nozzle before you try this!
Figure 2.20 – MDI Line in use
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2.8.4 MDI for Entering G- and M-code Commands

When you are making parts the commands to the machine (G- and M-codes) will generally be read from a file. It is however often convenient to command the PCNC directly. This can be done by typing command into the Manual Data Input (or MDI for short) line.
The command to start the spindle in the clockwise direction is M3 and the command to stop it is M5.
Click the mouse in the bar marked MDI. It will highlight. You type the command in the highlighted line. Unlike in DROs, the Backspace, Del, Left and Right arrow keys are available to help you correct any typing errors.
When you press Enter the command will be executed. Pressing Esc abandons it and closes the MDI line. You can try starting and stopping the spindle with M3 and M5 G-codes.
Notice that the recent commands are displayed in a fly-out box. You can choose one of these to copy into the MDI line using the Up and Down arrow keys.
Figure 2.20 shows the MDI line after the spindle has been started (M3) and the M5 has been typed but not yet executed by Enter.
There are some handy features of the MDI box. It can be opened by pressing Enter (rather than needing a mouse click). It stays open after a command has been executed. It can be closed by Enter when it is blank.
Note: All keystrokes go to the MDI when it is open so it is not possible to execute shortcuts or jog the axes. If the keyboard does not do what you expect then you probably still have the MDI line open.

2.8.5 Jogging the Axes

The final thing to try before actually making your first part is to move (jog) the PCNC axes using the keyboard.
There are several options for jogging which will be explained in detail below. The jogging controls are at the top right hand side of the screen (figure 2.21).
Click the Jog ON/OFF button (or use its shortcut Ctrl-Alt-J) to turn on the screen LEDs beside it if they are not already on. Click Jog Mode (or use its shortcut) to turn on the larger of the LEDs above the word Cont (for Continuous jogging). Type the value 10 into the Slow Jog Rate DRO; do not forget the Enter to accept the value)
In the next steps you may find the directions of movement are unexpected. Therefore, when you use the arrow keys you should be prepared to quickly release the key if the axes moves in an unexpected direction or is near its limit of travel. Now, press the Left, Right, Up and Down arrows on the keyboard. The table will move while you hold the key down. If you crash into the limit switches then the LED beside the red Reset button will flash and the machine will stop. Click on Reset and very carefully jog the other way. Take care not to mechanically hit the limit doing this in the wrong direction. You will lose the referenced status if you trip a limit switch.
Figure 2.21 – Simple jog controls
You might find the directions of movement are unexpected. Figure 2.22 shows the tool above a work piece. The positive X, Y and Z directions are marked by arrows. If you press the Right arrow key then the tool will move in the positive X direction (i.e., to the right of the work). Similarly the Up arrow moves the tool in the positive Y direction (i.e., towards the PCNC column). Of course, this actually happens on the PCNC by the table moving under the tool but you must imagine what it would look like if you were sitting on the table and watching the tool.
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