TOREX SOT-223 Technical data

● SOT-223 Power Dissipation
Power dissipation data for the SOT-223 is shown in this page. The value of power dissipation varies with the mount board conditions. Please use this data as one of reference data taken in the described condition.
1. Measurement Condition (Reference data) Condition: Mount on a board
Ambient: Natural convection
Soldering: Lead (Pb) free
Copper (Cu) traces occupy 50% of the board area In top and back faces Package heat-sink is tied to the copper traces
Material: Glass Epoxy (FR-4)
Thickness: 1.6 mm
Through-hole: 4 x 0.8 Diameter
2. Power Dissipation vs. Ambient temperature
Board Mount (Tj max = 125℃)
25 85
1600 1400 1200 1000
800 600 400 200
Power Dissipation Pd(mW)
25 45 65 85 105 125
Ambient Temperature Ta(℃)
Pd vs Ta
Evaluation Board (Unit: mm)
Thermal Resistance(℃/W)Power Dissipation Pd(mW)Ambient Temperature(℃)