Tentative release: 2016-06-21
Instruction Manual
UHF/450MHz Band
100W Power Amplifier
Model PA-100U-5
Tentative release: 2016-06-21
PA-100U-5 is 2-stage UHF power amplifier, capable of delivering 100Watt RF output from
less then 2Watt of drive power. Driver stare uses single MOS-FET. Final stage uses 2 MOSFETs in push-pull configuration.
Receiver Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is provided, to minimize noise figure degradation
caused by transceiver-to-amplifier cable loss. Band-pass filter to prevent blocking by out-ofband signals is included.
Multi-function, digital meter allows instant verification of: Output RF power, Input RF
power, antenna SWR, DC supply voltage and chassis temperature.
Multipath Automatic Level Control (ALC) provides reliable output power control and
amplifier damage protection.
Output power is selectable between 4 available, pre-programmed levels.
Multiple protection features enhance system reliability: Over-drive, High SWR, DC Voltage
out of range, Over-temperature, Out of band operation.
Automatically enabled, silent fans are installed to enhance amplifier cooling.
Provision for digital remote control is available.