User’s Manual Wireless USB Adapter
Thank you for purchasing the IEEE 802.11b/g or
802.11n Wireless USB Adapter. This Wireless Adapter is
easy to use and easy to setup. If you have been tired of
dealing with all those messy wires to connect a laptop or
PC to office or home network, this Wireless adapter is an
ideal access solution for wireless Internet connection.
A typical Internet access application for the USB
wireless adapter is shown as the following figure:
There are two different ways to access Internet:
1. With a wireless adaptor, receiving and transferring
signal via a wireless router, then passed to an ADSL
modem, then to local ISP (Internet service supplier)
through a telephone line.
2. With a wireless adaptor, receiving and transferring
signal via local AP (Access Point) or so called
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User’s Manual Wireless USB Adapter
Hotpoint directly.
Tips: An 802.11 LAN is based on a cellular architecture
where the system is subdivided into cells, where each
cell (called Basic Service Set or BSS) is controlled by a
Base Station (called Access Point, or in short AP).
Package Contents:
z One 54 Mbps 802.11b/g or 150Mbps or 300Mbps
802.11n USB Wireless Adapter.
z Adapter Installation disc.
z User’s Manual.
z Antenna (optional)
The warrants for the end user (“Customer”) that this
hardware product will be free from defects in
workmanship and materials, under normal use and
service, for twelve (12) months from the date of purchase
from its authorized reseller. Information in this document
is subject to change without prior notice.
To install the driver of the USB adapter, please use
administrator user account to login before the following
Tips: the latest original drivers can be down loaded
from the website of Ralink chipset manufacturer. The
current website is http://www.ralink.com.tw/support.php.
To find a correct driver, please identify the chipset type
applied in the adapter you have.
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User’s Manual Wireless USB Adapter
1. For a 54Mbps 802.11b/g or a 150Mbps or
300Mbps 802.11n adapter, double click
Ralink_***.exe program, which is located in the
driver folder in the installation disc. Such as: G:\WiFi
Driver\Windows Driver\ RT2070_RT307X.exe.
Notes: Because Ralink often updates software,
the drivers contained in the disc might be changed
without prior notice.
2. Follow the instructions and prompts of the
“InstallShield Wizard” to finish the driver installation:
a. Select the “I accept the terms of the license
agreements”, then click the “Next”.
b. There shows a setup type window, you can select
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User’s Manual Wireless USB Adapter
“Install driver only” or “Install driver and Ralink
WALN utility” and then click the “Next”.
1).The Windows XP utilizes a "Wireless Zero
Configuration( WZC)" Service built into the
operating system. Many wireless network adapter
cards utilize this service.
2). Ralink- the chipset manufacturer has developed
an utility for setting up wireless connection. If you
select this item, you can switch between the
Windows XP’s WZC service and the Ralink
WLAN utility service later.
c. Click the “Install” to confirm the installation, there
shows the installation progress.
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User’s Manual Wireless USB Adapter
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