Topaz Labs LLC TP-DET-C-001-GN User manual

User Manual
I. Installation
A. How to Install 3 B. Entering Your Key 3 C. Host-Specic Installation 3
1. Paint Shop Pro 4
Topaz Detail
II. Introduction
A. Topaz Detail 7
B. How Detail Works 8
C. New Detail Features 10
III. Work Area
A. Interface 11
B. Preview 15
C. Presets 17
3. Deleting Presets 18
4. Importing Presets 19
D. Tools 20
E. Menu 21
3. User Guide 21
4. Tech Support 21
2. Photo Impact 5
3. Irfanview 6
1. Primary Functions 7
1. Applying Presets 17
2. Adding Presets 17
5. Exporting Presets 19
6. Sharing Presets 19
1. Enter Key 21
2. What’s This? 21
5. Product Info 21
6. Detail Gallery 21
7. About 21
VI. Work Flow
VII. Additional Resources
B. Detail 23
1. Small Details 23
2. Small Boost 23
3. Medium Details 23
5. Large Details 23
6. Large Boost 23
C. Tone 24
1. Red Tone 24
2. Green Tone 24
3. Blue Tone 24
4. Brightness 24
5. Contrast 24
6. Shadows 24
7. Highlights 24
D. Deblur 25
1. Strength 25
2. Radius 25
E. Color 25
1. Saturation 25
2. Saturation Boost 25
3. Hue 25
A. Sample Project #1 26
B. Sample Project #2 31
A. Glossary 36 B. FAQ’s 38
C. Shortcut Keys 40
D. Connect 41
E. Company Info 42
IV. Settings & Parameters
A. Pre-Processing 22
1. What is it? 22
2. Why is it necessary? 22
3. How long does it take? 22
4. Do I have to pre-process? 22
User Manual
Topaz Detail is a Photoshop plug-in, which means it won’t run by itself and requires a compatible host pro­gram.
Topaz Detail
To Install
1. Close Photoshop or other image editing program if you are using it.
2. Open the Topaz Detail zip le, double-click on the Topaz Detail installer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Mac Dmg Windows Zip
3. Your Topaz plug-ins will automatically be installed in your Photoshop plug-ins folder.
4. After the installation, you will need to enter your license or trial key.
Important for Mac Users:
After installation, Topaz Detail will be installed in the following folder: “ HD -> Library -> Application Support
-> Topaz Labs -> Detail 2”.
Entering Your Key
Entering your trial key allows you to save your projects and print them during your evaluation period. Entering your license key allows you do the same, except with­out any time limitations.
1. Start by opening up an image in Photoshop.
2. Go to Filters -> Topaz Labs -> Detail 2 -> Menu -> Enter key.
3. You can then copy and paste or type your key in.
Important: To install the product on a second com­puter, you will need to download Topaz Detail and then enter your same license key.
Host-Specic Installation
Topaz Detail is also compatible with Lightroom, Aper­ture and iPhoto. To use Detail in any of these programs you will need to download and install the free Topaz Fusion Express plug-in. You can get it online at: www.
In Windows, Topaz Detail is supported by most host applications that support Photoshop plug-ins. This includes Paint Shop Pro, Photo Impact, Painter, and Irfanview, although there are also other host programs that may also support Topaz Detail. Topaz Detail is not supported by Google Picasa.
If your Photoshop is installed in a customized location, you will need to manually create a shortcut (alias) link inside folder “<Photoshop install folder> -> Plug-ins” that links to “ HD -> Library -> Application Support -> Topaz Labs -> Detail 2 -> Plug-ins”.
To install Detail in either Paint Shop Pro, Photo Impact, or Irfranview rst download Topaz Detail to the default location. Then, to congure it into each program, fol­low the host-specic instructions on the next page.
User Manual
How to install Topaz Detail in Paintshop Pro
1. First launch PaintShop Pro / Photo Impact.
2. Go to Menu le -> Preferences -> File Locations.
Topaz Detail
Select “Plug-ins” from the “File Types” list and click “Add”.
3. Choose C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Detail 2 plug-ins and click “OK”.
4. Topaz Detail 2 is now available to use. Simply go to Eects -> Plug-ins and select “Topaz Detail 2”.
User Manual
How to install Topaz Detail in Photo Impact
1. First launch Photo Impact.
2. Go to File -> Preferences -> General or use shortcut
Topaz Detail
key F6.
Then click on the button and browse to nd the Detail plug-in folder located in: C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Detail 2 plug-ins and then click “OK”.
4. Restart Photo Impact. Go to Menu -> Eect to access plug-in.
3. Select Plug-ins from the Categories list.
User Manual
How to install Topaz Detail in Irfranview
1. Make sure that you have downloaded and installed the 8bf plug-in add-on, available on the Irfanview webpage.
Topaz Detail
2. Open Irfanview and go to Image -> Eects -> Adobe 8BF lters.
3. In the screen that pops up, select “Add 8BF lters” and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\To­paz Detail 2\Plug-ins folder and click “OK”. You will then see “Topaz Detail 2” in the Available/Loadable 8BF Filters section.
4. To use Topaz Detail 2 in the future, simply go to Image -> Eects> Adobe 8BF lters again and select “Topaz Detail 2”.
User Manual
Topaz Detail
About Topaz Detail
Topaz Detail
Topaz Detail is a Photoshop plug-in that uses a recent breakthrough in image processing technology to achieve unique detail, tone, contrast and color eects that will make your photos pop without creating halos.
Before Topaz Detail
Topaz Detail uses sophisticated algorithms that allow the user to quickly and eectively improve any im­age without spending a lot of time tweaking settings or making adjustment layers. It also includes several built-in presets that serve as a starting point for many images.
Topaz Detail gives you ultimate control over small, me­dium and large image details, tone, contrast and color oering you, the user, unprecedented control over the enhancement of your photos.
The Primary Functions of Topaz Detail Include:
1. Dynamically enhance large image details to give im­ages depth and more oveall appeal.
2. Intelligent small detail enhancement / reduction with innovative detail manipulation functions.
3. Unique color eects via advanced color processing.
After Topaz Detail
4. Advanced tone adjustment features that allow for individual RGB, shadow, highlight, brightness and con­trast balancing.
5. Reduce minor instances of blur in images for better overall detail and sharpening enhancements.
Visit the Detail Gallery to see Topaz Detail at work:
User Manual
How Detail Works
Walk through the internal steps that Topaz Detail takes from start to nish.
Topaz Detail
1. Start with your original image. Invoke Topaz Detail.
2. Pre-processing starts. Topaz Detail separates your image into two. One based on chrominance (color information) and one based on luminance (grayscale information). These will undergo dierent processing methods and will be aected by dierent sliders.
3. The luminance information is further internally broken down into three detail layers based on size, and a base layer. Manipulating these four layers make up the bulk of the detail enhancement functionality of the software. After this step, pre-processing ends and the Topaz Detail user interface pops up. (This is also the portion of pre-processing that runs the slowest...
probably because it has the most advanced break­through technological algorithms.)
4. The user adjusts the large, medium, and small detail sizes, and each individual detail layer is aected ap­propriately. If you like, you can see what each of the four individual layers looks like. To see the base layer by itself, turn the large, medium, and small sliders to0. To see each individual detail size layer, drag that particular one all the way to the right and set the con­trast to 0 (which will switch the base layer to neutral gray).
5. The luminance layer is re-combined with the ad­justed small, medium, and large detail layers as well as the base layer.
User Manual
6. Highlight and shadow protection, as set by the user, is applied to the luma layer.
7. The internal luma and chroma layers are re-com-
Topaz Detail
bined to form your startlingly good nal processed image.
Steps 5, 6, and 7 take no time at all. This means that, although there can be a sometimes annoying wait for the initial pre-processing stage, there will be no actual waiting after that. All adjustments are made instanta­neously after the necessary initial pre-processing.
This is the complete internal workow that Detail uses. Now that you know, it becomes quite obvi­ous how it can sharpen and enhance detail without creating any halos - simply because it doesn’t really “sharpen”! All it does is increase the intensity of the appropriate detail layer, which gives a sharpening eect without any of the negative artifacts normally associated with sharpening or detail enhancement.
Before Topaz Detail
To connect with other Topaz users, participate in Topaz
contests and to see the latest tips, tricks and tutorials sign
up for the new Topaz Forum online at:
After Topaz Detail
User Manual
New Detail Features
Topaz Detail 2.0 Features
Topaz Detail
1. New user interface.
2. New Parameter. “Deblur” Parameter with Strength slider and Radius slider for even more control over optimal image quality.
3. Undo / Redo buttons.
4. Collapsible side panels. Expand and collapse the preset panel and the tool panel for an adjustable workspace.
5. Collapsible tabs. Open and close the parameter tabs as you need them.
6. Presets Layout. New preset format with single pre­set preview window.
7. Preset Navigation. Use the up / down arrow keys navigate the preset list and display the selected preset thumbnail (in preset preview window). Use the return (Enter) key to apply the currently selected preset.
Before Topaz Detail
8. Quick Slider Reset. Double click on the slider name to reset default slider values.
9. Speed Improvement. Speed increase for process­ing large images.
After Topaz Detail
User Manual
Work Area
Interface (Main View)
Although the Topaz Detail interface may look intimidating at rst glance, don’t worry: it’s actually quite simple and easy to use. You’ll soon be a pro after experimenting with it for a bit. In order to make sense of the function of each of the
Topaz Detail
various controls, we have divided the interface into a few sections:
1. Presets 4. Settings and Parameters
Provides “snapshots” of accessible pre-dened parameter settings.
2. Preview Window 3. Preview Navigator
Displays the preview of the original and adjusted image.
Displays the region of the preview image you are currently focused on.
Controls the editing using sliders to adjust the various eects.
User Manual
Work Area
Interface (Tool Panel View)
Use the small white arrows to expand and collapse the preset panel. You can click the white arrow or grab the edge of the panel and drag it in or out.
Topaz Detail
User Manual
Work Area
Interface (No Panel View)
Use the small white arrows to expand and collapse the preset and tool panels. You can click the white arrows or grab the edge of the panels and drag them in or out.
Topaz Detail
+ 30 hidden pages