4.5 Meter C-Band TX/RX Antenna
969 Horsham Road lHorsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA l Phone: 215-675-2053 Fax: 215-675-7543 linfo@tonercable.com
Antenna Size 4.5 Meter
Electrical Specifications C-BAND
Operation Frequencies 3.7 – 4.2 GHz
5.925 – 6.425 GHz
Gain at Midband (Reference to OMT Port) 43.6 dBi minimum @ 4.0 GHz
46.7 dBi minimum @ 6.175 GHz
VSWR 1.3:1 maximum
Polarization Dual (Linear or Circular)
Polarization Adjustment 360° Continuous (Manually)
300° Continuous (Motorized)
Cross-Pol Isolation Suppresion 35 dB (on-axis)
Isolation (Port to Port) 35 dB minimum
3 dB Bandwith (Nominal) 1.1° @ 4.0 GHz
0.76° @ 6.175 GHz
First Sidelobe Level -22.dB
Envelope (Where 0 is angle off axis) 29-25 log 0 dBi 1° <0 <7°
+8 dBi 7° <0 <9.2°
32.25 log 0 dBi 9.2 <0 <48°
-10 dBi 48° <0 <180°
Antenna Noise Temperature @ 4.0GHz
Elevation Temp
40° 22K
• Fast Two Man Installation
• Tripod & Pier Mounts
• TX C-Band Linear or Circular
Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice Rev 05-12 ©Toner Cable Equipment, Inc.
Mechanical Specifications
Reflector Construction 12 Panels, Precision Stretch Stamped Steel
Mount Type Elevation over Azimuth
Azimuth Travel Sector 360° degrees (Manually)
120° degrees (Motorized)
Elevation Travel Sector 0-90° degrees continuous