Toner Cable DHDC-DH User Manual

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DHDP Digital High Definition Processor
215-675-2053 800-523-5947 215-675-7543
969 Horsham Road
Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA
DHDP Digital High Definition Processor
Programming to Existing Systems
! Agile Off-Air Channel Inputs
and Outputs are Selected by Simple Switches
! Superior Triple SAW
Filtering for Ultra-Clean Adjacent Channel Performance
! Encased in Advanced Die-
Cast Housing for Compatibility with Standard Blonder Tongue Micro­Modular Racks & Power Supplies
ORDERING INFORMATION: Stock No. Model Description
6261 DHDC-DH Digital & HDTV Downconverter for Horizontal Housing 6262 DHDC-UH Digital & HDTV Upconverter for Horizontal Housing 6264 DHDC-DV Digital & HDTV Downconverter for Vertical Housing 6265 DHDC-UV Digital & HDTV Upconverter for Vertical Housing 7710 MIRC-4C 4 Module Rack for Horizontal Application
(2 Channels, 1RU, Power Supply Included)
7715 MIRC-12V 12 Module Rack for Vertical Application
(6 Channels in 3RU)
7722C MIPS-12C Power Supply for Vertical Application
DHDP Series
Easily Deliver Digital & High Definition Programming
Blonder Tongue’s Digital High Definition Processor (DHDP) Series gives cable television operators the ability to easily deliver digital & high definition programming from 8 VSB off­air sources to customers over existing cable systems.
The DHDP series is a two-part system that receives any high definition or digi­tal signal and processes it to any available 6 MHz channel in the 54-806 MHz frequency range. The unit does not modify any of the data stream information throughout the process guaranteeing compatibility with many consumer decoders. Achieving the highest level of signal purity, the DHDP features triple SAW filtering that results in extremely high adjacent channel rejection. Plus, advanced AGC circuitry ensures consistent output signal fidelity. All modules are housed in Blonder Tongue’s advanced die-cast micro housing and compatible with standard micro-modulator racks & power supplies.
With DHDP Series Converters, an operator uses an off-air antenna to receive the digital & high definition programming from local broadcast sources. These signals, currently found in the UHF band, are transmitted in 8 Vestigial Side Band (8 VSB) format. The 8 VSB signal is received by the DHDC-D, converted to IF and then fed to the DHDC-U. The DHDC-U then upconverts the signal to any available channel, including on-channel if desired, for distribution on the existing cable system. The signal can then be viewed at the customers’ homes with any HDTV-capable television or a standard television with an external HDTV receiver.
Toner Cable Equipment, Inc. Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice.
Telephone: Nationwide: Fax: E-mail: Internet:
DHDP Digital High Definition Processor
215-675-2053 800-523-5947 215-675-7543
DHDP Series Digital High Definition Television Processor Specifications
RF Units
Input Frequency Range: (8VSB)
VHF 2-13: 54-216 MHz UHF 14-69: 470-806 MHz
UHF Extended: 806-860 MHz Operating Input Range: -10 to +20 dBmV Input Level Range (AGC controlled): -20 to +25 dBmV Adj. Ch. Rejection (Ref. to +30 dBmV IF output)
Adj. Aural and Below: >65 dB
Adj. Visual and and Above: >65 dB Output Frequency: 44.00 MHz IF Output Level: +30 dBmV L.O. Leakage on RF Input Port: -50 dBmV Phase Noise @10 KHz Offset: -85 dBc/Hz
Power Requirements:
+12 VDC: 120 mA
+5 VDC: 160 mA Operating Temperature Range: 0 to +50 °C
Dimensions (WxHxD): 1.15 x 3.5 x 7.5 in
29 x 89 x 101 mm
Weight: 0.8 lbs
.36 kgs
Connectors (Rear Panel):
RF Input: “F” Type Female
IF Output: “F” Type Female
Power: 3 Pin Polarized Receptacle Controls (Front Panel):
Channel Selection: 2 Digit Push Button
Channel Enter: Push Button Indicators (Front Panel): 2 Color LED
Power ON/Status OK: Green
Status (Error): Red
RF Units
Output Frequency Range: 54-860 MHz
Channels: CATV-STD, IRC, HRC
Broadcast: VHF, UHF Output Frequency Tolerance: ±5 KHz Output Level:
Analog: +45 (IF Input +35) dBmV
Digital: +40 (IFInput +30) dBmV Output Level Adj. Range: 10 dB Channel Flatness: 1 dB Spurious Output 50-1000 MHz: -60 dB C/N Ratio IN Channel:
Digital (6 MHz BW +45 dBmV Output): -60 dB
Analog (4 MHz BW +45 dBmV Output): -65 dB Broadband Noise
(4 MHz BW +45 dBmV Output): -76 dBc
Phase Noise:
@ 10 KHz Offset: -88 dBc
@ 20 KHz Offset: -98 dBc Output Impedance: 75 ohms Output Return Loss: 12 dB
Power Requirements:
+12 VDC: 140 mA
+5 VDC: 300 mA Power: 3.2 W Operating Temperature Range: 0 to +50 °C
Dimensions (WxHxD): 1.15 x 3.5 x 7.5 in
29 x 89 x 101 mm
Weight: 0.8 lbs
.36 kgs
Connectors (Rear Panel):
IF Input: “F” Type Female
RF Output: “F” Type Female Controls (Front Panel):
Channel Selection: 2 Digit Push Button
Channel Enter: Push Button
RF Output Level: Control Indicators (Front Panel): 2 Color LED
Power ON/Status OK: Green
Status (Error): Red
The DHDP Series is a two-unit system consisting of a Downconverter unit which acts as the input section and an Upconverter unit which acts as the output section. Both units are housed in a single MICM style die­cast chassis and are available in both horizontal and vertical versions.
The Downconverter unit is designed to accept any 8VSB signal from 54-860 MHz. Channel entry is made using a 2 digit front panel accessi­ble BCD switch. (I.E. - VHF 2-13, UHF 14-69 & unused spectrum 806­860 MHz.) The Downconverter outputs an IF signal which is fed to the Upconverter unit.
The Upconverter unit is designed to take the IF signal from the down­converter and process it to any channel from 54-860 MHz. Channel entry is made using a 2 digit front panel accessible BCD switch. (I.E. ­CATV - STD, IRC &HRC as well as Broadcast VHF&UHF).
! Digital & High Definition Capable ! MICM Form Factor - Vertical & Horizontal Versions ! 54-806 MHz 8 VSB Input ! 54-806 MHz CATV & Broadcast Output ! Excellent Noise Performance - 88 dBc @ 10 kHz & 98 dBc @ 20 kHz ! +40 dBmV Digital Output Level (+45 dBmV Analog Signals)