Input Frequency Range
Standard 54-88 & 108-806 MHz
Option 17 - Sub-band Input 5-48 MHz
Input Channels SUB, VHF, UHF, CATV (STD, HRC)
Output Frequency Range
AP-40-550 & AP-60-550 50-550 MHz
AP-40-750 & AP-60-750 50-750 MHz
Option 04:
AP-40-550 & AP-60-550 5-550 MHz
Output Channels SUB, CATV (STD,HRC,IRC)
Tuning Increment 250 kHz
FCC Offset 0, +12.5, or +25 kHz
Input Level Range -18 to +30 dBmV
AGC Stiffness 1.0 dB
Output Level - Min
AP-40-550 & AP-40-750 +40 dBmV
AP-60-550 & AP-60-750 +60 dBmV
Output Level Adjust 10 dB
Noise Figure
VHF 8 dB
UHF 10 dB
Aural/Visual Carrier Ratio 0 to -10 dB
Visual Carrier
Frequency Tolerance
Standard Channels ±10 kHz
FCC Aeronautical Channels ±3 kHz
Channel Selectivity
Adjacent Aural and Below -65 dB
Adjacent Picture and Above -65 dB
Spurious Outputs -60 dBc
Intermod Distortion -64 dB
Broadband Noise -76 dBc
Image Rejection 65 dB
Bandpass Flatness ±1.0 dB
fv to fv +4.5 MHz
Input/Output Impedance 75 Ω
Input Return Loss 12 dB
Output Return Loss 14 dB
Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice Rev 05-11 ©Toner Cable Equipment, Inc.
969 Horsham Road lHorsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA l Phone: 215-675-2053 Fax: 215-675-7543
AP Series
Heterodyne Processor
Aural Frequency 41.25 MHz
Visual Frequency 45.75 MHz
Composite IF Loop Output
Aural Carrier Level +20 dBmV
Visual Carrier Level +35 dBmV
Output/Input Impedance 75Ω
Output Return Loss 12 dB
Input Return Loss 12 dB
EAS/ALT IF Input Level 28 dBmV @ 45.75 MHz
EAS/ALT IF Switch Isolation >60 dB
Power Requirements
Voltage 117, ±10% VAC
Frequency 60 Hz
Power -
AP-40-550 & AP-40-750 20 W
Power -
AP-60-550 & AP-60-750 24 W
Fuse 3/8 A
Temperature Range 0 to +50 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) 19.0 x 1.75 x 14.25 in,
483 x 44 x 362 mm
Weight 9 lbs, 4.09 kg
RF Input
Standard - VHF/UHF "F" Female
Option 17 Sub-band Input "F" Female
IF Output "F" Female
IF Input "F" Female
RF Output "F" Female
Serial Data Input & Output Serial
Option 20
Input RJ-12, Female
EAS/ALT IF "F" Female
Frequency Selection
Input DIP Switches
Output DIP Switches
Frequency Response Adjust Control
Aural Carrier Level Control
Frequency Fine Tune Control
FCC Offset Selection ABOC: DIP Switches
Option 12
RF Output Level Control
Standby Oscillator Control
Threshold Adjust
Sub-band Input Channels Slide Switch
Option 17
EAS/ALT IF 3 Position, Terminal Strip
Power ON LED, Green