Prior to operating the vehicle, carefully read this User's Manual in order
to get acquainted with its operational characteristics and safe and
proper operation.
1. Fuel i s extremely flammable and explosive; therefore it requires
special handling precautions:
- Stop the engine prior to refilling the tank;
- Fill the tank outdoors; never approach the tank with a lit cigarette,
open flame or s parks; and
- Thoroughly wipe off any spilled fuel
2. The engine should not be run in an enclosed space or nearby
entrances to lower-level areas (cellars etc.). Engine exhaust gases are
toxic and denser th an normal atmospheric air.
3. When starting or running the engine, never touch the ignition coil,
high voltage cable, ignition spark plug cap or other parts of the
electrical system.
4. The vehicle is equipped with a catalysts exhaust system causing
high temperatures. When the engine is running and for some time after
it has stopped do not touch its hot parts: the cylinder, the cyli nder
head, exhaust silencer. Do not touch the brake components too.
5. When the engine is running beware of the engine’s rotating parts.
No modification of the vehicle, stripping-of f any parts or installi ng nonoriginal spare parts is permitted. The vehicle owner is specifical ly
warned that any modification to the exhaust system can only result in
the vehicle’s deteriorated operation, without any positive effects on
engine performance and causes higher air pollution.
Rid ing a twowheeler i s simple, yet it req uires some skills and exper ience
whi ch can onl y be accumulated progressively. P rior to each ride,
obse rve the following rules:
1. Check the proper functioning of all vehicle assemblies.
2. When riding, wear li ght-colored, preferably light-reflective clothes; ride
with your lights on; avoid riding in other drivers “blind spots” to prevent
danger of other drivers “overlooking” you.
3. Abide by all traffic regulations; above all, adjust your riding speed to
the road conditions and your skill level.
4. Do not hand th e vehicle over to an y inexperience riders.
5. Prior to changing lanes, al ways check that this can be done safely,
and signal your intention in time Be careful when riding trough road
crossings or passing o t her vehicles (i ncluding parked vehicles)..
6. Always ride with your helmet on, be properly dressed and wear boots.
7. Pay due the attention to what is going on in front of you and behind
you (rear mirror) and try to anticipate events
8. The braking affects the loading on each wheel: the front braking
increases; whereas braking with the r ear brake only increases th e
braking distance while also reducing vehicle stability; hence use the rear
brake with caution.