Lens Colors
Amber Blue Clear Green Purple Red
• 12 – 28VDC
• universal mounting
• built-in RFI lters
• solid state power supply
• 10,000 hour strobe lamp
• two year warranty on power supply
• one year warranty on lamp
• Meets FAA AC 150/5210-5D
Low Prole - Single Flash Strobe
The model 500P family is a low profile single flash strobe
light featuring a wide input voltage range of 12–28VDC,
universal mounting, Lexan® lens, high efficiency regulated
solid state potted power supply, and heavy duty xenon
strobe lamp. All units are polarity protected and have
built-in filters to protect against radio interference and
spike voltages. The model 500P features a fully potted,
Lexan®, multi-purpose mounting base which is vibration
and water resistant, and a field replaceable plug-in strobe
Ordering Information
Please specify lens colors and model number when ordering. Available colors are Amber, Blue, Clear, Green, Purple and Red.
Model No. Description Voltage
500P–1228 DC strobe, 1/2” female pipe mount 12 – 28VDC
500PMB–1228 DC strobe, magnetic base with 10’ coil cord 12 – 28VDC
500PMBSC–1228 DC strobe, magnetic base with 10’ straight cord 12 – 28VDC
Mounting Bracket
2001 Xenon
Strobe Lamp
5.5" dia.
Magnetic Base Mount
Heavy Duty Guard
Flange Mounting Ring
Item Description
Flash Rate 70 to 90 flashes per minute
Light Output 200 effective candlepower (ECP)* from 0º horizontal up to 10º above the horizontal
Voltage and Amperage 12-28VDC draws 0.8A average @ 12VDC tapering to 0.4A average @ 24VDC
Power Supply Output 8 Watts 6 joules per flash. 600,000 Peak Candlepower**
Size and Weight 5.25” tall x 5.5” dia. x 2.0 lbs ( 133mm x 140mm x 0.9kg )
Encapsulation Fully potted in urethane material with no exposure to High Voltage possible
Available Options
NOTE: All “/“ options are factory installed only.
Model No. Description
BKT Mounting bracket
/LBO–MINILITE Lens blackout segment 180º
802–03 Lens dust cover
G802 Guard
TBO–MAXI Top lens blackout
800–FLG Flange mounting ring
MINILITE SHIELD Vinyl, 180º shield
Replacement Parts
Model No. Description
2001 Xenon strobe lamp
801–L Color lens ( please specify color )
500P–1228–BASE 12–28VDC power supply
500PMB–BASE 12–28VDC power supply with magnetic base and coil cord
500PMBSC–BASE 12–28VDC power supply with magnetic base and straight cord
Architect and Engineer Specifications
The visual warning signaling device shall be Tomar model
500P or approved equal. The light source shall be a plugin field replaceable single-flash xenon strobe tube. The
strobe light shall have a Lexan® lens and universal mount
base. The warning signal must have built-in RFI filters to
protect against radio interference and spike voltages. It
shall be polarity protected, and have a power supply fully
potted in polyurethane. The power supply output shall be
8 watts and generate 6 joules per flash. Voltage shall be
multiple input of 12-28VDC. Strobe light shall be designed
to accept a dome guard, 180 degree lens blackout, and
straight or coiled cigar plug.
*ECP (Effective Candlepower) is the intensity that would appear to
an observer if the light were burning steadily.
**Peak Candlepower is the maximum light intensity generated by a
flashing light during its light pulse.