Tokheim WWC T1 Setup And Maintenance Manual

Set Up & Maintenance
Document Ref 905675-001 Rev - 2 01/2006
Great care has been taken in the preparation of this manual however T okheim shall not be liable for any misunderstanding, errors and/or loss or defect arising from the use of this manual.
Tokheim shall not be liable for damage to the product, nor for personal or third party injury, caused by incorrect use of the product or by attempts to maintain or to repair the product by parties other than those fully trained by Tokheim or by its accredited third party representatives.
Please contact your nearest service department, at the relevant address printed on the back cover of this manual, should any aspect of this manual be unclear.
© Copyright by Tokheim. All intellectual rights arising from, accruing to,and residing in this manual belong to Tokheim. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Tokheim.
Tokheim reserves the right to apply changes to this document and the equipment without further notice.
Issue A
Document Ref 905675-001 Rev 2
WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Revision Record


Date Revision Page Issue Reason
01/07/2004 1 All A Original Issue 19/01/2006 2 3 to 6 B Main Contents revised 19/01/2006 2 2-16,2-17 B Updated Func tionalities 19/01/ 2006 2 2-21 to 2-23 B New info added (Input Type, Mast er PIN Code, Gallon
Type, Cent Overshoot Hide, 4 position product indicator,
Heavy Lei); repagination 19/01/ 2006 2 3-1 B Sec tion 3 Contents revised 19/01/2006 2 3-6,3-7 B Headings changed 19/01/ 2006 2 5-1 B Sec tion 5 Contents revised 19/01/2006 2 5-4 to 5-16 B New info added (Cent Overs hoot Hide, 4 pos ition
product indicator, Heavy Lei); repagination 19/01/ 2006 2 6-1 B Sec tion 6 Contents revised 19/01/ 2006 2 6-8,6-9 B New info added (Heavy Lei) 19/01/2006 2 6-15 to 6-42 B New info added (Cent Overshoot Hide, 4 position
product indicator); repagination 19/01/ 2006 2 7-1 B Sec tion 7 Contents revised 19/01/2006 2 7-3 B New information added (Vapour Mes menu) 19/01/2006 2 7-7,7-8 A New pages inserted, new information added (Tokheim
protocol 19/01/2006 2 11-4 B New info added (max time no flow) 19/01/2006 2 12-2,12-3 B New options added to POM
Document Ref 905675-001 Rev 2 1
Revision Record WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
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WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Contents
1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1 How to Use this Manual ..................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Product Scope ..................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Authorised Technicians....................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Contact Information ............................................................................................ 1-3
1.5 Health & Safety .................................................................................................. 1-3
1.5.1 Safety Checklist.................................................................................. 1-3
1.5.2 Duties of the Employees..................................................................... 1-4
1.5.3 Hazards ............................................................................................... 1-4
1.5.4 Warning Signs .................................................................................... 1-5
1.5.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ................................................ 1-6
1.6 Nomenclature ...................................................................................................... 1-7
2 PRODUCT INFORMATION....................................................................................... 2-2
2.1 System Description ............................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.1 Operating Principles ........................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Main Components of the WWC ......................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 External Power Supply ....................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Mainboard .......................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 I/O Board (version 3++) ..................................................................... 2-4
2.2.4 Transaction Displays .......................................................................... 2-4
2.2.5 User Access Devices (UAK/UAM).................................................... 2-4
2.3 Different Configurations ..................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 Standard dispensers with up to four single products.......................... 2-5
2.3.2 Low-end dispensers : single product or twin configuration, super
high speed, single-sided (Fleet).......................................................... 2-5
2.3.3 Vapour Recovery Controller Board (VRC) ........................................ 2-6
2.3.4 Option Controller Board (OCB) ......................................................... 2-6
2.3.5 Hydraulic Option Modules (HOM) .................................................... 2-6
2.3.6 I/O Extension Board (IEB) ................................................................. 2-6
2.4 Product Option Matrix (POM)............................................................................ 2-6
2.5 Functionality ....................................................................................................... 2-6
2.5.1 Functionalities per hose...................................................................... 2-7
2.5.2 Functionalities per side .................................................................... 2-10
2.5.3 Functionalities per dispenser ............................................................ 2-16
2.5.4 Weights & Measures related Functionality ...................................... 2-21
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3 LPG SET UP .................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1 LPG Functionality............................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 LPG Pulse Menu ................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.2 LPG Nozzle Flag Menu ...................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 LPG Delay Timer Menu ..................................................................... 3-3
3.1.4 LPG Motor Off Timer Menu.............................................................. 3-3
3.2 LPG Hydraulic Functions ................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.1 Valves ................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.2 Hydraulic Schematic .......................................................................... 3-5
3.3 Timing Diagrams ................................................................................................ 3-6
3.3.1 Timing with Nozzle Switch & Motor Off Delay
0 ......................... 3-6
3.3.2 Timing with Nozzle Switch & Motor Off Delay = 0 ......................... 3-6
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Contents WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
3.3.3 Timing with Deadmans Button only & Motor Off Delay
3.3.4 Timing with Deadmans Button only & Motor Off Delay = 0 ............ 3-7
4 SERVICE KEYPAD...................................................................................................... 4-2
4.1 User Access Keypad (UAK) ............................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Infra Red (IR) Remote Control Keypad.............................................................. 4-4
4.3 Internal Configuration Keypad ........................................................................... 4-4
5 SET UP MODE.............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.1 General ................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2 Start Ups ............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Cold Start............................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Warm Start.......................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Service Start ....................................................................................... 5-3
5.3 Initial Set Up Menu............................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.1 Set up Function Overview .................................................................. 5-4
5.3.2 Set Up Menu....................................................................................... 5-5
5.4 AFM Set Up Menu ........................................................................................... 5-10
5.4.1 No Address Conflict ......................................................................... 5-10
5.4.2 Address Conflict ............................................................................... 5-14
5.4.3 AFM Addresses ................................................................................ 5-16
0 ............ 3-7
6 MAINTENANCE MODE............................................................................................. 6-2
6.1 General ................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.2 Maintenance Function Overview ........................................................................ 6-2
6.3 Access the Maintenance Functions..................................................................... 6-4
6.4 Exit Maintenance Mode...................................................................................... 6-5
6.5 Diagnostic Information (Error Log) ................................................................... 6-6
6.5.1 Kernel versions > 01.07 ..................................................................... 6-6
6.5.2 Kernel versions <= 01.07 ................................................................... 6-7
6.6 Leak Tests ........................................................................................................... 6-8
6.7 Country Code, Euro and Application Set Up...................................................... 6-8
6.8 LPG Functionality............................................................................................. 6-10
6.9 Thermal Protection Reset .................................................................................. 6-11
6.9.1 Kernel versions > 01.07 ....................................................................6-11
6.9.2 Kernel versions <= 01.07 ..................................................................6-11
6.10 Leak Detection Functionality............................................................................ 6-12
6.10.1 Vapour Leak Detection (France only) .............................................. 6-12
6.10.2 Flow Protection Reset (AFM Leak Detection) ................................ 6-12
6.10.3 Esso Leak Detection......................................................................... 6-13
6.11 Fraud Detection Functionality .......................................................................... 6-13
6.12 Combined Hose Pre-selection and Display Timeout ........................................ 6-14
6.13 Electro-Mechanical Totaliser Mode (EMT) Functionality ............................... 6-14
6.14 Cent Overshoot Hide Functionality .................................................................. 6-15
6.15 Q500T1 Four Position Product Indicator ......................................................... 6-15
6.16 Stop/Off Switch ................................................................................................ 6-16
6.17 Fuel Leak Detection.......................................................................................... 6-16
6.17.1 Set Up PIN Code (Fuel Leak Detection only).................................. 6-17
6.18 Blend Ratio ....................................................................................................... 6-17
6.19 Local Preset Values ........................................................................................... 6-18
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4 Document Ref 905675-001 Rev 2
WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Contents
6.20 Node Address .................................................................................................... 6-18
6.21 Test Delivery..................................................................................................... 6-19
6.22 Emergency Manual Pumping Device (EMPD)................................................. 6-21
6.23 Product Relation ............................................................................................... 6-21
6.23.1 Product Name by Character Input .................................................... 6-22
6.23.2 Product Name from Pick List ........................................................... 6-23
6.24 Vapour Recovery............................................................................................... 6-24
6.24.1 Kernel versions <= 0.???.................................................................. 6-24
6.25 Vapour Delay .................................................................................................... 6-25
6.26 Pump Motor Delay (Submerged/Remote pumps only)..................................... 6-25
6.27 Optional Preset Valve........................................................................................ 6-26
6.28 Valve Reponse Value ........................................................................................ 6-26
6.29 AFM Menu ....................................................................................................... 6-27
6.29.1 AFM change menu ........................................................................... 6-27
6.29.2 AFM Read-only menu ...................................................................... 6-27
6.30 Product Position................................................................................................ 6-29
6.31 Option Selection ............................................................................................... 6-30
6.31.1 IEB (I/O Extension Board) Options ................................................. 6-30
6.31.2 OCB (Option Controller Board) Options ......................................... 6-31
6.32 Nozzle Sensor Definition.................................................................................. 6-37
6.32.1 Kernel version >= 03.08................................................................... 6-37
6.32.2 Kernel version >= 03.03................................................................... 6-37
6.32.3 Kernel version >= 02.12................................................................... 6-40
6.32.4 Kernel version < 02.12 ..................................................................... 6-42
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7 APPLICATION MODE................................................................................................ 7-2
7.1 All Applications .................................................................................................. 7-2
7.2 EPS...................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3 IFSF..................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 ZSR ..................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.5 Dunclare .............................................................................................................. 7-6
7.6 Tokheim .............................................................................................................. 7-7
8 PIN CODES ................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.1 First PIN code ..................................................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Change PIN code ................................................................................................ 8-3
9 TOTALS ......................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1 Reading the Totals (Amount, Volume & Number of Deliveries) ....................... 9-2
10 UNIT PRICES ............................................................................................................. 10-2
10.1 Set/Change Unit Prices ..................................................................................... 10-2
11 INSPECTION FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................11-2
11.1 Inspection Function Overview ...........................................................................11-2
11.2 General...............................................................................................................11-3
11.3 Delivery Mode ...................................................................................................11-3
11.4 Traffic Lights .....................................................................................................11-3
11.5 Idle Display Control...........................................................................................11-3
11.6 Satellite Control .................................................................................................11-3
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Contents WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
11.7 Release Management .........................................................................................11-4
11.8 Maximum Time for a Filling .............................................................................11-4
11.9 Time Between Two Fillings ...............................................................................11-4
11.10 Maximum Time of No Flow ..............................................................................11-4
11.11 Maximum Time a Filling can be Suspended .....................................................11-5
11.12 Timer for Display TImeout................................................................................11-5
11.13 Delivery Fraud Timer.........................................................................................11-5
11.14 Software Versions ..............................................................................................11-5
11.15 Pulser Hide.........................................................................................................11-8
11.16 Preset Totalisers .................................................................................................11-8
12 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................. 12-2
12.1 Appendix A - Product Option Matrix ............................................................... 12-2
12.2 Appendix B - Country Codes............................................................................ 12-4
12.3 Appendix C - Error Codes ................................................................................ 12-6
12.3.1 Startup Error Situations.................................................................... 12-6
12.3.2 Displaying Error Messages .............................................................. 12-6
12.3.3 Diagnostic Database ......................................................................... 12-7
12.4 Appendix D - Jumper Positions ...................................................................... 12-10
12.4.1 Mainboard ...................................................................................... 12-10
12.4.2 VRC Board ......................................................................................12-11
12.4.3 User Access Module ....................................................................... 12-12
12.4.4 OCB Board ..................................................................................... 12-13
12.4.5 I/O Extension Board (IEB)............................................................. 12-14
12.4.6 Hydraulic Option Module (HOM) ................................................. 12-14
12.4.7 Axial Flow Meter Measurement Solution (AFM) ......................... 12-14
12.5 Appendix E - General Purpose Inputs ............................................................ 12-15
12.6 Appendix F- IEB General Purpose Outputs.................................................... 12-16
6 Document Ref 905675-001 Rev 2
Issue B
WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Introduction
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1 How to Use this Manual ......................................................................................1-2
1.2 Product Scope ......................................................................................................1-3
1.3 Authorised Technicians ........................................................................................1-3
1.4 Contact Information .............................................................................................1-3
1.5 Health & Safety ...................................................................................................1-3
1.5.1 Safety Checklist ...................................................................................1-3
1.5.2 Duties of the Employees......................................................................1-4
1.5.3 Hazards................................................................................................1-4
1.5.4 Warning Signs ......................................................................................1-5
1.5.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ................................................1-6
1.6 Nomenclature .......................................................................................................1-7
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Introduction WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
1.1 How to Use this Manual
It is recommended that all relevant persons familiarise themselves with the contents of this manual prior to carrying out any operations or procedures.
This manual is divided into sections which are described as follows: -
Section 1 - Introduction
This section contains information on how to use the manual, the scope of equipment covered, recommendations on qualified technicians and contact information. It also includes relevant health and safety information and certification relating to the product.
Section 2 - Product Information
This section contains the system description and operating principles of the WWC T1 Calculator. It also describes the main components, their configurations and functions including the service keypads.
Section 3 - LPG Specification
All additional information relating to LPG options is contained in this section.
Section 4 - Service Keypad
This section describes the functions of the various keypads.
Section 5 - Set Up Modes
This section provides instructions for cold start, warm start and service start of the product.
Section 6 - Maintenance Mode
All aspects relating to the maintenance of the equipment are covered in this section.
Section 7 - Application Mode
This section contains information on the EPS, IFSF and ZSR Application Modes.
Section 8 - PIN Code
This section contains information on how to change the PIN code.
Section 9 - Totals
Instructions on how to read totals is contained in this section.
Section 10 - Unit Prices
This section contains information on setting and changing the Unit Prices.
Section 11 - Inspection Functions
All information relating to the Inspection Function is contained in this section.
Section 12 Appendices
This section contains the appendices.
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WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Introduction
1.2 Product Scope
This manual is designed to cover the Quantium T range of dispensers including LPG. As functionality is equivalent to the Coca 1.1 functionality , reference is frequently made to the existing Coca Manuals.
1.3 Authorised Technicians
Only qualified technicians familiar with the contents of this manual should carry out the procedures contained herein.
Note : This manual is not intended to replace the services of a fully qualified technician.
1.4 Contact Information
For information relating to the contents of this manual please contact: ­T echnical Author
Tokheim UK Ltd. Dundee, Scotland
For technical assistance please contact the appropriate service division listed on the back cover of this manual.
1.5 Health & Safety
It is obligatory that this checklist be fully complied with during all work at the
petrol station, particularly construction or repair work.
It is the duty of the contractor to ensure that all workers employed by him obey
each and all of the relevant laws, directives and other regulations.
Areas where special caution is required
The insides of tanks, tubes, dome shafts, filling shafts, change over shafts, vessels
and dispensers.
All areas in which fuel vapour that is heavier than air can accumulate, e.g. fuel
separator, draining shafts, low located rooms, cellars, excavations, pipe trenches etc.
Issue A
The areas around the outlets of tank ventilation pipes, especially during the filling
All areas near dispensers, tanker lorries and other vehicles while they are being
tanked up, and particularly when there is a lack of wind.
A radius of 1.0 metres around petrol carrying pipes, as well as pipes that are not
vapour free.
Silt traps.
Document Ref 905675-001 Rev 2 Page 1-3
Introduction WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
To ensure optimal accident prevention in our company, in addition to general
rules applying to worker’s protection, it is necessary to take into account all the national protection of workers legislation and to actively support all measures which enhance safety standards.
It is an employee’s duty to follow all company directives regarding the prevention
of accidents, unless such directives can be proved to be unfounded.
Employees should not follow any instructions that go against safety standards.
Employees are only permitted to use equipment for its original purpose, and this
is defined by the company alone.
If an employee detects equipment that is deficient in terms of safety, he shall
eliminate this deficiency immediately . If such safety rectification is not part of his defined area of activities, or if his knowledge is insufficient to carry out such work he must immediately inform his superior about the detected safety deficiency.
This equally applies to:
1) Work Materials which have not been correctly packed or correctly marked in
order to meet safety requirements.
2) Work Methods or work processes which have not been correctly coordinated
or controlled in order to meet safety requirements.
3) Where dangerous activities are carried out by several persons, the need
for a permanent faultless communication between them in order to avoid dangerous events shall require the appointing of one person in order to carry out overall supervision.
Prior to starting work, the dispenser must be isolated (i.e. entirely disconnected from the mains supply) and the mains supply switch locked in the OFF position. The submerged pump (if applicable) and control signals from the dispenser must also be isolated. This is done to provide safety for the technician. As a further precaution, switch off the mains supply in the service station shop and place a clear notice on the switch to avoid it being turned on again inadvertently.
It is not permitted to put a fuel dispenser into operation before an authorised official has inspected it and released it. This depends upon the national regulations in force.
Issue A
Dismantled packaging and cladding must be stored in such a way as to avoid damage to components or injuries to persons. Covers that can be opened, such as the calculator housing, should be handled with care. Ensure that the retaining catch is placed in the correct position to prevent the cover falling onto the head of the service engineer or other persons in the area.
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WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Introduction
At unattended service stations, every end-user should be able to read the User Instructions. They should be visible on a notice board or integrated into the DIT and should be sufficiently well lit so that they can be read at night.
At unattended service stations break away couplings must always be used to reduce the danger caused by a motorist driving off with the nozzle still in the tank.
The following warning signs are fitted as standard, on the dispenser, however they may vary according to individual country requirements or customer specifications.
Do not use mobile phones
Naked flames and smoking forbidden
Do not spill fuel on the ground
Stop vehicle engine
Visible from both sides of dispenser
Visible from both sides of dispenser
Visible from both sides of dispenser
Visible from both sides of dispenser
Issue A
At Diesel high speed
Trucks only
dispensers near the nozzle boots
Do not drive away with nozzle in tank
Visible from both sides of dispenser
Next to User Instructions near the nozzle boot
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Introduction WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
The following clothing should be worn at all times during installation and maintenance procedures:-
Protective helmet.
Protective shoes (conductive).
Protective gloves and/or protective hand cream.
Anti static clothing.
Eye protection.
The following safety equipment is required for working in hazardous areas:-
Only spark free tools are permitted for work on dispensers.
Work on bearings is only permitted using the standard workshop tools authorised
for this kind of work.
The use of all electrical tools is strictly prohibited.
Only the use of explosion protected work lights is permitted.
The use of telecommunications equipment in hazardous areas is strictly prohibited.
The following safety instructions must be adhered to during installation and maintenance procedures:-
Inhalation of petrol vapour must be avoided. Suitable precautions must be taken
and where necessary respirators used.
Avoid direct contact of fuel with the skin.
Use suitable protective clothing, protective gloves and/or protective hand cream.
Avoid fuel spills.
No smoking, no naked flames are permitted.
Long hair and ties can get caught in moving parts. Hair must be suitably covered.
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WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Introduction
1.6 Nomenclature
The various abbreviations used in thie manual are described as follows:­CoCa Today’s Common Calculator and base of the WWC
CSD-F Common Sales Display - Ferranti CSD-L Common Sales Display - LCD Dipnet Dispenser inter-peripheral network ELU Energy Limiting Unit (i.e.Nozzle Bus Intrinsically Safe Barrier) EMPD Emergency Manual Pumping Device EMT Electro-Mechanical T otalizer HCM Hydraulic Control Module HOM Hydraulic Option Module HSC Hall Sensor Controller HVU High V oltage Unit IEB I/O Extension Board IFSF International Forecourt Standard Forum IOB I/O Board IRM Infra Red Module LON Local Operating Network MB251 Mainboard 80251 MP1 Magnetic Pulser 1 NBB Nozzle Bus Board (integrated in Main Board v3 and later) OCB Option Controller Board ODU Optional Display Board OPB Option Peripheral Board OPU Optional Peripheral Unit PCB Printed Circuit Board POS Point of Sale SCG Self Calibrating Gas SPI Serial Peripheral Interface UA K User Access Keypad
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UAM User Access Module UPD Unit Price Display VFM V apour Flow Module VRC V apour Recovery Controller WWC W orld Wide Calculator
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Introduction WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
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WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Product Information
2 PRODUCT INFORMATION .................................................................................... 2-2
2.1 System Description ..............................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Operating Principles.............................................................................2-2
2.2 Main Components of the WWC ..........................................................................2-2
2.2.1 External Power Supply ........................................................................2-3
2.2.2 Mainboard............................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 I/O Board (version 3++)......................................................................2-4
2.2.4 Transaction Displays............................................................................2-4
2.2.5 User Access Devices (UAK/UAM) ...................................................2-4
2.3 Different Configurations ......................................................................................2-4
2.3.1 Standard dispensers with up to four single products............................2-5
2.3.2 Low-end dispensers : single product or twin configuration, super high
speed, single-sided (Fleet)....................................................................2-5
2.3.3 Vapour Recovery Controller Board (VRC).........................................2-6
2.3.4 Option Controller Board (OCB) ..........................................................2-6
2.3.5 Hydraulic Option Modules (HOM)......................................................2-6
2.3.6 I/O Extension Board (IEB)..................................................................2-6
2.4 Product Option Matrix (POM).............................................................................2-6
2.5 Functionality .........................................................................................................2-6
2.5.1 Functionalities per hose........................................................................2-7
2.5.2 Functionalities per side.......................................................................2-10
2.5.3 Functionalities per dispenser ..............................................................2-16
2.5.4 Weights & Measures related Functionality........................................2-21
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Product Information WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
2.1 System Description
The WWC (World Wide Calculator) is a ‘measuring system’ built to conform to the international recommendations specified in the document OIML R1 17 Edition 1995.
The WWC is also a peripheral within the different Tokheim filling station systems. As such, the WWC software and hardware can be configured without modifying the characteristics of the measuring system.
The WWC is based on the CoCa (Today’s Common Calculator). The hardware has been re-designed to keep up with technological advances and to allow more flexibility in the extended scope but the main controlling parts are structured in the same way as the CoCa. The software is similar to the CoCa software with adaptations to the new hardware and updated functionality on the kernel side to ensure the re-use of all application parts, with only minor changes. For further details, refer to the separate documentation, WWC System Functional Description.
The WWC T1 Calculator has been built around a central microprocessor which controls several other microcontrollers for the input and output devices e.g. counters, indicators, peripherals etc.
For each road side (right and left) of the metering pump/dispenser, the double pulse signals from one or more pulsers, mounted at mechanical volume meters, are checked and the information is counted and displayed on the corresponding transaction indicator unit.
One calculator can simultaneously control two deliveries - one at each side of the dispenser. The data is checked through several hardware and software security systems.
Connection to a filling station control system (self-service arrangement) is possible through data communication. The calculator can also function as a standalone unit whereby information is transmitted to the WWC via a remote control unit.
For further information on hardware components, general description of a delivery , data security and technical characteristics, refer to the separate documentation, WWC System Functional Description.
2.2 Main Components of the WWC
The WWC consists of a number of modules which can be combined depending on the type of the calculator and the number of products and options used. The main components are:-
•External Power Supply (refer to see section 2.2.1)
•Mainboard (refer to section 2.2.2)
•I/O Board (refer to section 2.2.3)
•Transactions Displays (refer to section 2.2.4)
•User Access Devices (refer to section 2.2.5)
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WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual Product Information
Dispenser light,
Electr totaliser
Dispenser I/O
Valves, motors and sensors
Low End H
H1 H2 H3
(pulsers, valves, motors)
Calculator Module
Mainboard MB251
I/O Board
draulic Units
Interfaces I/O extensions
Nozzle Bus Interface
tional Peripherals:
Hydraulic Option Modules
UPD Product Indication
Issue A
Fig. 1 Calculator Block Diagram
The external power supply contains the following components:-
•A power distribution unit High Voltage Unit (HVU) including transformer
•A rechargeable back-up battery
The mainboard (version 3++) includes the calculator module and the Hydraulic Controller Module (HCM):-
•The calculator module is able to manage two deliveries independently (one on each road side); control the deliveries; maintain the volume and amount counters; control the transaction displays and hydraulic units; and communicate with the self-service device.
•The HCM is responsible for supporting the hydraulic interface by checking the volume pulser devices; counting and checking the two incoming line volume pulses; controlling the motor and valves and updating the electro-mechanical totalisers.
The mainboard provides all the interfaces required to drive the ‘low-end’ hydraulics without the need for an I/O board - single product and twin functionality (two motors, two pulsers, four valves).
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Product Information WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
Since the release of Version 3 of the mainboard, the NBB board has been eliminated and the serial nozzle bus is directly controlled by the mainboard.
T wo optional modules can be directly connected to the mainboard (piggy-back):-
•The COM (Communications adapter) is used to interface the hardware to the various self-service devices.
•The IEB (I/O Extension Board) is used to connect the peripherals often used in Single/T win configurations e.g. preset keypad, simple set up and configuration keypad.
2.2.3 I/O BOARD (VERSION 3++)
The I/O Board is a level converter and control signal distributor for one to four single product hydraulic units.
The transaction displays indicate the transactions on each side of the dispenser showing the volume, amount and fuel price of the actual delivery. For each side, it is possible to add a ‘slave’ display. Two different types of display are available:-
•CSD-L : Liquid Crystal Display device
CSD-F : Electromechanical Display device (Ferranti)
User Access Devices are used to set the basic set up and configuration for the calculator and optional devices via an integrated keypad module for service engineers (UAK) or via an infra-red remote control unit (UAM/IRM). It is possible to get a readout of totals, errors and service parameters. Either the UAK (also used for VRC configuration and calibration) or the UAM/IRM can be used but both devices cannot be used in parallel.
2.3 Different Configurations
With the main components, the following configurations are possible:-
•Standard dispensers with up to four single products (refer to section 2.3.1)
•Low end dispensers: single product or twin configuration, super high speed single-sided (Fleet) (refer to section 2.3.2)
In addition to the above configurations, the following options can be added via the Dipnet:-
•Vapour Recovery Controller Board (refer to section 2.3.3)
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•Option Controller Board (refer to section 2.3.4)
•Hydraulic Option Modules (refer to section 2.3.5)
•I/O Extension Board (refer to section 2.3.6)
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Dispenser light,
Electr totaliser
Dispenser I/O
Valves, motors and sensors
Low End H
H1 H2 H3
(pulsers, valves, motors)
Calculator Module
Mainboard MB251
I/O Board
draulic Units
Interfaces I/O extensions
Nozzle Bus Interface
tional Peripherals:
Hydraulic Option Modules
UPD Product Indication
Issue A
Dispenser light,
Electr totaliser
Dispenser I/O
Fig. 2 Standard Dispenser Block Diagram
Valves, motors and sensors
Low End H
H1 H2 H3
draulic Units
(pulsers, valves, motors)
Calculator Module
Mainboard MB251
I/O Board
Hydraulic Option Modules
Interfaces I/O extensions
Nozzle Bus Interface
tional Peripherals:
UPD Product Indication
Fig. 3 Low End Dispensers Block Diagram
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Product Information WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
The VRC is an independent module which communicates with the calculator module. After the VRC is initialised at each delivery start, it performs the open or closed loop vapour recovery process by controlling its own motors and valves.
The Option Module provides an interface to optional modules such as:-
Unit Price Displays (UPD)
Product Indicators
Traffic Lights
OPU/ODU (as replacement of the above)
Preset Keypads
Up to four Hydraulic Option Modules can be connected to the mainboard via the Dipnet to operate in a similar way to the HCM. The HOMs are designed to provide the interface to optional hydraulic units eg. Super High Speed, Satellite, Blender or to extend the number of products to a maximum of five.
Like the HCM, the HOM is responsible for supporting the optional hydraulic interface by checking the volume pulser devices, counting and checking the two incoming line volume pulses and by controlling the motor(s) and valves.
The I/O Extension Board is designed to connect peripherals often used in low­end configurations (single/twin). The IEB is a piggy-back board attached to the mainboard and is easy to assemble. The IEB is able to interface to:-
A preset keypad (same functionality as connected to OCB)
A simple configuration keypad (dispenser configuration only, no VRC). This
keypad is kept inside the calculator head.
Four spare additional outputs
2.4 Product Option Matrix (POM)
The product option matrix defines the options of WWC available for each application. For release status, please check the Software Status Overview. Refer to Appendix A for the POM.
Note: Not all country specific W&M options are listed (e.g. low-level detection Italy, display reset methodology for UK etc.)
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2.5 Functionality
Refer to the POM in Appendix A for supported functions per application.
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40 (45) litres per minute - Petrol or Diesel
Standard speed flow rate is achieved using one pump and one meter.
40 (45) litres per minute for two filling positions - Petrol or Diesel
Standard speed flow rate is achieved using one pump and two meters.
80 (90) litres per minute - Diesel only
High speed flow rate is achieved using one pump and one meter.
Note : 90 litres per minute for UK only.
130 litres per minute - Diesel only
V ery high speed flow rate is achieved using one pump and two meters in parallel.
150 litres per minute - Diesel only
Super high speed flow rate is achieved with two pumps and two meters in parallel.
40/80 litres per minute (Push Button selection) with one nozzle - Diesel only
The standard flow rate is 40 litres per minute. A push button is available to enable the selection of a higher flow rate of 80 litres per minute for trucks. A double valve system in the hydraulic unit is required.
40/130 litres per minute or 40/80 litres per minute with two nozzles ­Diesel only
The first nozzle dispenses the standard flow rate of 40 litres per minute. If the second nozzle is used then the higher flow rate for trucks is given. A special valve system in the hydraulic unit is required.
Satellite Connection
This function enables the connection of a slave or satellite dispenser to a master dispenser. The satellite dispenser has a maximum configuration of a display, calculator lighting, satellite button and nozzle switch.
Submerged Standard
A timer can be activated via the Maintenance menu to enable this function. The submerged pump starts running when the nozzle is lifted then, after approximately three seconds, the valve in the dispenser is opened.
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Submerged Mouvex
Similar functionality to Submerged Standard with an additional switch for the Mouvex air separator which is managed by the calculator.
Blending mixes two fuel grades in a certain ratio to give a third grade blend with another octane. This is preferable under some fuel taxation systems, for example, in Scandinavia.
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Product Information WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
The choice is made by push button selection with product indication.
There are two principles:-
• 2 grades in, 3 grades out, 2 hoses
•2 grades in, 3 grades out, 1 hose Refer to section 6.18 for programming information.
Combined Hose
The Combined Hose option allows two or more products to be delivered through one common hose. Each product has its own hydraulic block (pump/meter) which controls the valves and routes the fuel to the associated combined hose.
The choice is made by push button selection with product indication. In special cases, for example Tatsuno application, the last product used is pre-selected by default when the nozzle is next lifted.
Refer to section 6.14 for programming information.
Electronic Controlled Vapour Recovery (VRC)
T o support VRC, volume information is routed to a VRC main controller which controls the motor and valves of the VRC system. The VRC system is available as an open loop or self-calibrated loop system.
Vapour Leak Detection
A specific leak detection method is required for France in conjunction with vapour recovery. After the nozzle is replaced, the calculator keeps the pump motor running to check for leakages. The length of time for the pump motor to run and the amount of volume to be detected for a leak is fixed and cannot be changed.
If detected, the leak error is forwarded to the system. If the same error is found three times then the applicable product will be blocked. The calculator keeps track of the leak status per product.
-hose expansion volume : 5 cl for 40 l/min
10 cl for 80 l/min 40 cl for 130 l/min
-hose expansion time : 1 second
-leak volume : 2 cl
-leak time : 2 seconds Refer to section 6.10.1 for programming information.
Esso Leak Detection
This function is designed for use at unmanned service stations with IFSF application. After the nozzle is replaced, the calculator keeps the pump motor running to check for leakages. The length of time for the pump motor to run and the amount of volume to be detected for a leak is entered via this menu.
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If detected, the leak error is forwarded to the system and will immediately block the complete dispenser. The calculator keeps track of the leak status.
-hose expansion volume : 5 cl for 40 l/min
10 cl for 80 l/min 40 cl for 130 l/min
-hose expansion time : 1 second
-leak volume : 2 to 8 cl
-leak time : 2 seconds Refer to section 6.10.3 for programming information.
Fuel Leak Detection
At the start of each delivery, a leak test is started via a request from the kiosk. Up to three attempts are made to verify the leak. If the leak is verified, the results of the leak tests are forwarded to the kiosk via special messages.
- volume (v) : 0 to 45 cl default = 0
-time (t) : 0 to 20 second(s) default = 0 Refer to section 6.17 for programming information.
Axial Flow Meter (AFM) Leak Detection (kernel >= 3.02)
This function can identify a potential AFM spindle lock situation which could result in a leakage of approximately 1.2 to 1.5 gallons per minute.
The assumption is made that “an AFM leak situation occurs when the ‘no flow’ timeout occurs n times in a sequence AND the total reported volume is 0”.
Normally , during a delivery , the “no flow” timer is restarted each time a volume update is done. When the timer expires i.e. no flow during the “no flow” period (default = 1 minute within a range of 0 to 9:59 minutes), the delivery will be stopped and the motor and valves switched off without indicating an error .
To be able to detect an AFM spindle lock situation when the “no flow” timer has expired, the corresponding volume is checked:-
If volume > 0 : no change in the behaviour, reset the leak sequence counter of
the associated hose (product/side)
Issue A
If volume = 0 : increment the leak sequence counter of the associated hose
(product/side) If the counter exceeds the predefined (not user adjustable) limit of three (3)
then an error will be logged and reported. The associated hose will be blocked until a manual release action is performed. Lifting the nozzle of a blocked hose will display the error again but it will not log another error.
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Product Information WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
If the nozzle is replaced with volume = 0 before the time out expires, the leak sequence counter is neither incremented nor reset i.e. this will not increase the volume lost if it is a real leak.
If an error is detected, all motors and valves will be switched off and the error will be logged and displayed with the standard error format:-
Error HC p s
p : product s : side (R/L)
Note : If HOMs are used, HC may be displayed as H1 to H4.
Error Reset Menu
Within the Maintenance menu, the sub-menu AFM-Leak (FLPROT - Flow Protection menu) needs to be added to display the status of each installed product per side. For standard dispensers this is related to the hose and for SHS/Satellite dispensers, it is related to the product.
ON : Hose is activated and ready for use OFF : Hose is blocked due to leak error (or manually set to OFF)
Note : It is not possible to cover all leak situations and a certain amount of volume may still be lost.
Fraud Detection
This function is designed to prevent uncontrolled fuel flow by the detection and control of such situations as far as possible using a limited scope of detection methods and actions.
Additional sensors on the Nozzle Bus enable the meters/pulsers to detect any rotations and the calculator will switch off all transactions (where possible) and log the unexpected flow events. This functionality requires the use of specific hardware i.e. sensors using the Hall Sensor Controller (HSC).
This function is not available in all installations due to the maximum limit of 32 sensors on the sensor bus. Only existing piston meters will be supported; AFM will not be supported.
Preset valves are controlled remotely by the Pump Controller.
There are two methods available to control the Local Preset valves depending on the hardware used:-
Push buttons
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Push Button Methods
- Push buttons connected to the sensor bus or direct connections
- Push buttons connected to the IEB
Up to four buttons (three amount or volume and one reset button) are available and can be connected to the sensor bus, direct connections or via IEB at each filling position. In combination with preset valves, it is possible to fill up with the fixed preset amount or volume.
preset code button 1 button 2 button 3 button 4 Ty pe
clear Value_1 Value_2 Value_3 1 Y 100 500 1000 Amount 2 Y 500 1000 5000 Amount 3 Y 1000 5000 10000 Amount 4 Y 200 500 1000 Amount 5Y 1510VOLUME 6 Y 11050VOLUME 7 Y 1000 2000 5000 Amount 8 Y 5000 10000 50000 Amount 9 Y 2000 5000 10000 Amount
10 Y 5000 10000 20000 Amount 11 Y 10 50 100 Amount 12 Y 500 1000 1500 Amount 13 Y 100 500 2000 Amount
Issue A
The parameters used for local preset push buttons are as follows:-
- Y = function supported N = function not supported
- Value_1, Value_2 and Value_3
Each time a button is pressed, the amount or volume is increased by the corresponding value. The volume is always defined in litres. The amount needs to be updated using the comma position as defined by the specified country (for further information, refer to Appendix B).
Example 1
If Value_1 = 500 and Spain is selected (Country code 0034), each push of the button increases the amount by 500 Ptas because the “comma position” of the amount display is 0 (refer to Appendix B).
(0034 SPAIN 0 / 2 / 1)
Example 2
If Value_1 = 500 and The Netherlands is selected (Country code 0031), each push of the button increases the amount by 5,00 Dfl. since the “comma position” of the amount display is 2 (refer to Appendix A).
( 0031 NETHERLANDS 2 / 2 / 3)
Note: To select the push button functionality via the IEB, the jumper W300 on the IEB must be closed (refer to Appendix D for Jumper Positions).
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Product Information WWC T1 Set Up & Maintenance Manual
Keypad Methods
- Keypad connected to the IEB
- Keypad connected to the OCB
123 456 789
When Local Preset is connected using a keypad method, a 4x4 keypad is available at each filling position to allow the entry of a preset amount or preset volume. With the keypad layout as shown, volumes and/or amounts can be entered in decimals.
Note: Please check the appropriate Product Releases Notes for the supported functionality of the “Credit” and “Cash” button.
Car Detection
A special device (i.e. inductive coil) detects if there is a car present at the filling position and transmits this information via a potential free contact to the calculator. This will enable the calculator and inform the site controller when the car is leaving.
Continuous Filling Button for Satellite
Depending on the application, this button must be pressed before or within three seconds of the replacement of the nozzle of the master or satellite dispenser. This keeps the pump in ‘released’ mode for the “maximum time a filling can be suspended” period. T o continue the filling at the satellite dispenser , the valves in the pipework are switched via the nozzle contact. The calculator then continues the transaction started at the master dispenser. The push button is located adjacent to the nozzle boot on the dispenser. Refer to Satellite Nozzle Control Menu
per dispenser side for further information.
Product Indication on the Display at start of the filling
When the nozzle is lifted, the associated product light is illuminated briefly (M3000 application only).
Idle Display Control Menu
This menu determines which information is displayed when the dispenser is idle. The following selections can be made:-
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0 displays last delivery 1 filling is cashed and the volume and amount display show “0” 2 filling is cashed and all displays show “0” 3 to 9 reserved for future implementations
Satellite Nozzle Control Menu
A high speed diesel dispenser can have a satellite nozzle on each side. At each nozzle, a filling can be started and the following selections can be made:-
0 satellite function disabled 3 at the master or satellite nozzle 4 at the master or satellite nozzle - once the filling is continued at
the satellite nozzle, it is not possible to continue again using the master nozzle.
This selection is required by W&M in France to prevent fraud.
5 to 9 reserved for future implementations
Release Management Menu
T o release a dispenser for the next filling, the following selections can be made:-
0 release only via the forecourt controller system - no manual release
1 release can be via the forecourt controller system and IR remote
• push button 9 to release right/side A
• push button 7 to release left/side B
2 release via the forecourt controller system and button on the
3 to 9 reserved for future implementations
Maximum Time for a Filling Menu
This is the maximum time the pump motor can be active. It starts when the nozzle is lifted from the nozzle boot.
function is disabled 0000
max. time 5959 (= 59 minutes and 59 seconds)
default value 1500 (certain applications may overrule this e.g.
Dunclare default value = 1000)
Issue A
Maximum Time for a Filling to be Suspended Menu
Within the set time period, a filling has to be started (released via payment terminal) or continued at a satellite dispenser. When this time has elapsed, the filling is assumed to be finished and the dispenser will have to be released again before a new filling can be started.
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function is disabled 0000
max. time 0959 (= 9 minutes and 59 seconds)
default value 0100 (certain applications may overrule this)
Time Between Two Fillings Menu (Inter delivery time out)
This is the minimum time to elapse between two successive fillings.
function is disabled 0000
max. time 0959 (= 9 minutes and 59 seconds)
default value disabled 0000 (certain applications may overrule this
e.g. Dunclare : fixed at 5 seconds)
Maximum Time of No Flow Menu
This is the maximum period allowed between powering the pump motor and the detection of fuel flow. If no flow is detected, the pump motor switches off.
•deliveries are disabled 0000
•max. time 0959 (= 9 minutes and 59 seconds)
•default value 0100 (certain applications may overrule this)
Delivery Mode
The calculator must totalise the amount, volume and number of fillings according to the delivery mode selected. The delivery mode is set as follows:-
•Standalone 0
•Console cash 1
Product Position
This defines the position of the Electromechanical Totalisers (EMT), the Unit Price Displays (UPD) and the Product Lights per product and per side. It is not possible to select another UPD position for product 1 other than the appropriate EMT.
For programming information, refer to section 6.xx
•Product 1 to 5 - position 1
- position 2
- position 3
- position 4
- position 5
Issue A
Note: This menu has been removed from the Option Controller Board (OCB) menu because the EMTs are not controlled via the OCB. The UPD and Product Lights are controlled via the OCB.
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