Ple ase caref ully unpack c amera and chec k tha t be low a ccess ories are
con taine d in the box.
1.W ildli fe Camera x 1
2.U SB cable x 1
3.I nstru ction Manual x 1
4.M ounti ng Belt x 1
5.Wall Mount x 1
6.S crews x 3
The Wildlife Camera is a wild life and surve illan ce ca mera with an infra red
sen sor. T he sensor can dete ct sudden changes to t he a mbien t
tem perat ure withi n an eval uatio n area. The s ignal s of the high ly se nsiti ve
inf rared sensor (PIR, pas sive infra red senso r) sw itch on t he c amera ,
act ivati ng pictur e of vide o mode.
2. 1 Features Of Wildl ife Cam era
1. CMOS sens or.
2.2 0 Megapix els photo and 1080 P HD vide o.
3.6 .1 cm (2.4’)’ colo r TF T LCD : 32 0x240 pixe ls
4.4 2 pcs IR LEDs .
5.F ull autom atic IR f ilter.
6.Tri gger speed: Approx . 0. 3 sec ond.
7.S etup Serial No. t o rec ord the p ositi on.
8.Tim e, date, temperatu re, phase and Seri al N o. wi ll b e sta mped on t he
photo .
9.P asswo rd protec tion.
10. Power indicati ng.
11. Built -in test function abou t env ironm ental tem perat ure.
12. Built -in micro phone and spea ker.
13. Mini USB 2.0 inter face.
14. Waterproof sta ndard IP56 .
15. Working t emper ature : -20 °C t o 60° C.
16. Extre mely low power consumpt ion in s tandb y ope ratio n pr ovidi ng
extre mely long oper ating time, l asts 6 mo nths with 8 pc s ba tteri es
when taking 5 0 pcs pho tos e very day.
2. 2 Features Of Wildl ife Cam era
1.C amera t rap for h untin g
2.A nimal o r incid ent obs ervat ion.
3.M otion t rigge red sec urity c amera f or dome stic, o ffice o r publi c use.
4.A ny inte rnal an d exter nal sur veill ance.
Und ersta nding t he came ra stru cture h elps to u se this p roduc t more sk illfu lly.
1-I nfrar ed LEDs
2-L ens
3.1 -Fron t motio n senso r
3.2 -Left m otion s ensor
3.3 -Righ t motio n senso r
4.D ispla y screen
5.U pbutton
6.M enu butto n
7.L eft butto n
8.R eplay button
9.S hot butto n
10. Right button
11. OK button
12. Down button
13. TF Slot
14. AV jack
15. USB jack
16. ON
18. OFF
19. Batte ry compar tment
20. Seal ring
21. DC connec tion 6V/1.5A
22. 1/4" Trip od thread
16 17 18
Digit al Trai l Camer a
Model :H70
Power : 8 *AA Bat tery
DC6V In put
Made in Chin a
23. Locki ng brac kets 24 .Slot f or moun ting be lt
▲ 1 .The monitor is only switc hed on in the SE TUP m ode for c hangi ng
menu settings or v iewin g ex istin g pho tos and v ideos .
2.A micro SD memor y ca rd mu st h ave b een inser ted i nto the m emory
card slot to save phot os an d vi deos.
3.Usi ng the m ini U SB c onnec tion (USB 2.0) , the cam era c an b e
conne cted to a computer to downl oad photo s and vid eos.
4.Usi ng the m ode s witch , th e thr ee o perat ing m odes: OFF,SET UP an d
ON can b e sel ected .
No te :
1.M icro SD m emory cards up to a c apaci ty of 32 GB a re su pport ed.
2.I nstea d of type LR6 (AA) batterie s with t he sa me s pecif icati on (w ith
2000 mAh or higher ) ma y be used . We recommend Alkaline batterie s
with low self discharge (no t sup plied ).
3.T he camera must be inse rted 4 or 8 x 1.5 V AA batt eries . D o not use
new and old b atter ies toget her. DC in terfa ce ne ed 6 V/1.5 A ada ptor
with 3.5 mm (outer dia meter ) s*l .3 mm ( inner D) plug head.
4.I nsert CLASS6 or h igher clas s mi cro S D card ( CLASS10 recom mend) .
Prior to inser t into m emory card , en sure that the later al w rite prote ction
on the m emory card has not been lock ed.
5.S witch on the camer a. 3 swit ches: power o ff (O FF) ,setu p menu
/SETUP mode (SETUP) and live mode (ON ).
6.N ew memory card is reco mmend ed t o be form atted when usi ng (a s
below describe d).
7.P lease note that t he ca mera will powe r of f whe n po wer i s ve ry lo w.
Set tings
Time &date
Pho to stam p
Pas sword p rotec tion
Bee p sound
For mat mem ory car d
Ser ial NO
Bac k
Set tings
Not ificat ion:A ll data
Photo stamp
wil l be dele ted
Password protection
Beep sound
Format memory card
Serial NO
Sel ect
Bac k
Sel ect
Operation (See Figures Below)
Ope n the locking bra ckets and the prote ctive cov er of the batt ery
com partm ent - insert batt eries -ins ert memor y car d—switc h to
SET UP—ente r system menu by press ing MENU butto n -c hoose to forma t
mem ory card—ch oose to r eset to f actor y.
(th is step can be sk ipped )—cho ose to se tup syste m tim e.
Ope n the battery cov er ► Inse rt 8p cs b atter ies. Batte ry m odel:
AAL R6 > Ensu re that the later al wr ite prote ction on the m emory car d has
not been activat ed > Inse rt C LASS6 or above Micr o SD memo ry c ard i n
the memory card slot befo re s witch ing o n th e cam era and s elect SET UP
mod e to adju st settin gs
Assembly With Strap
5. 1 Using The Came ra
1.O perat ing Butto ns
Fun ction s of oper ating buttons in r ecord ing mode:
Bel ow, th e op erati ng bu ttons are desc ribed in the recor ding mode with
non -acti vated menu.
1. UP K ey: Page up ( Menu mode): S witch to Video reco rding mod e
2. MENU: Open o r exi t th is Se tting men u/Sto p pla ying vide o (Re play Mode )
3. Left Key: Page left
4. Replay Key: Revie w pho tos and v ideos
5. SHOT Key: shot video recor ding/ captu ring
6. Right Key: P age r ight
7. OK: Play/ Pause play video files (Rep lay mode)
8. Down Key: Page down(Me nu m ode)/ Switc h to Phot o mod e.
2.M ode Switc h
2.1 Shift the s witch es to cho ose w ork mode:
Pow er off (OFF) Set up system (S ETUP) Liv e mode (ON)
2.2 Press Up/Dow n ke y to swit ch mo des betwe en Vi deo and P hoto mode .
2.3 Press the M ENU k ey t o ope n se tting menu .Pres s OK to confi rm th e
setti ng change s.
2.4 Press the M ENU k ey o ne mo re t ime t o re turn to p revio us me nu o r exi t
th e se tting s MEN U.
2.5 Switch the mode selec tor to "O FF" to po wer off t he c amera .
5. 2 Se tup Menu
1. Mode
Pho to, Video , Photo+V ideo, Sel ect w hethe r ph otos or v ideos shou ld b e
tak en when motio n is dete cted. Whe n in the "Phot o+Vid eo" mode, the
cam era first takes a set numb er of pho tos p rior to r ecord ing a vid eo.
2.P hoto Resolutio n
20M P (5200*3 900) ; 16 MP (4608* 3456) ; 12 MP (4 000*3 000),
8MP (3264x24 48), 5MP (2592 x 1 944). 3MP (204 8x153 6).
Sel ect the desir ed r esolu tion for photo s. We recommen d the resolut ion
16M .A higher resoluti on p roduc es a some what bette r ph oto q ualit y bu t
res ults in l arger files requir ing more space on the memor y car d .
Taking 16GB memory card for exam ple:
Pho to Pixels
20M P
16M P
12M P
3.P hoto series : 1 P, 2 P. 3P
Siz e (MB)
(ap proxi matel y)
0.5 4
Pho to Quanti ty
(ap proxi matel y)
410 0
530 0
700 0
105 00
166 00
266 00
4.V ideo resolutio n
192 0x108 0P@25 fps, 1280x720P @30fp s, 720x48 0P@30 fps,
640 x480P @30fp s, 320x24 0P@30 fps. Select t he re quire d vi deo r esolu tion.
Sel ect the numbe r of phot os t o be take n in succ essio n whe n th e cam era
is triggered in the Photo mod e. Pl ease also obse rve the p arame ter inter val!
A highe r resolut ion produ ces h igher qua lity video s bu t res ults in l arger
fil es requir ing more spac e on the memor y ca rd. V ideos are reco rded in
AVI format which can be p layed back on most vide o dev ices.
Taking 16GB memory card for exam ple:
Vid eo Length :10 secon ds
Vid eo
Res oluti on
192 0x108 0
128 0x720
720 x480
640 x480
320 *240
5.V ideo Length
▲ D efaul t 5 secon ds, optio nal 3s-59 s, 1-10Mi nutes
Spe cify the durat ion of a vide o recordi ng w hen t he c amera is trigg ed
aut omati cally. The recording period for video s is not limit ed i n the
SET UP mode.
Vid eo size
(MB )
12. 8
Vid eo
qua ntity
113 2
230 0
Total Recordin g
Len gth
(Mi nutes )
63. 5
1. In the SETUP mode in daytime and at night.
> When r ecord ing m anual ly, th e camera will stop aut omati cally afte r 29
minut es' recor ding;
> When r ecord ing m anual ly, th e camera will stop whe n one vid eo cl ip size gets to 4 GB , > When r ecord ing m anual ly, th e camera will stop whe n the mem ory
card is f ull or u ltra low power.
2. In live mode (ON) at night the came ra will work auto matic ally as p er
the video len gth s ettin g. F or lo w po wer, it wi ll st op r ecord ing i n
advan ce.
3. Plea se set the shorter video length t o gua rante e a long- time usag e of
batte ries.
6.A udio recording
Turn on/off audio reco rding
7.S hot lag
▲ D efaul ted 1 MIN. optional from 5 se conds -60 minut es.
Sel ect the short est perio d for the came ra t o wai t be fore it r eacts to the
suc cessi ve trigge ring of t he main senso r aft er a n ani mal has f irst been
det ected . The camera does not reco rd an y ph otos or v ideos duri ng
the selected interval . Th is pr event s th e mem ory card from bein g fil led
wit h unneces sary shots.
1.T he shot lag is sh ort, the camer a sh ootin g fre quenc y wo uld b e hi gh,
an d th ere w ould be h igh consu mptio n of the power. It would aff ect t he us age days of t he ba tteri es.
2.O n the opposit e, i f the sho t lag is long, it would be a lo wer c onsum ption
of pow er to gua rante e a long- time usage .
8.S ide motio n sensors
Dur ing the align ment cons ider wheth er t he us e of the side moti on s ensor s
may be usefu l for attaini ng t he de sired obs ervat ion r esult s or not.
9.S ensit ivity of motio n sensors
1. Select "High" For inte rior area s and env ironm ents with litt le in terfe rence
2.S elect "Medium" for exte rior areas an d env ironm ent with a no rmal
amoun t of inte rfere nce,
3.s elect "Low" for a n env ironm ent with a hi gh le vel of in terfe rence .
10. Target record ing time
Pre ss "OK", and then select " ON" t o se t the sta rting work ing and e nding
wor king time. After finis hing setti ng, the c amera onl y wor ks d uring the set
tim e every day. B eyond the peri od, the camer a is in s tandb y.If the star t
tim e is, for in stanc e set to 18:35 and the end time to 8 :25, the camer a wi ll
be operation al from 6:35 pm o f the cur rent day until 8:25 am of t he
fol lowin g day. The camer a wi ll no t be trig gered and will not take any phot os
or videos outsid e of this per iod.
11. Time laps e
Pre ss "MENU" to find "Time lapse ". Press "OK", th en se lect "ON" to set t he
tim e interva l, and s et th e va lues of H r, M in and S ec. F or e xampl e, if the
pro cess of f lower s bloomin g has to be recor ded, time laps e can be used.
The camera autom atica lly takes pict ures in e very set time inte rvals .
12. Langu age
Sel ect the desir ed m enu l angua ge.
The followin g languag es a re av ailab le: Engli sh, G erman , Fr ench, Span ish,
Chi nese, etc.
13. Time& date
Fin d the “Time & Date” in the setup men u, th en p ress OK t o ent er.
Use the “Time Format” and “Date For mat” to c onfig ure t ime and d ate forma t.
Cho ose “Set time & date” to c hange the came ra t ime. Press Lef t/Rig ht to
cho ose numbe r and pr ess U p/Dow n to chan ge v alue. Pres s OK to
con firm changes.
14. Photo stamp
Turn on/off displa y of wate rmark on photo
15. Pas sword protecti on
Sel ect "Pass word protectio n". Press "OK" , an d the n se lect "ON" to s et t he
pas sword of the camer a. The p asswo rd is a 4 -digi t nu mber selec ted
bet ween 0-9.
If the passw ord is lost, press MENU key and REPLAY at t he
sa me ti me, and slide the operati ng mo de se lec tor f rom O FF
to SETU P pos iti on. T he ca mera is un locked.
16. Beep sound
Turn on/off beep sound
17. Forma t memory card
Sel ect to format mem ory c ard on th is c amera , we sugg est f ormat the
mem ory card on c omput er then forma t it on t his camer a aga in f or fi rst
use .
18. Seria l NO.
Pre ss "OK", and then select " ON" t o se t the ser ial n umber for the came ra.
You can use a co mbina tion of 4 digi ts t o doc ument s th e loc ation on the
pho tos. When usin g several cameras, thi s mak es i t eas ier to id entif y th e
loc ation when viewing pho tos.
19. Reset settings
Sel ect to reset the camer a to the defa ult s ettin gs.
Ple ase note to s et date and t ime again .
20. Versio n
Sel ect to check the camer a's curre nt fi rmwar e ve rsion numb er.
21. Playb ack
Sli de the operat ing mode selec tor switc h to "SET UP" p ositi on. Press repl ay
key and Up/D own key to r eview the phot os/vi deos. While revi ewing pho tos,
pre ss Up/Dow n key to page up/ down. Whil e re viewi ng vi deos, pre ss OK
key to start playing, press O K one mor e tim e to stop . Pr ess r eplay key to
ret urn to standb y.
21. 1 Delete selection
You can use this func tion to d elete indi vidua l re cordi ngs f rom the m emory
car d. Press MENU key under th e mod e of play back, mov e the sel ect b ar
to “Delete curre nt f ile” and press OK to de lete the selec ted recor ding.
21. 2 Delete all recor dings
You can use this func tion to d elete all reco rding s fro m th e mem ory card.
Pre ss MENU key under the mode of playb ack, move the selec tion bar to
“De lete all files ” and press OK to del ete a ll r ecord ings.
21. 3 Activat e slide show
Thi s functio n can be used to play back the phot os st ored on t he m emory
car d automat icall y. Each photo is show n fo r abo ut 2 seco nds. To stop the
sli de show and keep the curre nt im age perma nentl y on the scree n, p ress
the OK butto n.
22. Write protecti on
>This function can be used to p rotec t ind ividu al r ecord ings of a ll sa ved
recor dings from ac ciden tal d eleti on.
>Sele ct "Write -prot ect curre nt fi le" to pr otect the curr ently sel ected
recor ding from acci denta l deletio n.
>Sele ct "Write -prot ect all f iles" to prote ct a ll sa ved recor dings from
accid ental deletion .
>Sele ct "Unloc k cu rrent file " to remo ve t he wr ite prote ction for the
curre ntly selected reco rding .
>Sele ct "Unloc k al l fil es" to re move the write pro tecti on fo r al l sav ed
recor dings .
6. 1 Ad justing And Insta lling The Camera
The SETUP mode is ad vanta geous for dete rmini ng t he be st p ossib le
det ectio n angle and range of the m oveme nt s ensor. For this purpose,
att ach the camer a at appr ox. 1 -2m hei ght t o a tree and align the came ra
wit h a desir ed direct ion.
Mov e slowly from one side of the obser ved a rea
to the other. Move parallel to the camer a. Try out
dif feren t angles and dista nces. The green LED
fla shing indicate d that y ou we re d etect ed by sid e
PIR sensor.And the bl ue LE D fl ashin g ind icate d
tha t you were d etect ed by mai n PIR sen sor.
NOT E:green LED only lights up w hen “ Side moti on
sen sor” is O N. In this w ay yo u ca n det ermine the
bes t positio n for al ignin g the cam era.T he
blu e/gre en LED only flash in the S ETUP mode as
soo n as the PIR senso r has detecte d mo vemen t.
The red LED will flas h for 15 time s when y ou ju st s witch to Live mode (ON) ,
and then the ca mera work auto matic ally and enter s the Sta ndby mode.
To preven t incorre ct s ignal s and unn ecess ary p hotos , we reco mmend
not using the c amera at sunny poin ts a nd ch eck that no b ranch es ar e
in the activ e area of th e sen sor.
Als o check that the camer a is set to t he c orrec t hei ght in li ne w ith t he
poi nt to be obse rved. Where n ecess ary, point the camer a do wn fo r
opt imum alignment
For 1 m eter height, Place the came ra p arall el to the grou nd.
For 2 m eters height, Tilt the came ra down five degr ees t o th e gro und.
Not e:
Ple ase do the h orizo ntal
mov ement before the PIR.
ver tical movement could n ot
det ect corre ctly.
Ple ase quick en your steps when
you do the test in a long di stanc e
bef ore PIR detec tion area .
The PIR dete ction distance would b e sho rter if t he e nviro nment
tem perat ure reach es or ab ove 3 0 °
The screen would aut omati cally turn off with out any o perat ion withi n
3 mi nutes in SETUP mod e, pr ess any b utton wil l mak e tu rn it on again .
6. 2 Se tting Up The Live Mode
The standard applicat ion of the Wildli fe Camera is the L ive mode.
In this mode , p hotos are eith er trigge red by moveme nt sensor s or at
int erval s accordi ng to the respect ive setti ng.
To set up the Liv e mo de , swit ch mo de s witch to ON po sitio n. T he re d
LED will flash for 15 times when you just swit ch to Liv e mo de (O N),
and then the camera work auto matic ally and enter s the Standby mode .
As soon as wild animals or other objects direc tly e nter the detec tion area of
the sensor zone, the came ra starts to recor d photos and video s.
Not e:
In the dayti me. IR LEDs will not light up. The photos and videos are in c olor.
At night. IR LEDs will give lights, a nd t he ph otos and video s ar e in blac k and
whi te.
The Shot lag is 1 minute defaulte d. The option al is 5s- 60 mi n.
Ple ase set up record ing mode and relat ed parame ters before en terin g Li ve
mod e.
Whe n Flash Light is set to "Auto" , the camera will adju st th e br ightn ess o f IR
LED s automat icall y in low power. W hen shoot ing a t ni ght, the brigh tness will
dec rease automati cally, and the shoot ing e ffect wil l bec ome a lit tle poor. For
ult ra low power, shoot ing w ill stop at n ight.
7.Connection to computer
Ple ase shift Mode to "SET UP", and conne ct the camera to compu ter with
USB cable, the camer a LCD will show "MSDC prompt .This indi cates
con necti ng succes sfull y. A nd t hen r ead or co py t he da ta i n SD card to the
com puter.
1. Connect the camer a to your computer using the US B ca ble.
2.T he camera switches on autom atica lly in the USB mode, irres pecti ve o f
th e se lection on the mode switch .
3.T he camera installs itself on the comput er as an addit ional dri ve un der
th e na me “R emova ble stora ge device "
4.D ouble click on the device to d etect the fold er "DCIM*
5.T he photos and vide os are in the sub folders of the "DCIM " fol der.
6.You can cop y or move pho tos a nd v ideo files on the compu ter.
Alt ernat ively, you can inser t the mem ory c ard in a card read er o n the
com puter.
Ele ment
Ima ge sensor
Pho to resolu tion
Scr een
Rec ordin g medium
Vid eo resolu tions
Len s
The distance of night version
Trigg ering distance
Trigg ering time
Sho t lag
IR flash
Det ectio n angle of s ensor
Spr ay water protected
Sto rage formats
Con necti ons
Sta ndby time
Dim ensio ns
Po wer
Mac intos h
20 Megapixel CMOS se nsor
20M P (5200*3 900) ;
16M P (4608*3 456);
12M P (4000*3 000),
8MP (3264 x2448 ),
5MP (2592 x 1 944). 3MP(2048 x1536 ).
6.1 cm (2.4”) color T FTLCD ;
320 x240 pixels
Sup ports Micro SD me mory cards
up to 3 2 GB (Not Included )
8 X LR6 (A A) Al kalin e Ba tteri es
wit h low dischar ge;
Ext ernal 6V power supply,
at least 1.5A ( not s uppli ed)
1.P lease check whethe r th e bat terie s
ar e in stall ed in pro per w ay.
The camera will not turn on
The camera turns off
aut omati cally
It shows 'SD ca rd Er ror"
2.C heck if t he batter y capacit y is low
or exh auste d. If so, plea se r eplac e
by new batt eries .
1. Please check whet her t he b atter y
capac ity is l ow or exh auste d. If so,
try to c hange new batt eries for
outdo or using or c onnec t AC
adapt er for i ndoor usin g.
2. Please check if S D ca rd is ful l. If so,
trans fer image s an d vid eos to yo ur
compu ter or d elete some fil es in the
Repla y Mode.
1. Please ensure tha t SD card is with
class 10 stand ard or h igher leve l.
2. Please use t he ca mera to f ormat
SD card at th e fi rst t ime.
Vid eos are chopp y or jump y
whe n played on a computer
The image is no t cle ar
The camera does not take
ima ges or record vide os
1. Tr y to use diff erent medi a pl ayers
such as V LC player.
2. Ensure AVI fo rmat Video cli p can be
playe d on your computer.
1 . Please ensur e th at yo u ha ve
re moved the prot ectiv e fi lms o n IR LE Ds a nd le ns b efore usin g.
1 .Check If th e mem ory of SD car d is fu ll, trans fer i mages or video s to yo ur c omput er or del ete s ome files in the Repl ay M ode.
9.1 Care
Do not use any corro sive clea ners, such as methy lated spi rits, thin ners,
etc . to clea n the camera hous ing a nd s uppli ed ac cesso ry. Wh en requir ed,
the clean system com ponen ts wi th a soft dry clot h.
9.2 Storage
Alw ays remov e the ba ttery from the hous ing if th e ca mera is n ot be ing
use d for some t ime a nd s tore the batte ry se parat ely. O n a day to d ay
bas is and over longe r per iods the batte ries can be k ept a t a dry locat ion
out of the reach of child ren.
Ple ase conta ct us by
US A&C anada support @to
Eu rop e eu. support@ tog
UK uk.suppor t@t oguard.c c
We will offer pr ompt and autho ritat ive r eply with in 24 hou rs, a nd t ry ou r
bes t to reso lve your problem ASAP. More Safe Guarantee wit h TOG UARD!
If you are not satis fied with our prod uct. Pleas e te ll us abo ut yo ur t hough t.
Tha t will be mu ch ap preci ated.
Bit te packen Sie die Kamera s orgfä ltig aus und ü berpr üfen Sie, ob das
fol gende Zubehör in d er Ve rpack ung entha lten ist.
1. Wildkamer a x1
2. USB-Kabel x 1
3.B edien ungsa nleit ung x 1
4.M ontag eband x 1
5.Wandha lteru ng x 1
6.S chrau ben x 3
Die Wildkame ra ist e ine Tie r- und Überwac hungs kamer a mit In fraro tsens or.
Der Sensor kann plöt zlich e Änd erung en d er Um gebun gstem perat ur
inn erhal b eines Auswe rtebe reich s er kenne n. Di e Si gnale des
hoc hempf indli chen Infrarots ensor s (PIR, Passi ver I nfrar otsen sor) scha lten
die Kamera ein und a ktivi eren das Bild des Video modus .
2. 1 Merkmale der Wild Kamer a
1. CMOS-Sens or
2. 20 M egapi xel-F oto und 1080P HD- Video .
3. TFT-LCD mit 6, 1 cm (2,4 Zoll ): 3 20 x 240 Pixel
4. 42 S tück IR-LEDs.
5. Vollautoma tisch er I R-Fil ter.
6.Tri ggerg eschw indig keit: Ca. 0,3 Sekunden.
7.S erien numme r einrich ten, um d ie Positi on a ufzuz eichn en.
8.Z eit, Datum, Temperat ur, Ph ase und Seriennum mer werde n auf da s
Foto gestempel t.
9. Passworts chutz .
10. Anzei ge der Leistu ng.
11. Eingebau te Testfunk tion über Umge bungs tempe ratur.
12. Eingebau tes Mikro fon und L autsp reche r.
13. Mini USB 2. 0-Sch nitts telle .
14. Wassersich erer Stan dard IP56.
15. Arbeitst emper atur: -20 ° C bis 60 ° C.
16. Extrem niedr iger Stro mverb rauch im Stand by-Be trieb mit extr em
lan ger Betri ebsda uer. 6 Monate mit 8 PC- Batte rien bei tägli ch 5 0 Bil dern.
2. 2 Merkmale der Wild kamer a
1. Ka meraf alle fü r die Jag d
2.Tie r- ode r Vorfal lbeob achtu ng.
3.M otion a usgel öst Kam era für d en Haus gebra uch, Bü ro oder d ie
Öff entli chkei t.
4. Je de inte rne und e xtern e Überw achun g.
Das Ve rstän dnis de r Kamer astru ktur hi lft, di eses Pr odukt g eschi ckter
ein zuset zen.
1-I nfrar ot-LE Ds
2-L inse
3.1 -Fron tbewe gungs senso r
3.2 -Link er Bewegu ngsse nsor
3.3 -Rech tsbew egung ssens or
4. Displayan zeige
5. Auf-Ta ste
6.M enü-Tas te
7. Linke Taste
8. Wiedergab etast e
9. Shot-Taste
10. Recht s-Taste
11. OK-Ta ste
12. Down- Ta ste
13. TF-St eckpl atz
14. AV-Buchse
15. USB-B uchse
16. ON
18. OFF
19. Batterie fach
20. Dichtung sring
21. DC Ansch luss 6V / 1.5A
22. 1 / 4 "Stativ gewin de
16 17 18
Digit al Trai l Camer a
Model :H70
Power : 8 *AA Bat tery
DC6V In put
Made in Chin a
22. 2 3. Halt erung en verr iegel n 24. Sch litz fü r die Mon tage de s Rieme ns
▲ 1 .Der Monitor ist nur im SE TUP-M odus eing escha ltet, um
Men üeins tellu ngen zu ä ndern oder vorhand ene Fotos und Vide os
anz uzeig en.
2. Zum Speic hern von Fotos und Vide os muss eine micr oSD-S peich erkar te
in den Speic herka rtens teckp latz eingesetz t sein.
3.M it der Mini-U SB-Verbind ung (USB 2.0) kann die Kame ra a n ein en
Com puter angeschl ossen werden, um F otos und Video s he runte rzula den.
4.M it dem Betrie bsart ensch alter kön nen d ie d rei B etrie bsart en: OFF,
SET UP und ON au sgewä hlt w erden .
Hi nweis :
1.M icro SD-Speich erkar ten mit einer Kapa zität von bis zu 3 2 GB
wer den unter stütz t..
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