Tobii I–12, I–15 User Manual

UUsseerr’’ss MMaannuuaall
TToobbiiii II--SSeerriieess
I–12 I–15
Tobii I-Series Users manual
Version 1.0.4 05/2013 All rights reserved. © Tobii Technology AB
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.
Content subject to change without notice.
Please check Tobii web site for updated versions of this document.
The following products are protected by U.S. Patent 7,572,008:
I12 ET
I15 ET
You can locate the Type of I-Series device on the label on the back side.
Table of Contents
11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Explanation of Admonitions.. ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ..........1
1.2 Symbols and Markings . ............. ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ .....1
1.3 Intended Use .......... . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............. ............. ........3
1.3.1 Portable Use............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ .....3
1.3.2 Mounted Use ........ . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............. ........4
1.4 Package Contents . ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ . ..........4
22 SSaaffeettyy........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 55
2.1 Avoiding Hearing Damage . ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ . ............ . ............ ............ .5
2.2 Temperature ......... ............ . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ...........5
2.3 Power Supply and Batteries........... . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ .6
2.4 Mounting.... ............ . ............ ............. ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............. ........6
2.5 Emergency .. ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............. ............ ............. . .......7
2.6 Infrared Eye Tracker ....... ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............7
2.7 Epilepsy ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............. ............ ............. .7
2.8 Electricity ......... ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ..7
2.9 Child Safety........ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............7
2.10 Environmental Control.......... ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............ . .........7
2.11 Gaze Interaction ......... ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .......7
33 OOvveerrvviieeww ooff tthhee TToobbiiii II––1122 aanndd II––1155 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
3.1 Key Features..... ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ..8
3.2 Product Layout.. ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ . ............ . ............ ..8
3.2.1 The Tobii I–12 and Tobii I–15 ............. ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .......8
3.2.2 Ports, Sensors and Device Buttons........... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. .9
3.3 Preinstalled Software ........... ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............ ........11
3.4 Configuring the Device.. ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ..11
3.5 Accessing the microSD-Card .... . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ..12
3.5.1 Removing the microSD-card....... ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............12
3.5.2 Inserting the microSD-Card. ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ .......13
3.6 Tobii Quick Release Adapter Plate.. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............13
3.6.1 Mounting the Tobii QR Adapter Plate........ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............14
3.6.2 Removing the Tobii QR Adapter Plate .......... ............ ............. ............. ............ . .........14
44 BBaatttteerriieess iinn tthhee TToobbiiii II--SSeerriieess........................................................................................................................................................................................................1155
4.1 Batteries ........... ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............15
4.1.1 Hot Swappable ............. ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............15
4.2 Charging........ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . .15
4.2.1 Checking Charge Level..... . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ........16
4.3 Inserting and Releasing the Batteries ....... ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ..16
4.3.1 Inserting the Batteries.... . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ...........16
4.3.2 Releasing the Batteries ....... ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............. ............. ......16
55 UUssiinngg tthhee TToobbiiii II--SSeerriieess ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1188
5.1 Starting the Device............ ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ..........18
5.1.1 Password Information ...... ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .........18
5.1.2 I-Series Welcome Guide.......... . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . .18
5.2 Shutting Down the Device ... ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ........18
5.3 Using Tobii Gaze Interaction ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ........19
5.3.1 Positioning .... ............ . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . .19
5.3.2 Track Box.......... . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .........19
5.3.3 Track Status Viewer....... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ...........20
5.3.4 Positioning Guide... . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....20
5.4 Using Windows Control . ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............. .21
5.4.1 Windows Control Type ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . .21
5.4.2 Starting and Disabling Tobii Windows Control....... . ............. ............ ............. ............ .21
5.4.3 Using Gaze Selection ........... . ............ . ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ....22
5.4.4 Using Mouse Emulation......... . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .....26
5.5 Wake the I-Series from Sleep with Gaze Interaction . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ..28
5.6 Pause/Resume Gaze Interaction and Put the I-Series to Sleep with Gaze Interaction........ . ............29
5.7 Using the Cameras..... . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ...30
5.8 Using the GEWA Programmable IR Remote Control ......... . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . .....30
5.8.1 Handling Tobii Product Key............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .........30
5.9 Adjusting the Volume ..... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .30
5.10 Adjusting the Sound ............. . . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . .....31
5.11 Performing a Factory Recovery ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . .....31
5.12 Calibrating the Touch Screen............ ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ........32
66 CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee II--SSeerriieess wwiitthh tthhee II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr............................................................................................................3333
6.1 Buttons........... . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . .34
6.1.1 Play Sound when Pressed........ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ............ ............ . .34
6.1.2 Disable All Buttons ........ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ...........34
6.2 Display............. ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .35
6.2.1 Brightness Adjustment......... ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....35
6.2.2 Display Rotation . . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .........35
6.3 Switches.......... ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ . ............ . ............36
6.3.1 Play Sound when Pressed........ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ............ ............ . .36
6.3.2 Configuring a Switch to Power On ... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ............ .......36
6.3.3 Configuring a Switch to Power Off ............. ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ..........37
6.4 Wake-on-Gaze® ...... ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....37
6.5 Wireless..... ............ . ............ ............. ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............. ......38
6.5.1 WLAN ..... . ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ . .....38
6.5.2 Bluetooth® for Mobile Phone Communication....... . ............. ............ ............. ............ .39
6.6 Safety ............ ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ..40
6.6.1 Audio........ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....40
6.6.2 Temperature Control....... ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ..........40
6.7 Tobii Product Key ...... ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ .....41
6.8 Setup & Updates. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ . ...........42
6.8.1 I-Series Welcome Guide.......... . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . .42
6.8.2 I-Series Update Notifier .......... ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............ . ..42
6.9 System.. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............43
6.9.1 Version & Model.......... ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ .43
6.9.2 Backup ......... . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .44
6.10 Creating Shortcuts to Actions .......... ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .........45
6.10.1 Available Actions......... ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ .45
6.10.2 Selecting Actions ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ........45
77 TToobbiiii GGaazzee IInntteerraaccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss ................................................................................................................................................................................................4477
7.1 Accessing the Tobii Gaze Interaction Settings........... . ............. ............ ............. ............. ...........47
7.2 Calibration.......... . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ...........47
7.2.1 Starting Calibration......... ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............. ............. ..........48
7.2.2 Interrupting Calibration.......... ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....48
7.2.3 Customizing Active Eye . ............ . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............48
7.2.4 Improving Calibration Point(s) ........... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . .....49
7.2.5 Removing Calibration Point(s) .......... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ............ .......50
7.2.6 Customizing the Calibration.......... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . .........50
7.2.7 Customizing the Calibration Area.......... . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ...51
7.3 Interaction ... . ............ . ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .....52
7.4 User Profile.. . ............ . ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .....53
7.4.1 Creating a New Profile ......... ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....53
7.4.2 Selecting Current User Profile....... . ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ . .........54
7.4.3 Deleting a Profile........... . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ...........54
7.5 Windows Control ....... ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ .....54
7.5.1 Auto Start ..... . ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. .............54
7.5.2 Windows Control Type ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . .54
7.6 System Settings ......... ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............. ............. ............ .....56
7.6.1 System Off-Screen Menu........... ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............56
7.6.2 Positioning Guide... . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....57
7.7 System Information .. ............ ............ . ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ........57
88 GGaazzee SSeelleeccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss........................................................................................................................................................................................................................5599
8.1 The General Settings Tab .......... ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ...59
8.2 The Keyboard Settings Tab ....... . ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ...60
99 PPrroodduucctt CCaarree............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6611
9.1 Temperature & Humidity ........ ............. ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ . ......61
9.1.1 General Use ........ ............ . ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ........61
9.1.2 Transportation and Storage ....... . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............61
9.2 Cleaning ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ...........61
9.2.1 Cleaning of the Speakers ..... ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . .....61
9.3 Placement ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ........61
9.4 Transporting the I-Series Device.. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . .61
9.5 Disposing of the Batteries.... ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............. ............ . ........62
9.6 Disposing of the I-Series Device...... . ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ..........62
AAppppeennddiixx AA SSuuppppoorrtt,, WWaarrrraannttyy,, TTrraaiinniinngg RReessoouurrcceess........................................................................................................................................ 6633
A1 Customer Support....... ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ . ............ ...63
A2 Warranty .......... ............ . ............. ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............63
A3 Training Resources...... ............. ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ...63
AAppppeennddiixx BB CCoommpplliiaannccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6644
B1 FCC Statement... ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............64
B1.1 For P15B Equipment . . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............ . ..64
B1.2 For Portable Devices ........ ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . ........64
B2 Radio Wave Exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Information..... . ............ . ............ ........64
B3 Industry Canada Statement........... ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............68
B4 CE Statement ............ . ............ ............ . ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. . ............ ....68
B5 Standards ....... . ............ ............ . ............ . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . . ............ ............ . .68
AAppppeennddiixx CC CCoommppuutteerr DDeevviiccee SSttaatteess ooff OOppeerraattiioonn ..........................................................................................................................................7700
AAppppeennddiixx DD MMaaxxiimmuumm AAlllloowweedd TTeemmppeerraattuurree..................................................................................................................................................................7722
AAppppeennddiixx EE TTeecchhnniiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss........................................................................................................................................................................................7733
E1 Standard I-Series ....... . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . . ............ ...73
E2 Radio Free I-Series..... . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ....74
E3 Battery pack .. ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. . ............ ....76
E4 Eye Tracker. .. ............. . ............ ............ . ............ ............ . ............. ............ ............. . ............ ....76
AAppppeennddiixx FF AApppprroovveedd AAcccceessssoorriieess ..............................................................................................................................................................................................7788
1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing a Tobii I-Series device from Tobii Technology!
To ensure the optimal performance of this product, please take the time to read this manual carefully.
The Tobii I-Series device is available in two different sizes: the Tobii I–12 with a 12.1" screen and the Tobii I–15 with a 15.0" screen. The Tobii I-Series is a Gaze Interaction device but can be ordered without the Gaze Interaction function.
This Users Manual covers:
The I-Series device, models Tobii I–12 and Tobii I–15.
The I-Series Control Center (for controlling the device and the Tobii Product Key).
The Tobii Gaze Interaction functions

1.1 Explanation of Admonitions

In this manual we use three (3) levels of admonitions as follows:
Is used for notifying the user of something important or of something that needs special attention.
Is used to inform of something that could cause harm to, or malfunction of, the equipment.
Is used to inform of something in which there is a conceivable risk of harm to the user if the Warning is ignored.
Is used to inform of something that can cause damage to hearing.
Is used to inform of something that cause permanent bodily harm with prolonged skin contact if the Warning is ignored.

1.2 Symbols and Markings

This appendix provides information about the symbols that are used on the I-Series, its accessories or packaging.
SSyymmbbooll oorr MMaarrkkiinnggss
USB 3.0 Port
USB 2.0 Ports
Power On
RJ 45 Ethernet Port
3.5 mm Switch port 1
3.5 mm Switch port 2
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

1 Introduction

SSyymmbbooll oorr MMaarrkkiinnggss
Power Connector
Head phone jack 3,5 mm
Connector for an HDMI 1.3 cable
To release the right battery
To release the left battery
Dispose of in accordance with your country's requirements.
CE is the abbreviation of the European Communities and this mark tells customs officials in the European Union that the product complies with one or more of the EC Directives
This mark is a certification mark employed on electronic prod­ucts manufactured or sold in the United States which certifies that the electromagnetic interference from the device is under limits approved by the Federal Communications Commission.
China Compulsory Certificate
UL Classification Marks for Canada and the United States
RoHS Compliant
Consult User´s Manual
Li-Ion rechargeable battery. Must be recycled or disposed properly
Recyclable material
Type L and Type R Listing Marks for Canada and the United States
Conforms to relevant Australian EMC requirements
Japanese certification for electrical/electronic appliances and components
1 Introduction
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
SSyymmbbooll oorr MMaarrkkiinnggss
IEC 60601-1
EN 60601-1
Recycling in China
Dispose of in accordance with your country's requirements.
Safety Class II equipment (reinforced insulation)
This mark show the pin out polarity on the AC/DC Power Adapter.
Recognized component mark for Canada and the United States
The most recognized International Safety mark. This safety listing signifies that the product was tested to IEC 60601–1
Enclosure ingress protection code per IEC 60529

1.3 Intended Use

The Tobii I-Series is an Assistive and Alternative Communication (AAC) product, a purpose built Speech Generating Device (SGD) designed to provide to its users increased communication ability and greater independence.
The Tobii I-Series is intended primarily to provide,and act as, a compliment to everyday communication for people that have chal­lenges in their ability to speak due to injury, disability or illness. This intended use is reflected in design features such as long last­ing batteries, superior sound quality, high durability, built in environmental control and connectivity features.
The Tobii I-Series is a Gaze Interaction device with a built-in Tobii Eye Tracker (optional) and a capacitive touch screen for touch access. The device is intended to be used in two orientations: one, upright and mounted (or standing upright, vertically, on an ap­propriate surface) for Gaze Interaction use, and two, lying flat (resting in a horizontal orientation) for touch access optimization. Tobii Gaze Interaction and touch can be used in combination with switches, keyboard and/or scanning as additional input methods.
The Tobii I-Series is designed primarily for face-to-face communication and secondarily for long distance communication, com­puter access and on-line social interaction. The Tobii I-Series allows the user to communicate via text or symbols to generate synthesized (computer voice) or digitized (recorded voice) speech for face-to-face communication. The variety of communication methods allows Tobii I-Series users the ability to realize their full potential.
The Tobii I-Series allows its user many options of communication through text message, chat and voice calls via Bluetooth® to cell phone, WiFi to Skype®, Internet to E-mail and other third party applications such as Facebook®.
With the Tobii I-Series, users have the freedom and flexibility provided via the Microsoft® Windows environment, as well as the option to control TVs and other household appliances via the GEWA Programmable IR Remote Control.
The Tobii I-Series meets the definition for durable medical equipment; and is registered as a Class 1 medical device. The Tobii I-Series is available in two (2) sizes; and is available as a dedicated (locked) Speech Generating Device.
The I-Series device does not sustain or support life.
In case of failure of the I-Series device, the user cannot communicate using it.

1.3.1 Portable Use

A portable I-Series can be used in two (2) different positions.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
1 Introduction
Upright orientation
Resting orientation
UUpprriigghhtt OOrriieennttaattiioonn RReessttiinngg OOrriieennttaattiioonn
The UUpprriigghhtt orientation is optimized for Gaze Interaction users and the RReessttiinngg orientation is optimized for Touch or Scan users.

1.3.2 Mounted Use

The I-Series can be mounted on to several mounting systems. Mount the Tobii Quick Release (QR) adapter plate on to the de­vice. The Tobii QR adapter plate can be attached to the following support systems:
For more information, see
3.6 Tobii Quick Release Adapter Plate, page 13
Appendix F Approved Accessories, page 78

1.4 Package Contents

The items below are included with your I-Series package:
1 Device (12ʺ or 15ʺ)
1 Eye tracker (built in)
1 Tobii QR adapter plate
2 Batteries
1 Power Supply
1 Windows 7 Home Premium license
1 Tobii Communicator (pre-installed)
1 Tobii Sono Suite (pre-installed)
1 USB stick with Tobii Communicator and Tobii Sono Suite
1 I-Series Users Manual (on the device as a PDF document)
1 Quick Start Manual (printed)
1 Getting Started with Essentials TC 4.8 (printed)
Safety and Compliance documents
Warranty Document
KKeeeepp tthhee oorriiggiinnaall ppaacckkaaggiinngg mmaatteerriiaallss ffoorr tthhee TToobbiiii II--SSeerriieess..
In case the device needs to be returned to Tobii for Warranty related issues or repair, it is required that the original packaging (or equal equivalent) is used for shipping.
1 Introduction
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
2 Safety
The I-Series device has been tested and approved as compliant to all the Specifications and Standards listed in
Compliance Information, page 64
limited to, the Medical Device Standard (Class 1/Type B). Nevertheless, in order to ensure safe operation of your Tobii I-Series device, there are a few safety warnings to bear in mind:
NNoo mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt iiss aalllloowweedd
The I-Series is not to be used as a life supporting Device, and it shall not be relied on in case of loss of function due to power loss or other causes.
There could be a choking hazard risk if small parts detach from the I-Series device.
The I-Series device shall not be exposed to or used in heavy rain or weather conditions outside the Technical Specifi­cation of the I-Series device.
The I-Series device shall only be used with I-Series specific Accessories that have a mounting instruction included with the accessory.
Young children or people with cognitive disabilities should not have access to, or the use of, the I-Series device with­out parental or guardian supervision.
Do no attach any decorations, post it notes or similar on the screen side of the I-Series device, that may interfere with the Gaze Interaction or touch screen performance.
of this manual and in the
Appendix E Technical Specifications, page 73
Appendix B
– including, but not

2.1 Avoiding Hearing Damage

Permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones, headphones or speakers are used at high volume. To prevent this, the volume should be set to a safe level. You can become desensitized over time to high sound levels which may then sound acceptable yet still could be damaging your hearing. If you experience symptoms such as ringing in your ears, please lower the volume or stop using the earphones/headphones.The louder the volume, the less time is required be­fore your hearing could be affected.
Hearing experts suggest the following measures to protect your hearing:
Limit the amount of time you use earphones or headphones at high volume.
Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.
Turn the volume down if you cannot hear people speaking near you.
To establish a safe volume level:
Set your volume control at a low setting.
Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, without distortion.

2.2 Temperature

This device can be made to operate in two different modes, Portable and Mounted. When the device is in Mounted mode it is allowed to run at a higher temperature; it sets the maximum allowable environmental temperature to its high­est level. The risk with running the device in this mode is that it can reach temperatures in which prolonged use with di­rect skin contact may cause permanent bodily harm. Portable mode sets the maximum device temperature shut down limit to a lower temperature, reducing the risk for permanent bodily harm caused by prolonged exposure to the skin. Only choose Mounted mode when the device is mounted on a wheelchair, table, etc, with a proper mounting system.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

2 Safety

Due to use in direct sunshine or in any other hot environment the I-Series device may have hot surfaces. There is a built in temperature sensor that monitors the temperature. If the sensor detects temperatures above the temperature speci­fied in
Table D.1 Maximum Allowed Temperature, page 72
matically trigger a Windows Shut Down or Hibernate (depending on Windows Power Button configuration) to not cause the User any risk of harm. It may take a while before I-Series device can be restarted as the unit may first need time to cool down.

2.3 Power Supply and Batteries

The I-Series device uses Lithium Ion batteries. These batteries have a storage temperature range of between -20 /-4 and 40 /104 within 6 months.
If you are in a hot environment, be aware that it can affect the ability to charge the batteries. The internal temperature has to be between 0 /32 and 45 /113 for the batteries to charge. If the internal battery temperature raises above 45 /113 the batteries will not charge at all.
Move the I-Series device and the batteries to a cooler environment to let the batteries charge properly.
Avoid exposing the batteries to fire or to temperatures above 50 /122 . These conditions may cause a battery to malfunction, generate heat, ignite or explode. Be aware that it is possible, in a worst case scenario, for temperatures to reach greater than those stated above in, for example, the trunk of a car on a hot day. So, storing the device, with bat­teries installed, in a hot car trunk could conceivably lead to a malfunction.
Do not disassemble or harm the battery. Pay attention to the environmental laws and regulations which apply in your area when disposing of batteries.
For safe operation of the I-Series device, use only charger, batteries and accessories approved by Tobii Technology.
for portable mode and mounted mode the device will auto-
Do not open, or modify, the metal casing of the I-Series device or of the power supply, since you may be exposed to potentially hazardous electrical voltage. The device contains no serviceable parts. If the I-Series device or its accesso­ries are mechanically damaged, ddoo nnoott ttoo uussee tthheemm.
If the batteries are not charged or the I-Series is not powered up by the power supply, the I-Series device will shut down.
If the Power Supply Cord is damaged, replaceable by Service Personnel only
Do not connect any devices with a non-medical grade power supply to any connector on the I-Series device.
The appliance coupler of the power supply or separable plug is used as the Mains Disconnection Device, please do not to position the I-Series device so that it is difficult to operate the disconnection device.
Special regulations apply to shipping Lithium-ion batteries. If dropped, crushed, or short-circuited, these batteries can release dangerous amounts of heat and may ignite, and are dangerous in fires.
Please reference IATA regulations when shipping lithium metal or lithium ion batteries or cells:

2.4 Mounting

The I-Series should be mounted according to MANUFACTURERinstructions of approved mounts. Tobii Technology or its agents are not liable for damage or injuries to a person or its property due to a I-Series falling from a mounted configuration. The mounting of a I-Series is done entirely at the users own risk.
2 Safety
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

2.5 Emergency

Do not rely on the device for emergency calls or banking transactions. We recommend having multiple ways to com­municate in emergency situations. Banking transactions should only be carried out with a system recommended by, and approved according to the standards of, your bank.

2.6 Infrared Eye Tracker

When activated, the Tobii I-Series emits pulsed infrared (IR) light. Certain medical devices are susceptible to disturb­ance by IR light and/or radiation. Do not use the I-Series when in the vicinity of such susceptible medical devices as their accuracy or proper functionality could be inhibited.

2.7 Epilepsy

Some people with PPhhoottoosseennssiittiivvee EEppiilleeppssyy are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when ex­posed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life. This may happen even if the person has no medical his­tory of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures.
A person with Photosensitive Epilepsy would also be likely to have problems with TV screens, some arcade games, and flickering fluorescent bulbs. Such people may have a seizure while watching certain images or patterns on a moni­tor, or even when exposed to the light sources of an eye tracker. It is estimated that about 3-5% of people with epi­lepsy have this type of Photosensitive Epilepsy. Many people with Photosensitive Epilepsy experience an "aura" or feel odd sensations before the seizure occurs. If you feel odd during use, move your eyes away from the eye tracker.

2.8 Electricity

Do not open the casing of the I-Series device, since you may be exposed to potentially hazardous electrical voltage. The device contains no serviceable parts.

2.9 Child Safety

The I-Series are advanced computer systems and electronic devices. As such they are composed of numerous sepa­rate, assembled parts. In the hands of a child certain of these parts have the possibilityof being separated from the de­vice, possibly constituting a choking hazard or another danger to the child.
Young children should not have access to, or the use of, the device without parental or guardian supervision.

2.10 Environmental Control

The GEWA Programmable IR Remote Control Environmental Control Unit (ECU) is not to be relied on as the only method of interaction with IR controlled devices.

2.11 Gaze Interaction

Some people may experience a certain amount of fatigue (due to intentional eye focusing and hard concentration) or even a dryness of the eyes (due to less frequent blinking) when first getting used to Gaze Interaction. If you are experi­encing fatigue or dry eyes start off slowly and limit the length of your Gaze Interaction sessions to your comfort level. Remoisturizing eye drops can be helpful to combat dryness.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
2 Safety
3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15

3.1 Key Features

The I-Series has several built-in features. Some of these come standard and some can be ordered as additional features.
SSttaannddaarrdd ffeeaattuurreess:: 2 × Camera, 1 × microphone, 2 × speakers, 1 × ECU (Environmental Control Unit), 1 × Bluetooth® (for mobile phones etc) and 1 × WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network).
RRaaddiioo FFrreeqquueennccyy ((RRFF)) FFrreeee ffeeaattuurreess:: SSttaannddaarrdd ffeeaattuurreess:: 2 × Camera, 1 × microphone, 2 × speakers and 1 × ECU (Envi­ronmental Control Unit)
AAddddiittiioonnaall ffeeaattuurree:: Gaze Interaction.
The additional feature can be purchased with the initial order or as an additional Tobii Product Key after delivery, except for Gaze Interaction for the type I–12 R which needs to be sent in to Tobii for upgrade. To order a Tobii Product Key or Gaze Interaction for the type I–12 R, please contact Tobii Customer Service, your re-seller or your sales representative.

3.2 Product Layout

A I-Series device has a color Capacitive touch, LED Backlight screen. The Tobii I–12 has a 12.1ʺ screen with a 1024 × 768 pixel resolution. The Tobii I–15 has a 15.0ʺ screen with a 1024 × 768 pixel resolution.

3.2.1 The Tobii I–12 and Tobii I–15

3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15

Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

3.2.2 Ports, Sensors and Device Buttons

PPoossiittiioonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn PPoossiittiioonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn
FFiigguurree 33..11 Front and Back
Webcam 2 MP Fixed Focus (FF)
Light sensor
Eye Tracker (If included, built in)
Carrying grip
GEWA Programmable IR Re­mote Control (Transmitter)
This port is just for Transmitting IR Signals, to program the de­vice, use port in Position 27 in
Figure 3.2 Bottom, Left and Right Side, page 10
Camera 5 MP Auto Focus (AF)
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3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15
19 20
21 22
FFiigguurree 33..22 Bottom, Left and Right Side
10 11
Power button Volume Up button
Volume Down button
Head phone jack 3,5 mm
Connector for an HDMI 1.3 cable
Switch Port 1
Switch Port 2
Power Connector
20 21
PPoossiittiioonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn PPoossiittiioonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Quick Access Button 1 (Configurable)
Quick Access Button 2 (Configurable)
Menu button
USB 3.0 connector
2× USB 2.0 connector RJ45 Network connector
Slide lock for battery
Battery indicator
GEWA Programmable IR Re­mote Control (Transmitter and Receiver)
Use this port when programming the GEWA from within Tobii Communicator.
microSD-card (under lid)
I/O covers (for fulfilling IP43)
3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
Never force a connector into a port. If the connector and port do not join with reasonable ease, they probably do not match. Make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly in relation to the port.
Be extra careful with the USB connectors.

3.3 Preinstalled Software

The I-Series device is delivered with all preordered and required software installed and ready to use. Should a reinstallation be­come necessary at any stage perform a Factory Recovery. For more information, see
The product number for Windows® can be found on the back of the I-Series device.
5.11 Performing a Factory Recovery , page

3.4 Configuring the Device

Use the preinstalled II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr to configure the hardware functions on the device. You can access II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr in one of the following ways:
Double-click on the II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr shortcut on the desktop,
1. Go to SSttaarrtt mmeennuu > CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell.
2. Double-click II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr, , if the Control Panel is in Classic View. If the Control Panel is in Category view, select VViieeww bbyy:: >> SSmmaallll iiccoonnss oorr LLaarrggee iiccoonnss, and Double-click II--SSeerriieess CCoonn-­ttrrooll CCeenntteerr
1. Go to SSttaarrtt mmeennuu >> AAllll PPrrooggrraammss >> TToobbiiii >> II--SSeerriieess >> II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15
2. Click II--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerr,, .
In the list to the left, select which hardware configuration you want to change. In the area to the right, the different settings will be revealed. The changes are instantly executed.
For more information about configuring the I-Series with the I-Series Control Center, see
I-Series Control Center, page 33
6 Configuring the I-Series with the
Anywhere you see this icon, , an information box is displayed when you briefly rest the mouse pointer on the icon or by touching the icon on the screen.

3.5 Accessing the microSD-Card

The microSD-Card (position 28 in

3.5.1 Removing the microSD-card

To remove the microSD-card:
1. Place the I-Series device face down on a flat surface.
2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw that fastens the lid in place.
3. Remove the lid.
4. Press to release the microSD-card.
5. Pull the card out of the socket.
6. Replace the lid.
7. Tighten the screw with a Phillipsscrewdriver to fasten the lid in place.
Figure 3.2 Bottom, Left and Right Side, page 10
) is installed in the I-Series device by default.
3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

3.5.2 Inserting the microSD-Card

To install the microSD-card:
1. Place the I-Series device face down on a flat surface.
2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw that fastens the lid in place.
3. Remove the lid.
4. Carefully push the microSD-card into the socket.
Do not use force when pushing in the microSD-card. If the microSD-card and socket do not join with reason­able ease, they probably do not line up.
5. Replace the lid.
6. Tighten the screw with a Phillipsscrewdriver to fasten the lid in place.

3.6 Tobii Quick Release Adapter Plate

Tobii QR adapter plate has two sides:
Daessy REHAdapt
Make sure the required side of the Tobii QR adapter plate is face away from the I-Series for the mounting system to use.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15

3.6.1 Mounting the Tobii QR Adapter Plate

To mount the Tobii QR adapter plate:
1. Place the I-Series device face down on a flat surface.
2. Select the required side of the plate, see
3. Place the plate onto the device with the required side facing away from the unit.
4. Tighten the three (3) screws using a Torx T20 screwdriver to that fasten the plate to the unit.
1.3.2 Mounted Use, page 4

3.6.2 Removing the Tobii QR Adapter Plate

To remove the Tobii QR adapter plate:
1. Place the I-Series device face down on a flat surface.
2. Use a Torx T20 screwdriver to remove the three (3) screws that fasten the plate to the unit.
3. Remove the plate.
3 Overview of the Tobii I–12 and I–15
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
4 Batteries in the Tobii I-Series
Pus h

4.1 Batteries

The I-Series device has two battery compartments. The batteries are of the same size and capacity for both the Tobii I–12 and I–15, see
Appendix E Technical Specifications, page 73
FFiigguurree 44..11 Battery with Indicator for Remaining Capacity

4.1.1 Hot Swappable

You can remove/replace one battery without switching off the I-Series device, providing that the remaining battery is sufficiently charged. The remaining battery requires being at least ~10% charged to maintain device operation.
Please allow the I-Series device a few seconds to detect the newly inserted battery before removing the other battery.

4.2 Charging

The batteries shall only be charged using the included adapter, or by using the Tobii I-Series Table Charger (not included, sepa­rate purchase required). When the I-Series device is shut down and the adapter is plugged in, the charging of completely dis­charged batteries may take up to 5 hours. The device can be used while the batteries are being charged, though this may affect the time a battery takes to reach full capacity.
To be sure that charging takes place in both the I-Series device and when using the I-Series Table Charger, be sure to plug the adaptor into both the wall socket and the device or Charger BEFOREyou insert the batteries.
The expected battery lifetime is 500 charge/discharge cycles. After that, the capacity of the battery will decrease by about 20% in usage time.
For battery storage and charging temperatures, see
2 Safety, page 5
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

4 Batteries in the Tobii I-Series


4.2.1 Checking Charge Level

Click on the battery icon, , in the Notification area to see the remaining charge of the battery, which is installed in the device.
You may also, at any time, check the status of a battery by pressing the indicator button on the face of the battery. Five LEDs (light-emitting diodes) will indicate the remaining charge level. For example, three lit LEDs indicate a 60% remaining charge, see
Figure 4.1 Battery with Indicator for Remaining Capacity, page 15
When charging, the highest capacity LED indicator will be blinking.
The lowest capacity LED indicator (the "20" LED), will also blink when the indicator button is pressed if the batterys capacity has dropped below 10%. So dont rely upon the blinking of the 20% indicator as a guarantee for charging.
If the batteries have been deeply discharged (this can happen by leaving an empty battery inserted in the I-Series de­vice without the power adapter connected) you may not see any indication of charging when you reconnect the adapt­er properly to the I-Series device or the Table Charger. It may take some time (even up to 20 minutes) before you see an LED indication that any charging is taking place. The battery IS being charged during this duration though it is a re­covery charge raising the level enough to begin normal charging.

4.3 Inserting and Releasing the Batteries

For safety reasons, the I-Series device is delivered without the batteries inserted. The batteries are delivered only partially charged. The I-Series device can be used right away. It is nevertheless recommended that the batteries are charged for at least two hours before using the device.

4.3.1 Inserting the Batteries

To insert the batteries:
1. Insert a battery in the battery compartment.
2. Press the battery until it locks in place. You should hear a click that confirms that the battery is in a locked place.

4.3.2 Releasing the Batteries

If the I-Series is in Upright orientation:
1. Press the battery slide lock to the side.
4 Batteries in the Tobii I-Series
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
2. Pull the battery out (the battery will stop after ~1 cm / 0.4ʺ).
3. Push the battery up a little bit (Do not push the battery all the way in again).
4. Pull the battery out of the battery compartment..
If the I-Series is in Resting orientation:
1. Place the I-Series device face down on a flat surface.
2. Press the battery slide lock to the side.
3. Pull the battery out of the battery compartment.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
4 Batteries in the Tobii I-Series
5 Using the Tobii I-Series
No skill other then reading is necessary for setting up the device. Follow this User´s Manual and the Quick Start Guide.

5.1 Starting the Device

Start the device in one of the following ways:
Press the power button on the right side of the device. (Position 9 in
Activate a configured Switch (see
When you have started the device, the Power LED will shine blue or green depending on if the device is connected to AC or on batteries. For more information about the LED Behavior, see
6.3 Switches
Appendix C Computer Device States of Operation, page 70

5.1.1 Password Information

The I-Series device is configured to start up, using the operating system present, without a password. Though unusual, there are situations in which the password window could plausibly pop up; for example, when creating a new user in the operating system, when returning from the operating systems sleep mode or when downloading software updates from the internet.
Creating a new windows user and downloading updates from the internet could possibly compromise the system and software settings of the operating system that have been set and installed at Tobii Technology.
Should the password window pop up, requiring a password, the default password on all I-Series devices is, "TToobbiiii" (case sensi­tive). In order to type in the password use the Windows On-Screen Keyboard or an external USB keyboard (not included).
If you decide to change the password, be sure to write it down in a safe place for later use.
Suggested place to keep new password: ________________________
Without the operating systems access password, Tobii Support may be unable to assist you with any future difficulties.
Figure 3.2 Bottom, Left and Right Side, page 10

5.1.2 I-Series Welcome Guide

When you start your I-Series Device for the first time you will be greeted by the I-Series Welcome Guide. The guide is a setup wizard that will walk you through some steps that will help you make the most of your device.
Follow the instructions and select on NNeexxtt to get to the next page of the Guide.

5.2 Shutting Down the Device

The device should be shut down using one of the following ways:
Use the start menu in Windows (recommended when possible).
Press a configured Switch for two to seven seconds.
Pressing the Switch for more than 7 seconds will shut down the device immediately, disregarding any unsaved changes.
Should you be unable to shut the device down using either of the above, you can hold the power button on the right side of the device down for seven seconds. The device will consequently shut down immediately, without waiting for open applications to close.
This will not work if the side buttons have been disabled in the I-Series Control Center. For more information, see
6.1.2 Disable All Buttons, page 34
This is not considered a "clean" Windows shut down and is thus not recommended unless completely necessary.

5 Using the Tobii I-Series

Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US

5.3 Using Tobii Gaze Interaction

X cm / inches
X cm / inches
The Tobii I-Series operate with precision regardless of glasses, contact lenses, eye color or light conditions. Gaze Interaction en­ables you to control the computer with your eyes using either Gaze Enabled applications (like Tobii Communicator) or through the two types of Tobii Windows Control. See

5.3.1 Positioning

The Tobii I-Series is designed to work optimally when it is parallel to the users eyes at a distance of about 60 cm (23.5 inches), see
Figure 5.1 Positioning, page 19
5.4.1 Windows Control Type, page 21
FFiigguurree 55..11 Positioning
FFiigguurree 55..22 Positioning when Users Leaning Sideways or Those Lying Down
This means that for those users leaning sideways or those lying down the I-Series also needs to be tilted in order to keep the users eyes parallel to the screen and at the optimal distance, see
Lying Down, page 19
Make sure the user is placed comfortably in relation to the optimal positioning of, and distance from, the unit. Be aware also that the users comfort, as well as the Gaze Interaction performance, will be enhanced if the sun is not shining di­rectly on the screen or into the users eyes.
The user should be positioned at the optimal distance to allow for the best possible Gaze Interaction.
Figure 5.2 Positioning when Users Leaning Sideways or Those

5.3.2 Track Box

The Tobii I-Series allows for extensive Freedom of Head Movement. Once the I-Series is properly calibrated and placed in front of the user, no further adjustments are required.
The Tobii I-Series produces an industry leading sized track box with the approximate dimensions of 30 cm × 20 cm × 20 cm /
11.8 in × 7.9 in × 7.9 in (Width × Height × Depth). The Track Box is an invisible box positioned approximately 60 cm (23.5 in) straight out from a point just above the middle of the screen.
At 70 cm (27.5 in) the I-Series allows for lateral Freedom of Head Movement in an area of about 50 × 36 cm (20 × 14 in).
In order to function properly for Gaze Interaction the user needs at least one eye in the track box at all times.
Tobii I-SeriesUsers manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
5 Using the Tobii I-Series

5.3.3 Track Status Viewer

Use the Track Status viewer (see viewer) to help determine the optimal height and horizontal positioning for Gaze Interaction with the I-Series.
Ideally, the two dots that represent the users eyes should be in the middle of the Track Status viewer.
Use the distance meter on the right hand side of the Track Status viewer to determine the optimal distance the user
should be from the I-Series.
The white triangle in the distance meter should hover near the center, within the green, when the optimal distance from the I-Series is reached.
For information about calibration of the I-Series see lated to what is mentioned above, when calibrating. Showing Track Status, page 20
7.2 Calibration, page 47
for more information on how to open the Track Status
. Also check the lighting conditions, re- Showing Track Status
The track status viewer is a window/dialogwhere you can verify that the Gaze Interaction recognizes your eyes and that you are well positioned in front of the device.
Open the track status viewer in one of the following ways:
Open TToobbiiii GGaazzee IInntteerraaccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss >> CCaalliibbrraattiioonn and select the TTrraacckk ssttaattuuss button.
Right-click (long-hold finger on icon for touch screen right clicking) on the TToobbiiii GGaazzee IInntteerraaccttiioonn SSeettttiinnggss icon,
in the Notification area and select SShhooww ttrraacckk ssttaattuuss.

5.3.4 Positioning Guide

For extra assistance in positioning, there is a PPoossiittiioonniinngg gguuiiddee that will show itself automatically in the bottom-right corner of your monitor.
The PPoossiittiioonniinngg gguuiiddee is a visual guide that combines the function of the Track Status viewer with six different image based in­structions to help the user with correct positioning.
The 6 instructions direct the user to:
1. Move head down.
2. Move head up.
3. Move head to the right.
5 Using the Tobii I-Series
Tobii I-Series Users manual v.1.0.4 - en-US
+ 60 hidden pages