Toa EX-610, EX-620, EX-630, EXES-6000 Installation Handbook

Fully Electronic Exchange
and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found
for a
Class A computing
pur­suant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
1. Description and Features 1-1 System 1-2 Exchanges (EX-610/620/630) 1-3 Stations 1-4 Terminal Boards (BX-610/620) 1-5 Junction Cables (YR-810/801)
2. Example of Exchange Mounted on Intercom Cabinet Rack
3. Recommendable Example of Exchange Mounted on Amplifier Cabinet Rack
4. Specifications Related to Installation
5. Functions of Units Mounted on Exchanges EX-610/620/630 5-1 CP (Central Processing Unit) 5-2 OC (Output Control Unit) . 5-3 HC (Highway Control Unit) 5-4 SG (Signal Generating & Distributing Unit) 5-5 DL (Duplex Link Unit) . . 5-6 CL (Conference Link Unit) 5-7 LM (Line MODEM Unit) . 5-8 SI (Speech Interface Unit)
5-9 PI (Paging Interface Unit) 5-10 SA (Station Paging Assignment Unit] 5-11 Tl (Tie-line Interface Unit) 5-12 DS (Power Supply Unit) . .
5-13 BC (Battery Case) . . . . .
2 2 2 2 2
3 5 5
6 6 6 7 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
6. Installation of the EXES-6000 System 6-1 Exchanges 6-2 Stations . . 6-3 Accessories
7. Cable Installation
7-1 Type of Cables 7-2 Core Diameter versus Transmission Distance 7-3 Wiring
1. General Information
2. Spacing
3. Piping .
8. Connection of Equipments 8-1 Connection of Power Supply 8-2 Connection between the Exchange and the Terminal Board (BX-610 or BX-620) . . 8-3 Connection of the Terminal Board (BX-610 or BX-620) to the Main Terminal Board 8-4 Connection of the Station Plug to the Exchange Jack 8-5 Connection of Stations
9. Connection and Adjustment of Equipment 9-1 Connection of the Speaker Station (Simplified Paging) 9-2 Paging Connection
1. PA Paging
2.1 Station Paging (for EX-610/620)
2.2 Station Paging (for EX-630) .
9-3 Calling Tone Modifications. .....
9-4 Caution for Conference Unit Usage 9-5 Remarks on Indication and Control 9-6 Connection of Station for Emergency Paging . . . 9-7 Method to Establish Press-to-talk Control Function 9-8 Connection of PI-62 to call a pager receiver 9-9 BGM equipment connection
10. Inspection 10-1 Check when Power is Switched On 10-2 Speech and Function Tests 10-3 System Check Flow Chart 10-4 Simple troubleshooting
9 9 9 9
10 10
11 11 11
12 16 18 19 20
22 23
27 29 29 29 29
29 29 30
31 31 32 33
This manual forms part of the Installation Manual for INTERCOM SYSTEM EXES-6000. The EXES-6000 permits various functions besides normal speech by programming or con-
necting optional equipment according to your specific needs. Correct operation of these
additional functions is not performed by simply connecting the additional equipments/ devices. Provision of such additional function requires the following: (1) Connection of the additional equipment, as required. (2) Selection of functions which satisfy your needs and setting up these functions in the
respective equipment.
This "Installation Handbook of Exchanges EX-610/620/630 for EXES-6000 System"
contains technical instructions as to connection of exchange, etc, mentioned in the above Paragraph (1). In addition to this, the proper installation of the system necessitates the other installation manuals dealing with the selection of the function and its programming referred to in the above Paragraph (2).
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1. Description and Features
1-1 System
Since the EXES-6000 System is a fully electronic intercom
system, it has the following features that surpass conventional
mechanical systems.
1. All components of the exchange are designed according to the
modular concept. This results in a sizable reduction in the number of procedures required to install the system.
2. The exchange and terminal boards (BX-610/620) are designed as separate units, allowing independent inspection of the wiring and the exchange.
3. The wiring for each station is a non-polar 2-wire system which uses a minimum
1-2 Exchanges EX-610 (64 stations)/EX-620 (128
stations)/EX-630 (256 stations)
The features of the exchange of the Toa EXES-6000 Intercom
Syste m are as follows:
1. All exchange are of modulor constructions. This results in a great increase in ease and speed of system installation.
2. Extensive incorporation of ICs makes each exchange efficient and space-saving as well as allows quieter operation than conven­tional intercom system.
1-3 Stations
The stations of the Toa Intercom EXES-6000 have the following features:
connection to cables.
2. Wiring from the exchange to each station is the non-polar 2-wire
system. The fact that only 2 wires are necessary makes installa­tion easier, and with a 2-Pin jack (YC-601 or YC-603) at the end of each cable, connection can be quickly made with a screw­driver.
3. There are eleven types of stations available for selection: desk-
top type, flush-mount type and desk/surface-mount type, etc.
with a 2-Pin
1-4 Terminal Boards (BX-610/620)
The terminal boards BX-610/620 connect the line between the exchange and the station. Compact and easy to connect, this
terminal board saves space and ensures simple disconnection of any
station line from the exchange when inspection is necessary. One
terminal board BX-610 or BX-620 can connect a maximum of 64 stations (EX-610) or 128 stations (EX-620) to the exchange all-call plus 15 paging zones and 8 tie-line links. The exchange and the
terminal board are connected by junction cable YR-810 (2-wire)
for stations and YR-801 (4-wire) for paging and tie-line links.
To connect the station line to the terminal board, clip terminals are
provided which allow ensure simple connection without soldering.
For future system expansion or modification, the collective terminal
board to be described later on. (See page 12) This terminal is part of
the exchange.
1-5 Junction Cables ( Y R -810/801)
The YR-810 or YR-801 junction cable connects the exchange to the terminal board BX-610 or BX-620. A single line of this junction cable is capable of connecting the exchange to 8 stations (YR-81 0) or to 8 paging zones (YR-801) or to 8 tie-line links (YR-801) through the terminal board BX-610 or BX-620. Both cable ends are
equipped with multi-pole connectors which can easily plugged into
the exchange or the terminal board BX-610 or 620. Refer to the
drawing which appears in the Cable Installation and Connection
seciton of this manual for the right direction and order of cable connections.
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2. Example of Exchange Mounted on Intercom Cabinet Rack
(Including All-Call Paging and 15 Individual Zone Paging units and one Data Transmitting unit)
Exchange EX-620 (for 128 stations)
Exchange EX-610 (for 64 stations)
Central Processing Unit CP-66.
Output Control Unit OC-62
Highway Control Unit HC-62
Signal Generating and Distributing Unit SG-62
Conference Link Unit CL-62A (In this location, DL-62A is
also mountable.)
Duplex Link Unit DL-62A (CL-62A may be inserted into these
positions instead of DL-62A.).
Line Modem Unit LM-62B (LM-65, Line Modem Unit with
BGM function, may be inserted into these positions instead of LM-62B).
Paging Interface Unit PI-62 (Type 2) (In t his location, LM-62B
or Tie-line unit TI-62 is also mountable.) (Zone 8~15 without
All-Call Paging)
Paging Interface Unit PI -62 (Typ e 1) (In this location, LM-62B
is also mountable.) (Zone 1~7 wit h All-Call Paging) Perforated Panel PF-023A*
Data Transmitting Unit DT-E60 ( In the standard system, Perfo­rated Panel PF-013A should come in this position.)* Junction
Cable YR-80 6 (Cable length: 1000mm) (YR-802 Cable length:
400mm) is not available.)
The Exchange Cabinet Rack CR-610 or CR-620 includes Perforated Panels PF-013A and PF-023A.
Power Supply Unit DS-620
Power Switch
AC Fuse 3A(110V/120V), 1.5A(220V/240V)
DC Fuse 20A(for use of 65 ~ 128 stations)
Battery Fuse 5A
Exchange Cabinet Rac k CR-620
Exchange Frame FR-620A
Power Supply Unit DS-610
Power Indication Lamp
Battery Power Indication Lamp
Buzzer Stop Switch
Exchange Cabinet Rac k CR-610
Exchange Frame FR-610A Speech Interface Unit SI-62 (LM-62B may be
inserted into this position instead.).
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Exchange EX-630 (for 256 stations)
Central Processing Unit CP-66. Output Contro l Unit OC-62
Highway Control Unit HC-64 Signal Generating and Distributing Unit SG-62
Conference Link Unit CL-62A (In this location, DL-62A is
also mountable.)
Duplex Link Unit DL-62A (CL-62A may be inserted into thes e positions instead of DL-62A.)
Paging Interface Unit PI-62 (Type 1 in the left position, type 2
in the right position).
Tie-line Interface Unit TI-62 (In this location, Pl-62's are also
mountable. Type 3 in the left position, type 4 in the right position)
Station Paging Assignment Unit SA-64 Cabinet Rack CR-271
Exchange Frame FR-630A
Line Modern Unit LM-62B (LM-65, Line Modem Unit with BGM function, may be inserted into these positions instead of LM-62B.)
Jack for Programming Station Extention Frame FR-631A Data Transmitting Unit DT-E60 (When this unit is not used,
mount Perforated Panel PF-013A in this place.)
Power Supply Unit DS-630
DC Fuse 20A (for use of 129 ~ 256 stations)
AC Fuse 10A (110V/120V), 5A (220V/240V)
Power Indication LED lamp (green for AC operation,
red for battery operation)
Power Switch
is not
the Perforated Panel PF-023A in th is place.)
Battery Fuse 10A
Battery Power Switch
Speech Interface Unit SI-62 (LM-62B may be inserted into this
position instead.)
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3. Recommendable Example of Exchange Mounted on Amplifier Cabinet Ra c k
Exchange EX-620 (for 128 stations)
Exchange EX-610 (for 64 stations)
Data Transmitting Unit DT-E60
Junction Cable YR-803 (for additional DT-E60)
Data Transmitting Unit DT-E60
Junction Cable YR-802 (Cable length: 400mm) or YR-806
(Cable length: 1000mm)
Blower Panel BP-031A (Do not substitute perforated panel for this)
4. Specifications Related to Installation
4-1 Exchange
1) Wiring
Non-polar one twisted pair
Impedance: 600 ohms , balanced
Cable length: max. 1.0km (0.4mm dia.)
2) Power Sources (DS-610/620/630) AC Mains (110, 120, 220, 240V) ± 10% 50/60Hz 24V DC
3) Rated Power Consumption EX-610 130W (No link occupied) 300W (Max.) EX-620 210W (No link occupied) 500W (Max.) EX-630 410W (No link occupied) 1kw (Max.)
4) Battery for System Back-up on AC Power Failure (Option)
Type Sealed type Ni-Cd battery NDC-2435
Voltage 24V
Capacity 3500mAh
Charge System
Service Hours
EX-610: Approx. 2 hrs.
(2 x NDC-2435 necessary per system)
EX-620: Approx. 1.5 hrs.
(3 x NDC-2435 necessary per system)
EX-630: Approx. 1.5 hrs.
max. 2.5km (0.65mm dia.)
max. 3.5km (0.9mm dia.)
Trickle Charging, approx. 1/40CA (20°C)
(3 x NDC-2460 necessary per system)
Exchange EX-620 (Frame FR-620A and necessary Units)
Exchange EX-610 (Frame FR-610A and necessary Units)
Perforated Panel PF-023A Power Supply Unit DS-620
Power Supply Unit DS-610
5) Ambient Temperature 0~40°C(+32° ~+104°F)
6) Dimensions EX-610: 510(W) x 656(H) x 325(D)mm
(20.08" x 25.83" x 12.80")
EX-620: 510(W) x 878(H) x 325(D)mm
(20.08" x 34.57" x 12.80")
EX-630: 566(W) x 1364(H) x 435(D)mm
(22.28" x 53.70" x 17.13")
7) Weight EX-610: 45kg (99.1 IDS.) without battery
EX-620 : 57k g (125.63 Ibs.) without battery
EX-630: 109kg (240.30 Ibs.) without battery
Caution. Both top and side panels are perforated for ventiation
(EX-610/620). Do not place things on the top panel or close to the side panels. (Intercom cabinet rack) For maintenance works, allow much space between the
wal l and th e cabinet rack.
4-2 Station
Ambient Temperature
: 0° ~ +60° C (+32° ~ +140°F) (Except HF-640S)
: -10° ~ +60°C (+14° ~ +140°F) (Door Station HF-640S)
Permissible Loop Resistance: 300 ohms
Input/Output Impedance : 600 ohms (balanced) Note. For details such as functions, dimensions and specifications,
refer to Spec. Sheet f or each equipment.
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5. Functions of Units Mounted on Exchanges EX-610/EX-620/EX-630
5-1 CP (Central Processing Unit)
Function: Reads out the exchange procedures written into the
5-2 OC (Output Cont rol Unit)
Function: Stores temporarily the output data from the CP unit
5-3 HC (Highway Control Unit HC-62
..... EX-610/620; HC-64..... EX-630)
Function: Turns on and off the time sharing switches at the LM,
memory ( ROM) and collates the data from stations for
traffic processing.
and distributes them to each unit.
DLand SG units according to instructions received from
the CP unit. The link busy indicator lamps on the front
panel dis pla y th e number of th e l in ks in us e.
Set this to "ON" position only at time of initial programming
of the exchange and registration
of functions. In this case,
station No.200 is "programming station" but becomes a normal station when switch is placed in "OFF" position.
CP unit
(Example for HC-62)
Calling Station (T): No. 250
(200+32+16+2 = 250)
Called Station (R ) : No. 205
(200+4+1 = 205)
During Conversation
Press-to-talk (R -» T)
Press-to-talk (T-> R)
OFF duration on T & R
Calling Privacy/Disconnected
Zone paging
All call
Priority/Executive priority
Registration/Call holding/Mic-off
Off Bright
These lamps display the station
numbers (Binary number) using the
selected link (T: Calling station, R:
Called station)
These lamps display the code of
signal tone being used in the
selected link.
The switch position is to be selected
in accordance with the number of
links in use. The line address and
the signal code of the link in use are then displayed by the lamps.
Note: Operate these switches using
the binary notation.
These lamps display the number of
the links in use.
This lamp, when on, indicates
that the control signal for the
time sharing switch is being
transmitted normally.
HC uni t (HC-62)
– 6 –
(Example for HC-64)
These lamps display the station
numbers (Binary number) using the selected link (T: Calling station,
R: Called station). The P/T lamps
when a paging or tie-line call is
These lamps display the code of signal tone being used in the select-
Calling Station ( T ): No. 413
(200+ 128 + 64+ 16 + 4 + 1 = 41 3)
Called Station ( R ) : paging No. 25
(16 + 8 + 1 = 25)
ed link.
The switch position is to be selected in accordance with the number of
links in use. The line address and
the signal code of the link in use
are then displayed by the lamps.
Note: Operate this switch using the
hexadecimal notation.
These lamps display the number of
the links in use.
Indicates that the control signal for
the time sharing switch is being
transmitted normally.
5-4 SG (Signal Generating and Distributing Unit)
Function: Composed of 8 kinds of signal generators (calling, privacy/disconnected,
Tone of SG Unit
busy, dialing, zone paging, all call, priority/executive priority, registration confirmation/call holding/mic-off) and distributors.
This unit distributes under HC control the required signal tones to each
individual link.
Calling tone
Privacy tone
Busy tone
Dialing tone
Zone Paging
All-Call Paging
Priority tone
Holding tone
– 7 –
5-5 DL (Duplex Link Unit)
Function: Operates under the control of the HC unit to connect or disconnect the
individual links for conversation between two stations, changing over from the hands-free conversation to the full duplex conversation mode, or
be mounted in t he EX-610 and up to 4 in the EX-620/630.
One DL
with 4 links.
Up to 3 DL
5-6 CL (Conference Link Unit)
Function: Operates under the control of the HC unit to connect or disconnect the
links for conversation among up to 4 parties and conversation between 2
parties. One CL u n it i s provided with 1 conference link and 2 speech links.
5-7 LM (Line MODEM Uni t)
Function: Is composed of a modulator to transmit signals from
the station to the speech link, a demodulator to send
out signals from the speech link to the station, a dial
receiver and a scanning circuit that scans the station "Privacy ON/OFF" conditions and "Handset ON/ O FF " conditions. Up to 8 stations can be connected per LM
Station number lamp
Each lamp varies its brightness to in-
dicate the condition of the station. The
relation between brightness and line
status is as follows:
Bright: Exchange and station are con-
Off: Exchange and station are not
Extremely bright (yellow):
nected properly.
Short circuited between paired lines.
Arrangement of the LMs with individual ranges for the station numbers covered (from left to right) is shown here.
5-8 SI (Speech Interface Unit)
Function: Connects to the SM-600 Speech Message Device to
send or receive a voice signal.
5-9 PI (Paging Interface Unit)
Function: Provides PA paging and stati on paging. It sends out both
paging voice signals and relay make signals for power remote control of the PA amplifier. It also delivers the serial output for radio pagers. The PA paging si gna l goes out through the assigned YR-801 cable to terminal P1 or P2 of the BX-610/620 terminal boards.
5- 1 0 SA (Station Paging Assignment Unit)
Function: Distributes each of paging outputs to each LM unit.
This unit cannot be used for EX-610/620.
5-11 T l (Tie-line Interface Unit)
Function: When 2 or 3 exchanges are tie-line connected, this units
transmits and receives the audio signals and dial data
between the exchanges.
5-12 DS (Power Supply Unit)
1. DS-610 (for 64 stations)
An exclusive power supply unit for the EX-610 exchange. This unit cannot be used in the system for more than 64 stations.
2. DS-620 (for 128 stations)
An exclusive power supply unit for the EX-620 exchange and can
also be used for the EX-610 exchange.
3. DS-630 (for 256 stations)
An exclusive power supply unit for EX-630 exchange.
5-13 BC (Battery Case)
An exclusive battery case for EX-630. Accomodates three of Ni-Cd batteries (Sealed type, NDC-2460). The charger circuit is incorporated in DS-630.
– 8 –
6. Installation of the EXES-6000 System
6-1 Exchanges
Pay particular attention to the following points du ring installation
of the exchange:
The layout should allow easy servicing and inspection. The exchange is compact and lightweight; however it is impor­tant to ascertain the strength of the floor or wall on which it will be placed. The exchange should be grounded. When it is used in combina­tion with other systems, for example, a PA system, the exchange should be connected to the other components for common grounding. Choose a low "source noise" AC power supply f or th e exchange. Line noise can downgrade speech quality. Be sure to provide a power outlet for the exchange and have its
capacity checked. A capacity of 500 watts is su fficient.
Plan the layout so that the terminal board BX-610 or BX-620 can be installed near the exchange.
System should include a surge protector.
This high performance exchange is compact as well as quiet, and can be easily installed almost anywhere. Areas described below, however, should be strictly avoided.
An area where it will obstruct traffic, for example, an indoor hallway or near the entrance or exit of a room. An area where it will be exposed to fire, heat or direct sunlight (suitable ambient temperature is 0° ~ +40°C (+32° ~ +104°F)). A dusty area (where there is metal dust or dirt). Near a storage place for chemicals, oil, etc. An area susceptible to vibration. Near high-voltage equipment. In a strong electric field. Near equipment vulnerable to the influence of an electric field.
6-3 Accessories
The terminal board BX-610 or BX-620, which is to be connected to the exchange by junction cable YR-810 or YR-801, can be mounted
on a wall near the exchange if the cable length 2.5m (8.2 feets) and cable routing is adequate. The exchange should also be installed so that it can easily be connected to the station line.
Junction cable YR-810 or YR-801, which connects the exchange
and the terminal board, should not be bent at a sharp angle. The terminal board should be installed so that the cable can be con­nected with a reasonable amount of slack in it.
6-2 Stations
Particular attention should be given to the following points during
Choose a desk-top type, flush-mount type or desk/surface
mount typ e station according to the user's need.
If the PA paging function is adopted, precautions should be taken to ensure against feed-back due to interference between the station (microphone) and the paging speaker; that is, they should be installed facing different directions or separated from each other as far as possible. The "para-branching" operation or the connection of more than
one station to one circuit is not possible.
Stations are compact for each installation almost anywhere. How­ever, areas described below should be strictly avoided.
An area where it can be exposed to fire, heat or direct sunlight
(suitable ambient temperature is 0° ~ +60° C (+32° ~ +140°F)
(except HF-640S) or -10° ~ +60°C (+14° ~ +140°F) (Door
Station HF-640S)).
A dusty area (where there is metal dust or dirt). Near a storage place for chemicals, oil, etc.
An area subject to vibration.
Near high-voltage equipment.
In a strong electric field.
SCR type light dimmers.
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+ 25 hidden pages