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Ver. 2.1
Interface Signal I/O Signal Description
1 1 Ports 15, 14 , 13 and 12 are configured as trunk
TnkMod(0:1) I Trunk Balance Mode Select
TnkMod1 TnkMod0
0 0 Only source port is used to select the transmission port
inside the trunk.
0 1 Transmission port is selected using SA.
1 0 Transmission port is selected using SA and DA.
1 1 Not used
PrtPri (0:7) I Indicates which ports, if any, are in Priority Mode; when
selected the corresponding port will have high or very high
priority depending of the state of PriLev pin.
PrtPri(0:7) are used to set the priorities for por ts 4 to 11.
TC6216M Port (4 to 11) ! PrtPri (0:7)
PriLev (0:7) I Selects the high or very high priority for priority ports.
′1′ – Very high priority
′0′ – High priority
PriLev (0:7) refers to TC6216M ports 4 to 11.
EnIPPr I Enables QoS resolution to consider TOS Precedence bits from
IP Header.
′1′ – IP priority will be considered
′0′ – IP priority will be neglected
QoS configuration
EnVLPr I Enables QoS resolution to consider user_prio r ity bits (TCI
field) from 802.1Q VLAN Tag Header.
′1′ – VLAN priority will be considered
′0′ – VLAN priority will be neglected
FcBcstEn I Enables Flow Control for Broadcast operation.
′1′ – Enable
′0′ – Disable
BcstAll I Br oadcast All Mode Select
′1′– forward broadcast packes to all the ports
′0′– forward broadcast packes to active ports only
BcstTr I Enables br oadcast throttling.
′1′– Enable
′0′– Disable
MII Mode
MIIMode I Select MII or RMII interface for port 15
′0′– RMII
′1′– MII
RejMCT I All Mac Control Type Packets will be rejected if this pin is
asserted, otherwise they will be forwarded.
FCOpt I Flow Control resolution option:
′1′- the A-NEG result is considered
′0′– doesn't matter the A-NEG result
DisBPr I Enable / Disable Flow Control for Half Duplex Mode
′1′– Disable
′0′– Enable
Flow Control
FullBP I
When this is set to ′0′ then the backpressure process will be
stopped after reaching 30 consecutive collisions. The default
value (30) can be changed by EEPROM settings. Otherwise the
backpressure can be executed for up to 2048 (default pause
value) slot times if the flow control condition persists.