1.1 General Description.............................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Pin Out Diagram .................................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Signal Description...............................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Power On Configuration.....................................................................................................................................8
4 I/O and Mapping .......................................................................................................................10
4.1 I/O Port Address Mapping................................................................................................................................10
5.2 Configuration Register B ..................................................................................................................................13
5.3 Configuration Register C ..................................................................................................................................14
5.5 MII/PHY Control Register................................................................................................................................15
5.9 Number of Collisions Register (NCR)..............................................................................................................24
5.15 (i) Local DMA Transmit Registers ............................................................................................... ....................25
5.16 (ii) Local DMA Receive Registers....................................................................................................................26
The TC5299J is a 10/100 PCMCIA Ethernet controller, include a standard MII interface. It provides an 8/16-bit
PCMCIA interface to host CPU and buffer memory into single chip to minimize the chip gate count.
The TC5299J supports both half-duplex and full-duplex (both 10BT or 100BTX) operation environment.
1.2 Features
!"PCMCIA 2.01 bus interface.
!"Use serial EEPROM 93C56/66 to store CIS.
!"Internal 5V to 3.3V regulator.
Ethernet LAN features:
!"Integrated Fast Ethernet MAC and SRAM in one chip.
!"Supports both 10Mbps and 100Mbps operation.
!"IEEE 802.3/802.3u compatible.
!"Full-duplex or half-duplex operation supported for both 10Mbps and 100Mbps operation.
!"NE2000 register definitions.
!"Supports 3.3V or 5V signaling environment.
!"The size of built-in Buffer RAM is 8k x 16 bits. It does not need the extra SRAM in the application circuit.
!"Supports loop-back mode for self-testing.
!"Supports 256/512 bytes EEPROM interface.
!"LED interface supported.
!"Supports MII bus interface.
!"Flow control ability
PCMCIA Bus Interf ace Pins
Symbol Pin # I/O Description
SA[9:0] 3-5
RST 16 I/O RST is active high and places the TC5299J in a reset mode
RSTZ 105 O RSTZ is an active low signal. It is an inverted signal of RST.
WAIT* 17 O This pin is set low to insert wait states during Remote DMA
REG* 19 I REG is an active low input used to determine whether a host
IOR* 126 I Read Strobe: Strobe from host to read registers or Remote DMA
IOW* 2 I Write Strobe: Strobe from host to read registers or Remote DMA
OE* 127 I Host memory read strobe, when OE* and REG* both low the
WE* 34 I Host memory write strobe, After Power reset if TC5299J is
INPACK* 18 O An active low signal. Asserted if the host access register or
IO16* 21 O IO16* is driven by TC5299J to support host 16 bits access cycle.
CE1* 35 I Card enable 1, is active low signals driven by the host. This
125 O While the TC5299J is configured as a memory device, this pin
I The address signal lines of PCMCIA Bus are used to select a
register to be read or written and attribute memory enabled.
I/O Register Access, with DMA inactive, SD0-SD7 are used to
read/write register data. SD8-SD15 invalid during this state.
Remote DMA Bus Cycle, SD0-SD15 contain packet data.
Direction of transfer depends on Remote read/write.
immediately. During falling edge the TC5299J controller loads
the configuration from JMP0 – JMP8.
access is to Attribute memory or to common memory. If REG is
low the access is to attribute memory, if REG* is high the access
is to common memory. REG* is also asserted low for all accesses
to the TC5299J IO Registers.
attribute memory can be read. When OE* is low and REG* is
high common memory can be read .
configured to memory write enable, then WE and REG* is both
low, Attribute memory can be written. When WE is low and
REG* is high common memory can be written.
Remote DMA read cycle.
servers as RDY/BSY* pin, If the TC5299J is ready to perform a
transfer, this pin is set high. When TC5299J is operated at I/O
mode, this pin is used as an interrupt pin. It indicates that the
TC5299J needs host service. RDY/BSY* state can be read from
the pin Replacement Register (CCR2). While LAN and MODEM
both functions are enabled and IntSel bit in control Register
(CCR5) is zero. This pin output is logical OR of LAN and
MODEM interrupt.
signal provides a card select based on the address decode (decode
by the host).
Ver. 0.1
EEPROM/LED Inter fa ce Pins
Symbol Pin # I/O Description
EECS 73 O EEPROM chip select. It is asserted when to access EEPROM.
EESK/LED LA 72 O Link (on/off) & Re ce i ve d a ta ( B link) LE D p i n. I t i s al so use d as a
serial clock for EEPROM data loading.
DO/LEDS 70 I/O Speed (100M:ON/10M:OFF) & transmit data (Blink) LED pin. It
is also used as a signal for EEPROM data loading.
DI/LEDF 69 O Full-duplex (ON/OFF, Full/Half-duplex) & Collision (Blink)
LED pin. It is a data output pin for EEPROM writing.
External PHY / MII Interface Pins
Symbol Pin # I/O Description
TXD[3:0] 42-43,
TXEN 47 I/O This pin function as transmit enable. It indicates that a
TXC 48 I Supports the transmit clock supplied by the external PMD device.
RXD[3:0] 58-57,
RXC 51 I Supports receive clock from PHY. And is recovered by the PHY.
RXDV 52 I Data valid is asserted by an external PHY when receive data is
RXER 50 I Data valid is asserted by an external PHY when receive data is
COL 40 I This pin functions as the collision detect. When the external
CRS 39 I In MII mode this pin functions as the carrier sense and is asserted
MDC 59 O MII management data clock is sourced by the TC5299J to the
MDIO 74 I/O MII management data input/output transfers contro l information
EXLEDL 36 I Low active; presents the external PHY link status.
EXLEDF 3 7 I Present the half/full duplex mode for external PHY.
Clock Interface Pins
Symbol Pin # I/O Description
X2 67 O CRYSTAL FEEDBACK OUTPUT: used in crystal connection
X25M 53 O 25MHz clock output
O Four parallel transmit data lines. This data is synchronized to the
assertion of the TXC signal and is latched by the e xternal PHY
on the rising edge of the TXC signal.
transmission is active on the MII port to an external PHY device.
Pull down this pin on power-on reset to select 50MHz-clock
input from pin X1. Otherwise, use 25MHz-clock input.
This clock should always be active.
I Four parallel receive data lines. This data is driven by an external
PHY that attached the media and should be synchronized with
the RXC signal.
present on the RXD[3:0] lines and is deasserted at the end of the
packet. This signal should be synchronized with the RXC signal.
present on the RXD[3:0] lines and is deasserted at the end of the
packet. This signal should be synchronized with the RXC signal.
physical layer protocol (PHY) device detects a collision, it asserts
this pin.
by the PHY when the media is active.
external PHY devices as a timing reference for the transfer of
information on the MDIO signal.
and status between the external PHY and the TC5299J.
No Connection. Reserved for future use for PHY is included in a
single chip.
Ver. 0.1
3.3 Power On Configurat ion
The TC5299J Controller configures itself after a RST signal is applied. When a Power-On-Reset occurs the
TC5299J controller latches up the values on the configuration pins and uses these to co n figure the internal registers
and options. Internally these pins contain pull-up resistance. If pins are unconnected they have default logic. The
configuration registers are loaded JMP0 & JMP1 setting when RST goes inactive.
A Power-On-Reset also causes the Controller to load the internal PROM from the EEPROM, which can take up to
3 ms. This occurs after “Config-Regs.” has completed. If EECONFIG is hi gh the configuration data loaded on the
falling edge of RST will be overwritten with data read from the serial EEPROM. Regardless of the level on
EECONFIG the PROM store will always be loaded with data from the serial EEPROM during the time specified
Figure 1 shows how the RESET circuitry operates.
The TC5299J Controller use a 93C56/66 EEPROM, The programmed contents of the EEPROM is shown as
D15 D8 D7 D0
CIS byte n CIS byte n-1
13H ........ ........
12H ........ ........
11H CIS byte 3 CIS byte 2
10H CIS byte 1 CIS byte 0
0FH Not Used Config C
During boot up the TC5299J Controller's configuration is read from the EEPROM, before the PROM data is read. The
configuration data is stored within the address 0EH, 0FH (as above table) of the EEPROM's address space.
Configuration Register A, B and C are located in the address 0EH.
To write this configuration into the EEPROM, the user can program register in TC5299J's address 02H of page 3. This
operation will work regardless of the level on EECONFIG.
Ver. 0.1
4 I/O and Mapping
4.1 I/O Port Address M apping
This chip is register-liked with Novell's NE2000. The base I/O address of TC5299J Controller is configured by
Configuration Register (either upon po wer up or by software writing to this register). At that address the following
structure appears.
The registers within this area are 8 bits wide, but the data transfer port is 16 bits wide. By accessing the data transfer
port (using I/O instructions) the user can transfer data to or from the TC5299J 's internal memory.
4.2 EEPROM/SRAM Memory Mapping
The TC5299J Controller's internal memory map is as shown below.