Tmb SPI-130F Installation Manual

SPI 30-200 F
Instructions for use and maintenance
uso e manutenzione
Notice d’utilisation et entretien
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39 0444 419762
p. 67
ABSTRACT OF CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY...........................................................................................................................69
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................................................................70
1.1 PREAMBLE.............................................................................................................................................................................................70
1.2 INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL WARNINGS ....................................................................................................................................71
1.3 MAIN CASES FOR WHICH THE COMPANY DECLINES ANY RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................72
1.4 TERMINOLOGY .....................................................................................................................................................................................72
2 MACHINE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................................................................................73
2.1 DESCRIption and DESTINAtion FOR use .............................................................................................................................................73
2.2 CONTROL DEVICES AND ADJUSTMENT ...........................................................................................................................................75
2.3 MAIN POWER SWITCH .........................................................................................................................................................................77
2.4 MAIN TECHNICAL features ...................................................................................................................................................................78
2.5 IDENTIFICATION PLATE.......................................................................................................................................................................80
3 INSTALLATION AND USE ....................................................................................................................................................................80
3.1 INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION ROOM .............................................................................................................80
3.2 TRANSPORT, HANDLING AND Loading ..............................................................................................................................................80
3.2.1 ELECTRICAl CONNECTION .......................................................................................................................................................83
3.2.2 HYDRAULIC CONNECTION (for machine equipped with “water dispenser” system only)......................................................84
3.3 OPERATING AND USE .........................................................................................................................................................................85
3.3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE NORMAL USE...........................................................................................................85
3.3.2 MACHINE START-UP ..................................................................................................................................................................87
3.3.3 “MANUAL” OPERATING MODE .................................................................................................................................................87
3.3.4 “AUTOMATIC” OPERATING MODE ............................................................................................................................................88
3.3.5 “E” VERSION MACHINE: WORKING CYCLE PROGRAMMING AND OTHER PARAMETERS .............................................89 BASIC MACHINE: MIXTURE TIME PROGRAMMING ...............................................................................................................89 MACHINES WITH MIXTURE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ............................................................................90 MACHINE WITH PT100 “IMMERSION” PROBE .......................................................................................................................91 MACHINE WITH “INFRA-RED” MEASUREMENT DEVICE .......................................................................................................91 HOW TO SET UP THE TEMPERATURE VALUE IN A PROGRAM ...............................................92 INGREDIENT DISPENSER (D1 – D2 DISPENSER) .................................................................................................................92 WATER DISPENSER ...................................................................................................................................................................93 ( “E ” VERSION ONLY ) PROGRAMMING STEPS SUMMING UP ...........................................................................................94 USER’S PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING – CODE NO. 111 ..................................................................................................95
3.4 MIXTURE PRODUCTION CYCLE .........................................................................................................................................................96
3.5 OPERATORS’ THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING TO THE machine USE .....................................................................97
4 MAINTENANCE .....................................................................................................................................................................................98
4.1 PREAMBLE.............................................................................................................................................................................................98
4.2 MAINTENANCE AND PERIODIC CONTROLS ....................................................................................................................................98
4.3 ADJUSTMENT OF THE MOTION TRANSMISSION BELTS tension ..................................................................................................98
4.3.1 HOW TO VERIFY the correct belt tension ...................................................................................................................................98
4.3.3 MIXERS - MOD. 30 - 45 .......................................................................................................................................................... 100 BOWL BELTS TENSION ADJUSTMENT ................................................................................................................................. 100 SPIRAL BELTS TENSION ADJUSTMENT.............................................................................................................................. 100
4.3.4 MIXERS - MOD. 60 - 80 - 100 ................................................................................................................................................... 101 BOWL BELTS TENSION ADJUSTMENT ................................................................................................................................. 101 SPIRAL BELTS TENSION ADJUSTMENT............................................................................................................................... 102
4.3.5 MIXERS - MOD. 130 - 160 - 200.............................................................................................................................................. 103 BOWL BELTS TENSION ADJUSTMENT ................................................................................................................................. 103 SPIRAL BELTS TENSION ADJUSTMENT............................................................................................................................... 104
4.4 BOWL PUSHER GROUP REPLACEMENT AND ADJUSTMENT .................................................................................................... 104
4.4.1 MIXERS - MOD. 30 - 45 ........................................................................................................................................................... 104
4.4.2 MIXERS - MOD. 60 - 80 - 100 - 130 - 160 - 200 ..................................................................................................................... 105
4.5 ADJUSTMENT AND REPLACEMENT of MICROSWITCH connected to BOWL COVER ............................................................... 106
4.6 SPIRAL ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................................................ 107
4.7 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................................... 108
4.8 CLEANING ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
4.9 POSSIBLE FAILURE AND/OR ANOMALIES ..................................................................................................................................... 109
4.10 SPARE PARTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 112
4.11 LONG STOP OR OUT OF ORDER .......................................................................................................................................... 112
5 SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
5.1 PREAMBLE.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
5.2 HAZARDS, SAFETY DEVICES AND RESIDUAL RISKS .................................................................................................................. 113
5.2.1 TYPICAL MACHINE HAZARDS ................................................................................................................................................ 113
5.2.2 MACHINE SAFETY EQUIPMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 114
5.2.3 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY CONTROLS .................................................................................................................. 115
5.2.4 RESIDUAL RISKS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 116
5.2.5 ELECTRICAL RESIDUAL RISKS ............................................................................................................................................. 116
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Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
5.2.6 MACHINE NOISE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................... 117
5.3 SAFETY AND WARNING SIGNS .............................................................................................................................................. 117
6 Scrapping ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
7 LIST OF COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 119
Picture 1 – Main parts of the machine ...................................................................................................... 74
Picture 29 - E Version: Control Panels and Control Devices .................................................................... 76
Picture 3 – M Version: Control Panels and Control Devices ...................................................................... 77
Picture 4 – Main Power Switch ................................................................................................................. 77
Picture 5 – Machine Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 78
Picture 6 – Identification Plate and its Placement .................................................................................... 80
Picture 7 – Pallet or Cage Lifting up and Handling by means of a Fork Lift Truck ...................................... 81
Picture 8 - Machine Lifting up by means of a Fork Lift Truck ................................................................... 81
Picture 9 – Maschine Lifting up by means of a lifting Belt .......................................................................... 82
Picture 10 - Support Feet ........................................................................................................................ 82
Picture 11 - Power Supply Cable with Plug ............................................................................................. 83
Picture 12 – Hydraulic System on Machine Board (option) .................................................................... 84
Picture 40 – Correct Belt Tensioning ........................................................................................................ 99
Picture 41 – Access to the Spiral Belts ..................................................................................................... 99
Picture 42 – Access to the Bowl Belts ...................................................................................................... 99
Picture 43 – Bowl Belts Tension Adjustment ( for Mod. 30 - 45) ............................................................ 100
Picture 17 – Spiral Belts Tension Adjustment (for Mod. 30 - 45) ........................................................... 101
Picture 18 – Bowl Belts tension Adjustment (for Mod. 60 - 80 - 100) ....................................................... 102
Picture 46 – Spiral Belts Tension Adjustment (for Mod. 60 - 80 - 100)..................................................... 102
Figura 20 – Bowl Belts Tension Adjustment (for Mod. 130 - 160 - 200) ................................................... 103
Picture 48 – Spiral Belts Tensions Adjustment (for Mod. 130 - 160 - 200) .............................................. 104
Picture 49 – Bowl Pusher (for Mod. 30 - 45) ........................................................................................... 104
Picture 50 – Bowl Pusher (for Mod. 60 - 80 - 100 - 130 - 160 - 200) .................................................... 105
Picture 51 – Safety Microswitch connected to Bowl Cover ...................................................................... 106
Picture 25 – Spiral Disassembly/Assembly ............................................................................................. 108
Picture 26 – Typical Mechanical and Eletrical Machine Hazards ............................................................ 113
Picture 54 – Machine Noisy Emission Measurement Points .................................................................... 117
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Declaring Company
ESMACH S.P.A. Via V. Veneto, 143 36040 Grisignano di Zocco (VICENZA) - I TVA No. and Fiscal Code IT 00164350241
Name, Surname and Position in the Company of the person signing the CE Declaration of Conformity: Luciano Delpozzo (CEO)
Machines, which the declaration relates to:
MIXERS, for which the destination for use is shown in paragraph 2.1 of the present manual. Type SPI Model No. 30 - 45 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 130 - 160 - 200 Versions: E and M
The Declaration of Conformity complies with the following European Directives for the above mentioned machines:
- Directive 2006/42/CE ( European Parlament and Council -17 May 2006)
- Directive 2006/95/CE ( European Parlament and Council - 12 December 2006)
- Directive 2004/108/CE ( European Parlament and Council - 15 December 2004 )
Authorized representative, responsible for the technical documents and company official position at Esmach S.p.A.: Luciano Delpozzo (CEO)
Place of issue of CE Declaration of Conformity: same address of the declaring Company
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Esmach S.p.A.
Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
This instruction manual is designed for being consulted by any operator, authorized person or person in charge of the use and/or operating of the machine. It is also suitable for the company employer, directors and people in charge of the user company, who have to read it carefully and
understand it in each of its parts, in order to use it as a useful support to fulfil a part of duties requested by the existing laws and standards in terms of safety and health at work. The company employer of the personnel authorized to use the machine, the directors and the people in charge of it have to provide the operators all adequate information, education and training, even practical (to be simple and comprehensive according to the ability it is expected from the ones concerned ) regarding its correct and safe use, the general or specific risks at the place of work and/or task.
This manual is divided into more sections, which can be generally summarized as follows: Istructions for installation
This part, described in Chapter 3, is designed for the personnel in charge of handling, carrying on, installation, first start-up of the machine; its aim is to give all relevant information in addition to the ones belonging to the skills of a professionally qualified and/or skilled engineer, in order to carry out these operations correctly.
Instructions for use and routine maintenance on safety conditions
This part, described in Chapter 2 and 3 and partially in Chapter 4 and 5, is addressed to the company employer of the operators in charge of the machine use, to the directors and people in charge of the user company and to the same operators. In addition to the instructions given for the current use of the machine, it includes instructions for maintenance, cleaning, control operations that, due to their simplicity and low hazard, do not require a particular experience or qualification and may be carry out by the operator of the machine for production purposes.
Instruction for unpredictable maintenance
This part, described in the remaining part of Chapter Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. and, is addressed to the company employer of the operators in charge of the machine use, to the directors and people in charge of the user company, to the same operators and skilled personnel in charge of routine and unpredictable maintenance of the machine. It includes some important instructions for safety purposes to follow for any eventual maintenance, adjustment, control operations, where the service of skilled and professionally qualified personnel having the knowledge to carry out operations properly done according to standards and on safety conditions is needed. Due to the skilled know how the personnel in charge of this kind of operation has to own, any technical instructions, which might be not essential to carry out operation on safety conditions, are here omitted.
Instructions for disposal and/or scrapping
This part is described in Chapter 6. Before carrying out any operation on the machine (installation, connection, adjustment , usage, repair, scrapping, etc.) kindly read carefully all the general and specific instructions given in the present manual to well understand its aim and meaning in order to ensure the best operating of the machine, its correct maintenance, an adequate knowledge of the safety devices it is equipped with and any eventual residual risks arising from its use.
Keep this manual and any eventual notice enclosed (drawings, diagrams etc.) in a safe place known to the operators in charge of use and/or maintenance. Keep it in a dry place far from weathering agent exposure which may cause a possible deterioration ( for ex. in a matt plastic bag). It is recommended to keep a copy within easy reach of the machine at disposal of the operators for a prompt consultation. In case of loss or deterioration, contact immediately Esmach S.p.A. to get a new copy, in specifying all identification plate data of the machine ( year of construction, model, registration no. etc) This manual reflects the state of the art existing at the moment the machine is sold on the market or started­up and cannot be considered inadequate simply because it is updated later according to new experiences or new technical solutions. The manufacturer is not responsible for the conformity of the place or the support services where the machine is to be used, even if some important instructions on how to install it correctly are given in the section concerned of this manual.The company reserves the right to eventually update the machines and manuals without any notice and/or obligation to update any manual or machine of previous production.
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ATTENTION Once placement and/or installation in a definite place have been completed, before authorizing or following its start-up, make sure that the machine is equipped with all devices concerned and in particular, the safety device, described in this manual and in any eventual commercial documentation.
The present manual is an integral part of the machine and has to be added to it in case of transfer or
sale of the same, at any title and free of charge. In paragraph 2.1 destination for use of the machine and details about any allowed or not allowed usage are given.
The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damages to people, animals or things caused by the non – observance or non-respect of instructions, information, suggestions, recommandations for installation, use and maintenance contained in this manual and in particular :
- Do not alter/modify any guard and safety device the machine is equipped with;
- Do not remove any guards and do not deactivate the safety devices the machine is equipped with,
unless deemed as strictly necessary and in taking all preventive measures to reduce the risks arising from it;
- Re-assemble the guards and re-activate the safety devices as soon as there are no more reasons for
which the temporary removal/deactivation was necessary;
- Do not use the machine for uses and/or loads being different from the ones given by the Manufacturer;
- Carry out daily checks to safety device, levels and state of the technological fluids if present and to the
general state of the machine as well;
- Carry out a careful daily cleaning of the machine;
- Take all necessary measures and precautions in carrying out any adjustement, cleaning and
maintenance operations in order to avoid any accidental starting up of the machine or its parts by others;
- Observe the European Directives and the laws of the State concerned for the workplace where the
machine is used; in particular ( but not limited to) the ones regarding the safety, food hygiene, safety and health at workplaces, individual protection devices, environment protection warning signs;
- Observe the limits of the climatic conditions and usage allowed: environmental relative humidity
90%, room temperature : min 4°C, max 40°C, altidute on the sea level : 1000 m max.
- The company employer shall have to provide adequate information, training, even practical (training) to
the operators about the correct and safe use of the machine.
- The operator has to wear proper adherent outfit only, i.e. no free parts, jackets, open shirts etc, jewels
(rings, bracelets, necklaces etc) are allowed, any eventual long hair is to be kept collected ( for ex. in a suitable cap); the working outfit has to comply with the hygiene food products requirements.
- Do not allow the entrance in the room where the machine is operating or the approach of the same
to lay-users, minors or anybody else not expressely authorised;
- if the machine is connected to other equipment or, implemented in a complex assembly, the manufacturer
shall have to assess any major or minor risk, arising from this operation, carry out adequate measures to eliminate it or reduce it as much as possible, observe all requisites according to the laws, directives , standards etc. related to (Directive 2006/42/CE among the ones) and declare the conformity of the whole to the regulations of the same.
- use spare parts only, if deemed as necessary and purchase them from Esmach S.p.A.; this latter – in
case of non-original spare sparts usage- declines any responsibility for damage to people, animals or things which may arising from this.
- Any arbitrary modification, made to the machine, releases the manufacturer from the responsibility
for any eventual damage caused to people, animals and/or things which may arising from this.
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Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
Esmach S.p.A. declines any responsibility for any damage caused to people, animals, things and missing production as well, which may arise, directly or indirectly, from:
Non-conforming use to the destination for use or different from the one described in this manual
Non-conforming installation compared to the instruction given in the present manual
Use of the machine by unsufficiently informed personnel and, where planned, not properly trained for
a correct and safe use
Use of different power sources compared to the ones given or not adequate to the technical date given
in this manual
Missing or poor maintenance or not carried out according to the instructions given
Non- or partial observance of the instructions described in the present manual
Arbitrary modification of the characteristics and original parts of the machine without receiving any
formal previous authorisation from the Manufacturer
Coupling/Integration through/ in the machine of parts which are not supplied, necessary or
authorised by the Manufacturer; in this case the CE mark of the machine would be invalid
Integration of the machine or its parts in a complex assembly, in case this operation could incur in new
or major risks compared to the machine supplied
Non-observance of the existing laws and rules in the country where the machine is used
Any exceptional event and acts of God beyond the control of Esmach S.p.A.
1.4 TERMINOLOGY OPERATOR: person in charge of the machine use; through use is to be meant the definition mentioned
here below MACHINE, MIXER: the object, for the correct and safe use of which this manual has been issued and
delivered to the principal/user USE OF THE MACHINE: each operation which is or may be reasonably related to the machine in its lifetime
compared to its destination for use; in the present manual this word assumes a particular meaning, compling directly with the subject concerned ( for ex.: dough production, maintenance, cleaning etc.)
PRINCIPAL: any physical or legal person who has purchased the machine from Esmach S.p.A. USER: any natural or legal person using the machine for production purposes MANUFACTURER, MANUFACTURING COMPANY of the machine:
Esmach S.p.A. Via V. Veneto, 143 36040 Grisignano di Zocco (VICENZA) - I
DPI: individual protection device (for ex.:gloves, shoes, glasses, etc.) INGREDIENTS: products/food substances to mix and amalgamate through the machine in order to obtain an
omogeneous mixture; the most common are: flour, water, yeast, salt but also fats, eggs, sugar etc. MIXTURE, DOUGH: shapeless volume of homogeneous consistency, easily malleable, obtained through
the mixing of ingredients in different portions, within the limits declared in this manual, from which to obtain bakery and/or pastry products through further operations ( dividing, forming, baking etc. )
SPIRAL ARM : stainless steel rotating tool suitable for ingredient mixing and amalgamating in the bowl. BOWL: recipient into which ingredients to be mixed are added; it rotates around a vertical shaft, allowing the
dough to go out from the action of the spiral first and then to go into again after one bowl rotation. BOWL COVER: bowl cover element connected to a safety microswitch; in lifting it up, the machine stops
imediately and/or no start is possible. Available as a welded circle rod-shaped metallic cover (grid cover) or as a full thermoformed plastic cover (full cover).
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FLOUR GUARD: part made of stainless steel shaped sheet, located on the bowl at the back as a natural extension of the bowl cover when this latter is closed; during the first mixing operations it allows the flour, not being yet well amalgamated, to reach the edge of the bowl and not spill out of due to the action of the spiral.
BASE: structure made of painted and welded stainless steel resting on the floor and supporting each part of the machine; in the upper side (head) are the transmission components for the spiral movement; in the lower side (base) are the ones of the bowl in the motor/s column along with the shaft/s and the electrical box concerned.
ROUTINE MAINTENANCE: periodic and/or occasional operations to keep the machine efficient and in a good state. They do not require any particular training or skilled qualification and shall be carried out by non­qualified personnel according to the instructions given in the present manual.
UNPREDICTABLE MAINTENANCE: periodic and/or occasional operations to keep the machine efficient and in a good state. They require a particular training and/or skilled qualification and/or specific ability; they shall be and have to be carried out by qualified personnel only (where required by the existing laws and rules), owing the technical concepts and standards to carry out operations properly done and on safety conditions.
DANGEROUS AREA: any area inside and/or in vicinity of the machine where the presence of a person exposed is a risk for the safety and the health of the same person.
PERSON EXPOSED: any person being enterely or partially in a dangerous area. WARNING, CAUTION, ATTENTION: important notice for people’s safety and health. IMPORTANT REMARK/NOTICE: important advice for the use and integrity of the machine
The mixer is to be used for mixing and amalgamating of various ingredients ( the main are: flour, water, salt and yeast) within the limits declared in this manual in order to get an homogeneous volume of dough for the next food processing necessary to achieve bakery and pastry products. The only professional use of the machine is allowed in places where no public, lay-users, minors and
non-authhorised people etc. are admitted, except for trade expositions, and/or show rooms, where however all necessary measures are to be taken in order not to expose those present to risks. Do not use the machine:
- for operations and/or with products which may be different from the ones specified
- if the connections to the service installations of the site have not been carried out according to the instructions in this manual
- in places with high fire hazard and/or explosion or relevant incidents, high humidity or wet, excess of water
vapour, oil steam, dust, presence of corrosive substances/gas, adverse weather conditions
- in vicinity of free flames, sparking projection areas, heat sources
- on vibration conditions or abnormal impacts
- on board of ships, off-shore platform, etc. Any other different use is to be considered uncorrect , non-conforming, not in compliance with the
Manufacturer’s instructions and, for this reason, dangerous for the safety and the health of people, animals and things.
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Esmach S.p.A.
Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
The machine is basically composed of: (see PicturePicture 1 – Main parts of the machine):
Picture 1 – Main parts of the machine
(1) supporting structure or “base” (2) bowl (3) spiral arm (4) central bar (5) bowl cover (6) flour guard (7) control panel (8) electrical box
The number next to the identification acronym of the machine shows the mixture nominal capacity of the bowl, expressed in Kg; for ex. :The Mixer SPI80 has a mixture nominal capacity equal to 80 Kg) The machine can be supplied in the following versions:
- E : with electronic control panel (7) (ex. SPI 160 E)
- M: with electro-mechanical control panel (7) (ex. SPI 160 M) as follows:
- with reverse controls for the bowl rotation direction ( Mod. no. SPI 60-80-100-130-160-200 only )
- without reverse controls for the bowl rotation direction ( Mod. no. SPI 30-45 only ) The machine can be delivered equipped with the following devices s (options):
- (for E Version only) ingredient dispenser system with one or two dispenser devices (dispenser D1 and D2)
- (for E Version only ) water dispenser system ( E Version only )
- (for E Version only) temperature measurement system of the dough with infra-red device or, as an
alternative, with manual “immersion” probe ( E Version only) The machine shall be supplied complete with options only, if they are requested while placing the order ; later it will be not possible to add any of the devices mentioned here above.
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Any reference to “ water dispenser” refers to machines equipped with the system concerned only ( option), shown and described under paragraph 3.2.2 . With reference to Picture 2, the control devices, besides the main power switch Ref. 18 – Picture 4, are: (1) control panel ( membrane keyboard panel )
(2) 1
speed working time display (timer) ( minutes.seconds until 9’.99”, minute for time 10’ only), while operating it runs as a countdown. The operation mode “ water dispenser” shows the litres of water (unit only) not yet added into the bowl compared to the set up value ( operates as a countdown)
(3) 1 (4) 1 (5) 2
(6) 2 (7) 2
speed working time “up” key or litres of water ( unit only) to pour into the
speed working time “down” key or litres of water ( unit only) to pour into the
speed working time display (timer); it operates as display (2). Under operation mode “water
dispenser” its operating is like display (2) but referred to fractions (tenth-value) of litre
speed working time “up” key or the quantity of water ( tenth of litre, for ex. = 0,4 litre)
speed working time “down” key or the quantity of water ( tenth of litre, for ex. = 0,4 litre)
(8) According to the operation mode selected with ( 11 ), the display is :
- AUTOMATIC selected mode (led (12) on): no. of programm numbers from 0 to 9
- MANUAL selected mode (led (12) on) “-“; at the following start, letter H is shown on display
- WATER DISPENSER function activated letter W (9) Key to select/confirm programm (led (10) on = in PROGRAMMING) (10) PROGRAMMING led (red); see (9) (11) Key to activate the operation mode: MANUALled (12) off, on display (8) is shown “-“; AUTOMATICled
(12) on; WATER DISPENSER led (12) off, W is shown on display (8), led (20) is on
(12) led (red) for running operation mode; see ( 11) (13) Bowl REVERSAL key ( activated in1
speed only); by pressing it through impulse, a reverse bowl
direction is selected. Led (13): off= counter-clockwise rotation, on= clockwise
With protection grid closed: by keeping it pressed, bowl and spiral arm rotate, by releasing it they stop ; if
the grid is open while keeping the key pressed, the machine stops and the key must be released and then pressed again to re-start the bowl rotation.
With protection grid open : by keeping it pressed, the bowl rotates; by releasing it the bowl stops; by
pressing the key again, the bowl rotates in the reverse direction compared to the previous and so on.
(14) Bowl direction reversal led (red); see (13) (15 START key; in AUTOMATIC and MANUAL mode, it starts the spiral arm and the bowl; in WATER DISPENSER
mode, it allows the addition of water in the bowl for the maximum of the water quantity set up.
(16) STOP key (normal stop); in AUTOMATIC and MANUAL mode, it stops the spiral arm and the bowl: (by
pressing it once, the residual operating times are stored, by pressing it twice, instead, the operating residual times are zero-adjusted as at the end of cycle), in WATER DISPENSER mode, it stops the water flow, the countdown in (2) and (5) stops; if (15) is pressed, the countdown re-starts from the point it had stopped before; if instead, (16) is pressed again all initial water values are re-established again on display
(17) Emergency stop button ( red mushroom-headed button on a yellow base); once pressed, it remains in
this position, allowing the stop of the machine and setting to zero the electric power of each of its parts, otherwise dangerous, in particular of motor (displays (2) and (5) show “- - -“ and “- - - “ )
(18) Main switch ON/OFF; it can be locked in position OFF by removing the lever and passing a lock with
key into the hole concerned
(19) Mixture temperature display (for machine with the measurement system concerned only; see the end
of par. 2.1.)
(20) WATER DISPENSER operation mode led ( blue) led; see ( 11)
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Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
Picture 2 - E Version: Control Panels and Control Devices
With reference to Picture 3, the control devices, besides the main power switch Ref. 18 – Picture 4, are : (1) Control panel (2) Electromechanical display (timer) to set the 1 (5) Electromechanical display (timer) to set the 2 (11) Selector to activate alternately the following operation mode:
- pos. 1: the machine operates non-stop in 1
- pos. 2: after an initial operating at 1
in 2
speed; the timer are excluded
speed for a time of 120 seconds, the machine operates non-stop
- pos. : both timers are enabled; its operating is based on the set up times, except for the first 120” during which the machine operates in 1
speed working time
speed working time
speed; the timers are excluded
speed (13) (SPI 60-80-100-130-160-200 only) 3-position-selector for the bowl rotation direction Left hand position= counter-clockwise (overhead view); central position= bowl still; right hand position=
clockwise (overhead view ) (15) Start button (start) (17) Emergency stop button ( red mushroom-headed button on a yellow base); once pressed, it remains in
this position, allowing the stop of the machine and setting to zero the electric power of each of its parts (21) (SPI 60-80-100-130-160-200 only) bowl rotation “dead man” button (after releasing it, the bowl stops) ;
it is normally used for impulse rotation of the bowl. .
SPI 60-80-100-130-160-200
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SPI 30-45
Picture 3 – M Version: Control Panels and Control Devices
Each machine is equipped with a main power switch as per position shown in Picture 4.
Picture 4 – Main Power Switch
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Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
Picture 5 – Machine Dimensions
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30 45 60 80 100 130 160 200
A mm 477 477 588 588 588 735 735 735 B mm 978 978 1121 1207 1207 1413 1495 1495 C mm 1378 1378 1563 1563 1563 1610 1610 1610 D mm 741 791 891 886 936 862 883 943 E mm 1879 1864 1679 1751 1776 1864 1945 1975 F mm 562 562 638 741 741 847 948 948
G mm 181 131 184 189 139 222 202 142 Machine Mass kg 218 222 385 417 417 624 680 705 Mass on a Pallet only kg 239 243 420 452 452 660 716 741 Mass on a Cage kg 301 305 504 536 536 744 800 825 Mass on a Case kg 323 327 581 613 613 765 821 846 Machine Overall Dimensions on Pallet
mm 1150x650x1550 1300x850x1730 1600x1000x1750
Packaging Overall Dimensions (wooden-
mm 1250x750x1670 1400x950x1820 1700x1100x1850 cage/case) Mixture Capacity min./max. (a)
kg 2/30 2.5/45 3/60 3.5/80
4/130 4.5/160
200 Bowl Capacity L 50 60 95 120 145 200 250 290 1st/2nd Spiral Arm Rotation Speed 1st/2nd Bowl Rotation Speed
103/206 107/214
10/20 7.5/15 8/16 10.8/21.6
Installed Power kW 1.5 1.5 2.75 4.55 4.55 6.8 8.4 8.4 Spiral Arm Motor Power
1.5-0.75 (b)
2.2 -
4 - 3 5.9 - 4.05 7.5 - 4.8
Bowl Motor Power kW - - 0.55-0.37 0.9-0.45 Voltage (c) V 400 Frequency (c) Hz 50 No. of Phases (c) -
3 + PE
(a) the max. mixture capacity shown, refers to a water/flour ratio not less than 60% ( flour W= 250, P/L=
0,4); it reduces in the ratio reduction:(water quantity)/(flour quantity) (b) same motor both for spiral arm and bowl (c) these values represent the most frequent case; should voltage and/or frequency and/or no. of phases be
different, the specifications shown on the identification plate will be valid only ( see par. 2.5)
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Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
The plate, on which the following CE mark, manufactures’s specifications, number of registration, year of construction, weight, electrical data are indelebile reported, is stable fixed on the machine as shown in Picture 6. .
Picture 6 – Identification Plate and its Placement
The place where the machine shall be installed and/or used shall have to comply with the existing laws and standards in order to assure an adequate protection from any impact, damage, deterioration and weathering agents as well. All access ways are to be easily accessible and wide to allow the crossing of the machine without any risk both for the operator’s physical integrity and the integrity of the machine as well. The floor and the main structures shall have the features according to the existing laws and standards considering the whole load to support and safety factors concerned; floor and room walls must be easy to clean, to disinfect and disinfest. The floor has to be flat, without inclination, compact and free from any holes and roughness. The electrical equipment and the equipotential protection system (ground) of the site shall have to comply with the existing laws and standards; they shall have to be carried and maintained and, where prescribed by the law, checked periodically by authorized and qualified engineers, enabled to issue the eventual declaration of conformity concerned. On the power supply panel any suitable protection devices are to be installed against overload current, short circuit and phase-phase, phase-neutral (if concerned), phase-ground failure.
Depending on destination and contractual agreements, the machine shall be delivered wrapped in a thermoshrinking plastic film bag and placed on a pallet or in a wooden-cage or a wooden-case. Before dispatching it from the Manufacturer’s site, the machine is put and fixed onto a wooden-pallet; then the pallet, the cage or the case shall be further fixed on the platform of the mean of transport through wooden blocks/supports, loaded and/or bound to resistant points of the mean of transport in order to avoid any motion during their transportation. To lift and handle the pallet, the cage or the case use a suitable fork lift truck (the mass is shown in par. 2.4 and on the identification plate); the lifting forks are to be introduced in the pallet or in the base of the cage seat concerned and have to protrude to the opposite side for 200 mm at least as shown in (Picture 7).
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Picture 7 – Pallet or Cage Lifting up and Handling by means of a Fork Lift Truck
CAUTION! No different lifting devices and/or systems from the ones described are to be used. Adopt all possible precautions in handling and/or transporting the machine and its parts in order to avoid or reduce any risks to people, animals or things.
Remove any eventual packaging from the machine; in this case separate the different materials per type of packaging ( rivets, plastic, wood etc) and place them in a suitable waste collection point, accessible to authorized personnel only and waiting to be collected from the disposal firms concerned. The waste
disposal, according to the strict regulations and respect of the environment, are obligations clearly and unequivocally imposed by the existing laws.
Check the integrity of the machine in all of its parts; in case of doubt contact the Manufacturer. To move the machine from the pallet or from the cage and, in general, to lift the machine released from its packaging, and according to the devices at disposal, it is allowed to : a) use the fork lift truck with a suitable capacity ( the mass is given in par. 2.4) as shown in Picture 8.
Picture 8 - Machine Lifting up by
b) use a suitable lifting belt ( the mass is given in par. 2.4) to connect to a lifting device hook ( bridge crane,
console table crane, jib crane, etc.). In this case the lifting belt end extremities cannot be lifted up by means of the forks of the forklift truck: the load would not be protected against falling down and could cause a rolling over of the fork lift truck. The lifting belt has to be 3 m long at least and has to go across under the head of the base as follows (Picture 9) :
- remove the top cover of the head (the part without control panel only) following the instructions given in par. 4.3.2 ( cover (1) Picture 14); if a rocker arm suitable to lift load is at disposal, no cover removal is necessary
- lift the bowl cover and let one belt extremity (eyebolt) go through between the spiral arm and the flour
guard ; when the eyebolt is out from the head of the base, hold the belt horizontal ( in plane) and introduce it between the flour guard and the head of the base (Picture A)
means of a Fork Lift Truck
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Esmach S.p.A.
Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
- lower the bowl cover ( Picture B)
- connect the end extremities of the lifting belt to the lifting device (Picture C); with the lifting belt centered
between the spiral arm and the column of the base (elements, not allowing the side motion of the belt), the load results to be well balanced.
After completing this operation, it is necessary to lift up the cover before driving out the lifting belt and
then to move the belt towards the spiral arm to avoid that the eyebolt, in taking the belt off, remains fixed in between the flour guard and the head of the base.
Lift slowly the machine avoiding any impact and swinging. Rest the machine on the ground, in a safe and protected room free from any risk of damage. Once placed on the ground the machine can be moved in pushing it, as it is equipped with 3 caster wheels. In positioning the machine, keep sufficient free space all around it in order to operate in a comfortable way during the normal production ( 1 m per each side is normally sufficient). With reference to Picture 10, fix the machine in the room where it shall be used, by using the support feet (1):
- unloose the lock nut (2) by means of a hallen wrench;
- rotate the foot (1) clockwise (overhead view) by means of a hallen wrench in the shaft facets(3); this operation is to carry out in the same way for both feet;
- when the front wheel (5) will be unloaded from the weight of the machine, lock each foot in tigthen the nut (2); keep the threaded shaft (4) fixed by means of the wrench introduced in the facets (3) Should it be necessary to move the machine again ( for example to clean the floor), a reverse operation is to be carried out, i.e. through the unloading of the weight from the feet and placing the machine on the caster wheel (5)
Picture 9 – Maschine Lifting up by means of a lifting Belt
2 4
Picture 10 - Support Feet
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Any elctrical intervention involving the working site is to be carried out by qualified and skilled technicians, having a technical knowlege and a knowlegde of the standards concerned to carry out operation properly done and on safety conditions according to the existing laws and standards; they shall be able to issue the declaration of conformity concerned and required by the law. After delivering the machine and before proceeding to the electrical connection, ensure that voltage, frequency and number of phases are the same declared by the Manufacturer and shown on the identification plate; voltage, frequency and number of phases are also reported on a adhesive label placed at the back of the machine, in vicinity of the point where the power supply cable enters the base. In any case, refer always to the technical specifications shown on the identification plate only (paragraph 2.5). The machine is delivered complete with cable and 4-pole plug ( 3-phase poles + 1 ground pole PE); see Picture 11. Use the ground system concerned , the efficiency of which has to be periodically tested and do not connect to any gas or water pipes or other generic metallic structures .
For connections in the US/Canada: An electrician licensed under the jurisdiction (city, municipality, county, state, etc.) in which the mixer will be installed must install the plug that meets requirements in sub-clauses of C22.2 No. 195 and 6.2.1, 11.1.1, 15.1.6 of UL 763.
The power supply cable is to be kept far of warm parts and/or parts in motion and has not to be an obstacle for people, animal or things. The plug has to be easily accessible and as visible as possible too. Once the plug has been connected to the power supply socket, check the correctness of the bowl and spiral arm rotation direction: i.e. clockwise on normal conditions (overhead view); if the rotation direction is not correct, invert the two phases in the plug ( do not disconnect the ground cable from its clamp) but this
operation has to be carried out by a professionally qualified electrician only.
Picture 11 - Power Supply Cable with Plug
Adhesive label showing
Voltage, Frequency and no.
of Phases
Electrical Connection Plug
Power Supply Cable
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Esmach S.p.A.
Grisignano di Z
occo (VI)
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SPI 30-200 F Instructions for use and maintenance
(for machine equipped with “water dispenser” system only)
Picture 12 – Hydraulic System on Machine Board (option)
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3.3 OPERATING AND USE The use of the machine is allowed to authorized and qualified personnel only, skilled and able to use machines for bakery and pastry mixture, properly educated and trained about the correct and safe use of the machine and informed on the risks concerned and the measures to take in order to eliminate or reduce them accordingly. An only one operator at a time is allowed and has to work at the machine.
The instructions contained in the present manual are sufficient and adequate; however, on specific request and previous agreements, the Manufacturer can provide education and training , as well as information required for a safe and correct use of the machine at its manufacturing facilities or at the principal’s/user’s. It is under the user’s responsibility to choose and nominate the most suitable people to operate the machine, inform and train them accordingly.
ATTENTION! It is strictly forbidden to carry out operations on and/or through the machine without owing the necessary skills required and described in this manual.
In compliance with the existing laws regarding health and safety at work place, the Company employer has to carry out a suitable and adequate information, education, training activity for the personnel authorized to the use of the machine and implement any any operational procedures suitable for reducing as much as possible the exposure to any eventual residual risk ( see par. 5.2). The manufacturing company declines any responsibility for damage to people, animals and things due to a non-observance of the instructions described in this manual.
Before starting the normal user, the following important remarks are to be taken into consideration:
1. At the beginning of each working day and/or shift, check the integrity and fixation of the protection
covers and the efficiency of the safety devices according to paragraph 5.2.3.
2. To load the flour in the bowl, do not empty the flour sack quickly into it; instead, whenever possible, lean
the sack, possibly and already partially discharged, on the bottom of the bowl, according to the instructions given here below, and then open the sack at the bottom base and let the flour spill out slowly in order to generate as few flour dust as possible; each next sack, after lightening according to the following instruction, is to be held slightly inclined, with the opening near the flour already
poured in; then let the flour go out slowly in order to limit the flour dust development as much as possible. During the mixing operations, do not scatter the flour on the dough by using the hands from
the above, through the cover openings; try instead to stop the machine, to lift up the cover and scatter the flour in a due necessary quantity with the hands or by means of a bailer and staying as near as possible to the dough and without any sudden movements.
A manual handling of flour sacks may carry ergonomic risks causing possible muscle and skeletal injuries; it is safer to unload the sack before, in removing as much flour as possible, by means of a bailer, and then when just a few kilograms of flour remain in the sack, to lift it up manually and pour it into the bowl, following the above mentioned instructions.
3.The same procedure is to follow when water is to pour into the bowl; add just a few litres at once instead
of full and large recipients. If possible, install an automatic “water dispenser” system to implement nearby.
4. During the normal use of the machine in production, no particular IPD (individual protection devices) are
requested, except for particular requirements and specifications which may arise from the risk assessment regarding the health and the safety of operators and that the company employer has to carry out in compliance with the existing law regulations. If, for example, sacks of flours were poured quickly into the bowl and/or from the edge of the bowl, despite the instructions mentioned above, this would cause a flour dust dispersion wave in the air, with a consequent risk for the health of people exposed nearby, in case of inhalation ( asthma, rhinitis, tearing etc.); in this case, besides the safety reinforced toe shoes, the operator shall have to wear a respiratory apparatus protection mask with filtrating capacity suitable for the flour dust granulometry (reported in the technical sheet of the flour, if available, or, in any case, to be defined and measured by the company employer) and make sure that nobody is nearby before emptying the flour sack into the bowl. It is responsibility of the company employer to identify further IPD to wear for different purposes, as for ex. to preserve the hygiene of the food ingredients.
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