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ProPlex IQ Two 416
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The ProPlex IQ Two 416 is a 16-way Ethernet-DMX node/opto-splitter with the following features:
• Assign 4 ArtNet/sACN universes to 16 DMX outputs.
• Full RDM functionality.
• RDM Manager software available for system setup and feedback.
• Web interface – manage large networks locally or remotely.
• Large touchscreen for quick, easy setup and operation.
• Rugged, tour-ready ProPlex “Blue Box” RackMount chassis.
Front and Rear Panels

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Configuration using LCD Touchsc reen
ProPlex IQ Two can be configured locally on the unit by using the touchscreen or remotely through the
Ethernet port by accessing the built-in web page with a web browser or with the ProPlex IQ RDM Manager
Navigation through menus is done using the LCD touch screen.
When the device is turned on, it shows the following welcome screen:
To begin, press anywhere on the screen and a touch screen calibration screen will appear.
The main status screen is displayed, showing the important information about the IQ Two 416 node.
Assigned ID (name) for ProPlex IQ Two fixture
DMX refresh (rate)
Easy priority
Src loss (source loss)
Network (state + information about network speed)
Network usage (%)
Information about 4 DMX output groups

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Fixture ID: (ProPlex IQ Two 1616 example)
DMX refresh: (40Hz example)
IP: ( example;
Mask: ( example)
Protocol: ArtNet example)
Network: (Link down example, when there is network, it shows the network type, 1G FD (1 Gigabit Full
Duplex) for example, and it shows the network usage in percent).
Device and version description: (ProPlex IQ Two 1616 v:0.28 example)
Port information:
Information of all 16 DMX ports, labeled as A, B, C, etc.
If using the ArtNet protocol, the universes start from universe 0.
When using sACN, num ber ing beg ins with un iv ers e 1.
General Information
The ProPlex IQ Two 416 has 2 status LEDs for each DMX port.
Each port has an ass ign ed s witc h defin ing which universe the port depends on.
Switch ports 1-8 as A port group or B port group outputs
Switch ports 9-16 as C port group or D port group outputs.
Because there a maximum of four universes are assignable (one universe for each of four port groups), the
device can easily be used as a DMX splitter.
For example, you can use the ProPlex IQ 416 as 2x8 port splitters or 4x4 port splitter.
There are four different port groups: A, B, C and D.

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In this example, the ProPlex IQ 416 is set up as four independent splitters.
Ports 1, 2, 3, 4: Assigned to port group B
Ports 5, 6, 7, 8: Assigned to port group A
Ports 9, 10, 11, 12: Assigned to port group D
Ports 13, 14, 15, 16: Assigned to port group C

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When using the IQ Two 416 as 2x8-port DMX splitter, the configuration will look like this:
Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: Assigned to port group A
Ports 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: Assigned to port group C