Marden iDEA 1125 Fully Automatic Loading-Unloading System
The Marden iDEA 1125 is the latest generation of Fully Automatic Loaders, following up from the
Marden 1200. This model features two floor rails rather than one, with a drive gear on the front rail. It
eliminates the overhead drive-rail in the 1200 model, and offers increased stability and greater agility.
TMB Baking first installed the 1125 in 2015 at Essential Baking Company in Seattle, with a version that
loads from the side and off-loads to overhead conveyors. In 2016, we installed the same model at
Grand Central Baking Company in a configuration that offloads to low table for manual sorting and
handling onto cooling racks.
TMB Baking stocks the critical operating parts for Marden loaders, ensuring maximum up-time and fast
turn-arounds when maintenance or repair is required. We have now been working with these fully
automatic loaders for over 10 years with sound performance.
Let TMB Baking help your bakery to scale to fully automatic loading and unloading of multiple ovens and
you work to meet your customers’ demands of artisan baked breads.
TMB Baking - 482 Grandview Drive, South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 589-5724 tel | (650) 589-5729 fax | contact@tmbbaking.com email | www.tmbbaking.com

Marden iDEA 1125 Fully Automatic Loading-Unloading System
Oven depths of 2.8M (110”) or greater
Oven door or chamber widths of 1125mm (44.8”) or greater
Fully-automatic load, deck selection, deposit and unload
Dough pick-up alongside of oven or at rear of loader
Bread deposit from rear of loader overhead or at dump table level
Fully programmable PLC-driven loader with Touch screen operation
Remote programming and diagnosis available
Marden iDEA 1125 Loader Serving 2 TAG 4-12-280 Gas Deck Ovens
TMB Baking - 482 Grandview Drive, South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 589-5724 tel | (650) 589-5729 fax | contact@tmbbaking.com email | www.tmbbaking.com