Major repair or maintenance—any repair or maintenance for which instructions to
complete the task are excluded from the maintenance manual supplied to the
consumer are considered major.
Manufacturer—any entity engaged in the production of an LSA or component used
on an LSA.
Minor repair or maintenance—any repair or maintenance for which instructions are
provided in the TL Ultralight, sro maintenance manual are considered minor.
Modification—any change to the airframe or aircraft component part after the initial
design and production acceptance testing by TL Ultralight, sro to the applicable
ASTM standards that is not described in the TL Ultralight, sro maintenance manual.
Overhaul—maintenance, inspection, or repair that is only to be accomplished by the
TL Ultralight, sro or a facility approved by the original manufacturer of the product.
Overhaul facility—facility specifically authorized by the FAA or TL Ultralight, sro or
component manufacturer to overhaul the product originally produced by that
Repair facility—facility specifically authorized by the FAA or TL Ultralight, sro or
component manufacturer to repair the product originally produced by that
1.1.5 Maintenance and Repair
Inspection or Repair, —Each of the inspections or repairs outlined in the
maintenance manual specifically list:
(1) Recommended special tools to accomplish the task, if any
(2) The parts needed to perform the task, if any
(3) Type of maintenance, line (L), heavy (H), or overhaul (OV)
(4) The level of certification needed to accomplish the task, owner (ON), (light sport
aircraft) inspection (RI), (light sport aircraft) repairman (RM), FAA approved A&P
(A&P), FAA or TL Ultralight repair station,
(5) Detailed instructions and diagrams if needed to perform the task, and
(6) Confirmation by signature to verify the task was accomplished properly.
Repairs and Alterations—TL Ultralight, sro may refer to other repair and alteration
manuals such as the FAA’s AC for the detailed instructions to accomplish tasks
outlined in the maintenance manual.
Level of Certification—When listing the level of certification needed to perform a task,
TL Ultralight, sro shall use one of the following descriptors.
Owner (ON)—Items that can be expected to be completed by a responsible owner
who holds a pilot certificate but who has not received any specific authorized training.