Tivoli Audio® Music System® Three+ shown in White
Music System® Three+ Portable Hi-Fi System
The Music System Three+ produces portable audio like it has
never been heard before. Tivoli Audio’s PAL was the first portable
radio to truly transport great mono sound outdoors and the
Music System Three+ uses our proprietary analog Wide circuit
to expand on this in high quality portable stereo. The innovation
continues with the Lithium Ion battery pack that achieves a
75% charge in about 3 hours and offers enough playback time
from a fully charged battery to outlast most parties. Bluetooth is
included so you can stream your favorite music from you mobile
device or computer in superb stereo sound.
The brushed metal multi-function control wheel gives instant
access to power, volume, and snooze. The front panel offers
further control such as source, auto station tuning, and easyto-set alarms. The backside sports dual ports for enhanced
bass, an external telescopic antenna, a stereo headphone
output and auxiliary input, and an integrated carrying handle
that doubles as a storage compartment for the included
full-function remote control.
Dual independent alarms and a variable sleep timer are
included, and the time will conveniently auto-set from DAB or
FM RDS. Additional features can be tailored to your specific
taste including equalization and display backlight and contrast.
Whether you're at the beach, on a boat, on the porch, or at the
next backyard barbecue, you can take great sounding stereo
audio with you wherever you go with the Music System Three+.
• Portable FM/FM RDS/DAB/DAB+/DMB/Bluetooth
Music System
• Lithium Ion battery pack provides extended playback time
with no memory or conditioning
• Built-in battery charger (external adapter included)
• Bluetooth Wireless Technology to stream your
personal music
• Integrated carry handle houses full function remote control
• Two custom 3" full range, long throw transducers for
excellent stereo sound with dual bass ports
• Proprietary Wide circuit creates big sound from a small box
• Dual independent alarms, sleep timer, snooze, and auto
time set
• Adjustable backlight, contrast, and equalization
• Stereo headphone output and auxiliary input
• Real-time clock maintains time during power outages
• Compact, lightweight design for both outdoor and
indoor use
• Meets worldwide energy standards
Dimensions: 4.375"H x 11.5"W x 4.375"D
(11.1cm H x 29.2cm W x 11.1cm D)
Weight: 3.59 lbs (1.83 kg)
White and Black
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