Read and understand this owner’s manual and labels that are affixed to the chipper
/shredder. Learn the chippers applications and limitations as well as the specific
potential hazards. Please retain these instructions for future reference.
Use sturdy footwear also eye and ear protection, wear heavy duty
Do not operate the machine if you are tired, ill or under the
influence of alcohol or drugs.
Do not smoke when using the chipper/shredder and use caution
when you are handling fuel. We recommend that you re fuel the
machine at least 3 Metres away from where you wish to work in
case any split fuel ignites when starting the engine. Always ensure
the fuel cap in tight and correctly fitted before starting.
Ensure bystanders, children or pets are at least 15 meters away
when starting the machine or chipping.
Keep the operator area clear of other objects.
Examine the machine to ensure its in good condition, check all the screws, nuts
and other fasteners are properly secured and the screen is in place.
If the fuel tank needs to be drained, it should be done outdoors.
Be aware of the hot exhaust, when the machine is in operation touching the
exhaust can cause burns.
Keep a proper balance and footing at all times. Do not over reach. Never stand
at a higher level than the base of the machine when feeding material into it.
Keep your face and body away from the feed intake opening.
Do not allow hands or any other parts of the body or clothing inside the feed
hopper, side chute, discharge chute, or other rotating parts.