1. Introduction
Tire-Safeguard is a wireless tire pressure monitoring system. This
valuable addition to your vehicle will help you drive safer. Tire-
Safeguard automatically monitors your vehicle tires, and will
immediately alert you of abnormal tire pressure and/or temperature,
providing a timely warning to you in order for you to take corrective
action. In addition, Tire-Safeguard’s digital display makes tire pressure
maintenance easy. You will no longer need to manually check the tires
with a pressure gauge. Consequently, your tires can easily be kept in
optimal operating condition. The resulting benefits are obvious:
reduced uneven tire wear, reduced severe tire damages, reduced air
loss related tire failures, increased tire life, improved fuel efficiency,
improved vehicle braking and handling. Best of all, Tire-Safeguard will
help you drive with enhanced vehicle safety and with less worry of flat
tires and blowouts.
2. Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Overview
The major components of Tire-Safeguard TPMS are: one sensortransmitter per tire, a receiver, and a display. For the internal valvemounted model, the sensor-transmitter is affixed inside the tire on the
wheel with a valve stem. The sensor-transmitter automatically
continuously monitors the tire and, periodically, transmits out RF
signals with the current tire pressure and temperature readings. Upon
detection of abnormal tire pressure and/or temperature, the sensortransmitter will immediately issue a warning signal. The receiver
captures the signals from the sensor-transmitters and forwards them to
the display unit.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
TPM-V104-R50H Model
Operator’s Manual
HCI Corporation
www.tiresafeguard.com ● contact@tiresafeguard.com
Version 1.0 1 TPM-V104 Op Manual
3. The Display
The display unit is the interface between the TPMS and the user. The
display has a graphical representation of the vehicle with tire icons on
the left side of the screen, a
thermometer icon and
temperature reading on the upper
right, and a tire status icon and
pressure reading on the lower
right side.
There is a status lamp on the right
side of the display. Below the status lamp there is a control button.
Pressing the control button will display individual tire pressure and
temperature readings; a darken tire icon on the vehicle graphic
indicates the associated tire location.
On the right edge of the display unit there is a button for programming
the system. Detail description of the set up procedures will be
described in a later section.
3. 1 Operation
After installation, the system operates automatically and continuously.
When vehicle power is turned on, the display will show the current tire
pressure and temperature one-by-one from tire No.1 to No. 4. The
display then turns off and only the status light remains lit. A green
status light indicates normal pressure and temperature for all tires.
Otherwise the status light turns to blinking red (low tire pressure
and/or rapid air loss) or red (other warnings), and the corresponding
tire indicator(s) and the warning icon(s) will be illuminated.
3. 2 System Warnings
Upon detection of abnormal tire pressure and/or temperature the
system will display one of the following warnings and the status light
will change to red or blinking red as described earlier. The warning
display lasts 8 seconds and then will switch to a screen as shown in
Abnormal Situation Display (described in the next section). For severe
warnings (low pressure and rapid pressure change) the system will
also sound an 8-second alarm.
Low pressure or blowout
The tire icon is hollow;
indicating tire pressure is
low or tire is rapidly
losing 3+ PSI of air within
a number of seconds.
Slow air leak
The tire icon is 2/3 full;
indicating tire pressure
depletion of 3 PSI or
more within 2 to 10
High tire pressure
The tire icon is full with
an outer shell; indicating
the tire pressure is too
The order of tire information
display for a 4-tire vehicle is
as showed on the right.
Version 1.0 2 TPM-V104 Op Manual
High temperature
The high-temp icon is
visible; indicating tire
temperature is too high.
3.3 Abnormal Situation Display
A persistent abnormal tire situation (with possibly several tire
abnormalities) will cause one of the following warnings to be displayed.
Version 1.0 3 TPM-V104 Op Manual