TIPTEL 410, 411, 810, 811, 822 XT/Rack User Manual

User's Manual (UK)
ISDN Telephone System
tiptel.com 410 tiptel.com 810 tiptel.com 411 tiptel.com 811 tiptel.com 822 XT/Rack tiptel.comPact 42/82 IP 8 tiptel.comPact 84 Up4/Rack
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of C ontents ............................................................................................ 3
Notes ............................................................................................................... 5
Directions for operating the telephone system ........................................................... 5
First calls ......................................................................................................... 6
Internal call ............................................................................................................. 6
External call ............................................................................................................ 6
Inquiry call .............................................................................................................. 7
Inquiry call with call transfer ................................................................................... 7
Extension features .......................................................................................... 8
Call forw arding ....................................................................................................... 8
C onfiguration .................................................................................................. 10
Analogue extension ..................................................................................................... 10
Call w aiting signal allow ed ..................................................................................... 10
Call num ber identification ...................................................................................... 10
Functions ......................................................................................................... 11
W hen setting up the connection ................................................................................. 11
Select outgoing internal num ber ........................................................................... 11
Pick-up .................................................................................................................... 11
Follow m e ............................................................................................................... 11
Speed dial .............................................................................................................. 12
Com pletion of Call to Busy Subscriber (C CBS) .................................................... 12
Com pletion of Call on No Reply (C CN R) ............................................................... 13
During the call ............................................................................................................. 14
Call W aiting (CW ) ................................................................................................... 14
M alicious C all Identification (M CID) ....................................................................... 14
Hold ........................................................................................................................ 15
Conference ............................................................................................................. 15
Term inal Portability (TP) ......................................................................................... 15
Inquiry / switching betw een lines ........................................................................... 16
Explicit C all Transfer ............................................................................................... 17
O perating the answ ering machine ................................................................. 18
Rem ote access ............................................................................................................ 18
Rem ote access functions ............................................................................................ 19
Playback incom ing m essage function ................................................................... 19
Sw itching functions ................................................................................................ 19
Changing outgoing m essages ............................................................................... 20
M essage transfer function ...................................................................................... 20
Sw itch off device function ...................................................................................... 20
Rem ote activation of answering m ode ...................................................................... 21
Remote dialling-in ........................................................................................... 21
Subscriber configuration via PC .................................................................... 22
Subscriber ....................................................................................................... 24
Settings ................................................................................................................... 24
Call forw arding ....................................................................................................... 25
Charge account ...................................................................................................... 26
Answ ering m achine ..................................................................................................... 26
ICM .............................................................................................................................. 26
G eneral command summary .......................................................................... 27
Function codes, only for analogue terminals ................................................ 29
During the call ........................................................................................................ 29
Index ................................................................................................................ 30
W e reserve the right to m ake changes to this U ser's M anual or the hardw are described at any tim e and without prior notice. The current version of the User's M anual is also available as a pdf file on the Internet at www.tiptel.com . The texts and illustrations of this user's m anual have been com piled w ith the utm ost care. H ow ever, errors cannot be ruled out com pletely. The publisher can not be held liable for any incorrect inform ation or consequences arising as a result.
Im portant: This m anual reflects the telephone system , release 7.xx. If necessary, perform an update.
© 2010 Tiptel.com G m bH Business Solutions Ratingen. All rights reserved.
Directions for operating the telephone system
Before your m ake your first call, you should m ake yourself fam iliar w ith the sym bols used in this User's M anual.
In the User's M anual, the following sym bols are used for program m ing the system or activating and deactivating features:
Pick up receiver
...... "#
Enter code digits and key sequences
Enter special keys
R key: Flash function
Hang up receiver
Note: O nly tiptel.com 411, 811, 822XT/Rack, tiptel.com Pact 42/82 IP 8 and
tiptel.com Pact 84 Up4/Rack support ISD N - and TIPTEL system -telephones.
First calls
First calls
Upon delivery, the autom atic exchange connection is disabled within the telephone system . D ial the line prefix "0" for C O line access.
If the “autom atic exchange connection” feature has been activated, you can dial “$$#for an internal line, or w ait for 10 seconds after picking up the receiver until you hear the internal dialling tone. You can then dial desired extension num ber.
After 10 seconds, the telephone system autom atically sw itches to the internal dialling tone.
Internal call
Analogue telephone 50: Pick up receiver.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial internal subscriber num ber.
ou hear the ringing tone or the busy tone.
Analogue telephone 51: Pick up receiver.
ou are connected with the internal
subscriber. Place your call.
Hang up both receivers. Term ination of call.
External call
Analogue telephone 50: Pick up receiver.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial line prefix.
ou hear the external dialling tone.
Dial the phone number of the external subscriber.
ou hear the ringing tone or the busy tone.
External subscriber: Pick up receiver.
ou are connected with the external
subscriber. Place your call.
Hang up receiver. Term ination of call.
First calls
Inquiry call
Analogue telephone 50: Pick up receiver.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial phone number. Signal to telephone 51.
Analogue telephone 51: Pick up receiver.
Place your call with telephone 51.
Initiate inquiry call.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial phone number. Signal to telephone 52.
Analogue telephone 52: Pick up receiver.
Place your call with telephone 52.
Term inate inquiry. Place your call with telephone 51.
Hang up all receivers. Term ination of call.
Inquiry call with call transfer
Analogue telephone 50: Pick up receiver.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial phone number. Signal to telephone 51.
Analogue telephone 51: Pick up receiver.
Place your call with telephone 51.
Initiate inquiry call.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
Dial phone number. Signal to telephone 52.
Analogue telephone 50: Hang up receiver.
Analogue telephone 52: Pick up receiver.
Active call between telephones 51 and 52.
Hang up all receivers. Term ination of call.
Extension features
Extension features
The following list describes the features provided for the different extensions.
Note: M any of the features are displayed on ISDN term inals and can be enabled directly via speed dialling keys. Because of the huge diversity of term inals available on the m arket, operating instructions cannot be provided here. Please consult the User's M anuals of the appropriate term inals.
Call forwarding
Call forw arding is executed within the telephone system and can be configured individually for each extension. It is possible to forw ard calls to internal and external calling destinations.
There are three authorisation levels for enabling call forw arding:
! no call forw arding perm itted
! call forw arding perm itted only to internal destinations
! call forw arding perm itted to internal and external destinations
The following exam ples assum e that the call forw arding is set up on one’s ow n telephone in all cases.
C all Forw arding Unconditional (C FU)
Incom ing calls are im m ediately routed to the program m ed destination phone num ber. Your own term inal does not display a notification for the call. This setting is recom m ended for business trips, holidays, etc.
C all Forw arding on B usy (C FB )
Incom ing calls are forw arded to another term inal if your own extension is busy.
Note: In order for the C FB feature to work properly, it is absolutely essential to disable the "call waiting" feature at the appropriate term inal device(s).
C all Forw arding No R eply (C FNR)
Incom ing calls are first signalled on your own term inal. If the call is not answ ered during this tim e, it w ill be forw arded to the call forw arding destination.
Extension features
If call forw arding is enabled, it is indicated on the term inal by a special dialling tone that you will hear after picking up the receiver. O utgoing calls are possible from the term inal w ithout restrictions.
To enable the different types of call forw arding, the following key sequences m ust be entered:
! Call Forw arding Unconditional (C FU) off
! Call Forw arding Unconditional (C FU) on
w ith destination phone num ber
! Call Forw arding No Reply (CFNR) off
! Call Forw arding No Reply (CFNR) on
w ith destination phone num ber
destination $
! Call Forw arding on Busy (C FB) off
! Call Forw arding on Busy (C FB) on with
destination phone num ber
destination $
W hen program m ing an external destination num ber, the line prefix ((#as standard) m ust also be entered.
The input is concluded by a positive acknow ledgem ent tone or an error tone.
The call forw arding always refers to the program m ed outgoing M SN .
ISD N telephones are program m ed via the keypad or via individual m enus using the appropriate ISDN services. Please consult the U ser's M anual of your ISDN term inals.
Analogue extension
Call waiting signal allowed
At analogue extensions, the call w aiting signal is enabled or disabled with the following key sequences:
Call waiting off
Call waiting on
The entry is confirm ed by a positive confirm ation tone.
Note: If ISD N telephones are connected, this feature is m anaged by the term inal itself. To program m e the calling line identification services at your term inals, please consult the U ser's M anuals for your ISDN telephone.
Call num ber identification
There are two types of calling line identification services:
! Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) or
Calling Line Identification Rectification (CLIR): Your own phone num ber is transm itted / not transm itted to the destination subscriber for outgoing calls.
! Connected Line Identification Presentation (CO LP) or
Connected Line Identification Restriction (C O LR): W hen accepting an incom ing call, the destination telephone num ber is transm itted / not transm itted to the caller w ho m ade this call.
At analogue extensions, this feature can be enabled or disabled w ith the following key sequences:
! Phone number transmission off
! Phone number transmission on
The entry is confirm ed by a positive confirm ation tone.
If ISD N telephones are connected, this feature is m anaged by the term inal itself. To program m e the calling line identification services at your term inals, please consult the User's M anuals for your ISDN telephone.
W hen setting up the connection
Select outgoing internal num ber
Analogue telephone for subscribers 40, 41: Pick up receiver.
ou hear the internal dialling tone.
# M SN##
Dial key sequence, MSN represents the desired outgoing internal num ber (for exam ple 41).
ou hear a positive confirm ation tone.
Hang up receiver. End of setting.
ISD N telephones are program m e via individual m enus. Please consult the User's M anual of your ISDN term inals.
W hen another telephone rings, you can take over the call w ith your ow n telephone (pick-up). Pick-up is available for internal and external calls.
In order to pick up a call, the follow ing key sequence has to be entered:
# %'
Requirem ent: The pick-up feature m ust be enabled for the subscriber w ho is to pick up the call.
Follow m e
This function allow s you to transfer the call forw arding of your internal num ber to the phone num ber of your current location.
Press the follow ing buttons to apply call forw arding to the other extension:
! Follow m e %))% (ow n phone num ber) #$#
Requirem ent: If calls are to be picked-up by a subscriber, it is first necessary to activate the follow-m e option for this subscriber.
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