Hi there! Thank you for buying Tuesday, our procedural
sequencer Eurorack module. We hope this module brings
you boundless enjoyment, general increased happiness
and never ending productivity.
Tuesday contains 12 different algorithms that generate
melodies. The parameters of the algorithms can be
tweaked by turning the X, Y and ! knobs or patching your
cables in. You can change the timing and the tonality of
the melody by pushing buttons.
Power usage + 12v
Power usage -12V
Procedural Sequencer
20mm (skiff friendly)
Tempo Knob
The tempo knob has two modes. If no external clock is
connected (no cable in the clock jack) then turning the
knob controls the master tempo from 20 up to 240 beats
per minute. If an external clock is connected via a patch
cable into clock jack, then turning the knob controls the
clock subdivision level.
X and Y Knobs
The X and Y knob control two main parameters for your
selected algorithm. The function of these two knobs
varies per algorithm. Please read the Algorithms section
to find out more.
! Knob
The ! knob controls the density of the melody. When
turned all the way to the left, barely any notes will be
generated. When turned all the way to the right, almost
all ticks will have a note.
Algo Button and LEDs
Pressing the algo button cycles you between four
different algorithm slots. The LEDs tell you which slot is
currently being used. Tuesday comes with Stomp,
TriTrance, Saiko Lead and Wobble as factory defaults.
Please read the Algorithm section to assign other
algorithms to these four slots.
Defaults slot assignments:
Ticks Button and LEDs
Pressing the ticks button cycles you between four
different ticks-per-beat options. The LEDs tell you which
option is currently being used. Tuesday can give you two,
three, four or five ticks per beat.
2 3 4 5
Stomper TriTrance Saiko Lead Wobble
Beats Button and LEDs
Pressing the beats button cycles you between four
different beats-per-loop options. The LEDs tell you which
option is currently being used. Tuesday can give you four,
eight, sixteen or thirty-two beats per loop.
Scale Button and LEDs
Pressing the scale button cycles you between four
different musical scale slots. The LEDs tell you which one
is currently being used. Tuesday comes with Major, Minor,
Dorian and Blues scales as factory defaults. Please read
the Scales section to assign other scales to these four slots
and for more information about the difference between
Defaults slot assignments:
4 8 16 32
Major Minor Dorian Blues