Pellet is an energy fuel with high energy efficiency that is produced in special technological process of milling,
drying and pressing of various materials of biological origin. As raw materials for its production can be used
wood from forestry waste, firewood, sawdust and other wood waste (wood pellets); the straw of wheat and
soybeans, corn and sunflower husks (agro pellets).
Nowadays, when the accent has been put on environmental protection and sustainable development, fuels
produced from biomass are increasingly gaining in importance.
Using pellets as a fuel material has multiple advantages either for the environment or, at the first place, for a
customer itself:
• Using one ton of pellets, for the same heating quantity, replaces 500 liters of heating oil, or 450 kg
of propane-butane, or 600 cubic feet of natural gas, or 4800 kilowatt-hours of electricity;
• It significantly reduces emission of harmful gases, such as: carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and
mercury, and the burning leaves only 0.5 - 1% of ash;
• Wood pellet is made of 100% natural materials and contains no added binders, chemicals or
• Compared with other fuels or using electricity, the use of pellets is much more cost-effective;
• Pellet takes up far less space than coal and firewood.
The quality of pellets is of great importance for the stove. If the pellet is substandard and inadequate in
size, it can bring to a poor performance of the stove.
Here are some advices on how to choose and store pellets:
• diameter of the pellets should be 6 mm and length about 30 mm;
• use only wood pellets;
• pellet should be cylindrical;
• good quality pellet should quickly sink when thrown into a glass of water;
• pellet is not adequate when in a bag of pellets you find a lot of dust or friable;
• a pack of pellets should be hermetically sealed, because pellets absorbed humidity;
• humidity must be less than 10%;
• pellets are supposed to be stored in dry, well ventilated room, out of the reach of flammable
elements or devices which during operation create a high temperature
Always follow the references given in this chapter. The manufacturer doesn’t take a responsibility
for consequences in opposite cases. Not respecting the instructions of use and maintenance, you
lose your right to a warranty.
• Before operating the stove, please read this manual;
• Stove is used exclusively for heating;
• Keep the stove away from flammable materials;
• Keep the stove in dry places;