TIMM ELEKTRONIK EUS-2 Technical Description

H. Timm Elektronik GmbH | Humboldtstr. 29 | 21509 Glinde | GERMANY
Technical Description | Version 1.81 | English
H. Timm Elektronik GmbH | Humboldtstr. 29 | 21509 Glinde | GERMANY
1. General Information ............................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Functional Principle ............................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Special Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1. Compliance to latest European and American Standards ................................................... 2
3.2. Intelligent Explosion Protection .............................................................................................................. 2
3.3. High Functional Safety | Fail Behavior .............................................................................................. 2
3.4. Bright Signal Light ............................................................................................................................................ 2
3.5. Graphic Display .................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.6. Easy Configuration by Joystick ................................................................................................................ 3
3.7. Reliable Ground Verification ...................................................................................................................... 3
3.8. Control Outputs | Data Interface ............................................................................................................ 3
3.9. Extended Area of Application ................................................................................................................... 3
4. Accessories .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1. Coiled Cable ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2. Disconnector Socket ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4.3. Testing Equipment ........................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 6
6. Connection Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 7
8. International Approvals ...................................................................................................................................... 8
9. Contact us ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
13.03.2019 | V1.81
1 | 9
Overfill Prevention Controller EUS-2 | Technical Description
info@timm-technology.de www.timm-technology.de
Figure 1: Bottom loading with overfill prevention control by Timm`s control unit type EUS-2
1. General Information
As stationary part of the Overfill Preven­tion System for liquid fuels, the explosion­proof control unit type EUS-2 complies with the requirements on overfill preven­tion systems for bottom-loading tank trucks according to Annex IV of VOC-Di­rective 94/63/EC as well as with European standard EN 13922 and American API RP 1004 recommendations. Timm has com­bined its longterm competencies in ex­plosion protection and experiences in overfill prevention in this control unit. EUS-2 is characterised by ease of installa­tion, convenient operation, functional safety and a user-friendly state-of-the-art explosion protection concept (IEPC) de­signed by Timm.
2. Functional Principle
To ensure a safe filling process, the overfill prevention controller EUS-2 provides three main functions:
Overfill prevention Grounding verification Vapour recovery monitoring
During loading of tank trucks, the level sensors at the truck (one sensor per tank compartment) are connected to the con­trol unit at the filling gantry by a standard plug and socket connection. The level
sensors are positioned in the top of each tank compartment deep enough to as­sure that once a sensor gets activated, product flow stops before the compart­ment is completely full. In case a sensor senses liquid, the control unit triggers to shut-off the product flow for all compart­ments to prevent leakage of fuel or the compartment’s bursting.
When being connected to a tank truck, the control unit EUS-2 detects the type of level sensors (optic/thermistor), the sen­sor installation (five-wire/two-wire) as well as the way of ground verification (re­sistance/ ground bolt) and activates auto­matically the required operating mode. For a wide range of applications, tank trucks with up to twelve five-wire sensors and eight two-wire sensors are supported. The control unit verifies permanently the correct grounding of the truck via the connection cable. The preset limit value of this verification can be set according to in­dividual requirements exceeding EN 13922 requirements.
The vapour recovery hose connection is monitored on the tank truck via an elec­tro-pneumatic interlock switch, which is looped into the grounding verification line. The control unit EUS-2 ensures that filling is only possible if the vapour recov­ery system and the grounding line are connected properly.
13.03.2019 | V1.81
2 | 9
Overfill Prevention Controller EUS-2 | Technical Description
info@timm-technology.de www.timm-technology.de
Figure 2: Opening of enclosure in hazardous areas for easy configuration
LED signal light in­dicates main status
Graphic display for plaintext messages
3. Special Features
3.1. Compliance to latest European
and American Standards
The EUS-2 control unit is designed in full compliance to the newest editions of Eu­ropean ATEX and EMC Standards, Euro­pean Standard on Overfill Prevention EN 13922 as well as to American Guideline API RP 1004. With Timm Elektronik being an independent manufacturer, full compati­bility to corresponding truck equipment and level sensors of other manufacturers is ensured for operation worldwide. The control unit EUS-2 is capable to detect au­tomatically the type of counterpart truck equipment and activates the required op­erating mode. With the offered discon­nector sockets, cables with plugs for the different receptacles can easily be ex­changed or even connected to the con­troller at once.
3.3. High Functional Safety |
Fail Behavior
All safety related functions, internal com­ponents and the external wiring are mon­itored continuously by the device itself. Filling release is permitted only if periodic self-testing operates properly.
3.4. Bright Signal Light
The EUS-2 unit is equipped with a clearly visible bright multi-colour LED signal light. With its bevelled edges, the light is visible in a wide angle. This leads to unam­biguous indication of operational status and time efficient utilisation at filling sta­tion.
3.2. Intelligent Explosion Protection
TIMM`s intelligent explosion protection concept (IEPC) combines protection by intrinsic safety, increased safety, powder filling and protection by enclosure. With this unique combination of the types of protection, the main housing can be opened in gas hazardous areas when power is switched on for configuration and service (e.g. for setting the additional control outputs or the display language).
3.5. Graphic Display
The large graphic display indicates clearly visible the actual operating status and auto-diagnosis information as plaintext messages. In combination with the joy­stick control, a simple, menu-driven and self-explaining configuration of the con­trol unit and easy failure analysis is pro­vided. Several character-sets are available for different languages.
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