Wheel Bearing Replacement
Proper wheel bearing removal and installation helps avoid premature damage to
bearings and surrounding components. Below are the steps for replacing tapered
single-row wheel bearings in passenger cars and light trucks.
1. Wheel End Disassembly
the vehicle
procedure to
remove the
tire and wheel assembly, disk brake
caliper, dust cap, cotter pin, adjusting
nut and washers. Pull the rotor/hub
assembly toward you to loosen
the outer bearing cone assembly.
Remove the outer bearing cone
assembly. Pull the rotor/hub assembly
off the spindle - the inner bearing
cone assembly, inner cup, outer
cup and seal will come with it. Use
a seal puller to remove the seal,
then remove the inner bearing cone
assembly from the rotor/hub. Discard
the seal after removal. Use a cup
driver or mild steel bar to remove the
inner cup and the outer cup from the
hub assembly.
2. Clean and Inspect
Hubs and Spindles
Remove all old lubricant from the
rotor/hub assembly and spindle.
Clean the
and spindle
kerosene or
mineral spirits. Inspect the spindle
for wear. Use a fine file, wire brush,
emery cloth or honing stone to
remove any debris, nicks or burrs.
Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s
recommendation for permissible
spindle wear. Apply a light grease
coating on the cone seats to ease
installation and prevent fretting.
3. Install Cups
Use a cup
driver or
mild steel
bar to
drive the
new inner
cup and outer cup into the hub/
rotor assembly until solidly seated
against the hub shoulders. Be
careful not to damage the cup
surfaces. Never use a bearing cone
assembly to drive a cup.
4. Lubricate
Use a
to pack
the inner
bearing cone assembly with grease.
Place the bearing cone assembly,
small end down, into the grease
packer funnel. Plug the bore of
the large end of the bearing cone
assembly with the conical retainer.
Firmly press down on the conical
retainer. This forces the grease
between the rollers, cage and
cone. Smear excess grease on
the outside of the bearing cone
assembly. Pack grease between
the inner and outer cups in the hub
cavity. Also, liberally coat the hub
cap inner wall. This layer combats
moisture and retains the grease in
the inner and outer bearing
cone assemblies.
5. Install Grease Seal
Replace the grease seal when it
leaks or when bearings are being
Skill Level: Intermediate | Special Tools: Cup Driver, Mild Steel Bar,
Mechanical Grease Packer, Dial Indicator

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repacked or
the inner
assembly in the hub, then install
the new seal. Make sure the seal
lips are pointed in the right direction
following the vehicle manufacturer’s
specification. Use the proper seal
installation tool.
6. Install Rotor/
Hub Assembly
Be careful
not to
damage the
seal against
the spindle
when sliding
the rotor/hub assembly back over
the spindle. After following Step
4, pack the outer bearing cone
assembly with grease. Install the
outer bearing cone assembly,
washer and adjusting nut on
the spindle.
7. Bearing Adjustment
Use a
wrench to
tighten the
nut to 50 ft.
lbs. while turning the rotor. Back off
the adjusting nut 1 full turn. Retorque the nut to 10 ft. lbs. while
turning the rotor. Next, back off the
adjusting nut ¼ turn. Lock the nut
with a new cotter pin.
8. Check Bearing
Use a dial indicator to measure
endplay. Mount the indicator base
as close to the center of the hub/
rotor as possible. With the indicator
tip against the end of the spindle,
set the indicator at zero.
Grasp the
rotor at
three o’clock
and nine
Push the
rotor in while oscillating and read
the dial indicator. Pull the rotor out
while oscillating and read the dial
indicator again. The bearing endplay is equal to the total indicator
movement, which should be
between 0.001 in. and 0.005 in. If
not, repeat steps 7 and 8. Reinstall
all components as the vehicle
manufacturer recommends.
Failure to observe the following warnings could create a risk of death or serious injury.
Never spin a bearing with compressed air. The components may be forcefully expelled.
Proper maintenance and handling practices are critical. Always follow installation instructions
and maintain proper lubrication.
A bearing/component should not be put into service if its shelf life has been exceeded.
TechTips is not intended to substitute for the specific recommendations of your equipment suppliers.
Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this writing, but no
liability is accepted for errors, omissions or for any other reason.
The Timken team applies their know-how to improve the reliability and performance of machinery in diverse
markets worldwide. The company designs, makes and markets high-performance mechanical components,
including bearings, gears, belts, chain and related mechanical power transmission products and services.
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Failure to follow these cautions may result
in property damage
Use of improper bearing fits may cause
damage to equipment.
Do not use damaged bearings.