Timex 50 LAP, 100 LAP Fitness Manual

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The Timex Digital Fitness System incorporates the very latest digital technology from Timex and fitness methodology used by the fitness experts and personal trainers of The Ironman Institute. As the world leader in sports timing devices, Timex has created a Digital Fitness System that offers the digital accuracy demanded by world class athletes with the functions that anyone at any age can use to stay “fit for life.”
Visit www
.timex.com for product information and service.
Visit www
.ironmaninstitute.com for fitness, health, and exercise program
While we provide some guidance here, you should always consult your physician before beginning or modifying an exercise program.
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to warm up and prepare to work in your target exercise zones. For example, you can “warm up” in the Light Exercise zone, spend the majority of your exercise in the Weight Management zone, and then even spend a bit of time in the Aerobic Base Building Zone. The intensity of Zones 4 and 5 is demanding enough that exercise in these zones should be done for limited intervals of a workout and with the guidance of a qualified medical or coaching professional.
Intensity Level (% Maximum
Zone Ideal For Benefit Desired heart rate)
1 LITE Light Maintain Healthy 50%-60%
Exercise Heart/Get Fit
2 FAT Weight Lose Weight/ 60%-70%
Management Burn Fat
3 BASE Aerobic Base Increase Stamina 70%-80%
Building Aerobic Endurance
4 ANAR Optimal Maintain Excellent 80%-90%
Conditioning Fitness Condition
5 RED Elite Athlete Maintain Superb 90%-100%
Athletic Condition
For example, if you want to Lose Weight/Burn Fat: do your favorite exercise at 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate, based on your age, for at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week. To program your Timex Digital Fitness System to put you in your Ideal Weight Management Zone, use the Target Heart Rate Zone Chart.
Timex and the Ironman® Institute® Take the Guesswork Out of Fitness
Improved fitness and athletic performance are as simple as setting a realistic fitness objective and using the Timex Digital Fitness System as a personal trainer.
Here is how it works.
First, Select a Fitness Objective That’s Right for You
• Improve Your Fitness
• Lose Weight and Burn Fat
• Increase Stamina and Aerobic Endurance
• Improve Your Fitness Condition
• Achieve Peak Athletic Performance Second, Select a Heart Rate Exercise Zone That’s Right for You
Heart Rate Zone Exercise is the methodology widely used by fitness and sports training professionals for achieving the above fitness objectives. The new Timex Digital Fitness System will automatically show you when you are in the Exercise Zone you choose, and signal when you are not. It functions as a personal trainer to help keep your body exercising at an intensity level that can help you achieve your desired Fitness Objective without over- or under-exercising.
The Ironman Institute Offers the Following Guidelines for Selecting Your Heart Rate Exercise Zone
There are five basic heart rate exercise zones. Simply select a zone that is the fitness goal you want to achieve during a particular exercise. When you begin your exercise, always start out at a lower zone and allow your body
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Why Heart Zone Exercise is Widely Used by Fitness/Sports Training Experts.
Regular exercise can help keep the heart, lungs and muscles “in shape.” The heart supplies the lungs and muscles with the oxygenated blood sup­ply needed to exercise. Heart Rate represents the effects of exercise on all parts of the body. Heart Zone Exercise systematically conditions the heart, lungs, and muscles to perform at higher levels so the body can stay in shape.
Optimal Conditioning is Simply a Higher Training Habit
You do not have to be an athlete to get into optimal shape. Anyone at any age can do this by using cross training to optimal condition. Follow these guidelines:
• Pick the exercise activities you enjoy or the ones you need for a training program.
• Train at the appropriate Target Heart Rate for 30 to 60 minutes 3-4 times a week.
• You will approach optimal condition when you can sustain a com­plete exercise session without “burnout” or excessive fatigue or excessive soreness.
Your Timex Digital Fitness System is Your Electronic Fitness Coach.
You can walk, run, bike, swim, use exercises machines, or do any aerobic exercise with the Timex Digital Fitness System. The key to achieving and maintaining your desired Fitness Objective is to exercise in your Ideal Heart Rate Zone.
Select which level of condition represents your current physical condition and locate the Lower and Upper Heart Rate Zones for your age from the Target Heart Rate Zone chart. See Operating the Digital Sportswatch to program your Lower and Upper Heart Rate Zone into your Timex Digital Fitness System.
The latest findings on fitness show anyone at any age can get fit/stay fit without being fanatic. For the “moderate” exerciser, staying fit can be as simple as:
• Exercise 3 Times a Week
• Exercise 30-45 Minutes Each Time
• Exercise in Your Appropriate Target Heart Rate Zone
You are ready for higher levels of physical activity when you can work out for this amount of time and heart rate without breathing hard and with minimal soreness.
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How To Set Time & Date
A. From TIME OF DAY mode, press and hold SPLIT/RESET/SET/RECALL
firmly to begin setting procedure.
B. The HOURS will begin flashing. Press START/STOPto increase HOURS.
Hold START/STOP to advance numbers rapidly.
C. Press MODE to set, in rotation, MINUTES, SECONDS, DAY OF THE
WEEK, MONTH, DATE, FORMAT (12-hour or 24-hour), HOURLY BEEP (on or off) and BUTTON BEEP (on or off). The selected item or setting will be flashing.
D. Press START/STOP to advance the setting of the selected item (note AM
or PM indicator in the lower display when setting HOURS (12-hour time only). When setting SECONDS, pressing START/STOP sets seconds to zero.
E. When setting is complete, press SPLIT/RESET/SET/RECALL to exit the
SET procedure.
Note: When the HRM is active, the time of day will be replaced by a “heart rate only” display five seconds after entering TIME mode. Press and release HEART RATE to see the time again for four seconds.
Press MODE to cycle through the modes of operation in this order:
Time of Day Chronograph Countdown Timer Alarm Target Heart
Rate Zone Setup
• AUTOMATIC SET RETURN— While in the SET function within any mode, if no button is pressed for 2-3 minutes, the watch will automatically exit the SET function.
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