1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Set Day Hrs Mins Oride
L (out)
N (in) SUPPLYLOAD N (out)
L (in)
12 78
Setting buttons
for days, hours
and minutes
Set button selects
ON and OFF
times and clock
time for review
and programming
plastic cover
The ELU5620 is a 24hr/7 day digital timeswitch with a 20 amp resistive switching
capacity suitable for general applications where a comprehensive weekly timing
routine is required.
The following features are provided:-
8 ON and 8 OFF switching commands per day - 112 memory locations.
Normally open contacts 20 amp resistive, 8 amp inductive 240V AC.
Self-cancelling ON and OFF manual override.
Voltage Free Contacts.
‘Day omit’ programme.
Panel mounting bracket supplied.
Power reserve approximately 1000 hours.
Shortest switching interval of 1 minute.
Out of baseplate programming possible.
The unit has a transparent front cover to protect the controls from accidental change.
Output status
showing either
24 hour digital
Day indicator
1 = Monday
7 = Sunday
Override button
The ELU5620 may be mounted in three different ways - wall, panel or rail. The
unit is normally wall mounted on the base plate provided. For panel mounting
you will require the panel mounting bracket AK.305 enclosed with the ELU5620.
For rail mounting you will require a quick fixing device Part No. 907-0-071.
Wall or Surface Mounting
a. Remove the transparent front cover.
b. Unscrew the fixing screws in the recessed holes in the face of the switch. Note
that these are captive screws and cannot be removed.
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c. Pull the timeswitch from the base plate.
d. Remove the terminal cover from the base plate.
e. Secure the base plate to the wall or flat surface.
f. For mains switching connect the supply to the terminals according to the
wiring diagram noting that a link is required between 2 and 8 because the
contacts are voltage free (see fig 1).
g. Refit the terminal cover and plug the timeswitch into the base plate.
h. Re-tighten the fixing screws.
Panel Mounting
a. Remove the base plate and terminal cover as described for wall mounting.
b. Install the timeswitch in a 68mm square hole previously cut in the panel.
c. Lock the timeswitch in position using the panel mounting bracket supplied.
d. Connect the leads to the baseplate according to the wiring diagram (fig 1) and
refit the base plate to the timeswitch minus the terminal cover.
e. Re-tighten the fixing screws.
Figure 1
Rail Mounting
For rail mounting use the quick fixing Part No. 907-0-071 which can be supplied
as an optional extra.
a. Switch on the power.
b. The programmes and clock time can now be set. If display was blank prior to
switching on power, allow the battery to charge for at least 2 hours before
c. Replace transparent front cover.
Five setting buttons are provided, the Set button is used to sequence the module
in programming mode. The Day, Hrs and Mins buttons are used to set the days,
hours and minutes required.
ON/OFF programmes can also be overridden till the third subsequent
programme change by using the O’ride button.
To prepare the module for programming clear the memory by pressing both the
Set and Day buttons simultaneously until the display disappears. On releasing
the buttons the display will show 0:00 INT with the colon flashing.
Setting the Clock Time
To set the clock time press the Set button briefly and release,
the display shows
the Day button until the black indicator shows the desired day of the week (1-7).
If in doubt use day 1 as Monday.
Use the Hrs button to set the hours followed by the Mins button to set the
minutes to the actual clock time. Rapid selection can be achieved by continuously
holding down either the Hrs or Mins buttons.
If the Set button is now pressed briefly and then released, the display will return
to the correct time of day with the colon flashing. The module is now in its
operating condition and will switch “ON” and “OFF” according to the
programmes set. To alter the clock setting subsequently there is no need to clear
the memory first.
with “C” flashing at the right of the display. Press
NB: Pauses of 15 seconds or more during clock setting will result in automatic
return to the operating condition.
Important: After setting a clock time which falls within a programmed “ON”
period, the unit will not switch “ON”. An “ON” time only (leaving the “OFF”
time blank i.e. ––:––) can be programmed for just after the current clock time on
the current day and the unit will turn “ON” when the clock time equals the
programmed “ON” time and behave to programme subsequently. There is no
need to remove this “ON” programme after start up.
Planning The Programmes
A programme is a pair of ON/OFF settings which will dictate when the appliance
will switch “ON” and “OFF”. Programmes can be set before or after setting the clock
time. Programmes can be carried over midnight by programming the required
“ON” time and then an “OFF” at 0:00 for the first day, followed by an “ON” at 0:00
and the required “OFF” time for the second day.
Setting Programme 1
Press the Set button and hold it down for about 3 seconds until the display shows
underneath the “ON” indicator and the day indicator will point to day 1. To
programme the first ON/OFF times for day 1 set the “ON” time required by
pressing the Hrs and Mins buttons separately until the desired time is displayed.
Press the Set button briefly and the display will show with “INT”
appearing underneath the flashing “1”. Note: INT = Interrupt and means “OFF”.
The first “OFF” time for day 1 can now be programmed by using the Hrs and
Mins buttons. Press the Set button briefly and the display shows
and the programme 2 “ON” time can be entered as for programme 1.
NB: Pauses of 15 seconds or more during programming will result in automatic
return to the operating condition.
Programming the module for day 1 should continue in this way up to
programme eight if so desired.
NOTE: It is not necessary to enter all eight programmes available to you on this
day, those not required should be left blank (––:––). You can also day omit by
not programming any ON/OFF times on the day you require no switchings.
with a flashing “1” (indicating programme 1) appearing
For a product brochure please contact:
Timeguard Ltd.
Victory Park, 400 Edgware Road,
London NW2 6ND
Tel: 020 8452 1112
or email csc@timeguard.com
Designed and manufactured in the U.K. 67-058-74 [2]
Setting Programmes - Day 2, 3 etc.
If the display still shows a day 1 “ON” or “OFF” programme press the Day
button and the day indicator will move above day 2. If, instead, the display
shows the clock time with the colon flashing press the Set button and hold down
for about 3 seconds until the display shows the first programme “ON” time for
day 1. Press the Day button again briefly and the day indicator will move above
day 2. In either case the display will change to with a flashing 1
(indicating programme 1 on day 2) appearing underneath the “ON” indicator.
The required programmes can now be set for day 2 in the same way as for day 1.
Days 3 to 7 can be programmed in the same way as for days 1 and 2.
Once the programming is complete press the Set button and hold down for about
3 seconds until the display returns to the correct time of day with the colon
flashing. The module is now in its operating condition.
Suspending Programmes
Press and hold down the Set button for about 3 seconds until the first “ON”
programme, day 1 is displayed. Press the Day button repeatedly until the day
indicator points to the day on which you wish to suspend the ON/OFF time.
Press the Set button repeatedly until the “ON” or “OFF” time of the programme
you wish to suspend is displayed.
Now press the O’ride button. A black “X” will appear indicating that both the
“ON” and “OFF” times for this programme have been suspended until
reinstatement by the user. There is no limit to the number of programmes
you can suspend.
To reinstate a suspended programme return to either the “ON” or “OFF” time
of the programme which has been suspended and cancel the black “X” by
pressing the O’ride button. The ON/OFF programme will now operate on
the selected day.
Reviewing The Programmes
Press and hold down the Set button for about 3 seconds until the first programme
“ON” time for day 1 is displayed. Press the Day button repeatedly until the day
indicator points to the day to be reviewed after which repeated brief pressing of
the Set button will display each programme or unused setting in sequence for
that day. At any point the setting may be altered, if required, by use of the hour
and minute buttons. To review another day press the Day button until the day
indicator points to the required day and use the Set button to select programme
times as before.
Overriding The Module
To override the programme in operation, and to immediately switch the device
ON or OFF, simply press the O’ride button. The display will change from “ON”
to flashing “INT” or vice versa. The override automatically cancels when the
third subsequent programme change occurs.
Voltage: 220-240V, 50Hz
Ambient temperature
(operating): -10°C to 40°C
Switching capacity: 20A resistive
Battery back up: factory fitted rechargeable
EC directives: Conforms to 73/23/EEC
Contacts: Voltage free, normally open
8A inductive
3kW tungsten lamps
3kW fluorescent lighting
2hp motor
1kW SON or metal halide lamps
(1000 hours capacity)
Cat No. ELU5620