Time Electronics
1049 PT100 Simulator
• -200°C to +800°C
• ± 0.3°C accuracy
• Based on ITS 90 EN60751
• 23 set points
• Exceeds class A
• Good temperature stability
• Passive resistance source
• Supplied with carry case
• °F version available – 1050
The 1049 is a handheld precision simulator for PT100 0.3850 platinum resistance elements used for accurate
temperature measurement.
It follows the PT100 scale from -200°C to +800°C with 23 set points. High performance metal lm resistors are used
throughout which ensures a good temperature coefcient and long term stability.
The specication is in accordance with DIN EN 60751 (ITS 90). Offering high accuracy across the full operating range
of PT100 devices it exceeds the performance of Class A & B. The 1049 will be of particular interest to those operating in
the -60 to +60°C range where a performance exceeding Class A (e.g. better than +/- 0.15°C at 0°C), is required.
Since the 1049’s output is a purely passive resistance it will operate with all types of PT100 measuring equipment
including the live systems using pulsed, or interrupted excitation current. The pocket sized design (112 x 61 x 55mm)
makes it easily portable and ideal for lab or eld use. The instrument is supplied as standard with a carry case.
Set Points °C: -200, -100, -50, -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800.
Range -200 to -100°C -50 to +60°C +80 to +200°C +250 to +500°C +600 to +800°C
Accuracy ± 0.3°C ± 0.15°C ± 0.3°C ± 0.5°C ± 0.65°C
Temperature Coefcient ........................... Less than 30ppm/°C
Maximum Current ....................................50mA
Dimensions ..............................................H112 x W61 x D55mm
Weight ......................................................0.17kg
1049 .........................................................PT100 Simulator (°C)
1050..........................................................PT100 Simulator (°F version, see separate datasheet for details)
C161 ......................................................... Factory Calibration Certicate (NPL)
C114 ......................................................... UKAS Calibration Certicate (ISO 17025)
Time Electronics Ltd, Unit 11 Sovereign Way, Botany Industrial Estate, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1RH. United Kingdom.
T: +44 (0) 1732 355993 F: +44 (0) 1732 770312 E: mail@timeelectronics.co.uk
Due to continuous development Time Electronics reserves
the right to change specifications without prior notice.
v1c 22/3/11