Balance Bars
How It works
The balance bar takes the force you apply to the pedal and distributes it
to the front and rear master cylinders. The percentage of force that goes
to each master cylinder depends on the balance bar adjustment position.
If the center spherical joint (located in the tube) is positioned exactly in
the center of the two master cylinder pushrod clevises, then each master
cylinder sees the same amount of pushrod force. Rotating the threaded
adjusting shaf t moves the spherical joint relative to the two clevises. For
example, if you turn the shaft and the spherical joint moves closer to the
left clevis, then the lef t clevis will see more of the force from the pedal
than the right clevis.
A common misconception is that changing the length of the master cyl-
inder pushrod will alter how much force each master cylinder sees, or that
it will decide which master cylinder builds pressure rst. This is not true.
Both master cylinders will start to build pressure at the same time and the
balance bar adjustment position will decide how much force is distributed
to each master cylinder.
There are three areas of which you must pay particular attention in the
installation of the balance bar. First, the assembly must not bind-up or
bottom-out in any manner. Its ability to pivot freely is what allows it to
function. Secondly, we are concerned with the balance bar’s position
with the pedal depressed ever y bit as much as we are with the pedal in its
relaxed position. Diagram B shows the correct setup with the pedal de-
pressed and Diagram C shows the wrong setup with the pedal depressed.
Third, make sure there is enough rewall clearance to allow at least 1" of
stroke for all master cylinders.
1. Clevis 4. Retaining Ring Clips 7. Pushrod
2. Barrel Nuts 5. Pivot Sleeve 8. Adjusting Shaft
3. Jam Nuts 6. Spherical Bearing 9. Jam Nuts (Pushrod)
Diagram A
B. InstallatIon
(Proceed to Step #6 if you are not fabricating a pedal)
1. Drill a hole in the existing pedal to the diameter listed in Chart 1,
based on Pivot Sleeve diameter (Item 5 in Diagram A) and balance bar
part number. This should be in-line with the horizontal centerline of
the existing master cylinder. Master cylinder center-to-center distance
should not vary more than .100" from the balance bar’s center- to-cen-
ter distance, as this would result in premature master cylinder failure.
2. Before welding the pivot sleeve, remove the pivot sleeve from the
balance bar assembly.
3. Position the pivot sleeve in the pedal and weld into place.
4. After welding is complete, slide the adjusting shaft (Item 8 in Diagram
A) through the pivot sleeve and make sure that the spherical bearing
slides freely from side-to-side without binding in the pivot sleeve.
5. If the bearing binds in the sleeve, the sleeve may have shrunk or gone
out of round during the welding process. If so, bore the pivot sleeve to
1.007" (P/N 72-250) or 1.002" (P/ N 7 2-260).
6. Remove one clevis/barrel nut, then insert the adjusting shaft through
the pivot sleeve towards the outside of the pedal.
Part Number
72-250 3/8" 2.50" 1 3/16"
72-26 0 7/16" 2.63" 1 3/16"
Center Distance
Drill Diameter
Chart 1

7. Screw the clevis/barrel nut back onto the adjusting shaft with the at
counter-bore of the barrel nut facing outward. Screw the jam nut onto
the adjusting shaft with the shaft of the jam nut toward the barrel nut.
The jam nut shaft must seat between the two sides of the clevis and t
into the at counter-bore of the barrel nut.
Note: A jam nut is not required when a Remote Brake Bias
Adjuster is used.
C. adjustment and operatIon
When running on pavement, you want the front tires to lock-up with
slightly less pedal pressure than the rears. This will help to keep the car
stable and prevent it from going into a spin.
1. Loosen both of the jam nuts on the adjusting shaft
(Item 3 in Diagram A).
2. Turn the adjusting shaft (Item 8 in Diagram A) so that it advances the
spherical bearing closer to the selected master cylinder, increasing
the braking force produced by that master cylinder (Chart 2). The
balance bar must be adjusted with the pedal in the relaxed position
(Diagram D).
3. The balance bar has a large adjustment range. However, if you nd
that what you need is outside of the adjustment range, you will need
to make a master cylinder bore size change. There are three possible
changes that can be made (See below). All changes will allow the
spherical joint to move back towards the center position.
a) Decrease the bore size of the master cylinder closest to the spheri-
cal joint by 1/8". This will decrease the amount of pedal force
required from the foot and increase the amount of pedal travel.
b) Increase the bore size of the master cylinder farthest from the
spherical joint by 1/8". This will increase the amount of pedal force
required by the foot and decrease the amount of pedal travel.
c) Increase the bore size of the master cylinder farthest from the
spherical joint by 1/16". Decrease the other master cylinder bore
size by 1/16". This will maintain the amount of force or pedal travel.
4. When satised with the adjustment bar location and force distribution,
tighten the jam nut (Item 3 in Diagram A). A jam nut is not required
when a Remote Brake Bias Adjuster is used.
Diagram B
Pedal Depressed
Diagram C
Pedal Depressed
Chart 2
Force Distribution (2.5" Clevis Center-to-Center)
Spherical Joint Position Left Clevis Right Clevis
3/8" left-of-center 65% 35%
1/4" left-of-center 60% 40%
1/8" left-of-center 55% 45%
Centered 50% 50%
1/8" right-of-center 45% 55%
1/4" right-of-center 40% 60%
3/8" right-of-center 35% 65%
Tilton Engineering, Inc. 25 Easy Street • PO Box 1787 • Buellton, CA 93427 • www.tiltonracing.com
Diagram D
Pedal Relaxed