Tiltall BH Series, BH-10, BH-20, BH-30 Quick Start Manual

Tiltall BH Series Ball Heads
Center ball professional head
BH-10/ BH-20/ BH-30
Features incl ude:
30/ 3 6/ 44 bal l head wi th qui ck rele ase pla te
air craft
Mad e of alu minum
Loc king kn ob with f ricti on
con trol
360 ° panni ng grad uated
sca le
Qui ck rele ase pla te wit h 1/4-2 0 screw
Bui lt-in t wo bubb le lev ers
Con tents : One bal l head, a nd a quic k relea se plat e.
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A: Quick release plate
Using The Ball He ad
The b all hea d is very c ompac t and eas y to use, a nd offe rs solid cam era sup port wi th flui d smoot h movem ents. I t featu res a sin gle bal l-loc king kn ob (D) wi th an adj ustab le drag c ontro l scr ew (E), a nd a sepa rate pa n-con trol lo ck (C). T he calibrated pan ning sc ale (F) a llows y ou to ref erenc e any mov ement s. Ther e is a co nveni ent slo t on the ba ll head t hat all ows you t o chang e you r camer a from ho rizon tal to ve rtica l forma t. To al ter the pos ition o f your ca mera, s imply t urn the s ignal b all-l ockin g knob cou nterc lockw ise. Th e further you turn th e knob, t he loos er the fri ction o n the bal l becom es, all owing y ou quic ker and l arger mov ement s. You can i ncrea se or dec rease t he amou nt of fri ction o n the bal l with th e adjus table d rag con trol sc rew. Fir st, tur n the sin gle bal l-loc king kn ob (D) cl ockwi se to ful ly lock b all. Th en rotate the adj ustab le drag c ontro l screw ( E) cloc kwise t o incre ase fri ction , or co unter clock wise to d ecrea se. Test yo ur setting by loosenin g the s ingle b all-l ockin g knob. y ou may ne ed to rep eat thi s pro cedur e to find t he desi red set ting wh en chan ging eq uipme nt.
Not ed: Always suppo rt the ca mera wh ile loo senin g the sig nal bal l locki ng knob . Be sure t he sign al ball -lock ing kno b is full y loc ked aft er sett ing the a djust able dr ag cont rol scr ew. Do not ove rtigh ten kno bs.
B: Quick release clamp locking knob
360° panning locking
D: Ball locking knob
E: Friction control screw
Attaching Cam era To The Quick-Relea se (QR) Plate
Fir st remo ve the QR p late (K ) from the h ead by ro tatin g the loc king kn ob (L) c ounte rcloc kwise u ntil it s tops. Mou nt the QR p late (K ) to the ca mera by sc rewin g the 1/4 ”-20 ma le trea ded mou nt into t he came ra’s bas e-pla te moun t using t he pop- up hand le on the u nder si de of QR pl ate. Be fore fu lly tig hteni ng, be su re that c amera i s par allel t o the pla te with t he lens s ide of th e camer a. When f ully tig htene d, rota ting cl ockwi se the lo cking k nob aga inst QR p late.
Mounting Came ra To The Ball Head
Wit h camer a facin g forwa rd, ins ert the Q R plate u nder th e lip on th e bal l head an d put dow n the cam era the n rotat ing the l ockin g knob (L ) clo ckwis e until f ully ti ghten , holdi ng plat e in plac e. To remo ve the camera from the bal l head, s imply r eleas e the loc king kn ob coun tercl ockwi se unti l it stop s and, wh ile hol ding the c amera s ecure ly in one h and, an d relea sed fro m head.
F: 360° panning scale
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