Tiger V1 Installation Instructions Manual

Tiger Lily Products TLP, Blinder, Bel, Escort, Valentine
PO Box 549 Tel303-678-9101 Cel: 720-635-3931 Niwot, CO, USA 80544 Fax 303-678-9103 Cel: 720-298-0557
Email F.John.Turner@TigerLilyProducts.com Web www.1stRadarDetectors.com
Rated #1, 360 Degree, High Performance, PRS1-STi-360Prowler RemoteSystem
PROWLER Remote, PRS1-STi-360, PRS1-V-360, PRS2-V,PRS2-STi, PRS3-V, PRS3- STi, PRS4-V, PRS4-STi, Got Performance are trademarks of Tiger Lily Products. All rights reserved. Copyright 1999 -2008.
Got Performance
Radar, Laser & Photo
V1 Install Instructions, V1 & Valentine 1 Programming, November 2007
V1 Remote Installation Instructions
1. Use J Hooks hardware to install Remote Kit behind grille of vehicle, on top of Ski Rack, or just under the bumper, orin the bumper (ifa fiberglass bumper is available). Thehigher thebetter theperformance. Drill holes on the outer flanges of the aluminum enclosure, left and right sides, use JHooks to holdpackage to desired surface. A bracket is provided.
2. Ifyourvehicle is an SUVor pickup truck or larger,you can installunder thebumper. If the installlocationis good (typicallyjust under the height of the bumperand approximately18” back), the V1 willdetect radarto the front with excellent sensitivity and to the rear with reasonable sensitivity. Do not install too low due to potential road damage to the V1 Remote, when parking or going over parking lot bumps.
3. The cable protruding from the Remote Kit is the rear of the kit facing the engine compartment.
4. Ifinstalled behind the grille,rear radar detection willbe significantly reduced. Ensure nometal is in frontof the V1 Remote, and ensure V1 Remote is kept away from radiator to prevent heat damage. If installed inside a front, foam core bumper, ensure no metal is in front of the V1 Remote.
5. Runthe 14 foot cable into the cockpit and hook up according to electrical layout highlighted below. If the cabling is ran differently than shown above, there will be no display on the Remote Concealed Display.
6. Call TLP on any questions you haveor to order remote electronic display, audio control and cabling. The Valentine One inside is a die-cast Magnesium enclosure, surrounded by a very sturdy Aluminum outer enclosure.
Tiger Lily Products TLP, Blinder, Bel, Escort, Valentine
PO Box 549 Tel303-678-9101 Cel: 720-635-3931 Niwot, CO, USA 80544 Fax 303-678-9103 Cel: 720-298-0557
Email F.John.Turner@TigerLilyProducts.com Web www.1stRadarDetectors.com
Rated #1, 360 Degree, High Performance, PRS1-STi-360Prowler RemoteSystem
PROWLER Remote, PRS1-STi-360, PRS1-V-360, PRS2-V, PRS2 -STi, PRS3-V, PRS3-STi, PRS4-V,PRS4-STi, Got Performanceare trademarksof Tiger Lily Products. All rights reserved. Copyright 1999-2008.
Got Performance
Radar, Laser & Photo
How To Change V1 Remote and Valentine One Programming. Call us at 303-678-9101 if you
want help in changing your V1 modes of operation. Change Modes at your own risk!
I. How to enter the Programming Mode.
Starting with the Control Knob in the "off" position, Press and hold-in Knob and at the same time turn the Knob “on;”
continue holding in the Knob until all front-panel lights are on (takes about 5 seconds).
Release the Control Knob.
II. How to determine your software version.
Press and immediately release the Control Knob(shown at right) todisplay software version. The
software-version number is four digits that display one digit at a time in the Bogey Counter-example:
Note your software number, then see the tables on the following pages on features programmable in your unit.Press and immediately release the Control Knob to exit software-version display and go to Step 1 programming.
III. How to program your desired features.
The feature character is indicated in the "Bogey Counter" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, A, b, C, d, E, F, G, H, J, or u).To select the next Feature Character in the sequence, press and immediately release the Control Knob.The Feature State is indicated by direction arrows on the Radar Locator. The Feature State is changed by pressing and
holding the Control Knob until the arrow switches to the opposite direction (takes about 3 seconds). NOTE: If you need to return to an earlier Character in the sequence above, we recommend you switch off the power momentarily, then restart at step I above. The numerical program modes of interest are as follows:
US/Canadian/HK Frequency: #1 (X bandON = OFF = ) Don’t change anyother mode on US/Canada!
EUROPE / AU Frequency #1 (X band OFF = )
EUROPE / AU Frequency #2 (K = 24.125GHz : ON = )
EUROPE / AU Frequency #3 (Ka band ON = )
EUROPE / AU Band #4 (Laser ON = )
EUROPE / AU Frequency #4 #H (Ku ON )
EUROPE / AU Frequency #J (POP3 ON = )EUROPE / AU Frequency #U (Euro Ka = 34.2GHz, Narrowband Ka ON = )
Do not change any other mode!
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