Tiger Wood stove, TIG5 Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

UK: The Solid Fuel Association, 7 Swanwick Court Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7AS Tel:0845-601-4406 www.solidfuel.co.uk
RoI: Irish Nationwide Fireplace Organisation, 162 Capel Street, Dublin 1 Tel:01-801-5959 www.fireplace.ie
This document is a guide to installing and using the Tiger stove, any national or local regulations must be complied with. In the UK this includes British Standards BS8303 (installation) and BS6461 (chimneys and flues). ASBESTOS: Tiger does not contain asbestos, but you should be careful to avoid disturbing any asbestos when removing an old installation.
FIRE CEMENT is caustic - wash your hands thoroughly after using it. WEIGHT Protect your spine by moving the stove only with assistance. FUME EMISSION: Properly installed and operated this appliance will not
emit fumes into the dwelling. Occasional fumes from de-ashing and refuelling may occur. However, persistent fume emission is potentially dangerous and must not be tolerated. If fume emission persists, then the following immediate action should be taken: (a) open doors and windows to ventilate the room. (b) let the fire go out or eject and safely dispose of fuel from the appliance. (c) check the flue or chimney for blockage and clean if required. (d) do not attempt to re-light the fire until the case of the fume emission has been identified and corrected. If necessary seek expert advice HEAT: The surfaces of the appliance and the attached fluepipe will become extremely hot- a fireguard should be used if children or the infirm are present. Flammable materials (including fuel) should not be stored near to the appliance. If the Hi-Leg unit is fitted and used as a log store, logs must not be placed higher than the central 'bridging' member.
CHIMNEY Your chimney creates the draught which Tiger needs in order to work - it must:
Conform to local building regulations.
Be at least 5m high.
Terminate at least 1m above any roof ridge.
Have an internal cross-section not less than 0.018m² (eg 150mm dia) and not more than 0.14m² (eg 375 x 375mm)
Be free from even the slightest crack or source of leakage.
Have no bends sharper than 45 degrees.
Be entirely free of obstructions and swept by a qualified chimney sweep.
Be connected only to the one appliance.
Have a wall thickness of at least 100mm throughout its length, or be thoroughly insulated
New masonry chimneys should be fitted with ceramic liners of at least 200mm diameter.
Prefabricated chimneys should be fully insulated, of at least 150mm internal diameter, conform to BS4543 Part 2 and
be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
INSTALLATION CLEARANCES The stove must be placed on a solid non-combustible hearth at least 150mm thick (which may include the thickness of a solid floor) extending at least 150mm to each side of the stove, 300mm in front and 50mm at the rear. Any combustible materials (such as a wooden mantleshelf) MUST be at least 300mm away. If the Hi­Leg unit is fitted and used as a log store, logs must not be placed higher than the central 'bridging' member. LOAD BEARING Tiger is heavy - take care to ensure that the floor has adequate load-bearing capacity and consider fitting a load distributing plate if necessary
Output: Dry Wood logs, 1.5hr refuel:
Output: Bituminous coal, 4hr refuel: 5.8kW
Output: Anthracite, 4hr refuel: 5.9kW
Output: Hard Coke, 4hr refuel: 4.4kW
Output: Peat Briquettes, 4hr refuel: 4.4Kw
Output: Lignite, 4hr refuel: 3.75kW
Mass 97 kg
Minimum flue draught 12Pa
Flue gas flow 12g/sec
Average flue gas temperature 305°C
Maximum fuel load (anthracite) 7.93kg
This appliance conforms to the constructional
requirements of EN13240
STANDARD LEGS: Attach the legs if required. We suggest that
the two legs with fixing holes be fitted to the back of the stove, for neater appearance. If the hearth is uneven, fit one or more washers between any leg and the stove body to lengthen it. Fix the stove down to the hearth, through the legs, using the screws and plugs provided. 'AMERICANA' COOKTOP KIT OPTION (supplied separately): Remove the two bolts located to the left and right inside the underneath of the standard top. Remove and discard the standard top, taking care not to damage the fibre seal. Fit the 'wings' to the cooktop and bolt the whole assembly back onto the stove body. Do not over tighten. 'EUROPA' HI-LEG KIT OPTION (supplied separately): Assemble the left, and right hi-legs loosely to the central bridging member. Attach to the underside of the stove using the bolts supplied before fully tightening. Note the 'Installation Clearances' on page 1.
Rear flue connection into
chimney with sealing collar.
Cleaning door on opposite
Top outlet through fully-sealed steel
closure plate (fitted with cleaning door)
into old, oversized, chimney with steel
sealing collar.
Top outlet with 45 degree bend
sealed into masonry chimney
with cleaning door on opposite
Rear outlet connected to
top outlet by 'T' piece
with cleaning door, to
bring stove forward.
FLUE CONNECTION: Fasten the flue outlet and blanking plate to the top or back flue outlet with screws and nuts provided.Tiger can be connected to the chimney (using approved flue pipe components) in several ways, four of which are shown above. Whichever method is used it is imperative that: (1) The route for gases from the stove to the chimney terminal is completely air-tight-seal all joins with fireproof cement and/or heatproof rope. (2) It is possible to sweep the entire length- access doors may be required. (3) The entire construction is of durable fireproof materials- composite board is not a suitable material for closure plates, which should be of steel or concrete. Tiger should be secured to the hearth by bolting through the fixing holes drilled in the legs. AIR SUPPLY Tiger needs air to breathe - there must be a permanent air supply into the room in which the fire is installed equal to at least 15cm². A extractor fan can remove this air, even if fitted in a different room.
LIGHTING Empty the ashes. Place two or three firelighters
close together, or screwed-up paper covered with dry sticks, at the back of the grate and light them. When they are burning well gently fill the fire very full with dry fuel, close the door and set the air control slide to the 'high' (right) position. To prevent castings from cracking, the
first fire lit in your Tiger should be small- made with little fuel and the air slide set to 'low'. FILLING: When using mineral fuel, don't fill above the level
of the lining bricks. CONTROL How fast the fire burns depends on how much air reaches the fuel. Move the air control slide below the window to the right for highest output, to the left for 'low'.
Fuels which produce their own oxygen (such as some types of wood) or those which give off large amounts of volatile gas (housecoal, lignite etc) will be more difficult to control. ECONOMY Surprisingly, best economy is achieved with the firebox very full and the air control set to 'low'. The fire will burn much more efficiently than if you use 'little and often' and will need less frequent refuelling. EMPTYING ASHES Operate the de-ashing mechanism by locating the operating tool onto the boss on the right-hand side of the stove and moving it backwards and forwards a few times. Use the tool to open the door and lift out the ashpan. Remember to let ash cool before disposing in
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