Tiger Lights Out Cube 7-592 Quick Start Manual

Quick Play:
We have provided the following Quick Play instructions for those players who want to play LIGHTS OUT CUBE right
now....and catch up on little instruction details later. You
can use this as a quick reference anytime you play! Now get set to turn the LIGHTS OUT!
To turn all the lights out on the Cube, but each time you press a lit or unlit button, it not only changes that button, but also the adjacent buttons! You must try to turn the lights out in the minimum number of moves!
The Lights Out Cube plays very much like our classic Lights Out game. It contains three different game play modes, but for purposes of the Quick Start game play, we will begin with Mode 1, Puzzle 1! Your game contains an On/Off/Reset button, a Start button (top-left), a Sound button (top right), a Help Button (lower right) a Puzzle Button (center) and a Game Button (lower left). All of these button functions can be found on FACE 1 of your Lights Out Cube. We'll talk more about each one of these buttons/functions a bit later.
How to Play:
Press the "On/Off/Reset" Button - to turn on the Cube. You'll see a quick "startup" sequence, and can now choose one of the following functions (while in this STARTUP mode):
- Press to start your game (with your game and puzzle already selected). Once you press the START button, all 54 of the puzzle buttons are now used as LED light buttons for solving puzzles and not for making further selections.
- To toggle between the three different game modes.
- To select from the available puzzles in the game. After pressing this button, you are allowed to select the puzzle you want by using one of the 54 puzzle buttons on the Cube.
- To toggle the sound: on/off (can only be used before startings the game).
- The HELP function allows you to receive a hint from the computer. The HELP button will give you the first move of the puzzle. However, once a player has pressed any other button, this feature
is disabled until the puzzle is solved or re-started. NOTE: HELP is not avaiable for puzzles that
require less than 6 steps and is not avaiable for the final puzzle, puzzle #54.)
Here is a puzzle for you to solve in 4 steps: diagram 1
As you can see in diagram 1, the lit buttons are 4, 22, 31, 42, 47, 49, 51, AND 53.
Step 1: Press button 47 and see what happens:
Step 2: Now press button 49 and see what happens:
Step 3: Now press button 51 and see what happens:
Step 4: Now press button 53 to complete the puzzle!
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next to the button you press! This is the strategy you will learn as you try to solve more puzzles in the minimum number of moves!
The HELP function allows you to receive a "hint" from the computer. The HELP button will only give you the first move of a puzzle. However, once a player has pressed any other button, this feature is disabled until the puzzle is solved or re-started. (NOTE: HELP is not available for puzzles that require less than 6 steps and is not available for the final puzzle, puzzle #54.)
Selects between Modes 1, 2, and 3. Press it after you turn on your game to make your selection. If you need to change modes in the middle of a game, the easiest way is to turn the unit off, turn it back on, and then press GAME to select game. Or if you are in mode 1 or 2, hold the ON/ OFF/RESET button for 2 seconds and the unit will go back to the puzzle selection mode. Holding the ON/OFF/RESET button for 2 seconds again, will cause the unit to go back to the beginning. Then the players can select game mode.
Toggles the sound on or off if you want to play in silence (on a plane, train or in school!), This feature only works before a game is started. Press it once to deactivate sound or twice to regain sound.
If you want to toggle sound during a game, the easiest way is to use the ON/OFF RESET button to turn the unit off, then turn it back on, and press SOUND. However, you can also hold the ON/OFF/RESET button for 2 seconds, and the unit will go back to puzzle selection mode if it is game mode 1 or 2. Then you can hold the ON/OFF/RESET button for 2 seconds again, and the unit will go back to the beginning. Now, press the SOUND button!
Or you are in mode 3, the first time you hold the ON/OFF/
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all clear
As you solve this first puzzle, you can see the effect the touch of a lit and unlit button has on the rest of the Cube. Touching a button that is unlit will turn it on. But the touch of a button, whether on or off, also will change the lights directly above, below or
RESET button, the unit goes back to the beginning. Now that you have solved a puzzle in Mode 1, you have a
better idea of what it takes to turn the Lights Out! Remember there are 54 pre-programmed puzzles, millions of randomly generated puzzles and over 200 quadrillion possible puzzles in all, just wait to challenge you in 3 different game modes, so you've only just begun!
Use the rest of the instructions that follow to learn how to solve harder puzzles in Mode 1. Random puzzles in Mode 2, and the option of creating your own puzzles in Mode 3! Now read on...you've got some work (and fun) ahead of you!
GETTING STARTED QUICK! .......................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................. 4
THE GAME ..................................................................... 5
PLAYING THE GAME ..................................................... 6
SOLVING PUZZLE ?....................................................... 7
HELP FEATURE.............................................................. 9
SAVE FEATURE .............................................................. 9
SELECTING PUZZLE MODES ........................................ 9
SELECTING SPECIFIC PUZZLES ................................... 10
INSERTING THE BATTERIES ......................................... 12
DEFECT & DAMAGE ...................................................... 12
90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY........................ .............. 13
They said it couldn't be done..but here it is. A puzzle more
addictive than all the other LIGHTS OUT games.... You are
holding in your hands the LIGHTS OUT CUBE! The LIGHTS OUT CUBE is unique because of its' multi-
dimensional approach to puzzle-solving. It's truly a puzzle with all the angles -- not just a flat puzzle but a six-sided cube requiring multi-dimensional problem solving!
The object of each game remains similar to our classic LIGHTS OUT: Turn all of the LIGHTS OUT. It still seems so easy...at first!
The problem is that every press of a button has an effect on the puzzle. Lights that are on will shut off, and "off" lights will turn on. (So, if you touch a button that is lit, it will shut off. Conversely, touching an unlit button will cause it to light up).
Moreover, when you touch a button, it not only changes that light, but it also changes the adjacent lights (those that are directly above, below, or next to the pressed button). Every pre-programmed puzzle has a solution. Your goal is to solve each puzzle in the fewest number of "moves" or steps.
The first puzzles are simple, to help you get a feel for the game, and get the basic "logic" behind LIGHTS OUT. Later puzzles get progressively more challenging, requiring a little more brain power to solve. Once you start to solve some of the 54 puzzles in MODE 1, you can try your hand at MODE 2, which features THOUSANDS of randomly selected puzzles...or for a real mind-melter, take on MODE 3, and create and solve your own puzzles. (With over 200 QUADRILLION POSSIBLE PUZZLES!!!)
THE LIGHTS OUT CUBE is so addictive, you may not be able to put it down, but, if you should shut it off for any reason, the memory function will keep track of your progress, and let you play from the last puzzle solved.
NOTE: Changing batteries will reset unit to Mode 1 Puzzle. What follows is a basic guide to the game and its
functions, and a "walk through" of a sample puzzle. So get to work...its time to turn the LIGHTS OUT!
Before you get started, you may want to become accustomed to the different buttons and features on your LIGHTS OUT CUBE game.
THE LIGHTS OUT CUBE has 3 different GAME MODES of play. The goal in all 3 MODES is the same, but each one provides a different challenge, and beginning players will probably want to start with MODE 1.
MODE 1 - 54 pre-programmed puzzles, each
progressively more difficult.
+ 10 hidden pages