NOTE: for Serial port (RS232 cable), please plug the power connector of 5V power
adapter to RS232 cable.
1. Be sure that Host computer is turned OFF
2. Connect scanner cable to the USB port(COM port) on the host system.
3. .Ensure that all connections are secure. Turn on your host.
4. And please operate the scanner under the right software application.
5. Install the software “PL-2303 Driver Installer.exe” to the host system..
6. Go to My Computer Æ One click right button of mouse Æ Administrate Æ
Device Administrator Æ Connect Port (COM and LPT).
7. Choose Prolific USB-to-Serial Com Port, and see identify COM number, ex.
COM 5.
8. Go to START Æ Programs Æ Accessories Æ Communications Æ Hyper
9. Run Hyper Terminal and make the right setting: 9600, 8-data bits, NONE-parity,
1-stop bit, NONE-flow control.
10. Aim the scanner at a barcode, ensure that the scanner is in trigger mode (default),
and press the trigger.
11. On successful decode, the blue LED light will turn on and off. The scanner will
beep once. And will show the bar code data on the screen.
Detail set up on the Hyper Terminal, please see at the Figure 1 to Figure 3.