Tiffen Cool Day for Night, Monochrome Day for Night Brochure

Day for Night Filters
Tiffen Day for Night filters are a great way to create the look of night during the day without the hassle. Combined with proper exposure compensation, Tiffen Day for Night filters are an easy and cost effective way to create a realistic dusk or nighttime appearance when filming during the day, simplifying production requirements. These filters will save the expense of what might be extensive lighting needed for large areas when actually shooting at night, instead of making use of available sunlight.
The Cool Day for Night is based on the perception that moonlight is cool, therefore bluish in color. To simulate a feeling of moonlight, a particular shade of lavender is used, producing visual coolness while maintaining realistic flesh tones. In addition, since the ability to see detail at night is diminished at lower light levels, a low contrast component is added to the filter as shown in the examples to the right.
The Monochrome Day for Night (not shown) is based on the fact that low light levels reduce the sensitivity of the eye to color causing a more monochromatic effect. The filter skews the color balance so that upon fine tuning the color timing, the proper monochrome effect can be created.
Cool Day for Night and Monochrome Day for Night filters are available in sizes to fit all professional motion picture and video lenses.
No Filter
Cool Day for Night
©Ira Tiffen©Ira Tiffen
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(631) 273-2500 • FAX: (631) 273-2557 • 1-800-645-2522
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Tiffen Technical Center
6933 San Fernando Road, Glendale, CA 91201
(818) 843-4600 • FAX: (818) 843-8321
Cool Day for Night