Lowel i & id-light Instructions
The Lowel i & id-lights are professional DC powered lighting fixtures.
Read these instructions and lamp manufacturer’s warnings before operating.
n Not for house hold use, use only
for film, video or imaging purposes.
n The units use lamps of several
different voltages. Make certain that power
source voltage matches lamp voltage.
Example: never connect a 12 volt lamp
to a 30 volt source.
n Do not use near standing water,
or in rain.
n Units such as this emit
considerable light and heat, and if not
properly used, could be dangerous.
n Lights should not be positioned
extremely close to people. Ultraviolet light ray
emissions can cause damage to the eyes and
reddening of the skin. The likelihood of either
occurring is increased with length of exposure, focus intensity and proximity. Therefore,
lights should be kept away from people.
n Avoid aiming the light at, or placing
too close to, people, delicate objects or
flammable materials.
n Do not interfere with ventilation
by covering the lights in any way.
n For proper ventilation, do not tilt
down beyond 45 degrees or operate sideways.
i-light id-light
Screw-in lock
for front-end
4.6” (11.7 cm)
AC switch 20 KHz Rotary
3.7” (9.4 cm)
160° constant tension
no-yoke tilting from
stand-fitting. Stand fitting can
swap for accessory handle
6.7” (17 cm)
Stand fitting & locking knob
for 5/8” stand tops
i-light Technical Data
i-light with 4' cable:
1.2 lbs (544 g)
id-light with 4' cable:
1.5 lbs (635 g)
Max wattage: 100
Max amperage: 8.3
Beam control:
continuously variable
Fits on: stands, studs,
camera tops, etc.
Materials: primarily
aluminum and Ryton
Cable: 4' (1.25 m) #16/2
with cigarette lighter
connector CE Model with
#18/2 cable
Switch: in-head
U.S. Patent: 4777566
Lamp/Beam Data
Lamp Volts Watts °K Avg F. C. (lux) at 10' (3 m)
Code Life Flood Spot Focus Range Super Spot
i-100 12/14 100 3200 500 hr* 9 (99) 40 (430) 5:1 167 (1800)
i-55 12/14 55 3200 500 hr* 4 (40) 29 (315) 8:1 120 (1300)
*At 12v.
Front-end comes
dimmer control
Slot & lock for umbrella
and gel-frame
off for easy, no-tool
lamp change
With 12v, 100w, 3200°K, i-100 lamp
Beam angles-points at which intensity drops
to 50% of maximum
n Do not tilt light down if mounted on
top of a camera, while illuminated. Camera
damage could result.
n Do not leave fixtures unattended.
n Unplug fixtures when not in use.
n Never touch hot parts only touch
handles & knobs for light adjustments.
n Do not touch i or id-light upper front
end knob while operating the light,
high temperature is present.
n Lights should be operated with lamp
filament horizontal.
n Avoid mounting lights directly over
people unless secured with a safety cord
or cable.
n Keep light power cable away
from front housing when hot, to avoid
n Never store i or id-light without first
removing the power cable from the power
i & id Lamp Replacement
1 Turn focusing knob A to spot position.
2 Unscrew the small knob B located on top
of the front reflector assembly. Remove
front assembly by tilting “downward”.
3 Holding the focus knob in spot position
grasp the rear metal portion of the lamp C
and push in.
4 This will release the two “dimple” studs D
which seat the lamp in its socket.
5 While continuing to push the lamp
assembly E in, gently slide it upwards
and out of the socket. Slowly pull the
lamp forward slightly. This will expose
a single-wire connector F.
6 Separate the lamp from the single-wire
connector. Make sure single-wire
connector does not fall back into the
lamp housing.
7 Connect this wire to the replacement
lamp. Align connected lamp with the
flat side of the metal lamp base facing
down (the 4 o'clock position).
8 While pushing in, gently slide the lamp
downwards until the two “dimple” studs
are seated in the socket.
9 Replace the front reflector assembly
and tighten the top knob.
i & id Power Cable
& Connectors
The i-light standard power cable terminates
in a standard cigarette lighter plug.
Special i-lights are avalible with 4-pin XLR,
or Anton Bauer (2 pin battery plate, camera)
cable connectors.
i & id-light Connector
i-86 Anton Bauer
The Anton Bauer connector can be supplied
by a Lowel Dealer or directly from Lowel for
installation by a qualified electrician.
NOTE: If you connect a battery with
reversed polarity (plus is minus /
minus is plus) to the id-light, the fixture will not light, and a red warning
LED will illuminate on the side of the
Battery Tap

Lowel i & id-light Instructions
Light Control s
i & id- lights are supplied with the
iP #2 Reflector
This computer designed, faceted high intensity reflector gives improved light output. It can
be used with either the supplied Prismatic
Glass (focusing) or Clear Safety Glass (high
intensity non-focusing super-spot only).
Never operate Pro or i / id-lights without prismatic or safety glass installed.
Changing Pro & i / id
Front Housing Glass
(Prismatic or Clear Safety)
1 Remove the four screws A located on the
front of the light and lift off the cover plate
B, and the Prismatic Glass C
2 Replace the Prismatic glass with Clear
Safety Glass. Reassemble in reverse.
Another option is to purchase the
#2 Reflector with Front
Housing & Safety Glass
Code: iP2-19
Pro & i / id Focusing and
Focus Knob Extension
Code: iP-35
Turning focusing knob, located on the side
of the housing, alters
the beam of light
from flood to spot. A
focus knob extension
accessory snaps into
focus knob for left-hand
or on-camera focusing.
Compact filament lamps may fail if subjected
to shock or vibration while on. Operating the
focus smoothly will help prevent lamp failure.
gel frames
& umbrellas
i & id-lights have
a Universal Mounting Bracket
(UMB) A located below the
fixtures adjacent to the stand
fitting B. It facilitates the
mounting of i / id & other ViP Lights
to stands and accepts several light control
Pro-light & i-light
Barndoor Frame
Code: iP-21
Accepts swing-in accessories, and/or leaves.
Rotates 360°.
Attaching the Barndoor Frame
to the front of the light with and without
1 Loosen the knob A on the Barndoor
2 Set the frame clamp retaining feet B into
the first ventilation groove C of the light.
3 Tighten knob. Proper installation allows
full 360-degree rotation of the complete
barndoor assembly.
Attaching the leaves to
the Barndoor
Expandable Leaves and Nonexpandable
barndoors are attached to the frame by constant-tension lock fasteners A located on the
rear of the doors. The lock fasteners require
a 1/2 (180-degree) turn to remove or install
the barndoors. Lock fasteners should be on
the “inside” of the barndoor flap, It is possible
to install a barndoor leaf backwards so that
it will not close over the light. It is important
to align the barndoor leaf to the frame.
2-way Barndoor
Barndoor Frame with two removable nonexpandable leaves. Frame accepts
swing-in accessories and additional leaves.
Rotates 360°.
Expandable Rectangular Leaf
Code: iP-22
Changes from small to
large rectangle.
Expandable Triangular Leaf
Code: iP-23
Changes from triangular
to square shape.
Code: iP-25
Non-expandable Clip-on leaf
Code: iP-24
Rectangular leaf. Can be
attached to, or removed
from, Barndoor Frame.
Attach to barndoor leaves to hold
gels. Use two per light.
Code: CL-15
Holds Light Control
Accessories, attaches to the Barndoor Frame in
a similar manner as the barndoor leaf. Align
Accessory Holder on Barndoor Frame. The
lock fastener requires a 1/2 (180-degree) turn
to remove or install the
Accessory Holder. When
in use, Accessory
swings over
the light and
locks onto the other
side of the frame. Three holders
can be attached to the Barndoor
Frame simultaneously, but only one can be
used at a time. A full barndoor set and a single
holder can be used at once. Quickly swinging
one holder out of position and swinging in
another is a valuable user convenience.
Code: iP-30
Changing Light Control
Simply release the captive retaining spring clip
located inside the Holder and remove accessory. Insert new accessory and secure retaining
spring clip. A scrim and glass accessory may
be mounted together in a single Accessory
Holder. Separate holders for each accessory
are recommended for fast in-use changes.
Swing-in Accessories
Diffused Glass
softens highlights and shadows.
Absorbs U.V. Iight rays Light loss
approximately 40%.
iP Prismatic Glass
Code: iP-52
Supplied with all Pro & i-lights.
Gives an evenly dispersed flood,
produces a more uniform spot and
a fresnel-like barndoor cut. When
used in holder with Clear Safety
Glass (iP-49) installed in front
housing, allows focusing use when
swung in & super spot use when
swung out.
Dichroic Filter
converts 3200 K lamps to average
daylight; absorbs U.V. Iight rays
Light loss approximately 65%.
Code: iP-50
Code: iP-51
Full Scrim
reduces light by approximately
one stop.
Half Scrim
covers half of reflector and rotates
360° darkens washed out
foregrounds, compensates for
actors “burning up” as they
approach a light.
Graduated Scrim
Code: iP-56
same principle as half scrim
but effect is more gradual
and more extreme.
as does a Barndoor Frame. iP
Snoots can be “piggy-backed.”
Code: iP-54
Code: iP-55
Code: iP-53
Produces a reduced circle of
light; Barndoors and barndoor accessories may also be
added to the end of the
Snoot. A Snoot attaches to
the light in the same manner
Pro & i Gel Frame
Code: iP-40
Holds 5 x 6" gels.
Unfold frame,
extending frame bar and
insert through front slot of
UMB Lock with knob. Pans and tilts with the
light, collapses for storage.
Pro & i Gels
Size: 5 x 6" (12.52 x 15.25 cm) sheets
Photographic umbrellas
convert relatively hard light sources,
such as spotlights, into relatively soft sources
that provide soft shadows and highlights.
Although not appropriate for every subject
or mood, the quality of light can be very
beautiful. There are two umbrellas suitable
for use with the i & id lights:
Silver (Code: T1-25), reflective umbrella.
White (Code: T1-26), a white nylon
umbrella that produces a softer light and also
may be used as a large diffuser. To mount
umbrella insert umbrella shaft through round
hole in UMB and lock with knob. Tota-brella
and Tota-frame cannot be used simultaneously.
Warning - When lights with umbrellas are
extended very high, or used on undersized
stands or in areas of heavy “traffic”, it is
advisable to add weight (such as the Lowel
weight) to the base of the stand to reduce the
chance of lights falling over which could
damage the umbrella, the lamp and possibly
cause personal injury.
Warning - To prevent possible umbrella
damage, avoid full or near-full spot reflector
settings on the i or id-light and do not use
with a Clear Glass as Super-spot.