Tie Down Safety 65080 User Manual

4 Way Roof Anchor Installation Instructions Part # 65080
Painted Anchorage Device Base: 11” x 11” Square Base thickness: 3/8”
Strength Rating: 5,000 lbs. Capacity: 130-420 lbs. (Worker with Tools)
Recommend Fasteners: #14 x 2.5” Type A Milled Point Deck Screws
Do not throw away these instructions! Read and understand these instructions before using this device.
When used according to instruction specifications, this product meets or exceeds all applicable OSHA 1926 Subpart M, OSHA 1910, ANSI Z359.1-2007, and ANSI A10.32-2012 standards for fall protection. Applicable standards and regulations depend on the type of work being done, and also might include state-specific regulations. Consult regulatory agencies for more information on personal fall arrest systems and associated components.
On-line 4-Way
Instructions #65080
See www.osha.gov for all regulations and standards.
Roofing Products Division 605 Stonehill Drive SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30336 800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 www.tiedown.com
Instruction #08304
E1590; Rev. 2/21/20
4 Way Roof Anchor Installation Instructions Part # 65080
This product is part of a personal fall arrest system. The users must read and abide by the manufacturer’s instructions for each element of the system. Installation of this roof anchor must be certified by a qualified person or engineering service. These directions must be given to the users of this equipment. The users must read and understand these instructions or have them explained to them before using this equipment. Manufacturer’s instructions must be followed for proper use, care and maintenance of this product. Alterations or misuse of this product or failure to follow instructions, may result in serious injury or death.
This fall arrest anchor is for single users in fall arrest or multiple users in fall restraint on a low slope roof application (4/12 pitch or less). A Horizontal line fall restraint system of up to four workers may be used if designed and inspected by a qualified person.
Fall Restraint System - A fall restraint system (FRS) prevents the user from falling. The system is comprised of a body harness along with an anchorage, connectors and other equipment. The components typically include a lanyard and also may include a lifeline and other devices.
Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) - Fall protection must be provided if workers are exposed to a fall of 6 feet or more to a lower level. When used properly, this will arrest a fall and prevent the worker from contacting a lower level. A PFAS consists of an anchor, a harness, and a lifeline or lanyard (usually with a deceleration device). A PFAS must be used properly to be effective. Adjust the harness to fit snugly. The D-ring attachment for the harness should be centered between the worker’s shoulder blades and the leg straps should be adjusted until they are snug. Fall arrest systems must be designed and set up to prevent a worker from free falling more than 6 feet or contacting a lower level (e.g., the floor or the ground) (29 CFR 1926.502(d)(16)(iii)).
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800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
TIE DOWN Roofing Products Division
Body Belts - Body belts are not acceptable in a PFAS because they can cause serious injury during a fall (29 CFR 1926.502(d)).
Anchorage - An anchorage is a secure point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices.
Qualified Person - A person with an accredited degree or certification, and with extensive experience or sufficient professional standing, who is considered proficient in planning and reviewing the conformity of fall protection and rescue systems.
Competent Person - A person who is proficient in identifying existing and predictable fall hazards, and who has the authority to stop work in order to eliminate hazards. A highly trained and experienced person who is assigned by the employer to be responsible for all elements of a fall safety program, including, but not limited to, its regulation, management, and application.
Authorized Person - A person who is assigned by their employer to work around or be subject to potential or existing fall hazards.
It is the responsibility of a qualified or competent person to supervise the job site and ensure all applicable safety regulations are complied with.
TIE DOWN Roofing Products Division 800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
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E1590; Rev. 2/21/2020
Maximum 1 attachment per connection point. Use of equipment in unintended applications may result in serious injury or death.
Fall Clarence
The total fall distance is the minimum vertical distance between the worker and a lower level that is necessary to ensure that the worker avoids contact with the lower level during a fall. It is important that employers calculate this distance before work begins to ensure that the proper fall protection equipment is selected for the location. To determine the total fall distance, several factors must be taken into consideration:
Fall Clearance
Lanyard length 6’ total
Deceleration distance 4’ total
Free Fall Distance: The distance the worker falls before the PFAS begins to slow the fall. This distance must be 6 feet or less for a PFAS (29 CFR 1926.502(d)(16)(iii)).
Deceleration Distance: The distance the lanyard stretches in order to arrest the fall. OSHA requires that this distance be no greater than 3.5 feet (29 CFR1926.502 (d)(16)(iv)), but it may be less for some PFAS equipment.
D-ring Shift: How far the D-ring shifts and the harness stretches when it supports the full weight of a fallen worker, including the weight of tool belts and other attached equipment or tools. Employers typically assume this shift is 1 foot, but it can vary, depending on the equipment design and the manufacturer.
Back D-ring Height: The height of the D-ring, measured as the distance between the D-ring and the sole of the worker’s footwear. Employers often use a standard distance of 5 feet for this height, assuming a worker who is 6 feet tall. The D-ring height needs to be adjusted for very tall workers, and for shorter workers as well.
Safety Margin: An additional distance (typically a minimum of 2 feet) to ensure that there is enough clearance between the worker and the lower level after a fall.
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800-241-1806 • 404-344-0000 • www.tiedown.com
TIE DOWN Roofing Products Division
Required distance from
anchorage 19’ total
Height of harness dorsal D-ring from worker’s feet 6’ total
Safety factor 3’ total
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